The Rancher’s Beloved Bride

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The Rancher’s Beloved Bride Page 19

by Maya Stirling

  Urgency took hold of him. He wanted to get this over and done with as quickly as possible. Using the deep shadow on one side of the hollow, he eased his way down the slope and sprinted across to the outside of the cabin. He listened intently. Hearing no voices, and with his back to the wooden exterior, Kyle edged forward until he stood next to the door. Pressing his ear to the door, he listened again. This time he heard a sharp, metallic noise, as if someone was eating from a tin can.

  Tensing every muscle in his body, Kyle twisted his body, and then kicked a booted foot hard against the door. The door flew open, banging against the inside wall. Kyle leaped forward into a candlelit room. He heard something hard being thrown to the floor and a man cursed. Heavy thudding sounds filled the room as the man scrambled to a gun hanging over the end of a single, makeshift bed. Kyle drew his pistol in the direction of the sound. Roaring at the top of his voice, he ordered: "Don't move!" The man froze. It was then that Kyle saw who it was. Kyle gaped disbelievingly at the crouching figure.

  "Vogel!" Kyle snapped.

  Vogel's dark, hate-filled eyes fixed upon Kyle. "Baxter!" he exclaimed. Vogel moved quickly, apparently gambling that Kyle's shock would delay his reaction. But Kyle took a step toward Vogel and seized the man by the wrist. He hurled Vogel to the wooden floor. Vogel crashed to the dust-covered surface. His head whirled around and, once again his deadly gaze settled disbelievingly on Kyle. "Stay there, Vogel," Kyle ordered. "Don't even think about making a play for that gun."

  Vogel rubbed his wrists. "We're not the only ones here, Baxter," he said in a sly voice. "My men are outside." A hint of desperation cracked Vogel's voice.

  Kyle shook his head. "I don't think so, Vogel. I only saw one horse. Seems like your men are busy somewhere else." Kyle advanced on Vogel. He stood over the man and stared down at the cowering man. "What are you doing here?"

  Vogel's eyes brightened with hate. The firm line of his lips told Kyle he wasn't about to talk. Kyle ran his gaze around the inside of the cabin. He saw evidence of occupation, and not just by Vogel. There were two beds in the room. A stove sat near the back wall between the beds. One rickety table and two chairs was set beneath the only window. Strewn around the room were some leather bags and miscellaneous items showing how the men had lived here in recent days. He saw a pile of rope and a large carpetbag which looked oddly out of place amongst the mess. The place smelled foul. Maybe the two men had been here longer than he'd assumed, Kyle told himself. If that was the case then whatever Vogel had been up to had been planned a long time ago.

  Pulling one of the chairs to him, Kyle sat down. He pointed the gun at Vogel. "You're not going to use that on me," Vogel declared.

  "Is that so," Kyle said sardonically. Vogel tried to sit upright, but Kyle waved the pistol from side to side. "I don't think that's a good idea, Vogel," he said. Vogel froze and then coughed. Kyle glanced around the inside of the cabin. "This place sure could do with a good cleaning," he joked. "Don't suppose that's been high on your list of priorities, lately."

  Still sitting on the floor, Vogel leaned his back against the end of one of the single beds. Kyle glanced in the direction of the carpetbag. "I suppose that belongs to you. Planning on taking a trip somewhere?"

  Vogel looked at the bag. "Who'd want to live in a place like Inspiration?" he sneered.

  Kyle lifted a brow. "Now, why am I not surprised that you would say that?"

  "I tried to tell Flint he shouldn't come here," Vogel said. "But he wouldn't listen."

  "I figured that out for myself," Kyle said. Leaning forward, he examined Vogel. "You don't look like the man who'd feel at home on the frontier."

  Vogel scoffed. "Frontier! Is that what you call it? Nothing for miles but endless land. A town that can barely be called a town. More cattle than people. And too much religion." Vogel spat onto the wooden floor in front of Kyle's chair. "You can keep it all. I've lived my whole life in the city. And that's the way I aim to continue."

  Kyle shook his head. "Now there's where I think you're wrong," he said. "Depending on what you've been up to, I think the sheriff would like to have few words with you."

