Built 4 It

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Built 4 It Page 8

by daisy harris

  The crown of Kee’s cock pressed against his most sensitive spot, and it occurred to Ben this was nothing like he’d imagined. He’d never expected the reassuring warmth of a body over his, or the way Kee peered into his eyes, watching every change in expression. He never knew opening himself would be different with another person than it was when he was alone—that he’d want it so badly and yet be terrified.

  “Be tight, Ben.” Kee urged him. Ben didn’t quite understand at first what Kee meant. But then Kee squinted his eyes, mimicking clenching his muscles. The idea

  seemed lunacy if Kee was ever going to get inside, but Ben trusted and did as Kee suggested.

  The press of Kee’s cock seemed immediately more intense. Ben’s dick twitched, wanting a hand, or a mouth, or something to hurry things along.

  “Now relax.” Kee stroked gentle fingers over Ben’s face, like the fall of rain.

  With a long exhale, Ben slowly released his muscles. He melted onto Kee’s cock.

  “Oh fuck.” Ben quivered. He knew it must only be Kee’s tip inside him, but it was the most intense thing he ever experienced. He felt the blood pulse through Kee’s veins, his own walls trembling in response.

  “Good, Ben.” Kee held himself up on one arm, his other toying with Ben’s collarbone, then his erect nipple. “Now tight again.”

  “Wha…?” Ben struggled to process all the sensations coursing through him. He

  couldn’t in a million years figure out how he’d clench around the cock stretching him wide, much less do it without coming. “I…I…I…”

  Kee’s eyes fell to half-mast. “Now soft.” Again with the gentle touches, so soothing Ben’s legs fell to the sides and his eyes rolled back as Kee sank to the hilt.

  Ben was lost. All thoughts of how this should go flew out the window as Kee stroked forward. It burned in the sweetest possible way. Every pulse of Kee into him felt as if it would split Ben in two, tear him wide open. His dick bobbed helplessly in slippery passes on Kee’s belly. Ben could do nothing but open his body and accept Kee’s firmer thrusts.

  “Yes, Ben. Ah yes.” Kee growled—already close to climax. His cock hardened so every stroke hurt like a sensual punishment.

  Ben couldn’t tense. Even that would have forced him to come too soon. And he wanted to wait. To finish this right. He wanted to take all Kee would offer, and not be like Kee’s other lover—too weak to be truly loved. But as Kee’s movements became ragged, Ben didn’t know if he could stand it. He bit his lip, fighting not to climax. It was all too easy to picture the aftermath, with Ben curling in a ball for Kee to mark with cum wrenched with his own hand.

  “Mine.” Kee’s lip twisted into a snarl and he let loose on Ben’s body. His hips smacking forward in violent abandon. His fingers digging into Ben’s ass. The giant stein stilled, mouth open, moaning in climax. Kee shook, his great body convulsing into Ben’s. But as he did, Kee grasped Ben’s dick. His forehead still furrowed with pleasure, Kee stroked. He snarled, “Tight now. Tight on my cock.”

  Ben firmed his muscles and his body crumpled in an onslaught of sensation. His ass, balls and cock buckled in a maelstrom of competing spasms. So his orgasm ached, but felt blindingly good at the same time. Tortured shouts filled his ears, and he realized it was him, screaming out the most amazing orgasm of his life. And it kept going, with every inch of Kee’s slow withdrawal from his body. Even once Kee cradled

  him, Ben trembled with aftershocks. Though he’d never felt filthier in his life, Ben drifted off to sleep before he even thought about showering.


  Kee woke first. He knew Ben liked to be clean, so he found the room Ben had called

  the bathroom and began the water. It felt less strange today, this new place. It was not so different from his old home, and Kee looked forward to venturing beyond. Shani had said something about steins wandering free in this world they called “Seattle”. It had something to do with the weather and the gray skies.

  He hadn’t been able to tell what the sky looked like as they drove into town. It had been dark. But the air when they left the car had been damp and cool. It felt right on his skin.

  The door to the bathroom opened. “Want some company?”

