The Voris' Mate

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The Voris' Mate Page 6

by S. J. Sanders

  Vadal shot her a look full of heated promise that made her lady parts sit up and taken notice, before he returned to his food.

  “I do plan on making a quick trip out of Evath to use the comm system. Is there anything I need to acquire?”

  Shaagra considered but shook his head. “No, I believe I have everything I need. I gathered supplies when I was there.”

  “Umm, I have a request,” Reggie said slowly.

  Vadal smiled at her. “I’m sure you do. We are unfamiliar with many human female needs. What would you like?”

  “I noticed that the soap in the cleansing room is a little strong for me. I don’t object to using it, but can I possibly get something with a bit of a lighter smell?”

  Shaagra looked dismayed, as if it were a personal failing. “I am sorry, Reggie. I did not even consider providing something more feminine for your use.” He gave her an apologetic smile.

  Reggie smiled and touched the back of his hand. The way he twitched nervously every time she reached out a hand toward him reinforced that he needed more gentle touching, so now Reggie took every opportunity to lightly touch him. Despite the fact that his hand tightened reflexively, Reggie was relieved how quickly the rest of him relaxed.

  “It is not a big deal, Shaagra. Relax,” she said softly, offering him a playful grin.

  Shaagra returned her smile, his tail lightly whipping up to run across her hip.

  Vadal gave her a thankful look and she shook her head at him; she didn’t need thanks for this. With a deep breath, Vadal silently nodded his understanding and his lips quirked at the way Shaagra attempt to dive his tail between her legs before Reggie laughed and caught ahold of it.

  “I can tell I’m gonna have to keep an eye on you,” she scolded playfully. Something within her that innocently delighted in their playful banter rose up at the rumbling laughter of Shaagra and Vadal.


  As the days progressed, Reggie found herself more relaxed and happier than she ever remembered being. They both spoiled the hell out of her with their small gestures, and to her surprise, she was slowly falling in love with them. She hadn’t thought it would happen that quickly.

  She was really falling in love with two Vori males, even it drove her crazy that they rarely let her out of the nest, not unless both of them were at her sides as guard.

  She loved Vadal’s dry sense of humor and his quiet, studious nature. Even at home relaxing, he had something he was working on. He spent a lot of time reviewing his notes on his personal comm. They often sat in silence and read together after Vadal had come back from Evath with a comm as a gift for her. It took her little time to figure out how to upload all her books stored on her accounts on the Intergalactic Intraweb. He was her quiet companion, sweet and gentle at all times.

  Shaagra was the complete opposite, and the perfect compliment. Shaagra ran the household and showed her glimpses of a kind of dominance that made her legs squish together with interest. He was louder, quicker to rouse to anger or laughter, and surprisingly was the romantic.

  Where Vadal observed her closely and watched for clues and signs for her desires, Shaagra constantly looked for something he thought might bring her pleasure. It had been a learning experience when he gifted her with some rather odd things. The latest was, upon learning that humans enjoyed giving gifts of flowers, when he brought home a bouquet that had such a revolting perfume that she had tried not to breathe through her nose when she accepted the flowers.

  Through it all, the guys were less than comfortable. They frequently endured an intense state of arousal. Their salets all too often bulged outward at even the slightest provocation. Reggie tried not to aggravate it, but the more it happened, the more she felt aroused at the idea of finding out what they were packing within.

  As Reggie lay stretched out over Shaagra’s coils, his bulge pressing into her belly, she felt the familiar twinge of lust. She closed her eyes, willing it back, but then she felt a hand caress the back of her ass. The touch was slight, and hesitant, but she felt the last of her walls crumble. She shifted slightly over the bulge and the hand above clamped down on her as the male hissed and rocked his hips forward against her, stroking his bulge fully into her hand. Vadal looked up from where he was coiled beside Shaagra, a curious looking coming over his face.

  Reggie licked her lips, getting up her nerve to do a bit of recon.

