The Arrangement (A Real Man, 23)

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The Arrangement (A Real Man, 23) Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  I pulled back and looked up at him. He was already staring at me. The smile he gave me had everything feeling like it was perfectly aligned, like everything we’d been through, or would go through, would be worth it all.

  It has been worth it all.

  Beckham shifted on the bed and cupped the side of my face. He stared at me for long seconds before pulling me in close. I couldn’t deny I loved everything about him.

  “God, I love you so fucking much.”

  My heart totally stalled at his words.

  “To have you in my life as a friend after everything would have been my dream, but now, knowing you love me the same way I love you…” He closed his eyes and shook his head slightly. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” He crushed me to him, and I loved it. I loved the feeling of being breathless. I loved the way his big body wrapped around mine.

  “Just tell me you’ll always be mine, Lenora.”

  I tipped my head back and looked at him. “As long as you’ll always be mine.”

  He groaned and leaned in to kiss me. “Always.”

  And just like that, everything was right where it should be.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The next morning

  The sound of someone inhaling close to my ear had me slowly opening my eyes. The sun was bright, shining right through the open window, and I groaned softly, my body pleasantly sore in all the right places. This heavy weight pressed against my back, and I closed my eyes and smiled.


  I shifted, but Beckham groaned and held me tighter.

  “It’s too early for you to be getting up.” His voice was deep and right by my ear. I shivered at how good it felt.

  I looked over my shoulder to stare at him. His short dark hair was mussed around his head, his eyes were closed, and his naked chest was on full display. God, he was gorgeous. I lowered my gaze and looked at the sheet that was bunched around his waist, the very clear indentation of his semi-hard erection on display. I was turned on instantly. I felt the chilled air on my skin then and looked down at my chest, realizing the blanket was pooled around my waist, same as him. My breasts were on full display, my nipples hardening. As if Beckham sensed that, he slid his hand up and cupped a mound, sliding his palm against the peaks and pulling a moan from me.


  “You feel incredible,” he whispered against my shoulder, and I shifted, my ass rubbing against his stiff dick.

  I wanted him to take me again, but I needed to go to the bathroom and definitely freshen up.

  I reached for the sheet, but he stopped me, chuckling. “Don’t hide yourself from me, Lenora. You’re too fucking pretty for that.”

  My body felt flushed instantly.

  “Well, pretty or not, this girl has to go to the bathroom.” He chuckled and let go of me, and I looked over my shoulder to stare at him.

  He rolled onto his back and placed an arm over his face, but I could still see he watched me, his eyes hooded, his expression sexy. I took in the sight of his six-pack, of his defined pecs and bulging biceps, and I wanted to lean down and lick every inch of him.

  Beckham owned me last night. There was no other way to put it. I was sore between my thighs, and I knew it wasn’t just because he was massive in every sense, but also because I’d given him my virginity.

  My heart fluttered at the very thought that he’d given me every part of himself too, that not only did he claim my innocence, but I had his forever as well. A pleasant discomfort and twinge of pain when I moved said he’d certainly made last night memorable. And as I felt the stickiness between my legs, the product of how I’d made him go over the edge, his cum on my inner thighs, I felt this sense of excitement and arousal thrum through my veins.

  “I’ll be back,” I said and watched the slow grin spread across his lips.

  “I’ll be waiting, baby.”

  My heart jumped in my throat at his endearment.

  Although I was very much aware of my nudity, and a little uncomfortable with flaunting it in this morning light in front of Beckham, when I looked over my shoulder and saw the way his gaze was trained on my ass then saw the massive erection he sported, this powerful feeling came over me.

  The small bathroom attached to his room was convenient, and once inside, I shut the door and stared at myself in the mirror.

  The bathroom was tiny, with a single-person shower stall and an array of manly looking things on the counter. Everything in here smelled like Beckham. Memories of what we’d done last night, of how our skin had been sweaty and pressed together, played through my mind. As I stared at my naked body in the mirror, I noticed there were small bruises on my hips, and when I looked down, I saw there were fingerprint-sized blue and purple marks on my thighs as well. Heat bloomed in me, and I instantly got wet between my legs.

  Beckham had given me these, a mark. His mark.

  After using the bathroom, gargling some mouthwash, and running my fingers through my “the morning after a good fuck” hair, I headed back into the bedroom and saw Beckham lying in the same place, his arm still over his eyes. But when he heard me enter, he pushed himself up and grinned. God, I loved him so much. His muscles flexed and bunched with the littlest shift of his body, and I felt myself heat all over again.

  When I was close enough to the bed, Beckham pulled me down onto the mattress, and I happily laid beside him, curling against his big, muscular body, resting my head on his chest, and listening to the beat of his heart.

  For long moments, we just lay there, needing nowhere to go, no rush, just letting the aftereffects of finally being truthful to each other, finally giving ourselves over, consume every part of us.

