The Rancher’s Beloved Bride

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The Rancher’s Beloved Bride Page 17

by Maya Stirling

  Both Kyle and Veronica were silent for a while. Kyle took a moment to consider what she'd just told him. Had she felt in danger in Chicago? Had she feared getting caught up the consequences of her father's business dealings? It made him wonder how dangerous had been the men with whom Vogel had been dealing. That meant one thing. Vogel was used to mixing with bad company. And had been accustomed to doing that for many years. It was clear to Kyle that Vogel had been doing some of Dominick Flint's more unpleasant tasks for a long time. Using Vogel had been convenient for Flint. It had enabled him to keep some of the bad people he'd had to associate with at arms length. And thus Flint had used Vogel to keep his family safe.

  But something had changed, Kyle told himself. Having gotten to know Flint, Kyle figured the man had probably had enough of the dangerous life he'd been leading. And, driven by his past, he'd been led to seek a safer place far away from Chicago. And more than that. In the course of finding Inspiration, Dominick Flint had also found a new connection to that one thing which Kyle knew made all the difference in people's lives. The Lord had caused Flint to see things clearly.

  But, just how much of the past had Flint managed to leave behind? Vogel's suspicious behavior suggested that Flint might not have left it all behind. Kyle wasn't sure he understood what Vogel was up to but, having listened to Veronica, he now had a clearer idea of what might be driving the man to act the way he was acting. Maybe Vogel hadn't left everything behind in Chicago, after all. Perhaps the man was thinking about what he might stand to lose if he remained out here in Montana. Maybe he didn't like the life he'd found out here? Kyle scoffed inwardly, thinking how impossible it would be for someone not to love living in Inspiration. Then again, the delights and distractions of city life might be hard for a man like Vogel to give up.

  Kyle glanced at Veronica, savoring the delicate beauty of her profile. The pert nose; the full lips; her high cheek bones; the arched ridges above her eyes; her long dark hair. She was heart-achingly lovely, he admitted to himself. He knew he could gaze upon her beauty every moment of the day. She seemed oblivious to him watching her. Finally, he saw her eyes flicker and she turned to face him. Her eyes narrowed as she caught him gazing at her. Wondering what his expression had revealed, Kyle turned his head and gazed out beyond the corral at the rangeland.

  One urgent question came to mind. Did Veronica realize she was in danger? Because, now that he felt he understood Vogel better than before, Kyle was sure the man was plotting something. Whatever it was it wouldn't be in the Flint family's interest. He was sure of that. And, if that was true, then it might affect Veronica and Molly.

  Kyle's jaw tightened. He wasn't about to let that happen. It was time to warn her. He turned to face Veronica and reached out, taking her hand in his. Her skin felt warm and soft. Veronica's eyes widened as she felt his touch. He was sure he heard a faint gasp escape her lips. Thankfully, she did nothing to release her hand. He saw faint color spread upon her cheeks.

  "I want to ask you something very important, Veronica," he said abruptly. "It's about Vogel."

  Veronica's eyes narrowed. "What about him?"

  Kyle swallowed. "I don't trust him. Don't ask me why. I can't tell you the details. But, after what you've just told me, I want you to give me your word that you'll stay well clear of Vogel."

  Veronica squinted at Kyle. "Why would you want me to do that, Kyle?"

  For a moment he savored the sound of his name on her lips. It wasn't often she called him by his first name. But, when she did, Kyle enjoyed the sound of it on her sweet lips. Dragging his attention back to the urgent matter at hand, he said: "Do you trust me?" he asked softly.

  She didn't even pause. "Of course I trust you."

  Kyle allowed a smile to crease the corner of his mouth. He saw her gaze drift down to his lips. "Those are the sweetest words you've said to me, Veronica. They make my heart feel glad." He leaned closer to her, catching her scent on the breeze. "I don't how this has happened, but you mean a whole lot me. You know that, don't you."

  Again, she didn't skip a beat. She nodded. "I think I do." Her voice was quiet, but there was a certainty in it that he liked the sound of. He saw her do her best to mask her reaction. In spite of that, her cheeks flushed a beautiful pink color.

  "You and Molly," Kyle insisted. "Both of you are real important to me now. You understand what I'm trying to say to you, Veronica."

  She smiled softly. "I think I do, Kyle. I feel the same way." Her brows rose and her gaze softened. "About you," she murmured.

  "You do?" Kyle said quietly, trying to contain the emotion in his voice.

  Then she did something which made his heart leap with joy. She lifted her hand to his face and ran the back of her fingers down the side of his scruff-covered cheek. He felt a tingle of emotion sweep right through him. He wanted to lean his head down and plant his lips on hers. The need to kiss Veronica was almost overwhelming. But, knowing that there might be curious eyes at the window of the house, he restrained himself. No use would come from acting like that, he told himself. Apart from anything, it might put Veronica in a difficult position having to answer awkward questions from her parents.

  Instead, he took her hand in his, turned his head away from the house and kissed the back of her fingers. He heard her gasp. Releasing her hand, he looked into her eyes and saw just how much that tender gesture had meant to her.

