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The Rancher’s Beloved Bride

Page 16

by Maya Stirling

  Smiling at him, she tilted her head to one side. "Good morning, Kyle. I'm fine." Glancing up at the blue, cloudless sky, she nodded. "Another fine Montana morning. Wouldn't you say?"

  Still holding Molly in his gentle, powerful grasp, Kyle nodded. "I couldn't wish to be anywhere else but here today." He lifted a brow at Molly. "With two of the best people in this territory."

  Molly's eyes widened and her mouth opened as she peered at Veronica. It seemed like every word Molly had said this morning was turning out to be true. Kyle thought the world of Molly. Veronica could see that in the way he looked at her.

  As she watched Kyle placing Molly back down on the ground, Veronica asked herself if it was true that Kyle also had developed a similar affection for her. There had been the kiss in the garden. The more she'd thought about the kiss, the more significant it meant to her. Every moment she spent in his company made her feelings for him grow and grow. And there was nothing she could do to stop those feelings from growing.

  Molly took Veronica's offered hand. Veronica glanced at Kyle as he walked alongside her and Molly. The tall rancher moved with an easy grace. He seemed entirely comfortable with Veronica and Molly. He hadn't spoken about the kiss, she reminded herself as they made their way toward the stable. Why hadn't he mentioned it? Had he simply put it down to an impulse he already regretted? Was he hoping she would forget what had happened? Veronica frowned. That wasn't going to be possible, she told herself as they reached the open stable doors. She hadn't been able to get rid of the memory of his tender lips against hers. Nor the gentle way he'd held her. His embrace had felt wonderful, she admitted. The kiss couldn't be dismissed as a momentary lapse of Kyle's self-control, she told herself. Not any more.

  Veronica watched Kyle ready the pinto pony. When he began to prepare another horse she realized he'd decided to grant Molly's wish. They were all going to ride out across the Flint rangeland together. Veronica wondered what her mother and father would make of seeing her, Molly and Kyle riding out together, looking like a real family out for a pleasant ride in the bright, Montana sun. Because that was how it would look, she told herself. A family outing. That one thought made Veronica feel a warm, comforting sensation in her middle. Was the promise of making a family with Kyle a real possibility? She'd heard stories of how women had come out West and had quickly found husbands, sometimes marrying within days of meeting someone. Veronica had found those tales difficult to believe. After spending all these years mourning Jack's loss and coming to terms with bringing Molly up on her own, Veronica hadn't considered the possibility of finding someone else with whom she could settle down. Just as she was entertaining that very thought, Kyle turned and smiled at her while he was busy with the saddle on Molly's horse. It was almost as if he could read her mind, she told herself. She smiled quickly back at him and then turned her face away, anxious that he shouldn't see the pink flushing across her cheeks. Because she was sure she'd just betrayed her innermost thoughts to him.

  Finally, the horses were ready. Kyle carefully helped Molly get settled on her pinto pony. He checked the cinches and gave Molly last-minute advice about best posture in the saddle. As she watched Kyle, Veronica told herself that the rancher was capable of great care. She could see how much Molly's safety meant to him.

  Once Veronica was settled on her own mount, the same chestnut she'd ridden onto the Baxter spread that fateful day she and Kyle had met, Kyle came to her. Gazing up at her, he smiled gently. "You comfortable?" he asked and lifted a brow. "Want me to check anything?"

  Veronica shook her head. "No. Everything's perfectly fine, Kyle."

  He nodded. "That's good," he said.

  Then he led the two horses out to the yard. Going across to his own mount he joined them and then it was time to head out across the grassland. She noticed Kyle riding slowly, almost head to head, alongside Molly's mount. She figured he wanted to be in position to stop Molly's pinto from racing off in case Molly lost control of her mount. Riding alongside Molly, Veronica knew Kyle wouldn't let anything bad happen to her daughter. His brows were furrowed and his gaze was fixed intently on Molly for the first part of their slow ride along the trail which stretched out across the rangeland. She knew Kyle was keeping the pace as slow as possible. Molly's fingers were curled tight around the reins of her pony. Her posture was erect and her gaze fixed ahead. Brows furrowed, Veronica recognized the sign of Molly's intense concentration. Veronica felt her heart swell with pride. Her daughter had all the hallmarks of the Flint determination, as well as the fighting spirit of her father, Jack.

  They continued the steady pace out along the trail. Veronica savored the sight of the beautiful land. This was her father's land, she reminded herself. This was where he'd decided they should all spend the remainder of their lives. The contrast between this and what they'd all left behind in the city couldn't have been starker, Veronica told herself. A warm contentment swept over her as she took in the sight of the beautiful rangeland, the green grass, the rolling hills, the distant forest and the mountains. She drew in a deep breath, the sweet aromas of the land filling her senses.

