The Rancher’s Beloved Bride

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The Rancher’s Beloved Bride Page 9

by Maya Stirling

  "Just like his younger brother, then," Veronica said and gave Kyle a mischievous look. Did he know she was teasing him?

  Taken aback for a moment, Kyle gazed at Veronica. "I know what's important in life, Veronica. And it isn't just work," Kyle said. There was a sudden intensity in his voice. For a moment, she thought she'd touched a raw nerve. "There's more to life than work."

  "What kind of things?" she asked.

  His jaw tightened slightly and his gaze settled upon her. "Family, for one. That and God. You have those, you have everything you need."

  "That's why I brought Molly here," Veronica said. "We have our family here. Back in Chicago, it was difficult to find God in our lives. But I tried. I didn't give up." She looked earnestly at Kyle. "It's not like here in Inspiration." Veronica gazed out across the rangeland. "At least in a town like this you can feel a part of a community of God-fearing people. Like today. I felt something special in that church. As if everyone knew they belonged." Veronica smiled weakly. "I want that for Molly. The city was no place for her to grow up in."

  Kyle nodded. "I reckon every young person in these parts lives a blessed life." He cleared his throat and looked suddenly awkward. "Do you think you and Molly are here to stay?"

  "My father is here for good. He has no intention of ever going back to Chicago," she said. Wrapping her arms around herself, she felt chill breeze sweep up from the valley. "Apart from anything else, there are plenty of people he's quite happy to leave behind back there. Business associates and the like. My father made some enemies back there. Men he'd rather not see again."

  Kyle frowned. "He's lucky he can choose where he wants to live." He narrowed his eyes. "How come you and Molly took so long to come out to Inspiration?"

  She hesitated a moment, wondering if she should tell him anything about the last few years. About the years in Chicago immediately after Jack had died. But, she'd grown so close to Kyle, and so quickly, that she felt a curious sense of confidence in talking with him. "After my husband passed, Molly and I stayed with my parents in Chicago. Father was still running his business. Things were fine for a while. To be honest, I needed the support from my parents. Especially for Molly's sake. She was only a few months old when Jack died. So she didn't really know him. Although I've made sure she understands who he was. What he was like. But, Molly's still young."

  Kyle nodded. "There's plenty of time for her to find out what her father was like," he agreed. "She's still growing up."

  Veronica sighed. "It'll take time. I just want her to be happy. And this seems like the perfect place for her."

  "How did your father pick Inspiration as a place to come and live?"

  "He employed a property agent he knew in Chicago," Veronica explained. "He described exactly what he was looking for. Money was no object. It just had to be out of the way. Nowhere near a big city. The agent searched and came up with a mansion near Inspiration. The sellers wife had just passed away and he was looking to go back East. My father bought it and came here with my mother last year."

  "And you?"

  "Molly and I stayed behind in Chicago for a while. I had things I wanted to finalize about Jack. He had family there. It just didn't seem right to up and leave so quickly." Veronica was silent for a long moment. This was the first time she'd opened up to someone. The first time she'd revealed anything about her private past. What was it about this rancher that made her feel comfortable enough that she would be willing to reveal all of this? She immediately knew the answer to that question. There was a steadiness to Kyle's character. A calmness about him, which had encouraged her to speak about things which had remained private for so long. She felt comfortable around him.

  Veronica glanced up into Kyle's eyes. He was gazing at her again. He had a way of looking at her which made her heart quicken. Made butterflies flutter to life in her middle. She swallowed nervously. But she was quite unable to drag her gaze from his handsome features. Kyle moved closer and cupped her elbow in his hand. His touch sent waves of sensation racing up her arm and throughout her body. But she didn't move away from him. She felt rooted to the spot, transfixed by his dark, penetrating gaze. Heat flushed her cheeks. She saw his gaze drift down to her lips, but then he drew his head back slightly, as if he'd given himself some kind of warning.

  Kyle looked at her with intensity. "I know things must have been hard for you, Veronica. I just want you to know I understand." He frowned, as if he'd realized how abrupt those words must have sounded. "At least I think I can try to understand. I've never lost anyone the way you did your husband. And I can only imagine how painful that must have been for you." He swallowed and there was a sudden determination in his eyes. "But, I know that your faith has helped you through. You told me as much. And that is something I do have experience of. I almost made a terrible mistake. And it was my faith in the Lord which pulled me through." He smiled gently at her. "I wouldn't be standing here today if I hadn't listened to Him."

  Veronica felt her breath halt in her chest. His sudden confession had touched her heart. He was still holding onto her arm with the gentlest of touches. She realized she didn't want him to remove his hand. His touch felt reassuring. Once again, his gaze drifted from her eyes and down to her lips. Heart thudding, she gazed up into his eyes. Maybe now was the right moment for her to take a step backwards, she told herself. To put an end to this might well be the wisest thing she'd done since arriving in Inspiration. But, inexplicably, she couldn't move away from him. She didn't want to. Being this close to the handsome rancher was wonderfully satisfying and pleasing.

