The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5)

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The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5) Page 7

by Giovanni Boccaccio

  _Melchisedech a Jew, by recounting a Tale of three Rings, to the greatSoldan, named Saladine, prevented a great danger which was prepared forhim._

  The third Novell.

  _Whereby the Author, approving the Christian Faith, sheweth, howbeneficiall a sodaine and ingenious answer may fall out to bee,especially when a man finds himselfe in some evident danger._

  Madame _Neiphila_ having ended her Discourse, which was well allowedof by all the company; it pleased the Queene, that Madam _Philomena_should next succeede in order, who thus began.

  The Tale delivered by _Neiphila_, maketh mee remember a doubtfullcase, which sometime hapned to another Jew. And because that God, andthe truth of his holy Faith, hath bene already very wel discoursedon: it shall not seeme unfitting (in my poore opinion) to descend nowinto the accidents of men. Wherefore, I will relate a matter untoyou, which being attentively heard and considered; may make you muchmore circumspect, in answering to divers questions and demands, then(perhaps) otherwise you would be. Consider then (most woorthy assembly)that like as folly or dulnesse, many times hath overthrowne some menfrom place of eminencie, into most great and greevous miseries: evenso, discreet sense and good understanding, hath delivered many outof irksome perils, and seated them in safest security. And to proveit true, that folly hath made many fall from high authority, intopoore and despised calamity; may be avouched by infinite examples,which now were needeless to remember: But, that good sense and ableunderstanding, may proove to be the occasion of great desolation,without happy prevention, I will declare unto you in very few words,and make it good according to my promise.

  _Saladine_, was a man so powerfull and valiant, as not onely his veryvalour made him Soldan of Babylon, but also gave him many signallvictories, over Kings of the Sarrazens, and of Christians likewise.Having in divers Warres, and other magnificent employments of hisowne, wasted all his treasure, and (by reason of some sodaine accidenthappening to him) standing in neede to use some great summe of money,yet not readily knowing where, or how to procure it; he remembred arich Jew named _Melchisedech_, that lent out money to use or interestin the City of _Alexandria_. This man he imagined best able to furnishhim, if he could be won to do it willingly: but he was knowne to be sogripple and miserable, that hardly any meanes would drawe him to it.In the end, constrained by necessity, and labouring his wits for someapt device whereby he might have it: he concluded, though hee might notcompell him to do it, yet by a practise shadowed with good reason toensnare him. And having sent for him entertained him very familiarly inhis Court, and sitting downe by him, thus began.

  Honest man, I have often heard it reported by many, that thou art veryskilfull, and in cases concerning God, thou goest beyond all otherof these times: wherefore, I would gladly be informed by thee, whichof those three Lawes or Religions, thou takest to be truest; that ofthe Jew, the other of the Sarazen, or that of the Christian? The Jew,being a very wise man, plainly perceived, that _Saladine_ sought toentrap him in his answer, and so to raise some quarrell against him.For, if he commended any one of those Lawes above the other, he knewthat _Saladine_ had what he aymed at. Wherefore, bethinking himselfeto shape such an answer, as might no way trouble or entangle him:summoning all his sences together, and considering, that dallying withthe Soldane might redound to his no meane danger, thus he replied.

  My Lord, the question propounded by you, is faire and worthy, & toanswer mine opinion truly thereof, doth necessarily require some timeof consideration, if it might stand with your liking to allow it: butif not, let me first make entrance to my reply, with a pretty tale,and well worth the hearing. I have oftentimes heard it reported, that(long since) there was a very wealthy man, who (among other preciousJewels of his owne) had a goodly Ring of great valew; the beauty andestimation whereof, made him earnestly desirous to leave it as aperpetuall memory and honour to his successors. Whereupon, he willedand ordained, that he among his male children, with whom this Ring(being left by the Father) should be found in custody after his death;hee and none other was to bee reputed his heire, and to be honoured andreverenced by all the rest, as being the prime and worthiest person.That Sonne, to whom this Ring was left by him, kept the same course tohis posterity, dealing (in all respects) as his predecessor had done;so that (in short time) the Ring (from hand to hand) had many owners byLegacie.

  At length, it came to the hand of one, who had three sonnes, all ofthem goodly and vertuous persons, and verie obedient to their Father:in which regard, he affected them all equally, without any differenceor partiall respect. The custome of this ring being knowne to them,each one of them (coveting to beare esteeme above the other) desired(as hee could best make his meanes) his father, that in regard hewas now grown very old, he would leave that Ring to him, whereby heshould bee acknowledged for his heire. The good man, who loved no oneof them more then the other, knew not how to make his choise, nor towhich of them he should leave the Ring: yet having past his promiseto them severally, he studied by what meanes to satisfie them allthree. Wherefore, secretly having conferred with a curious and excellentGoldsmith, hee caused two other Rings to bee made, so really resemblingthe first made Ring, that himself (when he had them in his hand) couldnot distinguish which was the right one.

  Lying upon his death-bed, and his Sonnes then plying him by their bestopportunities, he gave to each of them a Ring. And they (after hisdeath) presuming severally upon their right to the inheritance & honour,grew to great contradiction and square: each man producing then hisRing, which were so truly all alike in resemblance, as no one couldknow the right Ring from the other. And therefore, suite in Law, todistinguish the true heire to his Father; continued long time, and soit dooth yet to this very day. In like manner my good Lord, concerningthose three Lawes given by God the Father, to three such people as youhave propounded: each of them do imagine that they have the heritage ofGod, and his true Law, and also duely to performe his Commandements;but which of them do so indeede, the question (as of the three Ringes)is yet remaining.

  _Saladine_ well perceyving, that the Jew was too cunning to be caughtin his snare, and had answered so well, that to doe him furtherviolence, would redound unto his perpetuall dishonour; resolved toreveale his neede and extremity, and try if he would therein friendlysted him. Having disclosed the matter, and how he purposed to havedealt with him, if he had not returned so wise an answer; the Jew lenthim so great a sum of money as hee demanded, and _Saladine_ repayed itagaine to him justly, giving him other great gifts beside: respectinghim as his especiall friend, and maintaining him in very honourablecondition, neere unto his owne person.


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