  “Does it count as joining if there is just a bit of touching?”

  The males froze and she felt something leap and pulse within Shaagra’s salet with definite enthusiasm.

  “No,” Vadal hissed through his teeth. Reggie saw his salet swell until a tiny seam parted at the center and something deep red prodded from within. “Only breeding penetration counts as sexual joining.”

  So a bit of fooling around wasn’t off the table.

  “Would you guys like to fool around a bit?”

  It was like asking if the sun would like to shine. Both males surged toward her, their coils attempting her drop around her, and she laughed.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” She smirked at them. “Relax and sit back again, guys. I dunno if I’m ready for sex yet, but I’d like to do a bit of exploration that you might find enjoyable.”

  With eager expressions, they leaned back again on their coils, this time looping them together to provide her with room to stretch across them both and easily reach either of them at any time.

  She leaned forward on their combined coils and looked at Vadal’s salet, the delicate scales rippling as it swelled. Curious, she ran one finger down the pale seam, and it parted to reveal reddish flesh. The tip of her finger grazed it and Vadal hissed out a breath. The length of him pulsed and extruded in a powerful surge.

  Before she even thought about it, Reggie found her palm curling around the tapered flesh of two massive dark red cocks, joined together at their root to form a long fork.

  That was… interesting, although not entirely unexpected from what she little she knew of snake anatomy.

  Gently, she stroked up the length of one and then the other. Vadal thrust forward and muttered under his breath, a drop of thick precum of the color of thistle milk beading the tips of his cocks before running down the length making him slick as grease.

  A small thread of worry wormed through her as she stared at those cocks as she wondered how sex would work with them. As her hands pushed into an upward stroke, she noticed the soft give of the flesh at the root as the cocks slid together. Instead of two longer, slightly thicker than average tapered phalluses, they easily slid together to make one larger rounded phallus that would slightly pull outward once inside of her. That would make for a very interesting experience.

  After a few strokes, Reggie experimentally touched her finger to the tip of her tongue, tasting the startling sweet and sour notes of his essence. Without hesitation, Reggie leaned down and took one of those cocks in her mouth, sucking it deep. Vadal let out a cry of surprise and thrust so violently upward that she gagged and nearly fell off him.

  She eased back and regained her balance, before gently sucking and bobbing her head on first one, then transferring to the other. His hands scrambled helplessly against her body. Her eyes drifted up until she was looking at his expression of wonder, his breaths coming out in ragged pants every time she drew him within the cavern of her mouth.

  She felt a touch on her leg and looked down to see Shaagra’s tail winding around her leg. She smiled around the thick member in her mouth, looking over at him. She hadn’t even touched him, and the wide-eyed male was already panting while he watched her go down on Vadal. His ruby cocks, a slightly darker shade than Vadal’s, were extruded and pulsating against his belly.

  He was ready for her too.

  Reggie was about to go to town on Vadal when she felt a hand wedge itself between her legs from behind her. She released Vadal’s cocks, despite his muttered protest, and looked over her shoulder at Shaagra. The male was leaning forward, pulling her ass up higher into the h
air and positioning himself level with her cunt. Surely, he wouldn’t be thinking about doing what it looked like. He froze and looked at her for permission. Slowly, despite nearly swallowing her tongue in shock, she managed to nod her head in assent.

  The first touch of his tongue against her pussy made her breath slam out of her lungs. The thick forked tongue moved in a long swipe, seeming to touch every part of her cunt at once. The embers of passion resting in her body lit up like a raging firestorm as his tongue caressed her moist channel. When it found her clit, Reggie was about to thank the Mother of Nests herself.


  Vadal struggled to breathe through the erotic caress of their female’s mouth on him. Never had he imagined such a thing to be possible, that someone would pleasure another with their mouth. But when Shaagra suddenly leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with intent, Vadal had blinked in shock. Shaagra’s lips and tongue skidded down the length of their female down to her hot core, making her cry out and wiggle against him. Although he’d scoffed to himself at the time, maybe he should have paid attention to the human sex vids like Shaagra.