  Then, suddenly, she saw Kyle's eyes flicker to something beyond her shoulder. She felt Kyle draw away his hand. Veronica turned, eager to know what Kyle had seen. She gasped when she saw the figure of her father striding down the path toward the stable.


  "Mr Flint," Kyle exclaimed as Veronica's father halted in front of the stable. Dominick Flint's gaze moved slowly from his daughter to Kyle and back again to Veronica. He didn't look pleased, Kyle told himself. Kyle shifted on his heels, trying not to look guilty or nervous. He knew he was failing on both counts. "I hope you've had a pleasant time this afternoon."

  Flint frowned, said nothing, and dragged in a deep breath. Kyle thought that, any moment now, Flint would denounce Kyle for sneaking away with his daughter. Or, even worse, accuse Kyle of somehow sullying his daughter's reputation by leading her away for some private moments with her.

  "Kyle was just showing me some of the ranch's best horses, father," Veronica explained. It sounded convincing, Kyle told himself. Even if it probably wasn't how it had looked to Dominick as he'd bounded down the path a few moments ago.

  Finally, Flint spoke, looking straight at Veronica as he did so. "Your mother wants to speak to you," he said flipping a thumb back in the direction of the ranch house.

  Kyle saw Veronica's brows rise abruptly. "She does?"

  Flint nodded and then peered at Kyle. He still hadn't said a word to Kyle and that in itself was making Kyle feel distinctly uneasy. Kyle told himself that, if he wasn't mistaken, Dominick Flint looked like someone with a whole lot on his mind. But then Flint wasn't a man who was easy to read. He was abrupt. Demanding. Even arrogant at times. The habits learned during years of business would take a long while to be unlearned. But Kyle had already seen evidence that Veronica could hold her own in the face of her father's demands.

  Veronica fussed with some stray locks of dark hair. She did it with a casual and easy grace, clearly unaware he was watching with appreciation. Veronica frowned at her father. Flint peered steadily back at her and then at Kyle. Did Flint think that Kyle had anything to do with discomposing Veronica's beautiful hair? What did he think had been going on between himself and Veronica?

  Kyle swallowed as he watched Veronica turn and head up the path back toward where her mother would be waiting for her. When Veronica turned one last time and smiled at Kyle, her father's eyes narrowed. Now Kyle really did feel uneasy. He tugged
nervously at the collar of his shirt as he watched Veronica make her way back toward the ranch house.

  Once she was out of earshot, Flint spoke. "You and I have some talking to do, Baxter," Flint declared.

  "We do?" Kyle replied hesitantly.

  Flint nodded and paced for a few moments in front of the open stable doors. Flint thrust his thumbs into the small pockets of his jacket. Kyle wondered what was coming next. Maybe Flint was about to give him a dressing-down. Although Kyle knew nothing inappropriate had happened between himself and Veronica, he figured he knew how it might have looked. He'd already witnessed how protective Flint could be toward Veronica and Molly. Kyle readied himself for an onslaught.

  Instead, and to Kyle's astonishment, Flint smiled suddenly. Glancing back up at his daughter, Flint laughed quietly. "She's really something, isn't she? I don't know what I'm going to do with her. She's got some kind of independent spirit. I guess she takes after her mother."

  Taken aback for a few moments, Kyle struggled to find the right words to answer Flint's surprising outburst. "She knows what she wants, and no mistake," was the best Kyle could summon up.

  Flint nodded slowly and continued to pace slowly. Halting, he peered at Kyle. "Today was a happy day for your brother and his wife," he stated.

  "It sure was."

  Flint ran his gaze across the rangeland. "This is a fine place your family have got here." He sighed heavily. "I have to admit this is the first ranch I've seen close up. And I'm mightily impressed."

  Pride surged in Kyle. "We've worked hard to build it up to this. A couple of thousand head of cattle, a few dozen ranch hands and a whole lot of sweat. That's what it takes every day to keep this place going."

  Flint nodded thoughtfully. "This is a different kind of life to the one I was used to back in Chicago." He met Kyle's expectant gaze. "Did Veronica tell you anything about what I did back there?"

  "No. Only that you were involved in business."

  When Flint grinned Kyle thought there was more than a hint of sarcasm in smile. "You could call it business, I guess. It wasn't this kind of business, though. Not honest and straightforward like ranching."

  "We get our fair share of troublemakers, Mr Flint," Kyle said.

  "Call me Dominick, Kyle," the other man said easily. "What kind of trouble are you talking about?"

  Kyle didn't even need to think for more than a moment. "We get rustlers, horse thieves, and plenty of folks passing through town who just want to get what they think they're owed without working for it."

