Universe in Flames – Ultimate 10 Book Box Set: An Epic Space Opera Adventure

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Universe in Flames – Ultimate 10 Book Box Set: An Epic Space Opera Adventure Page 106

by Christian Kallias

  The admiral stormed out of her ready room.

  Chase visited Aphroditis in her room but she was still sleeping. He sat next to her. She was as beautiful as when she had first appeared in his visions. His heart skipped a beat when he considered what could happen to her next. Unfortunately, Chase had no choice. He would do everything in his power to make sure Argos didn’t hurt her, but if his endgame was to have her killed, could he choose between her and Sarah? That was not a choice he wanted to make, even though he knew full well that right now, this was no choice at all. Not anymore. He simply couldn’t sacrifice Sarah and their unborn child a second time.

  She turned in her bunk bed and moaned.

  “Aphroditis,” murmured Chase.

  She turned again and blinked her eyes many times. What happened next took him by surprise. She launched herself into his arms and started sobbing. “Thank you for saving my life, Chase. I’m so happy to see you. I . . . I’m so scared.”

  He passed his hand through her hair. She sat back on her bed, wiping her tears.

  “I know, and Ares helped me do it.”

  “What? He’s still alive?”

  “I’m sorry no, but he’s still with us somehow.”

  “So he decided not to traverse the Styx towards Elysium after all.”

  “What’s the Styx?”

  “It’s the pathway to another plane of existence; if you wish, the afterworld. At least for us Olympians. When our physical bodies are killed, we’re transformed into pure energy beings; our souls, if you like. Only in this form are we allowed to travel the Styx and emerge at Elysium. But it’s a one-way trip. Once we take this road, there’s no turning back.”

  “Ares explained some of this. Then yes, he is still with us. He wants to make sure I protect you.”

  “I’m not surprised.”

  “I thought you two were not really pals.”

  “Nowadays we have our fair share of disagreements, but in the past there weren’t any two Olympians closer than us.”

  “I see. Makes sense that he would want to make sure you are safe, then. Also it explains why he sacrificed himself the way he did.”

  She nodded and more tears threatened to flow.

  “There’s no easy way for me to say this, but I need you to come with me. You’re not safe here on Earth. Argos has proven that today yet again.”

  “Did you find him?”

  “I almost had him today. He . . . he escaped.”

  “Why are you lying to me?”

  Chase’s heart felt as though it stopped. “What do you mean?”

  “I believe your words, but I sense you’re not telling me the whole truth.”

  Damn! Chase should have known better than trying to lie to an Olympian.

  “What is it you’re not telling me, Chase?”

  Chase exhaled deeply. The situation he hoped to avoid was about to happen now. No turning back.

  “Sarah is alive.”

  “What? You said you killed her!”

  “I killed a clone.”

  “And you know that how? Wait, Argos sent you to get me, didn’t he?”

  Chase looked down and nodded.

  Tears flowed down her soft skin. “Are you here to kill me, Chase?”

  “What? No, of course not! But he asked me to bring you along. Apparently he needs both of us for something.”

  “Nothing good can come of this, Chase. You understand that?”

  “I know, and I will do all I can to protect you. I promised that much to Ares.”

  “Let’s be honest here, if it comes to a choice between Sarah’s life and mine, you’ll choose Sarah this time.”

  He looked away.

  She put her hand on his shoulder. “Look, Chase, I understand how you must feel. I’m happy to learn that Sarah and your unborn child can still be saved. But you must ask yourself at what price? What is it that Argos wants with us?”

  “I know. I hate this! But I can’t let her die a second time.”

  “Then let’s not.”

  Chase’s eyes grew wide. “You’re actually agreeing to come with me, even though it might mean your death?”

  “If it brings you back to the side of light, if you fight for this universe as a result, then yes, I’ll gladly sacrifice my life, as my brother did.”

  “I . . . I don’t know what to say.”