  When Reggie’s mouth clasped around him again, Vadal couldn’t stop the sudden burst uncoil through his body releasing his seed into her mouth.


  Reggie closed her eyes and returned to her attack on Vadal’s body with gusto, delighting in every small heave of his muscles and the way his hands tightened as his cocks thickened, one at time, until they released their sweet, thick sap. Vadal quivered and she placed a gentle kiss on him before turning to Shaagra.

  Shaagra licked his lips and eagerly welcomed her into his coils. A sigh huffed from his lips and she felt his nose nudge against her head before pressing a light kiss to her hair just before she bent down and grasped his cocks in both hands. He grunted deeply, panting as she drew him into her mouth.

  Her lips sucked hard on him when she felt Vadal’s mouth now upon her as she tasted Shaagra. Her tongue laved and teased his length between each long pull. Somehow, Vadal was matching her rhythm and Reggie cried out around Shaagra’s cock when an orgasm surprised her, the force of it overwhelming her. Suddenly, he was releasing copious seed deep in her mouth, and the cock she was working aggressively with her other hand spent all over her hand and spurted strong enough to jet onto her chest and jaw.

  With a moan, Reggie collapsed against Shaagra, Vadal’s hands still lovingly stroking her hips. Winded, she took in her guys. Both stared at her in wide-eyed wonder, their eyes flaring with lust. Reggie cleared her throat.

  “So, how soon can we try the real thing?” Reggie asked, drawing in a deep lung-full of air. If oral was this good, she couldn’t wait to get down to making love.

  The males smiled and exchanged a meaningful look.

  “We can make preparations and be ready tomorrow,” Shaagra said, a brilliant grin stealing over him.

  Tomorrow? That would feel like forever.

  However, ignoring her awakened libido’s loud insistence that she seduce her guys into forgetting about the whole tomorrow nonsense, Reggie settled against them and closed her eyes with contentment.

  Things were definitely looking up. She had no idea it would be so hot with them. She couldn’t wait to do it again.

  With their way their cocks were swelling again, she could tell the feeling was mutual. She grinned at them and gripped a cock from each male in her hands and Vadal slid around to attack her cunt as they moved on to round two.

  Chapter 6

  Shaagra watched the inviting curve of his mate’s backside as she bent over to peer down at the small altar he was setting up in the nest proper. They had spent days gathering the loose herbs burning on the altar, and the various sacred plants to adorn the altar.

  Despite Reggie not wanting to solidify their mating just yet, she made it perfectly clear she was ready to sexually join with them. The wait was maddening for him and Vadal, though he would never complain. It was also a strange, an unheard-of practice, as Vori females would never join without the purpose of mating.

  Humans were clearly different in their sexual practices. Despite his frustration and need to secure himself to Reggie as her mate, he found the human approach to sex to be surprisingly less demanding without the violent focus on the need to breed. In a way, it was liberating to see himself as more in their relationship than something to breed. When Reggie asked to join with him, his hearts had soared. A day later, he was nearly done prepping their room for their ceremonial first joining.

  At the center of the altar, he had placed a tiny stone carving gifted to Shaagra and Vadal from their families when they bonded and left their parental nests to make their own together. The figure was no bigger than his hand and usually sat on a special shelf in the central room of the nest common, except for this occasion and special times such as egg-bearing, hatching, and other pivotal moments in the life of a Vori nest.

  This was the last day of their bonding period as a family. Shaagra was glad that Reggie had decided to join with them before it ended. Usually those employed in service used it after their mating; Vadal decided to use it where he thought it would do more good in bonding with their mate. His refusal to tell Reggie had surprised Shaagra, until he explained that he wanted Reggie to bond with them without feeling pressured into it. Shaagra could see the logic in that. It was fortunate that things worked out the way they did.

