A Beautiful Mind

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A Beautiful Mind Page 67

by Sylvia Nasar

  Foundations of Economic Theory (Samuelson), 86

  Fox, Ralph, 64, 72, 75

  Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus (Shelley), 273

  Fredga, Kerstin, 360, 370, 372

  Freud, Sigmund, 59, 94

  Freudian theory, 188, 250, 259–60, 351

  Friedrichs, Kurt, 225, 226

  Fuchs, Klaus, 110

  Fuchsian functions, 93

  Fuck Your Buddy, 102

  Fukuda, Hiroshi, 75

  Fulbright program, 236

  Galbraith, John Kenneth, 116

  Gale, David, 62, 64, 77, 78, 83, 100, 308–9

  Nash equilibrium and, 95

  Gallagher, Chicky, 193

  Galmarino, Alberto, 240–41


  non-zero-sum, 87

  two-person zero-sum, 14, 87, 95, 96, 115, 116, 119

  “Games Against Nature” (Milnor), 149

  Games and Decisions (Luce and Raiffa), 122

  game theory, 56, 84–91, 101, 286

  application of, 374–78

  Econometric Society and, 354

  MIT seminar on, 319

  Nash’s course in, 240–41, 265

  and Nash’s graduate studies, 65, 68, 77, 86–87, 90–91, 96, 100, 132

  Nash’s introduction to, 45

  in New Palgrave, 20

  1961 conference on, 296–97

  1964 conference on, 313

  in Nobel deliberations, 357, 360–73

  origins of, 13–14

  RAND and, 104–5, 108, 111, 115–22, 149–51

  Tucker and, 64–65, 77, 83, 90, 91, 100, 118, 119, 362

  von Neumann’s role in, 13–14, 81, 83–87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93–94, 95, 96–97, 98, 100, 111, 115, 116, 117–18, 119, 128, 149, 150, 362, 363

  see also bargaining; min-max theorem; Nash equilibrium

  Gangolli, Ramesh, 240–41

  Garabedian, Paul, 219–20

  Garber, Robert, 292, 293, 294, 305, 307, 310

  Gårding, Lars, 219, 368

  Garsia, Adriano, 237, 257, 258

  Garson, Greer, 36

  Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 35, 69, 128, 141, 230

  Gauss’s proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra, 67

  Gauthier, Jacqueline, 260, 261

  General Electric, 27

  general theory of relativity, 52, 70, 86, 231, 380


  clusters of, 94

  schizophrenia and, 19


  algebraic, 96

  continuous, 81

  differential, 203

  and Nash’s graduate studies, 68

  non-Euclidean, 231

  see also Riemannian manifolds

  Germany, East, 281

  Germany, Nazi, 84, 115

  Gibbon, Edward, 58

  Gibbs, Willard, 51

  Gide, Andre, 310–11

  Gillespie, Charles, 337

  Girschick, Abraham, 117

  Glass, James, 278, 335

  Gleason, Andrew, 146

  Gleason, Jackie, 193

  go, 75, 76, 100, 142, 326, 343

  Gödel, Kurt, 50, 54, 59, 70, 84, 216, 236, 355

  Goodwin, Ruth, 243–44

  Goheen, Robert, 287, 310

  Goldin, Claudia, 338

  Goldman, Oscar, 252

  Goldschmidt, Hubert, 298

  Goldstine, Hermann, 82

  Gonshor, Harry, 144, 343

  Goodman, Leo, 210

  Gordon, Julie, 355

  Gore, Al, 374, 375

  Gottesman, Irving I., 17, 188

  Grant, Mrs. Austin, 172

  Gromov, Mikhail, 12, 158, 318

  Grothendieck, Alexandre, 279, 298, 311, 312, 334

  Guggenheim Foundation, 236

  Gunderson, John G., 16

  Haber, Seymour, 146

  Hahn, Otto, 56

  Halmos, Paul, 12, 80, 155, 159

  Hardwick, Elizabeth, 256, 259

  Hardy, G. H., 61, 79, 130, 137, 228, 230

  Harish-Chandra, 286

  Harsanyi, John C., 98, 354, 362, 374

  at 1961 conference, 297

  Nobel deliberations on, 363, 364, 371, 373

  Harvard University, 45, 46, 51, 55, 60, 134–135, 136, 137, 144, 146, 235

  Haslam, John, 275

  Hausner, Melvin, 63, 69, 73

  Hayek, Friedrich von, 367

  Heifetz, Jascha, 246

  Heilbroner, Robert, 89

  Hein, Piet, 76, 78

  Heisenberg, Werner, 70, 221

  Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 221

  Henkin, Leon, 62, 64

  Henry, Agnes, 126, 285

  Herter, Christian A., 278, 279

  Hex, 76, 78, 299

  see also “Nash”