  “But you must promise me one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “If whatever Argos wants you for puts this universe at even greater risk, you must be willing to sacrifice Sarah and do the right thing.”

  “I’m not sure I can promise this.”

  “Okay, let me rephrase it. If helping him results in this universe being in jeopardy, promise me you’ll do whatever it takes to make things right.”

  “You know I would do that anyway.”

  “Now, perhaps. At least, that’s what I feel from you at the moment. Losing Sarah, well, the way you felt these past months . . . We both know that you didn’t care about anything anymore.”

  “Right, but if Sarah lives, I’ll fight for this universe.”

  “Not good enough, Chase. You need to promise me you’ll fight for it even if she gets killed, which could happen after we help Argos. She will die one day, and perhaps in that future, be it near or far, life in this universe might still need your help.”

  “I understand. I promise I’ll do everything I can to make things right. I can’t promise more than that.”

  “That’s more than enough. I can sense you mean these words with every fiber of my being. Welcome back, Chase, I’ve missed you.”

  He smiled but felt as if the weight he once had on his shoulders had returned with a vengeance; and quite a few tons heavier to boot.

  “Chase, before we go, I had a new vision. In it I saw Sarah. At the time I thought it might have been the past, but it’s now clear that it wasn’t.”

  “What else did you see?”

  “Darkness, a new enemy, a new world from which evil will grow stronger.”

  “Is that the enemy you told me about? You said the Zarlacks were just pawns. But who are the masters?”

  “I’m unsure. All I saw was a planet and impressive ships in orbit, but I have no idea if this will happen soon or in years or decades to come. I did feel as though some time had passed from the moment I first saw the planet to the moment I saw the fleet gathering around it.”

  “What could this mean?”

  “I wish I knew more. Perhaps I’ll get more details later.”

  “What if what Argos needs us for will bring about this future?”

  “We have no way of knowing for now.”

  “Ok, should we get going then?”

  “Where’s Argos?”

  “He’s waiting for us on the Iron Fire.”

  “What about your friends?”

  “I don’t know what to do. The last thing I want is to put them in any kind of unnecessary danger. Argos is too powerful. At least I know I can beat him now. Unfortunately, if he dies, so does Sarah.”

  “Then let’s just go and don’t tell your friends anything.”

  Chase and Aphroditis left the room and Daniel immediately rose from the table.

  “All good, Chase?”

  “Yes, but I need to take Aphroditis to safety now.”

  “What? You just arrived. Are you leaving us already?”

  “I must. I’m really sorry, but I promise to come back soon.”

  “Can’t you at least stay a little while?”

  “I wish I could, Dan,” said Chase, with genuine compassion in his voice.

  “What if the Zarlacks come back? We’re really in trouble now. We need you, Chase!”

  “And I will be back. I promise you that.”

  Keera took a step in front of Daniel.

  “I’m coming with you,” she said with determination in her voice.

  “No, I can’t allow it.”

  “What? With what ship will you take her then?”

  “I have a ship. Don’t worry for me.”

  “What ship?” inquired Ryonna, who also stood up. “What are you hiding from us, Chase? You know I’m very good at reading emotions. Yours are all over the place at the moment. Something is wrong, and we deserve to know what it is.”

  But then it all went to hell.

  The doors of the elevator opened and a dozen armed Earth Alliance security goons stormed the place and raised their weapons towards Chase.

  “Lieutenant Commander Athanatos, you’re under arrest! Do not resist or we will be forced to open fire!”

  Chase exhaled deeply.

  “What the hell is this? Lower your weapons at once!” commanded Daniel.

  “We have orders from Admiral Thassos to bring Chase aboard the Cronos.”

  “That’s not going happen, I’m afraid. Tell the admiral I’m sorry, but another time.”

  “This is your last warning. Don’t make us use deadly force!”

  Ryonna, Daniel and Tar’Lock all prepared themselves to interfere but they didn’t have time to do anything.

