Her First Dungeon

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Her First Dungeon Page 1

by Tamsin Baker

  Her First Dungeon

  By Tamsin Baker

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter one.

  Chapter Two.

  Chapter Three.


  Chapter one.


  I shifted in the car seat, moving forwards and backwards, unable to get comfortable in the plush, expensive bucket seat. I’d been looking forward to this night for months—years, even. My stomach was tight, my breath kept hitching in my throat and I hadn’t been able to keep my mind on a single task at work that I needed to accomplishy.

  Nervous didn’t even begin cover how I was feeling.

  A man’s chuckle shivered over my spine and made me twist towards him around in my seat. His laughter brought me back to reality and made my stomach tighten even more.

  Mark frowned at me with mock outrage. “Would you sit still? You’re thirty, not three.”

  I giggled, then swallowed to make the noise stop, my usual inappropriate response when I was nervous.

  Mark was my boss, or as he liked to say, “One step up the chain.”

  We worked together at a large newspaper in the city. I was a reporter and he was my senior editor, although that wasn’t how it had always been. We’d been co-workers for years.

  But no matter how well we knew each other, Mark wouldn’t, no... couldn’t understand how I was feeling at the moment. He did this all the time, for work and leisure. He also had ample reserves of confidence, whereas I was sadly lacking in such a commodity.

  It was time to be honest. I bit my lip, and met his gaze. “I’m just so nervous.”

  Mark laughed again and I glared at him. “I’m trying to be honest here! Don’t laugh at me.”

  He was the experienced one, wise in the mysterious and exotic world of BDSM.

  Mark grinned as he drove. “I’ll be there to help you, don’t worry. And I’ve already told you what what to wear. There will be no pressure from anyone. They’ll know you’re only there to observe. Not to participate.”

  I sighed and shivered. Sure, Mark had told me to wear a certain outfit as a code for observing only, but that didn’t really make me feel any more comfortable.

  I glanced down at the black, plain clothes I wore at his request. They covered almost every inch of my available skin.

  Mark loved the BDSM scene and had been open about that with me from the start of our friendship, but I’d always been too terrified to ask for an introduction.

  But tonight was the night.

  Mark had told me he didn’t participate in any way, but only observed the scenes. He found the whole lifestyle interesting, as so many other people did these days, and I had admired him for having the courage to do something about his interest.

  He wrote a popular column for the online version of our newspaper, mostly on the BDSM lifestyle scene. I’d read every word he’d ever written, and thanks to him, I knew what to wear but still didn’t know exactly what to expect from tonight. I’d fooled myself into thinking I would be okay with something this far out of my comfort zone, but now my nerves were a mess.

  Mark pulled up outside a large house and turned the car off. We were here already?

  I glanced outside the car window and looked at the houses in the quiet suburb. The house was triple story, if you included the garage, and looked like any other family home. You would never know that something unusual was going on here tonight, except for the multitude of cars lining the street.

  “Is this it? It looks so normal.”

  Mark laughed and got out of the driver’s side of his black sports car.

  I waited as he shut his door and walked around to my side. He’d always done that and I wouldn’t be the one to stop him. Gentlemanly behavior was so rare in men nowadays.

  “Young lady.”

  Mark held out his hand and I put mine into it. Warmth engulfed me when he smiled, and my cheeks flushed with heat. I had to turn my head away as we walked towards the house and he dropped his hand away from mine.

  Why was I always so obvious about how he affected me? Why couldn’t I hide my physical response to him?

  As we walked up to a side door, a man stepped out unexpectedly. I gasped and jumped back, into my escort’s hard body. Mark’s hand slid around my waist in a protective gesture that made my insides clench and tighten

  He greeted the man at the door with familiarity. “Hey, Tony. Lily is expecting us.”

  The leather clad hunk smiled, his serious face lighting up instantly. “Good to see you, Mark. Come on in.”

  We stepped into the part of the house that would have originally been the garage and the downstairs entertaining area. My eyes struggled with the encompassing darkness and I blinked several times in an attempt to adjust quickly.

  “Come with me.” Mark’s strong fingers grabbed my hand and led me forward. I stumbled, relying on my inadequate eyes too much, rather than the man in front of me.

  Mark pulled me up the short hallway and we soon stepped into a candle lit room filled with people of all sorts. I blinked and stared.

  Some of those people were obviously in the lifestyle. They had on some of the strangest attire I’d ever seen. Leather vests and chaps with nothing underneath. Collars, masks and incredible devices.

  Others were obviously simply observing, like Mark and I. They looked, for all the world, like they were just out on a normal Friday night.

  There were drinks being served and food lay on silver platters on nearby table.

  Mark had always written in his column that there was a no-alcohol rule in the dungeons where play was being instigated, but from where I stood, I couldn’t tell if the beautifully colored drinks were alcoholic or not.

  I had always imagined a dungeon to be dark, almost dirty. I also thought it would have a grungy, old club appearance. A place where too many people had spent too much time drinking, smoking, and rubbing up against each other.