  “How is your dad?” I finally asked. I expected him to tense, to pull away. This was absolutely a sensitive subject, painful. But he never stopped running his fingers up and down my arm, and he kept me close, stayed relaxed.

  “He’s really well, actually. He asks about you all the time.”

  I felt a twinge of guilt that I hadn’t stayed in contact with Rob as much as I should have. He’d been a part of my life for years. But after everything, I’d felt weird, guilty. I felt if he saw me, he’d only be reminded of my mother and what she did.

  “I miss him. I need to be better at checking in with him.”

  Beckham kissed the top of my head. “He’d really love that.” We stayed silent for a few seconds. “He met someone, by the way.”

  I felt a smile filter across my face at the sound of that. I sat up slightly and looked down at his face, saw the smile he wore as well.

  “He really likes her.”

  I felt happiness for Rob and was so thankful my mother hadn’t ruined his life. “I’m glad. I’m really glad he’s happy again.”

  Beckham pulled me back down against him, and I wrapped my arm around his waist. I was thankful he didn’t talk about my mother, didn’t ask about her again. She didn’t need to intrude on this moment. I’d come to terms long ago that the life she led didn’t include me. And when it did, it was only on her terms. And that’s not a life I wanted to have.

  I didn’t want to be someone’s backup, someone to stroke their ego, to make them feel better.

  I wanted to be someone’s priority, and I found that with Beckham.

  “I hope this goes without saying, but I don’t want you to leave, Lenora. I want you to stay here with me, to share this room with me… to be mine.”

  God, I’d wanted to hear him say that for so long.

  “There is no arrangement. There never was. As soon as you asked to move in with me, I knew I’d make things right and make you stay here with me anyway I could. There was no way I could have let you go again.”

  I shifted on the mattress so I could look at him. I wanted to stare in his eyes as I listened.

  “I’m not saying I’m perfect. I’m far from it. I’ll probably make mistakes down the road, piss you off, make you wish you could punch me in the face.”

  I couldn’t help
but smile.

  His expression sobered. “But know this. I love you, Lenora, more than I’ve ever loved anyone or anything in this fucking world. And that’ll never change. It’ll only grow as time passes. I’m in this for the long haul with you. Forever.” He cupped my cheek and leaned in to kiss me softly. “And I think you want that too.”

  The way he said it was poised a little like a question, and so to reassure him, I kissed him back. “That’s all I’ve wanted for so long,” I murmured against his mouth.

  “I want you as my wife someday, Lenora. Someday soon. So fucking soon. I want to have a family with you, make a home with you. I want the world with you.” Beckham pulled me in for a hug, and I melted against him.

  I’d finally gotten that happily ever after I sure as hell deserved. And God, it felt good.

  Epilogue One


  Six months later

  I stared at Lenora and tried to wrap my head around what she just told me. It was like someone just kicked me in the balls.

  For the last year, she’d been living with me. We’d made this house a home for both of us. She decorated it, helped renovate the upstairs. She even had her own little room, one where she could read in the nook I created for her by the window, where she had her many books lined up in the bookcases I’d gotten for her at her favorite antique shop.

  And I’d never been happier.

  And although I always dreamed about this moment, I hadn’t thought it would be yet.

  “Please say something,” she said so softly I almost didn’t hear her. She kept twisting her hands together, her nervousness tangible.

  I didn’t want to make her feel this way.

  Lenora was having my baby. She was pregnant, carrying my child, and I was going to be a father.

  “I—I—” Hell, I had no fucking idea what to say. The sonogram picture she’d given me to break the news was still in my hand, and I stared at that black-and-white picture. That was my baby, although it didn’t look much aside from a little bean-shaped thing. But it was my baby. “I don’t know what to say, baby.” I was being honest.

  “I took three pregnancy tests when I realized how late I was. So I made an appointment with the doctor. I didn’t know they were going to do the ultrasound.” She was still twisting her hands together. “I should have just talked to you about it, but… here we are.”

  I looked at her again, anticipation and excitement filling me even though on the outside I probably looked shell-shocked. I couldn’t help it. She watched me with wide eyes, her lips parted, her fear tangible. She was afraid of my reaction. Could she possibly think I wouldn’t want this?

  “Please say something, Beckham.” She took a stuttering breath. “Are you just as scared as I am? I know this isn’t planned—”

  “Lenora, baby, you’re pregnant.” I grinned from ear-to-ear. I pulled her in for an embrace and buried my face in her hair, inhaling deeply. God, the woman I loved was pregnant with my child.

  “I wasn’t sure if showing you the picture was a good thing, but when I saw the ultrasound from when I got the pregnancy confirmed, I thought—hoped—you would want to see it.”

  I pulled back and cupped her cheeks, kissing her until we were both breathless. “This is all I’ve ever wanted. A family with you, Lenora.” Yeah, we were young, but we were also doing well in life, and I had a good job. I could provide for her and our children.

  “I don’t want you working at the café anymore.” I realized what I said. “I mean, you can if you want, you know, being an independent female and all, but I want to take care of you.” I chuckled softly when she smiled. “At least after the baby is born, think about staying home for a while? Let me take care of you two.”