  Peace settled upon her. A profound sense of well-being took hold of her. This was what God had made, she reflected. This was the beauty He had created. And this was the place He had chosen for her and Molly. For a long moment Veronica was overtaken by a profound sense of gratitude that the Lord had seen fit to bring her and Molly to such a place. That He had also brought Kyle into their lives only confirmed Veronica's growing sense that there had been a reason she'd strayed onto the Baxter ranch that day. God moved in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. She'd heard those words so many times before but they hadn't truly resonated with her. But they did now. She understood what they really meant.

  Glancing across at Kyle Baxter, Veronica asked herself if it was God's will that she be with him. If that was the case, then what could she possibly do to stand in the way of her Lord's will?


  They returned to the Flint house just before lunchtime. Kyle was pleased with how the ride had gone. More than pleased, in fact. Today was turning out to be just about the most perfect day Kyle could have imagined. The ride out across the rangeland had passed quietly and pleasantly. Riding close to Molly, he'd been able to keep a close eye on her horse. And, throughout the ride, not once had the pony tried to act up or race away with its small rider. Maybe the pony had sensed the peace and happiness of the three riders. The absence of nervousness or anxiety in himself and Veronica. Because, Kyle had certainly noticed how calm Veronica had been during the ride. Every once in a while he'd caught her glancing across at him, smiling. Her bright eyes and warm smile had made Kyle feel good. He realized he could quite happily watch her all day, especially if she looked at him like that. In fact, ever since he'd arrived at the Flint place this morning he'd had the impression Veronica was simply happy to be in his company. There had been a good feeling between him and Veronica from the moment she and Molly had emerged from inside the Flint house.

  Once they'd reached the parts of the spread away from the house, Kyle had started to tell Veronica his suggestions and plans for how her father could use the land for cattle. As far as Kyle was concerned that was the way the land ought to be used. It was a shame to waste such a useful spread, he'd told her. Veronica had excused her father by reminding Kyle that he wasn't a rancher and that all of this was new to him. Kyle had to admit she was right. He figured that was how all the land out on the frontier had started. Unused and undeveloped. It didn't matter who did the work, he told himself. All that mattered was that God's beautiful earth was made fruitful, just like He had intended. Dominic Flint was just the latest in a long line of men who'd brought their families out to the frontier to make the land fit for God's purpose.

  That exchange just reminded Kyle what he was beginning to think about Veronica. She had a wise head on her shoulders. And, when she'd started to talk to him about how she believed that God had made this frontier to be improved
and made fruitful for His purpose, Kyle knew that Veronica was a kindred spirit when it came to matters of faith. But then he'd seen her and Dominick Flint take the time to visit the pastor. Flint was undergoing some kind of renewal of his faith. And that was good, as far as Kyle was concerned. God had brought Flint and his family out here and was bringing Flint himself back to the church. The fact that Flint had offered to use his considerable wealth to help improve the church in town was merely a visible sign of God's grace working in the man.

  Molly had enjoyed every moment of her big adventure out on the rangeland. It had been her first solo ride on the estate, albeit under Kyle's watchful eye. He'd taken pleasure from witnessing the delight on the little girl's face. For the first half hour of her ride Molly had sat stiffly in the saddle, clutching tightly onto the reins. But after that Molly had relaxed and had settled into the experience of riding the pony. Veronica hadn't seemed at all nervous during the entire time out on the rangeland. It had almost been as if she trusted Kyle to do a good job. Almost like she had faith in him. That simple realization warmed Kyle's heart, encouraging him to entertain some thoughts he'd been keeping at the back of his mind.

  And one question above all others kept drifting into Kyle's mind. Was there a future for himself and Veronica? Even if that future was merely a close friendship. Kyle knew one thing. He'd known this since the moment he'd held Veronica in his arms in the garden. He wouldn't be content with just being Veronica's friend. He felt that conviction inside him like something hard and firm. More than that. It was a growing flame, burning warm and steady. His attachment to the gracious widow and loving mother was far deeper than mere friendship. Kyle was beginning to feel deeply about this beautiful woman who'd come to start a new life in Montana.

  Because of that, the thought of anything bad happening to her, or to Molly, was impossible to accept. Kyle had seen plenty going on around the Flint place to make him think he'd better speak with Veronica about focusing her attention on Molly and being close to her parents. As for any attachment Veronica might feel for himself? Kyle had already decided to proceed with caution and with as much determination as he could muster.

  Once Kyle had lifted Molly down from the pony, the little girl asked permission of her mother to go and tell her grandparents all about her latest adventure. Veronica tidied Molly's collar and some stray locks of hair. "Of course you can. I'll be along in a short while," she said. Glancing at Kyle she added: "I want to talk with Mr Baxter."

  Kyle felt his breath hitch in his chest. Wondering why she wanted to talk with him, he examined Veronica for any hint, but found none. Molly thanked Kyle and went running off to the house. Outside the stable, Kyle closed the doors behind him and paused, meeting Veronica's steady gaze. "What did you want to talk with me about?" he asked.