  I’d assumed the floors would be sticky, the lighting dim to hide the grime, and the smell to need to be masked by smoke machines.

  I was wrong. This place was clean... opulent, even. There were rich materials thrown down and the lighting made the room look otherworldly. I was a little surprised.

  A high-pitched wail hit my ears and I gasped, my heart lurching in my chest. But the shocking sound was soon followed by a moan and I felt my cheeks flood with heat again.

  I knew people had sex here. Mark had been quite frank about what I would see tonight. But it was still quite shocking to hear such sounds and know that very soon I may actually see what they were doing with my own eyes. The idea of that occurring in theory was quite different to the reality.

  I’d been begging Mark to bring me to this hidden, private dungeon for months. Longer, actually. Probably years. But now that I was finally here with him, fear shivered along my skin.

  “I’m not sure I’m ready for this.”

  Mark chuckled again, the familiar sound reassuring and slightly annoying. “This way, my friend. Follow me.”

  I rolled my eyes as I followed. Friend. Really? Was that what I was? After all this time?

  Mark guided me into the first room and my breath caught in my through as my brain struggled to register what I was seeing with my own eyes.

  A voluptuous woman in her forties was tied to a cross, face towards the wood and naked, except for a small thong. Her master was using a flogger over her lower back and buttocks, the skin red and pink from the continued strokes.

  Over and over the woman cried out as her master brought the leather down onto her flesh in an obviously controlled and deliberate way. The cries were both of pain and pleasure, as I could see her flinch from the sting, but her face convulsed with the need for more. />
  My lower belly tightened with arousal as the woman’s sounds got louder and more ecstatic. When she cried out particularly sharply, the place between my legs throbbed with need.

  I bit my lip... damn this was already too hot. How was I going to survive the rest of the night?

  My gaze shot to the Dom once again. The flogger made me a bit uncomfortable. I didn’t like pain, at least not the pain I’d experienced, anyway. Getting my wisdom teeth removed and the odd tap on the bum from my ex had not excited me to try BDSM in any way.

  So although the scene was strangely hot—from a voyeuristic perspective—watching a woman getting flogged, albeit happily, was strange. I wanted to understand how such a thing could be pleasurable, but at this moment, I couldn’t.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have been so desperate to come here?

  “Can we go to the next room, Mark?” I asked as I looked up at my friend and work mentor.

  He smiled and nodded, directing me into the adjoining room. He’d told me many times that I wouldn’t like it here, but I hadn’t listened to him. Maybe I should have.

  The second room was brightly lit and bigger. Like a living room of some sort. Inside the room, a completely different scene greeted me. A male Dom was using hot wax on his male submissive. The sub was gorgeous, huge, and amazingly built.

  He was restrained by rope, his arms tied above his head. I watched with fascination and awe as his abdominal muscles rippled as he thrashed under his master’s hands.

  The Dom used burning candles to create a masterpiece across his partner’s body. It was beautiful to watch and I was more comfortable in this room than I had been in the previous one. Maybe it was because there were only men participating here and I couldn’t imagine myself in the scene. Was that my problem? Was I more of a voyeur than a player?

  My body throbbed with unrelieved arousal but other than the beautiful male bodies, there wasn’t much to heat me further. Not in this room, anyway.

  I was relieved for some reason about that, and that little bit of insight surprised me. I would never have thought of myself as a prude before this exact moment.

  Mark stepped close and whispered into my ear, his hot breath against my skin. “Shall we move to the last room? Or do you want to stay a little longer in this one?”

  I turned and smiled up at the man who was more than ten years my senior. “Let’s go.”

  We walked past several other couples who were still watching the wax play and pushed into the final room, which was completely full. Both observers in black and lifestyle people stood watching in awe as a female Domme suckled on the breasts of her female sub, who was bound in an extremely intricate rope play position. The sub was completely naked, her legs spread wide for everyone to see her shaved pink parts.

  My own pussy throbbed at the sight, even though I had to look away for a moment. Live porn was so much more intense than I’d expected.

  “You okay?” Mark asked and I nodded, dragging my gaze back to scene that aroused me so much.

  The sub, who was petite and blonde, moaned and thrust her breasts higher as her Domme lovingly taunted her. The sub was covered in a fine film of sweat and flushed pink.

  Her Domme laughed and circled her exposed wet clit with a single finger. “You have been such a good girl tonight.”

  I gasped and stepped back. What was going to happen now? Was she seriously going to like... fuck her in front of us?


  Chapter Two.

  I STEPPED STRAIGHT back into Mark’s chest and his arms came around my waist, holding me tightly against him. My breath caught and I swallowed against the squeal of excitement that rose in my throat.

  His lips moved against my ear and I shivered in response. “Watch.”

  Mark’s erection dug into my back and I stifled the moan that rose at feeling it.

  I shook myself and tried to ignore it by focusing on what was unfolding in front of me. I would probably never see something like this ever again.

  The Domme moved her finger over the sub’s clit faster. “Come, my baby girl, come.”

  The beautiful sub screamed, her back arched and her body convulsed, right there in plain view.