  Hicks, John, 89, 108

  Hilbert, David, 52, 53, 81, 157

  Hilbert’s Fifth Problem, 81, 146

  Hilbert spaces, 44

  Hincks, Ruth, 147–48, 174

  Hinman, George, 42, 44

  Hironaka, Heisuke, 309, 333

  Hiroshima bombing (1945), 195

  Hitch, Charles, 122

  Hitler, Adolf, 84

  Hoffman, Abbie, 271

  Hoffman, Alan, 339

  Holder estimates, 219, 225

  homology theory, 68, 69

  homotopy chains, 69

  Hopf, Heinz, 162, 225

  Hörmander, Lars, 216, 217, 219, 226–27, 232, 264, 280, 300, 301

  Nobel deliberations and, 365, 366

  Hoselitz, Bert, 90–91

  Houghton, Amory, 279

  House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 152, 187

  Howard, Paul, 222

  Hurwicz, Leo, 85

  hydrogen bomb, 81, 93, 109, 110

  hyperbolic equations, see nonlinear partial differential equations

  I Am a Genius (Wiener), 136

  I Am a Mathematician (Wiener), 136

  IAS, see Institute for Advanced Study

  IBM, 82

  ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles), 106, 110

  If, 142

  IHES (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques), 279, 280, 298, 311

  Île de France, 233

  Immigration Act (1941), 271–72

  implicit-function theorems, 160, 222, 243

  impossibility theorem, 108

  Ingham, Albert E., 229, 232, 238

  “Insanity Bit, The” (Krim), 291

  Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES), 279, 280, 298, 311

  Institute for Advanced Study (IAS):

  activities at, 63

  creation of, 54–55

  description of, 50, 215–16

  Gödel’s professorship at, 355

  Lefschetz on, 59

  Nash at, 202, 208, 215–16, 220–21, 236

  Nash at, after illness, 296–97, 303, 308–309, 311

  insulin coma therapy, 291–94, 299, 306, 329, 353

  intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), 106, 110

  International Congress of Mathematicians:

  1950, 129

  1958, 233

  1962, 300, 301

  International Mathematical Union, 162

  see also Fields Medal

  Isbell, John, 205

  Jacob, 327

  Jacobson, Carl-Olof, 356–57, 370, 371–72, 373

  “Jeep” problem, 145–46

  Jeffries, Steve, 186

  “John” (“Nash”), 75, 76–78

  John XXIII, Pope, 276

  John Alden Society, 33

  John Bates Clark medal for economics, 369

  Johnniac, 109

  John von Neumann Theory Prize, 338–39, 354

  Jung, Carl, 94

  Kafka, Franz, 269, 273, 278, 327

  Kahn, Herman, 105, 109, 111

  Kahne, Merton J., 254, 258, 259

  Kaiser Friedrich Institute, 56

  Kakutani, Shizuo, 362

  Kaluza, Theodor F. E., 94

  Kant, Immanuel, 15

/>   Kaplan, Fred, 105, 121

  Karlin, Sam, 117

  Karlquist, Anders, 368, 369

  Kaysen, Carl, 116

  Keefe, Richard, 342

  Kemeny, John, 71, 270–71

  Kennedy, John F., 280

  Keynes, John Maynard, 14

  Keynesian economics, 85

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 278, 280, 332

  King, Mervyn, 354, 355

  Kinsey, Alfred, 181

  Kirchner, Herman, 37

  Kiselman, Christer, 366, 372

  Nash’s lecture arranged by, 380

  Kiselman, Ola, 366

  Klein bottles, 157–58

  Kochel, Ludwig Alois Ferdinand von, 281

  Kodaira, Kunihiko, 101, 130

  Kohn, Anna Rosa, 322

  Kohn, Joseph, 134, 140, 157, 313, 314, 319, 320, 322

  Nash as concern of, 338

  Korean War, 123–27, 132, 229

  Kraepelin, Emil, 18

  Kreisel, Georg, 284

  Kreps, David, 362

  Kriegspiel, 75–76, 100, 101, 112, 285

  Krim, Seymour, 291

  Kubrick, Stanley, 80

  Kuhn, Estelle, 275, 379, 380, 384

  Kuhn, Harold, 64, 243, 339, 351, 381, 385, 386, 388

  Carrier Clinic visit of, 313

  description of, 21

  in Econometric Society, 354

  game theory and, 77, 83, 100

  honeymoon of, 62

  on invention of Hex, 78

  in Korean War, 125

  Nash’s letters to, 312, 387

  on Nash’s need for recognition, 44

  on Nash’s thesis, 95–96

  Nash told of Nobel by, 21–22

  at Nobel ceremonies, 275, 379, 380

  Nobel committee’s request to, 363

  Nobel deliberations and, 365, 367

  sherry sessions of, 62, 72

  on von Neumann, 79

  Kunzig, Robert L., 152

  Kuranishi, Masatake, 162

  Ladyshenskaya, Olga, 234

  Lang, Serge, 64, 73

  Larde, Eloi Martin, 191

  Larde, Enrique, 191, 192, 212

  Larde, Florentin, 191

  Larde, Jorge, 191

  Larde, Muyu, 282

  Larde (Danskin), Odette, see Danskin, Odette Larde

  Larde, Rolando, 191

  Larde Arthes, Carlos (father-in-law), 191–192, 193, 194, 201

  illness and death of, 192, 296, 301

  Larde Harrison, Alicia (mother-in-law), see Lopez-Harrison de Larde, Alicia

  Lasker, 180

  Lax, Anneli, 216

  Lax, Peter, 216, 217, 218, 226, 246

  Leader, Elvira, 284

  Leader, Sol, 284, 343

  League of Nations, 191, 270

  Lefschetz, Solomon, 46, 47, 51, 58, 63, 64, 69, 71, 93, 95, 96, 130, 329

  anti-Semitism and, 58

  background of, 58–59

  at IAS parties, 215

  McCarthyism and, 153

  Nash defended by, 73, 74

  Nash’s job search and, 129, 132

  new students welcomed by, 58–59

  Legendre, Adrien Marie, 230

  Legg, Charlie (brother-in-law), 209, 212, 302, 323, 331

  Legg, Martha Nash (sister), 39, 170, 209, 283, 387

  Alicia Nash’s letter to, 340

  Esmiol contacted by, 321

  on John Nash, Sr., 26

  Levinson’s letter to, 322

  Mele contacted by, 310

  Nash committed to Dejarnette by, 331

  Nash’s 1962 European trip and, 301

  on Nash’s childhood, 32–33

  and Nash’s commitment to Carrier, 304, 306, 307–8

  on Nash’s desire to leave MIT, 235

  Nash’s divorce and, 302

  Nash’s letters to, 169, 181, 279, 282, 301, 310, 314, 316–17, 318, 319–20

  Nash’s 1959–60 European stay and, 272, 279, 282

  Nash’s present relationship with, 383

  Nash’s Roanoke years and, 323, 330

  Nash’s Trenton State hospitalization and, 287, 288, 290, 291

  at Nash’s wedding, 212

  and onset of Nash’s schizophrenia, 249, 251

  sanctuary search revealed to, 302

  on trip to California, 147–48

  World War II and, 35–36

  Lemke, Carl, 339

  Leonard, Robert, 52, 84, 86, 94, 363

  Leray, Jean, 236, 285, 298, 300

  Lettvin, Jerome, 134, 250

  Levinson, Norman, 135, 143, 153, 155, 200, 320

  background of, 137–38

  McCarthyism and, 153–54, 187

  Nash’s Brandeis post supported by, 313, 314

  Nash’s McLean commitment and, 254, 257

  on Nash’s parsimony, 233

  Nash’s professorship and, 162–63

  Nash’s resignation and, 265

  and onset of Nash’s schizophrenia, 243, 244

  Riemann Hypothesis and, 230

  Riemannian manifolds and, 158, 160, 161, 163

  Levinson, Zipporah “Fagi,” 136, 137, 144, 172, 264, 265, 322

  on Alicia Nash, 223

  Alicia Nash aided by, 262

  John Charles Nash’s birth and, 263–64

  Nash monitored by, 320

  Nash’s belongings moved by, 322

  Nash’s McLean commitment and, 255, 259, 260

  sublet arranged by, 319

  Lewin, Roger, 335

  Lewis, John L., 28

  Lewy, Hans, 221

  Lide, David, 41

  Life, 32, 244

  Life, game of, 158

  Lincoln Laboratory, 13 3

  Lindbeck, Assar, 356, 359–73

  Littlewood, J. E., 130

  Locke, John, 94

  Lofgren, Karl-Gustaf, 359–60, 364

  logic, 65

  Lopez-Harrison de Larde, Alicia (mother-in-law), 191, 192, 194, 201, 342

  European trip of, 276–77, 279, 280

  John Charles Nash in care of, 277, 283, 287, 296, 309, 341

  John Charles Nash’s mental problems and, 343, 344

  United States left by, 346

  Louthan, John, 38–39

  Lowell, Robert, 253, 255, 256–57, 259, 260


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