  Kyle heard the sound of a door opening. Looking over to the house he saw Dominick standing on the porch. He waved to Kyle. "Your father wants me," he told Veronica.

  Turning and seeing her father, she said: "Are you going to say anything to him about Vogel?"

  Kyle sighed heavily and shook his head. "Not right now. I'm going to wait before I do that." He saw relief on her features. Was she worried about what he might do? That somehow, by making his doubts about Vogel known to her father, Kyle might create some kind of crisis?

  "Don't worry," he said to Veronica. "Everything is going to be fine."

  He started to make his way toward the house determined more than ever to do everything he could to make sure Veronica and Molly were safe.


  A half hour after her talk with Kyle out at the corral Veronica heard raised voices from behind the closed doors of the sitting room. It was then that she realized something was wrong.

  For the last thirty minutes Veronica had been sitting in the parlor, idly grasping a book in her hands and trying to stop wondering what was going on behind the closed doors of the sitting room. From time to time she heard her father's booming voice. Occasionally there had been laughter. For a while, Veronica had been sure the meeting between her father, Kyle and Vogel had been going well. Molly was upstairs in her room and Veronica's mother was in another part of the upstairs. Veronica was the only one able to hear what was going on behind the closed doors.

  "What are you saying!" Her father's stentorian roar echoed in the hallway. It was less of a question and sounded more like an accusation. Shock rippling through her, Veronica placed the book on the side-table and stood. Worry twisted a knot in her middle and she peered at the closed doors. She could hear the voices of all three men talking animatedly at the same time.

  An argument had broken out. Veronica was sure of it now. Her heart sank as she realized what all the noise meant. Trouble.

  Taking a few steps toward the hallway, she heard Kyle's voice, sure and steady, momentarily raised above that of her father. "It's my opinion. And you can take it for what it's worth. I've made my case, and it's up to you if you believe me," he declared. Kyle wasn't shouting. He was simply stating what he believed to be the truth.

  She heard heavy footsteps and then the door was thrust open. Kyle froze when he saw Veronica standing in the hall. Kyle gazed wide-eyed at her. His face was flushed and his breathing was fast. Behind him, Veronica saw her father advancing toward the door. Vogel was standing by the fireplace. Even from where she was standing Veronica could see the man's narrow eyes were filled wit
h barely-contained fury.

  Veronica clasped her hands nervously at her midriff and took a step toward Kyle, wanting to say something. Anything to help. She could feel the tension in the air.

  "Veronica. This is none of your concern," she heard her father declare from behind Kyle. Immediately she wanted to disagree. Of course it was her concern. If it meant her attachment to Kyle was in jeopardy then it very much mattered, she told herself.

  Kyle stepped out into the hallway. He paused in front of Veronica. His eyes flashed from side to side. She saw him trying to find the words to express how he felt. But, with her father watching from the doorway, it was clearly difficult for Kyle.

  Kyle held his Stetson in one hand. He ran his other hand through his loose, dark hair. Shaking his head, he gazed at Veronica. "I'm sorry, Veronica," he murmured. "I tried. But your father doesn't see things the way I do." Then he took a step closer and added in a quiet voice: "The way we both do."

  "Mr Baxter has just made some quite ridiculous accusations," he stated in a voice which echoed in the hall. Her father turned and looked at Vogel. The man stood watching the scene play out. He was like a detached observer witnessing a cruel battle. "Mr Vogel has been with me for many years. As you well know, Veronica, he has always had my trust and loyalty."

  Kyle turned to her father. "Perhaps you're too attached to your past to see the truth, Dominick," Kyle declared.

  At those words, her father strode forward and faced Kyle. "My past is my own affair, Mr Baxter." Peering at Veronica, he added: "As is the good name of my precious daughter."

  Kyle's eyes flashed with sudden fury. "What do you mean by that?"

  "You know perfectly well what I mean," Dominick said sharply. "The attention you have been paying to my daughter has not gone unnoticed."

  Now it was Veronica's turn to feel a surge of indignation. "Father, that isn't fair. Kyle has been nothing but kind to myself and Molly. You've seen how generous he's been."

  "I've seen plenty of what has been going on these past few days," Dominick countered. He glared at Kyle. "And I have to say, I do not approve."

  Veronica gasped. "Father! What are you saying?"

  Dominick peered at Kyle. "This rancher has come into my home and made unsubstantiated accusations against a man who has been in my employee long enough for me to have unwavering faith in him."

  Vogel started to walk toward the door. Veronica glared at him, seeing the look of triumph on the man's face. "Then why did he leave the carriage the other day when you and I were in the pastor's house?" Veronica snapped.

  Dominick's brows furrowed. "What are you talking about?"

  Veronica saw Kyle stare disbelievingly at Veronica. She hadn't planned for him to find out like this, but she'd had no choice. Not if her father was determined to humiliate Kyle in this way, she told herself. Veronica pointed at Vogel who was now leaning nonchalantly against the sitting room door frame. "Ask him where he went the other day," she insisted. "I saw him sneaking off."