  Chase closed his eyes and the next instant the security force's rifles were snatched from their hands and hovered back in front of them, the muzzles directed at their heads. “Like I said, it’s not going to happen. Please stand down.”

  “I cannot give that order!” said the officer in charge.

  “I was afraid you were going to say this.”

  Before he could reach for his sidearm Chase launched himself at them with lightning speed. He delivered a single blow to every member of the security squad. They all looked shocked, and so were Chase’s friends, when their bodies hit the ground with a synchronized thud.

  “What the hell? What are you doing, Chase?”

  Before he could answer, Aphroditis, who had stayed quiet until now, took a few steps and held her hand in front of her.

  “We really have to go now. Please understand that we have a reason for not letting you know why and where we’re going. It’s for your own good, all of you.”

  “With all due respect,” said Daniel, “I don’t care what your reasons are. We need Chase and I don’t answer to you.”

  Ryonna put her hand on his shoulder.

  “Daniel, remember who you’re talking to.”

  “I know full well who . . . I mean no disrespect, but you could at least tell us why you’re doing this. We deserve that much.”

  When Chase couldn’t take it anymore, he spoke. “We’re going to save Sarah. She’s still alive, and no, you can’t come with us.”

  That seemed to shock everyone in the room but Keera. She understood what it meant almost instantly.

  “Argos never escaped, did he?”

  “No. I let him live.”

  “What about the warrant?”

  “I’m sorry, Keera. Your warrant means nothing to me if Sarah is alive.”

  “That’s the first sincere thing you’ve said since you arrived here.”

  “I know.” He looked at the rest of his friends. “I’m sorry, everyone, but I’m going now. Do not follow us. It’s too dangerous.”

  “Why did you lie to us?” said Daniel, clearly pained by the discovery.

  “I . . . I wanted to protect you. I knew you’d want to come along.”

  “And we’re coming,” said Ryonna, walking towards Chase.

  Chase held up his right palm. “Please, Ryonna, I don’t want to fight you, but I cannot let you come.”

  “You can’t stop us,” added Tar’Lock.

  “That’s not true and you know it.”

  “Would you really raise your hands at us?” said Daniel, with tears welling in his eyes.

  “I don’t have to, my brother,” said Chase before erecting a blue force field that effectively split the room in two.

  Ryonna hit it with a powerful right jab but all it did was create blue lightning upon impact.

  Chase turned to Aphroditis and she walked to the elevator without saying another word.

  “Thank you for your friendship, each and every one of you. I’m sorry I lied to you. I wish I hadn’t. I promise to come back when I get Sarah out of danger.”

  “Chase wait!” shouted Daniel.

  But Chase entered the elevator, never turning back to his friends. The elevator’s doors closed and they were gone.


  When Chase arrived on the Iron Fire with Aphroditis, Argos was sitting in the captain’s chair. His smile conveyed a mix of satisfaction and pure malice.

  “Welcome aboard . . . Your Majesty,” said Argos, making sure the sarcasm was palpable.

  Aphroditis didn’t answer and simply went to the captain’s ready room.

  “How rude. Well, considering I killed her brother, I guess I should be understanding, shouldn’t I, Laiyos?”

  “I’m not in the mood for your games. Now what?”

  “I’ve already entered our destination into the jump-drive navigation systems.”

  “How did you manage that?”

  “We share DNA, remember? Your computer thinks I’m you.”

  “You’re lucky they didn’t revoke my security settings then.”

  “We both know that wouldn’t have stopped us.”

  “Right.” Chase knew he could control technology remotely, with or without the help of the Alliance neuro-link devices now.

  “What are we waiting for?”

  “I thought you’d like the honors,” said Argos, rising from the chair and gesturing Chase towards it.

  Chase simply closed his eyes and the Iron Fire entered hyperspace.

  In the underground bunker facility, the force field vanished.

  “Now what?” said Keera.

  “Now we find out where they went and go after them,” answered Daniel.

  “Is that wise?” said Tar’Lock.