  Kee smiled into a fall of water. He didn’t bother answering because it was too sweet knowing Ben would come anyway. A breath later, the shower curtain opened and a very naked Ben stepped in front of him. “Do you mind? I’m really gross.” Ben gave him a little grin before stealing all the nice hot water, and using the liquid soap to wash his hair.

  No, Kee didn’t mind. He liked the scent of soap on Ben’s skin. It was part of his male’s flavor. “Good…” He tried to remember the proper greeting. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning to you too.” Ben lifted onto his toes and pressed a kiss to his mouth. “How are you feeling today?”

  There was a hint of concern in Ben’s voice. “I’m happy.” Kee wanted to add “because I have you” but hesitated. Perhaps Shani would take Ben somewhere different today. Or maybe Ben would want to leave and go back to wherever he lived. With so many unknowns, Kee didn’t know how else to answer. For now— Yes for now he was happy.

  “Me too.” Ben lathered some soap and washed. To Kee’s delight, he started

  washing Kee too. “Y’know, I would keep seeing you, right?”

  Kee didn’t know what that meant. He would have asked, but noises came from outside. Shani, or some others arriving.

  “Shh…” Ben said to Kee, humor sparkling in his eyes. “We should leave the bathroom one by one. He stepped out of the shower stall, leaving Kee standing half—

  soapy. “I’ll go first.” Ben toweled off, wrapped the cloth around his hips, and stepped through the door.

  His smile felt permanently etched on his face, and Kee couldn’t imagine how Shani would not know—something. That Ben and he were lovers, and not just lovers, but equals. They shared things most men couldn’t even imagine. Kee took his time

  washing, careful to clean every part of him he hoped Ben would lick. Then Kee dried his body and left the room.

  Only when he saw the lift of Ben’s eyebrow when he entered the large room, did

  Kee remember he’d forgotten his towel. “Oh, sorry.” He rushed back to the bathroom and picked the white fluffy thing off the floor. He tried to wrap it around his hips as Ben did, but couldn’t understand the knot. In the end, Kee opted to simply hold it over his groin.

  Shani rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry to have interrupted you lovebirds, but Frank gave the go-ahead for me to take you to your temporary housing.” Shani’s pretty face screwed up in what looked like annoyance—similar to how she looked when she had led Kee and Ben to the door at Built. Kee was starting to understand Shani wasn’t angry or mean, just always a little frustrated. That was her personality—like how Ben was clean or Kee liked to cuddle. “You’ll be staying at my place. Kuri’s heading with Frank to a conference for the week so we have an extra room, and the spot Frank’s got the rest of the Built guys in is cramped as it is.” Shani threw some clothes at them.

  Kee dropped the towel to catch the sailing fabric, earning a chuckle from Ben.

  “Seriously, muscle-boy, you really do need to wear clothes. At least out around humans.” Shani walked past the two of them and toward the door.

  Ben pulled the pants up his legs and the shirt over his head. Then he folded both their towels and put them in a basket in the corner. As they walked past the cage room, Kee worried evidence of their previous night might be smeared on the blankets, but Ben must have put those in the basket as well.

  Kee loved Ben.

  “We can stay together?” Kee reached for Ben’s hand. He knew the answer even before Shani opened the door and led them out into a dirty open market. But he still wanted to hear the words.

  “Yeah, I guess.” Shani rounded a corner past a stand with piles of fish. The sun

  outside was muted, and the sky more gray than blue. The air was cool and damp. Sha
ni was right, in the dim light steins didn’t look so different from humans.

  “But I better as hell not hear any freaky noises.” The corner of her mouth curled into something that might have been a smile. She muttered so quietly Kee wasn’t sure she meant them to hear. “You’ll give Royce ideas.”

  Kee grinned, thinking of Ben’s desperate shouts the night before, the deep grunts he was sure were coming from his own mouth. Ben squeezed his hand and leaned into his arm, a big smile on his face.

  All around them streets buzzed with life—boxes and people and things Kee knew

  to be stores engaged in commerce he only understood from shows on tee vee.