  Her father turned to Vogel. "Is this true?"

  She expected Vogel to deny it. Assumed he'd utter some weasel words. But, instead, he merely nodded his head. "Veronica's right. I went for a walk. It was a sunny day and I was feeling hot sitting there waiting." The man's words sounded unconvincing and too easily stated, as if he'd prepared them beforehand.

  Veronica heard Kyle draw in a sharp breath. He took a step forward and seemed about to say something. Then, he glanced at Veronica and his lips tightened into a thin line. She wondered what he'd been about to say. Whatever it had been, he'd clearly had a change of heart.

  Dominick peered at Kyle. "I think it would be best if you leave, Mr Baxter. Unless of course you wish to offer Mr Vogel an apology."

  Kyle's gaze steadied and the corner of his mouth creased with a wry smile. "Apologize?" He laughed quietly. "I won't be doing that, Mr Flint." Kyle glanced at Veronica. Her heart was pounding faster than a stallion's hoofbeats. She wanted to go to him. Let him take her in his arms. Make things right again. Kyle was speaking the truth. She knew it because she trusted him. As if reading her mind, Kyle shook his head. "I'll be going." Then he walked to the door. Pausing as he opened it, he glanced back at Veronica. His mouth opened and she readied herself for his words. Perhaps an invitation to go outside with him where he'd explain what had happened. Instead, he simply smiled and turned away from her.

  The sound of the door closing heavily behind Kyle made something heavy sink in Veronica's middle. Turning to her father, she frowned. "Was that necessary?"

  Her father lifted his chin and gazed at her imperiously. "There's nothing to talk about, Veronica."

  Advancing on her father, she shook her head. "I think there is," she snapped. Peering at Vogel she saw him walking slowly toward the staircase. He looked like a man who'd won an easy victory. Veronica bristled with indignation. Because she had faith in Kyle, she wasn't about to let Vogel off the hook quite so easily. "Why have you been so dead set against my father turning this spread into a ranch?" she asked Vogel.

  His brows furrowed. "Who says I am?" He jerked his head in the direction of the closed door. "Mr Baxter?"

  Veronica nodded. "He thinks you've been doing everything you can to persuade my father it's a bad idea." Veronica peered at her father. "And I think Kyle is right. Mr Vogel doesn't want you to succeed out here in Montana, father," she stated.

  "That's enough, Veronica!" her father exclaimed. "You have no right cast such doubt upon Mr Vogel's good character."

  Veronica scoffed. "Good character? Can I remind you that Mr Vogel did almost everything he could to stop us from coming here in the first place? Don't you remember how he predicted this would all end in disaster? That it was utter foolishness to come to Inspiration? Did you never stop to ask yourself why he would do that?"

  Veronica saw Vogel's features transform from confident indifference to a barely controlled indignation. For a brief moment she saw a glimpse of what was hiding behind the man's carefully placed mask. "Back in Chicago, your father was in the habit taking my advice in most matters of importance. Coming to Montana was just one of many things he consulted me on."

  Veronica glared at Vogel. "Perhaps you don't want my family to remain here, Mr Vogel. Is that the real truth? If that's the case, what's in it for you?"

  Vogel grunted angrily. Veronica's father scowled at Vogel, who quickly composed himself and forced a weary grin on his face. Veronica saw her father eye's flicker with doubt. Maybe he was recalling the many conversations which had taken place back in Chicago. Perhaps she could help him to see the truth. Just like Kyle had helped her see everything in a new light.

  Veronica heard footsteps on the staircase. She saw her mother making her way downstairs. "What's all this noise?" Augusta demanded. Veronica saw her father begin to shift awkwardly on his heels. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Augusta made straight for her husband. "Dominick Flint. What have I told you about talking business like this? And in such loud voices." Augusta ran her gaze from Dominick to Veronica and finally to Vogel. "Where is Kyle?" she asked.

  Veronica wanted to explain to her mother why Kyle had felt it necessary to leave. Why she believed him when he said her family should have concerns about Vogel and what he was really up to. "Kyle left early, mother," Veronica explained.

  "That is a shame. I thought he'd stay longer," Augusta said.

  "Maybe some other day," Veronica said hopefully. She saw her father's brows furrow at that suggestion. Did her father really intend to break off his association with Kyle. And hers? If that was the case would he then insist she never see him again? If he did, she knew she would not be able to comply with such an order. Veronica had already decided that there wouldn't pass a day when she wouldn't think about spending time with Kyle Baxter. He'd become too important to her for their attachment to be ended.

  Augusta sighed. "Let's all get ready to eat," she suggested. With one last look at Dominick, she added: "And no more business talk, please."

ca's father glanced sternly at Vogel, who mumbled a brief excuse and started to make his way slowly up the staircase. Dominick glared at Vogel's back as he watched the man make his way upstairs. She wondered what her father was thinking. Maybe Kyle had sowed some seeds of doubt. Perhaps all wasn't lost, after all.


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