  “Screw wise. He will need our help.”

  “Perhaps, but he made it clear he doesn’t want us to follow,” said Ryonna.

  “I can’t believe I’m hearing this, especially from you!” shouted Daniel.

  Ryonna put her hand on Daniel’s shoulder.

  “Easy, Daniel. I want to help as much as you do, but may I remind you that we’re officers in the Earth Alliance, so unless we’re willing to defect, we may want to discuss this logically.”

  “Saroudis won’t like this one bit. I don’t see him letting us go. And screw logic. None of this makes sense anyway.”

  “Even if he understood, the admiral never would.”

  “Right. Outlaws then?”

  “Chase is lucky to have all of you as friends,” said Keera.

  “Too bad he doesn’t trust us,” said Daniel.

  “That’s not true. I’ve spent the last few days with him and I can tell you he does. He speaks of you highly. I think he was sincere when he said this is too dangerous for us.”

  “You seem like a nice girl, but you don’t have to come with us. This fight doesn’t concern you. You should be on your way.”

  “Yeah, except that unless you want to steal one of your Earth Alliance ships I’m the only one who can provide transport right now, so I’m coming.”

  “Where are you guys going? Is it time to go to the Destiny for dinner?” said Fillio, yawning while emerging from a nearby room.

  “Change of plans. We’re going after Chase and Aphroditis. Feel like betraying the Earth Alliance by joining us?”

  She scrunched up her face, looked at Daniel, clearly not following. “Alright, what did I miss?”

  On board the Cronos, Saroudis arrived at Admiral Thassos’ ready room.

  “What is it that couldn’t wait for our original meet, Admiral?”

  “Adonis, what did we say about how to address me when we’re alone?”

  “Right, sorry Ally.”

  “Better. We have a problem with Chase. In fact, we have heaps of problems, but right now Chase is the main one.”

  “Does this have anything to do with the Iron Fire entering hyperspace? I didn’t expect that.”<
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  “Yes, I think Chase took the ship and left.”

  “But why? It doesn’t make any sense!”

  “I’m afraid it does.”

  “Can you please tell me what’s going on?”

  “A while ago I sent a fully armed security team to arrest Chase.”

  “What? Are you nuts?”

  “Easy, Adonis.”

  “Sorry, but with all due respect, why would you do that?”

  “He took Aphroditis with him, and I suspect Argos as well.”

  “Can you please start making sense here? Chase is hot headed and, granted, not the most obedient officer I’ve served with, but I don’t see him doing this.”

  “Well, technically he’s no longer our officer, and Sarah is alive. I should have started with that, I guess.”

  “What? No, that’s not possible. He killed her himself.”

  “Apparently he killed a clone.”

  “Nope, still not making any sense, I’m afraid. How would you know all of this?”

  “You may want to sit down for this one, my old friend. It’s a long story.”

  Spiros had just finished installing his new, isolated network aboard the Cronos when Cedric and Yanis walked in.

  “Why did you ask us here?” inquired Yanis.

  “Cause from now on, this is where we’ll work. We can’t take the chance of talking about our strategies out loud on Earth. The entity might be listening in.”

  “What if it’s also in these systems?”

  “I’ve made sure that won’t be the case. This entire room is fully isolated from the Earth Alliance’s network, so the entity won’t be listening in. The admiral was also kind enough to let us disconnect one of the ship’s communications and scanning arrays and reroute it to this network so we can perform scans as well, without the entity’s knowledge.”

  “It might know it’s being scanned.”

  “Perhaps, but it won’t know by whom, or why it happens.”

  “Isn’t that the type of thing that could set it off?”

  “Honestly, at this point I don’t think we have a choice. We need a safe base of operations.”

  “Alright, what’s the next step?”

  “I need you to conduct scans of the entire armada in orbit. See if you can find traces of infection within other systems. That includes Earth Alliance ships, satellites, but also Droxian and Obsidian ships.”


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