  As they walked, Kee listened to the voices of the humans and the churning of their

  movement, learning the rhythms. He was glad to be keeping Ben, there was no

  question. But it sounded as if this room with Shani was temporary. If he was going to keep Ben, he’d need to learn more.

  “You doing okay?” Ben looked up at him with tender eyes. “Overwhelming, huh?”

  Kee shook his head, keeping his thoughts to himself for now. Already by the time

  they reached the top of the hill, Kee felt he understood better—the system of the cars.

  The cadence of people’s speech. He lifted his chin, his chest puffing up with pride. He’d master this world in no time.

  Three months later…

  Lab technician Ben Speigel filled out the last of the computerized requisition forms in his office at Synaviv Headquarters. The room he shared with the other lab tech was small, but had a window and a nice, big desk. For the umpteenth time, he thanked his lucky stars the ZU had managed to delete the police reports regarding the missing Built steins.

  Kee had forgiven Ben many times over for his actions at Built Labs, but working as a ZU spy was helping Ben forgive himself.

  “Um, Mr. Speigel?” A nervous-looking lab assistant hovered by his open door.

  “You said you needed to see these?” He held out the list Ben had requested—a printout of all the steins whose programming would make them candidates for rescue.

  Ben forced his gaze to remain steady even though his heart beat high in his chest.

  “Great… I mean, good.” He gestured for the stack of papers until the guy handed them over.

  The assistant shuffled from foot to foot in front of Ben’s desk. He was even younger than Ben, and had that same nervous, guilty expression Ben must have worn at Built.

  “Are you going to do a reset on all those steins?” His gaze was on the floor. “Or are they slated to be disposed of?” An edge of anger tinged the kid’s words and Ben wished he didn’t have to keep up his façade as a ZU spy. Ben hated that the kid would feel guilty, but he wasn’t at liberty to let every Synaviv employee who flashed an apologetic glance know about the ZU and their infiltration of Synaviv.

  “I’m not sure yet.” Ben flipped through the computer printout, scanning to each stein’s details and programming. He pretended not to notice when the assistant left, as if he was so wrapped up in his work he’d forgotten the other guy was there.

  His phone buzzed in his pocket, and Ben pulled it out to read the latest intel from

  Q-ter. “Did you get it?” was all the text message said.

  “Yeah,” he texted back. The ZU had a few supposedly secure connections, but

  neither Ben nor Q-ter liked to risk explicit communication while Ben was at work. Ben’s gut did a little flip as he thought about what was going on with Kee. “How’s he doing?”

  Ben held his breath. He didn’t know why he was so worried. Frank was a great surgeon, and the addition of a new chip in Kee’s cerebral cortex wasn’t a major procedure. Ben thought about the past few months, and how Kee had worked so hard

  on his kindergarten and first grade workbooks, trying to master basic reading and

  math. But with parts of his mind receiving only the faintest of electrical impulses, abstract thoughts and symbols were too difficult for Kee to grasp. Hence, Kee had given in to Frank’s recommendation for a new chip, and surgery to embed the implant.

  “He’s fine.”

  Weird, but Ben heard Q-ter’s lie through the text message. “Really?” he texted back.

  “Is he asking for me?” He thought about Kee’s giant body lying all cold and dead on a metal table while Frank poked around in his brain. Ben wished he’d ditched work to sit by Kee’s bed. He could have gotten the list tomorrow.

  Q-ter didn’t text back for a long time, so long Ben knew he must have run off to ask Frank what he should say. Ben waited on the edge of his seat for Q’s response.

  Grabbing his coat, he slipped the list in his bag. He didn’t realize he was leaving work until he felt the door in his hand. Screw it. His cover would hold even if he took off early.

  By the time Q-ter’s text response of “Yeah, he’s asking for you” arrived, Ben was already pulling his car out of Synaviv’s campus and onto the arterial leading to the bridge. He couldn’t text with one hand, so Ben hooked his headset over his ear and

  spoke into the ZU’s answering system. “Tell Kee I’ll be right there. And…” Ben didn’t know why he hesitated. He’d said it before, but not in front of the entire ZU staff. “Tell Kee I love him.”