  "About what? I haven't done anything wrong," Vogel snapped.

  "That's where you and I will have to disagree, Mr Vogel," Kyle said. "You see, I think if we dig a little deeper into your affairs, we might find that you were planning on doing some harm to the Flint family." Kyle saw Vogel's eyes flare again. It seemed like whatever hatred lurked in the man had been there a long time. "Whatever it was you were planning, we'll find out. We'll get the evidence. And then you can talk with the judge."

  "Good luck with that," Vogel scoffed. "In any case, you're wasting your time. It's too late now."

  Something heavy sank in Kyle's gut. Vogel smiled. Kyle's blood ran cold at the sight of that smile. "What do you mean?" he demanded.

  Vogel snorted. "You're too late, Baxter." Kyle shifted in the chair and leaned closer to Vogel. Vogel laughed quietly and glared at Kyle. The man seemed to be enjoying every moment of watching Kyle squirm.

  Kyle stood, towering over Vogel. "Tell me!" he roared. Kyle felt every one of his muscles tighten as he peered down at Vogel.

  "Are you worried your courtship of the rich man's daughter is going to end with nothing to show for it?" Vogel snapped.

  For a second Kyle felt the urge to lash out. Hearing Vogel threaten him had awakened a primal impulse. One he was unused to feeling. Kyle dragged in a deep breath. Years of wise and sage advice from his parents and his brothers kicked in. He restrained himself. Violence solved nothing, Kyle told himself.

  "Is this about Veronica?" Kyle asked abruptly. "What have you done, Vogel?"

  "It isn't what I've done," he replied. "It's what my men have been told to do. That's far more important to me."

  Kyle reached down and hauled Vogel to his feet. Pressing his face up to the other man's features, Kyle glared at Vogel. He could smell Vogel's whiskey breath. "You're going to tell me what you've ordered those men to do."

  "Or you'll do what?" Vogel said.

  Kyle lowered his head and stared into Vogel's eyes. "This isn't one of your Chicago negotiations, Vogel." Kyle tugged on Vogel's shirt. "Tell me. And I'll make sure the judge goes easy on you."

  Vogel shook his head slowly. "That's not good enough. My revenge on Flint is about to come to fruition."

  Kyle's heart began to thunder. "Revenge?" Kyle snapped. "For what?" He still held Vogel close.

  The other man's eyes steadied into a hate-consumed gaze. "For all those years when he didn't give me what I was due."

  "Money?" Kyle exclaimed. "This is all about money?"

  Vogel grinned. "It's what Dominick Flint devoted his entire life to getting. So, I figured it was about time I got some of his money for myself. I helped him earn it, and he only ever paid me a pittance." Vogel shook his head. "I wasn't going to let him drag me all the way out to this God-forsaken land and waste the rest of my life rotting on that place of his." And then he added with a sneer. "Especially if he turns it into a ranch."

  An urgent thought seized Kyle's mind. Panic raced through him as he considered what it would mean for Veronica. "You're going to use his daughter to get the money you think belongs to you," he roared. "That's what you're planning. Kidnap? Ransom? Is that your game, Vogel. Just some cheap abduction for money?"

  Vogel tilted his head and regarded Kyle with a cynical look in his eyes. "You know, for a rancher, sometimes you can be surprisingly clever, Mr Baxter."

  Kyle tugged hard on Vogel's shirt. The man's face was an inch away. He met Vogel's icy stare. There was evil in those eyes. "I'm going to stop your men, Vogel."

  Vogel shook his head. "It's too late," he said with an unnatural calm in his voice.

  Kyle let Vogel tumble to the floor, took a few steps and scooped up the rope from the floor. Vogel tried to make a dash for the door but Kyle stopped him. Vogel's body, weakened by years of neglect behind desks, was no match for Kyle's lean, work-hardened frame. Controllin
g Vogel's twisting body, Kyle tied Vogel's arms and ankles. He coiled a rope around a broken gap in the wall, securing Vogel. Once he'd finished, he stood and peered down at the pathetic figure. Vogel wouldn't be able to move. Not until the sheriff came to get him.

  "I'd put a gag in your mouth, Vogel," Kyle said. "But this far out in the forest I don't think anyone would hear you."