  I saw the amusement in her eyes. Yeah, I’d been possessive before, but knowing she was carrying my child made me downright territorial and protective.

  “You’re happy? This doesn’t freak you out?”

  I shook my head right way. “No fucking way.” I leaned in and kissed her softly, so softly.

  “I’m a little scared, Beckham.”

  I couldn’t blame her. This was all new. But it would be good, perfect. “Let me show you, prove to you that I won’t fuck this up, Lenora. Let me show you I’ll be the best man, the best father to our baby, and the best future husband to you that I can be.”

  She smiled, cupped my cheek with one hand, and said in a soft voice, “You’re already the best partner I could ask for. I know you’ll be the very best father too.”

  I pulled her in close and just held her. I’d never been happier than when I was with Lenora, and right now, the euphoria that filled me told me so much. It told me that she was my soulmate, that I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

  I was with exactly who I was supposed to be with.

  Epilogue Two


  One year later

  I’d never fucking get tired of this, never wish I’d done things differently. Because no matter what, no matter how things had progressed, transgressed… no matter how life had changed so drastically, I knew I was the luckiest bastard in the world.

  I had my woman, the girl I loved for longer than I even wanted to admit.

  The mother of my child.

  My wife.

  And as I took my woman, claimed her, made her mine over and over again, my pleasure increased tenfold like it always did.

  I stared at my woman’s breasts as they bounced up and down as she rode the hell out of my cock. God, she was so perfect. I was trying so damn hard not to get off right now. Her inner muscles clenched rhythmically around my dick, and I had to grit my teeth so I didn’t come right then and there. I wanted her to get off, wanted to see the expression of euphoria cover her face just once more before I gave in to my own pleasure.

  She was my priority, not just in the bedroom but in life.

  Her and my children. Always.

  Wrapping my arm around her waist and grabbing onto her ass cheek with my other hand, I rose up just enough that I could shift and have her back to the mattress. I slid all the way back into her and groaned, my eyes closing on their own as ecstasy claimed me. She was so fucking hot and tight.

  I leaned back on my haunches and looked down at where our bodies were connected.

  “Fuck, baby.” Those words left me on a strangled groan as I saw the way her pussy stretched around my cock. She was all pink and soaked flesh and stretched so wide around the girth of my cock that it actually felt like I got harder inside her. Lenora’s eyes widened, and I knew she was close to getting off again.

  I placed my thumb right on her clit, rubbed the hell out of that little bud, and couldn’t take my gaze off of her cunt. Lenora cried out and arched her back, thrust her breasts out, and closed her eyes. I finally let myself go as I watched her come undone.

  I leaned forward, bracing my hands on the bed beside her head, and grunted as I came right along with her.

  Without thinking, because all I wanted to do was kiss her, I captured her lips with mine. I filled her up, knew when I pulled out of her tight body all my cum would slip from her and soak the sheets beneath her perfect ass.

  With my cock softening inside her and our tongues pressing back and forth against each other, I let a contented sigh leave me. I forced myself to lean back an inch. “Lenora. God, baby, you never cease to amaze me.” I leaned down and kissed her once more before pulling out of her with a grunt of disappointment. I rolled to my side and took her with me. She was soft where I was hard. I fucking loved her curves, loved that she had even more now after having our baby.

  I leaned down and kissed her on the crown of her head. “You make me deliriously happy.” She cuddled in closer to me, and I’d never get tired of that feeling.

  The sound of the baby crying came through the monitor, and with one more kiss to her head, I stood. I covered her with a blanket and looked down at her. My wife looked good and fucked. “Let me go get him.”

  I put on a pair of sweats an
d headed into Sylas’s bedroom. I saw our son squirming on the mattress, his little arms outstretched. I knew there was a massive scream about to be let out, so I cradled Sylas to my chest, rubbed his tiny back, and my son gave a mighty cry of hunger. There it was. “You want Momma?” I headed back into our room and saw Lenora already sitting up, her glorious breasts on display as she knew what time it was.

  She held her hands out for the baby, and I gave her our son, watching as she cradled him so gently. I sat on the edge of the bed and for the next twenty minutes watched the mother of my child feed our baby. It was beautiful. Sylas was already back to sleep, and I could see Lenora had no plans on moving him as he slept against her chest.

  She looked at me with such love and devotion in her eyes it actually had my heart skipping a beat.

  “I love you, Beckham,” she said softly.

  “I love you, baby. God, I love you so much and the life we’ve created.” I leaned in close and placed my nose at her temple, inhaling deeply. I smelled the shampoo she used in her hair and caught the faint scent of baby lotion that she applied to Sylas after his bath. I couldn’t help but smile.

  This was my world. She’d been my world even before I knew it.

  And I’d never take that for granted.

  About the Author

  Want to read more by Jenika Snow? Find all her titles here:

  Find the author at:

  [email protected]




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