  He could imagine Shani or Kuri or even Royce playing the message, saying, “Aw”

  or “Gross”. But Ben didn’t care, Kee might be able to hear it, and Ben wanted his lover to know.

  Twenty minutes later, Ben pushed through the half-hidden door at the base of the stairs in Pike Place Market. He rushed through the ZU’s hallway and to the back where Frank housed the medical suites. “Frank.” Ben had a lot of respect for the leader of the ZU, but he still felt a twinge of nerves thinking the love of his life was being operated on by a stein.

  “He’s fine, Ben.” Frank’s voice reached Ben right before he swept aside the blue curtain.

  “Are you sure?” Ben stepped to the side of Kee’s gurney. Kee was asleep, his eyes fluttering as if he were dreaming. His longish hair draped over the headrest.

  “Yeah, kid.” Frank patted Ben on the shoulder. Frank called everyone kid—a side effect of being a hundred years old.

  Ben clasped Kee’s hand. It felt warm and dry, not cold like Ben had feared. Kee’s muscles felt strong under Ben’s grip.

  “It’s a lot for him to take in. He’ll want to sleep a bunch for a few weeks while his brain adapts to all the new input.” Frank must have gotten the message that Ben wanted to be alone with Kee, because he eased the curtain to the side and left. From outside the room, he called, “Let me know if you need anything.”

  Ben nodded, though he knew Frank couldn’t see it. He searched Kee’s face, wondering if he’d see something different—some intelligence that hadn’t been there before, some nuance of emotion. Ben didn’t know if he wanted Kee to change or not. He was so perfect as he was.

  As if Kee knew Ben was watching, his pale eyelids fluttered more, until he blinked them open.

  “Hey.” Ben smiled at him. Frank had said Kee might not be able to talk easily at first. Kee’s old neural pathways might be overwhelmed by the new ones.

  “Hey back.” Kee smiled so that the corners of his eyes crinkled. He looked tired, but not as confused as Ben expected. “You came.”

  “Sure I did.” Ben ran a hand up Kee’s arm, then over his chest. He needed to feel Kee, make sure he was still there, still the man Ben loved like his own heartbeat.

  When Kee reached up an arm with an IV line running from the elbow and dragged him into a bear hug, Ben let out a relieved sigh.

  “Shh…” Kee whispered in his ear. Then Kee petted Ben’s hair as if Ben were the one recovering from brain surgery, lying there with stitches across his forehead. “Shh… I’m good. I wanted to tell you something.”

  Ben lifted his head and rubbed the wetness from his eyes. “Yeah?” His guts twisted in a knot at the look on Kee’s face—so loving and affectionate.

�s lips pursed as if he were trying not to laugh. “I know what it means now.” He craned his neck to kiss Ben’s nose.

  “What what means?” Ben returned Kee’s kiss, this time on his cheek.


  Confused, Ben pulled off Kee’s chest. He struggled to catch up, finally remembering their conversation in the woods. Ben rolled his eyes in exasperation. “You’re going to get too smart for your own good now, aren’t you?”

  Kee chuckled. “It’s entirely possible.” He reached for Ben, pinching the sides of his waist in a tickle.

  Ben swatted Kee’s hands, but not very hard. “But you’ll still love me, right?”

  The heat and softness in Kee’s gaze stole Ben’s breath. “Definitely.” Kee sat up from the bed, tugging Ben into his lap. “Absolutely.” Kee kissed him—hot and hard and like

  everything Ben could want in a man. With a hand on Ben’s ass, Kee pulled him closer, only dragging his lips away long enough to snarl in Ben’s ear, “Fuck yeah.”

  About the Author

  Birkenstock-wearing glamour girl and mother of two by Immaculate Conception,

  still isn’t sure if she writes erotica. Her paranormal romances start out

  innocently enough. However, her characters behave like complete sluts. Much to Miss

  Harris’ dismay, the sex tends to get completely out of hand.

  If you like science-y subplots, fantastical creatures and red-hot chemistry, you’ll

  love Daisy Harris. You can find her on Twitter (@thedaisyharris), Facebook and at



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