  Flint shook his head. "Maybe here and Chicago ain't too different, after all. That all sounds too familiar."

  Kyle wondered where Flint was leading the conversation. At first, Kyle had assumed Dominick Flint just wanted to discourage Kyle from being too friendly toward Veronica. And, now that Kyle thought about it, when Dominick had seen Kyle holding Veronica's arm and leaning close to her, all alone out here, he must have assumed something was going on between the rancher and his beloved daughter. But there wasn't, was there?

  Kyle hadn't really stopped to think what he was doing by growing his friendship with Veronica. But, now he realized how it must look to onlookers. Had his own family noticed, too? During the celebration meal this afternoon, Kyle had seen his parents and Landon catching Kyle when his gaze had lingered on Veronica who'd been sitting right across from him at the table. Did they believe he was thinking of courting Veronica? And did Dominick Flint harbor the same belief?

  "What did you want to talk to me about, Dominick?" Kyle asked, trying to drag his mind away from all those questions about Veronica.

  Flint faced Kyle head on. "I need your help."

  Kyle's brows shot up in a line. "You do?"

  "With a couple of things," Dominick continued. "I want your advice, Kyle."

  "About what?"

  "Ranching," Dominick stated bluntly. "You've seen that place I bought. Sure, it's a grand house. Probably the finest in these parts. And it sure is comfortable for me and my family. I can't complain about that. But it needs something more." Dominick peered at Kyle. "And I figure you're just the man to help me."

  "How can I help?" Kyle asked.

  Dominick tilted his head. "How would you like to be an advisor to me?"

  Kyle frowned. "Me?"

  Dominick waved a hand casually. "I need someone to tell what I need to do to make my estate into a going concern. I want to make it into a real ranch."

  Kyle was momentarily stunned by Dominick's suggestion. Kyle thought for a long moment. "Don't you already have an advisor. Mr Vogel seems to help you out with most things."

  At the mention of Vogel, Flint's brows furrowed. "Vogel doesn't know a thing about what it takes to make a life out here. He's more used to city life. Besides. He doesn't think ranching is a proper business for someone like me." Flint lifted a brow and smiled at Kyle. "With your help, I think I can prove him wrong."

  Kyle wanted to ask why Flint had brought someone like Vogel out to Montana if he was so unsuitable. But, for now, it was enough work trying to come to terms with Flint's suggestion. "What kind of things would you want me to advise on?"

  "Everything," Flint said emphatically. "You know that I'm a wealthy man. I can afford whatever it takes to fill that estate with cattle, and ranch hands and anything else I need to make it something I can be proud of." Flint sighed. "This is a new start for me. And for my family. A new life for all of us." He narrowed his eyes. "I guess you know about Veronica's husband."

  Kyle nodded. "She did tell me."

  Flint shook his head. "Jack was a good man. He died of a fever. Real sudden." He sighed heavily. "A tragedy."

  Kyle shook his head. "It must be difficult for Veronica. And for Molly."

  "It is," Flint confirmed. "But I am determined to do whatever it takes to give them something for the future. Something that can give them hope." Flint looked suddenly grim-faced. "My daughter has been through a whole lot these past few years. And she's fought hard for Molly. I couldn't have asked for a braver or more courageous daughter. Nor a more beautiful grand-daughter."

  Kyle was impressed with Flint's sudden sincerity. He hadn't seen the man like this before. For the first time, Kyle felt he was seeing beneath the hard surface and getting a glimpse of the real Dominick Flint.

  "And that's the second thing I want you to do for me," Flint said. "I want you to come to my estate as regular as you can. I know you're busy here with your brothers, working this spread." Flint looked suddenly thoughtful. "And I'd appreciate it if you would do one more thing when you're over at my place."

  "What's that, Dominick?"

  "Show my daughter and grand-daughter how to ride properly," Flint stated.

  "But they're already coming to the riding club in town," Kyle objected.

  "I know that," Flint said, shaking his head. "And that's all fine and dandy. Being sociable is good for Veronica. And for Molly. But, I want to be sure they can take care of themselves if they're out riding." Flint drew himself up to his full height and gazed out toward the distant trees and mountains. "I want them to be able to go where they like. Be independent. And I don't want to spend my whole day worrying about them. If Molly's going to grow up here, she needs to be the best girl rider in this territory," Flint added with a grin.

  Kyle could see the sense in all of that. But he also realized it might involve him spending a lot of time over at the Flint place. That would take him away from ranch work. Gabe and Lauren had just married. Gabe would want to spend time with his new wife. And Kyle had been hoping to take some of the strain by putting in extra hours on the ranch. Flint's proposal jeopardized that. However, there was one thing which, right now, tempted Kyle. The prospect of spending more time with Veronica.


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