  "Thank you for doing that for Molly," she said.

  Kyle shrugged. "It was a pleasure." Glancing out across the rangeland, he added: "That's some fine land your father has there. Plenty of potential."

  Veronica's lips tightened into a thin line and she nodded. Wrapping her arm around herself, she dragged in a deep breath. "I wonder if he'll take your advice."

  Kyle frowned. "Why wouldn't he?"

  "I've seen how Vogel reacts every time my father talks about making this place a ranch," she said. "Last night, after dinner, my father and Vogel almost had an argument about it."

  "They did?" Kyle asked sharply. "What happened?"

  He saw Veronica frown. "The same as always. They agreed to disagree."

  Kyle felt concern twist a hard knot in his belly. "Do you mean to say that Vogel still has influence over what your father decides is best for him?"

  Veronica started to walk toward the corral and Kyle matched her pace, step for step. "You have to understand that my father and Vogel have worked together for a long time. Years, in fact. I guess my father still feels he can trust Vogel's judgment when it comes to business."

  Kyle frowned. "But this isn't just about business. We're talking about the place where you and Molly and your parents are going to live. This isn't some kind of business transaction. This is a place to grow old and enjoy everything that God has to offer in a place like this." Kyle sighed heavily. "Why would your father pay even the slightest bit of attention to Vogel when it comes to doing what's right for his own family."

  Kyle realized his voice had risen to fever pitch. Emotion had seized control of his words. He'd shown Veronica just how much all of this had come to mean to him. No longer were the Flint family strangers to Kyle. They were almost like kin to him. He remembered when the Baxters had first come to Inspiration over ten years ago. He recalled how hard they'd had to work to make the ranch into a going concern. All the battles that had been fought against the elements, the rustlers, the financial struggles to make ends meet. But it had all been worth it. After all the hardship had come joy and contentment unlike anything Kyle could imagine. He wanted the same for the Flint family. And, most of all, for this beautiful woman and her lovely daughter.

  "You're not telling me your father would ever think about quitting all of this and going back to Chicago," he said disbelievingly. "What about his proposal to help out at the church. I'd have thought that shows nothing can change his mind about settling down in Inspiration."

  Veronica nodded. "Over the last few days I've heard Vogel and my father arguing. Vogel can be quite persuasive when he wants to be."

  "What did Vogel do back in Chicago?" Kyle asked.

  "Vogel was a kind of fixer for my father. He helped set up deals. Sometimes he'd get involved in the early negotiations if my father was interested in a particular construction project. Or if he wanted to buy a property he'd found." Veronica shrugged. "Vogel was involved in just about every aspect of my father's business."

  Reaching the corral, Kyle leaned against the wooden fence. Veronica halted by his side and did the same. "What was in it for Vogel?"

  Veronica tilted her head. "Money. And loyalty, I guess. Vogel has always been loyal to my father. I can remember how Vogel saved my father from trouble plenty of times. Deals going wrong; partners pulling out at the last minute; prices being pushed up." Veronica looked thoughtful for a long moment. "Now that I come to think of it, Vogel always seemed to be able to find a way to fix things if they went bad."

  "And your father made sure Vogel was paid well?" Kyle asked, already guessing what Veronica would say in reply.

  "Well enough that he could enjoy a good life," Veronica confirmed.

  "And you reckon Vogel came out here to Montana because of his loyalty to your father?" Kyle asked. "Couldn't he have just stayed in Chicago? Started something on his own?"

  Suddenly, Veronica's eyes darkened. Her brows furrowed and she sighed quietly. "I don't think it was that simple. Things were getting difficult in Chicago. Before my father left last year, there was talk that some of the people he'd worked with were unhappy with some of the deals my father had been involved in during the last few years."

  "What kind of deals?" Kyle asked.

  "The details aren't important," she said. Kyle could see just how troubled she was by the subject. "My father had made some enemies back in Chicago." Veronica brows furrowed into deep ridges. "I think he came here to get away from those enemies. And to put the past well and truly behind him."

  "He told me he wants to make a new start," Kyle said. "Is that why? Because there are men back in Chicago who harbor ill-will toward him?"

  "More than that, I'm afraid," Veronica said.

  "And what about you?" Kyle asked.

  Veronica lifted a brow. "What do you mean?"

  "Why did you take so long to leave after your father and mother?"

  "That's complicated," she said. Pausing a long moment, she was lost in thought. He wondered if he'd stepped over an undeclared boundary. Finally, she peered into his eyes. "I left Chicago after my husband Jack died. I couldn't stand living in the city anymore. Molly and I moved out to a little town outside Chicago. It was near Jack's parents.
My father didn't approve, of course. He wanted Molly and I to move into his grand home in Chicago. But, I wanted something different for Molly. Something peaceful and safe."


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