  My whole body flooded with heat, my sex gripping and pulsing in time with the woman in front of me.

  Fuck me...

  The Domme kissed her sub’s face, whispering to her and stroking her naked body in a comforting way. The Domme’s fingers rubbed her sub’s clit once more and the girl moaned and convulsed in minor shockwaves.

  It was incredible to see, to experience, and to share with them. To watch the care and dynamic of the two, the raw sexuality of the scene overlying the obvious love and respect under pinning their relationship.

  Every part of BDSM that I was fascinated by was on display in this scene and my gut clenched in envy. How amazing would it be, to be loved like that? To feel real pleasure in sex?

  My clit throbbed and I shifted where I stood, rubbing across Mark’s erection. I was wet, very wet. I opened my mouth to breathe but it was too hot in the room to cool down efficiently.

  “Shall we get out of here? You’ve probably seen enough for one night.” Mark’s voice was a welcome relief from my body’s inner tightening. I nodded, unable to answer and grabbed his hand.

  Mark pulled me through a separate exit and the night air slapped me in the face, cooling me instantly. I stepped into his side as he wrapped an arm around me. He laughed when I snuggled in closer. He felt so good, so strong. He was my rock. He always had been.

  “Let’s get you home, young lady.”

  I stood in front of the car for a moment and stared at my friend. Most of the time when he called me “young lady” it was to make me smile.

  In the past, I’d always taken it as a show of respect from the gentleman he was. But at this exact moment, it was a reminder of our age gap, of the wall between us.

  Why would he do that?

  Mark held open my door and guided me into the car without touching me. Sadness and disappointment shut down my breathing and I slouched in the seat.

  I knew I shouldn’t be disappointed that this exceptional night had turned out like every other night we’d been together, as nothing more than a friends only catch up. He’d shared an incredible experience with me, but I didn’t know what to do about the tension between us now.

  It lay between us like a hot, slithering eel.

  We’d always walked a tight line, Mark and me. He was currently single but had been married for almost ten years before a messy divorce and several girlfriends had made him unavailable to me.

  I was currently in a new but committed relationship.

  We never got our lives to coordinate properly and our timing had always been off for even seeing if we could be more than friends.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have pushed so hard to experience this party with him? Had I threatened our friendship? Mark was too important to me to lose. I’d rather wonder what could have been than ruin things.

  Mark slipped into the driver’s side, his hand going to his pants to readjust himself.

  “Sorry.” He apologized as he started the car.

  I laughed. What else was there to do at a moment like this? We were both turned on, and yet we couldn’t do anything about it. “Don’t apologize. I’m as uncomfortable as you are, I’m sure.”

  His head turned to look at me, brown eyes piercing in the darkness. For the first time ever, I didn’t let my gaze drop. I didn’t look away. I’d always wanted this man and my arousal tonight was partly due to him.

  But, you can’t! You’re in a relationship!


  However, with my heart rate increasing steadily and my head fuzzy as though intoxicated, that fact didn’t seem all that pertinent at the moment.

  “You’re aroused?” Mark’s voice was gruff, as though he had been standing around a campfire too long.

  I giggled, again inappropriately. “Of course, I am. Did you see that final scene? Wow ...”
br />   Mark cleared his throat and shifted in his car seat again. His face showed concern, the lines on his face becoming deeper by the moment. But what was he worried about? I couldn’t work it out, which was unusual as I usually read him better than anyone.

  I frowned and finally decided to just ask. “Mark, what’s wrong?”

  He cleared his throat and set his shoulders. “We’ve been friends a long time and I have no wish to ruin that ...” he trailed off.

  My heart rate sped up again and I clenched my knees together as a new rush of wetness soaked my panties. “Yes?”

  “I’ve always wanted to taste you.”

  The words came out of nowhere, making me gasp.

  No, he can’t say those sorts of things. Not now!

  “No, I can’t ... I mean, I’m in a relationship.”

  Mark groaned, the sound frustrated and bordering on anger. He changed gears as we hit the freeway before putting the cruise control on. “I know. But... could you dip your finger into your panties and just let me taste it?”

  I stared out the front of the window and blushed, fully and completely. I had never heard anything so erotic... so dirty, and the worst part of all, was that I didn’t know how I was going to refuse.

  God, I want to so badly.

  He looked over at me, his eyes clearly assessing my reaction.

  I didn’t know what to do. I’d wanted this man for years, and I’d never known if he wanted me. He treated me like a little sister, but this was in no way familial-type conversation.

  I really didn’t have a choice. I wanted this and I needed to know if there could be more for us than this plutonic dance.

  I reached for the waistband of my skirt and pulled it away from my stomach. “This is a bad idea, Mark. You know we can’t do anything else, and if our friendship doesn’t recover, I will be devastated.”

  Mark moaned aloud again as he watched me slip my hand into my skirt. Then he looked back at the road, his knuckles showing white as he gripped the steering wheel. “I know, Angie.”

  The silence in the car was broken only by the sounds of our breathing, the heat and desperation of the situation making me want to moan.


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