  After the morning meal, Vadal barricaded himself in his study room to go over and reorganize his notes. It was the true sign that their retreat was over. Once Vadal returned to his clinic, many days would pass with Vadal spending his free time preparing for his next day at the clinic. Reggie had been a little disappointed but had not objected or protested. Shaagra almost wished she would to get Vadal to find balance between his career and his family. Time would only tell.

  Knowing that they had no time left, Shaagra gathered the last of the needed morning flowers still in full bloom before they closed their petals against the heat of the day. His first impulse had been to leave Reggie safe in their nest with Vadal, even with the male oblivious to their presence. Their territory was small and not adequately secured against other Vori traveling through it.

  Although it was rare, there was always a chance of a rogue male eager to ensnare a small female. It would be difficult for most males to overpower a larger adult Vori female unless they worked in a group, but young females and humans would always be at risk in the jungles. Unfortunately, that was one argument he did not win, and Reggie had accompanied him in gathering the flowers that now overflowed the altar, drifting onto the pillows of their sleeping mound.

  The stone sacramental bowl he had filled with water to set before the icon sloshed lightly over his hands as he gripped it tighter as he watched the female’s backside. Oh, how it called to him, to push up against that sweet cleft where he could slide his cocks along the silky flesh until he plunged deep within her mating slit.

  He would take her from behind, holding her in place in dominant ways that he found erotic but that Vori females objected to.

  Among Vori, the female was always dominant and initiated the sexual exchange. It was ingrained in the males to never approach uninvited and to let the female lead in copulation. As a youth, his fathers drilled into him that sex was not to pleasure the male but to relieve the female of her needs when she was fertile and ready reproduce. Joining brought females discomfort and only minimal pleasure. Sex was for reproduction.

  A male was to submit as the female pinned him in place and bred with him. He was never dominant in breeding. The male never took his pleasure. If a female felt inclined to embrace a male for pleasure outside of breeding, it was a rare gift.

  Indecision plagued Shaagra as his sexual instinct and the traditions he was raised with warred within him. The idea of any female securing him in place left him in a cold sweat. He yearned for a share of the control, yearned to dominate and bring his female to pleasure again and again. Would Reggie strike out at him if he attempted to mount her rathe
r than allow her the control over their breeding as a Vori female would do?

  Tensing, Shaagra hissed between his teeth, alerting Reggie to his presence behind her. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled at him before slowly straightening. Shaagra felt his cocks twitch behind his salet and wondered if she moved like that intentionally.

  Was she inviting him?

  His opportunity to find out quickly ended when she stood once again at her full height and stepped away from the altar to give him room to approach with the water. Oh yes, the water. The sacred bath of The Mother. He could not have exactly hoped to move and embrace his female when his hands were tightly clenched on the pale stone bowl.

  He sank low on his coils and presented the bath to the Mother for her comfort and delight in their hot climate, that in all ways their pleasure would be hers when they embraced Reggie for this first time in a joining lock. His tail itched eagerly to twine with his nest brother while they would hold their female between them.

  As tradition, one male aided to secure the female while the other would breed her against him. Vadal would hold the female flush against himself, her backside rubbing against his salet while she would be mounted on Shaagra, her body writhing on him.

  Yet another scenario rose to his mind, supplanting the traditional joining, in which he mounted her as she reclined back against Vadal and thrust down into her, burying himself in her body. Shaagra pushed his palm down against his salet so that his cocks would not extrude.

  Shaagra felt dismay. He’d always been a dominant male and it was one of the reasons he never yielded to any of the females who tried to secure him in their mating coils. The inclination had only gotten worse when Ovali had attempted to viciously secure him for her harem. Still, his unnatural desires, as his fathers called it when he’d confessed to them as a young male, were ever his private shame. He had thought he could temper his impulse when he found the right female—did his fathers not assure him of that? Instead, to his horror, he discovered that rather than falling away, his desire to be in dominant endured.


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