  Vogel roared a variety of curses as Kyle strode out of the cabin. Making his way back to his horse, his features became grim as he listened to Vogel's anguished voice. Mounting his horse, Kyle started west, toward the trail that would take him back to his ranch. There, he'd get help, and plenty of it. And from there he'd ride fast to the Flint place. Whatever Vogel's men intended for the Flint family, and Veronica, Kyle was determined to stop them.


  She heard the voices up ahead as her horse crested a ridge on the twisting trail through the forest. Tugging on the reins, Veronica slowed her mount and peered into the semi-darkness. The trail cut through trees which surrounded her on both sides. It curved off to her left so that, even as she squinted her eyes, she couldn't see the source of the noise. But she could hear it. And it didn't sound good.

  Men's voices, clearly angry, roared in the cooling evening air. The neighing of horses, spooked by whatever trouble was taking place, echoed against the wall of trees alongside the trail. Yet more voices cried out. Violent words were exchanged. It sounded like a crowd of men. Clearly something was happening up ahead. She tried to make out the voices, hoping to discover whether they were strangers or people known to her. But, she couldn't make sense of the cacophony of mingled outrage.

  Then she heard a shot. One sharp, booming roar cut through the babble of voices and echoed in the air.

  Veronica's horse rose up and, for a moment, she was sure it was about to bolt, taking her on a wild trajectory away from the sound of the gunshot. The dangers of that were too obvious to contemplate. She seized the reins and, thankfully, the horse steadied. Veronica dragged in a deep breath and quickly considered what she should do. Going back the way she had just come made most sense. It was the sensible thing to do. Maybe there were robbers up ahead. Perhaps she might still get caught up in the trouble that was unfolding. She had enough to think of without dealing with that, she told herself. All she had wanted was to ride to the Baxter ranch and tell Kyle what she'd discovered. She was sure he would know what to do about it. Maybe he would even have some ideas about where Vogel might be found. After all, this was Kyle's land. He probably knew every corner of the territory around Inspiration like the back of his hand.

  Listening intently, Veronica noted that the tumult of voices had suddenly halted. Edging her horse forward, she slowly rode a few yards. The sun had sunk behind the trees and the gloom seemed to be growing by the minute. The scent of pine trees mingled with the slightly damp cool evening air. Her horse's hoofbeats were soft on the earth of the trail. Veronica's heart began to beat faster as she advanced up the trail. Leaning forward, she peered into the near distance. She still couldn't see the source of the conflict, but now she could hear the steady murmur of mens' voices. Now they were less feverish. Less frantic. Whatever had been happening seemed to be under control.

  Then, as she guided her mount around a sharp bend in the trail, she saw a rider heading straight for her. Veronica gasped, jerking on the reins. For a hurried moment, she thought of taking flight. Even heading into the trees to hide.

  But then, as she took one final look at the rider, seeking to discover if he was friend or foe, her eyes widened and she let out a deep groan. The guttural sound she made was a mixture of incredulity and relief. In the darkening gloom, she recognized the even features of the man riding toward her.


  Her heart swelled with emotion as she gazed at him riding toward her. He was about fifty paces away. She saw his gaze fix upon her and then he slowed his mount. Veronica drove her mount forward, racing toward Kyle. "Kyle!" she called out.

  He smiled at her as she rode toward him. She saw him dismount and stand for a moment by his horse. He was waiting for her. Impatient to be with him, she hurried her horse. Finally, she drew her mount to a halt next to him.

  Kyle strode toward her. "Veronica! What are you doing here?"

  Gazing down at him, she saw his face was covered in dirt. He was breathless and his features were flushed, as if he'd been involved in a fight. Before she had a chance to ask him to explain, he reached up his arms. "Come down to me, Veronica," he told her quietly and took hold of her waist. His touch ignited a sudden eagerness in her. She felt as if a dam had broken. The need to be close to him was urgent. She wasn't going to wait. Throwing her reins loosely across the horse's neck, she smiled at him and dropped down toward him. He held her firmly and she tumbled into his arms, laughing with delight. Kyle took her weight, holding her body close to his, and gently guided her booted feet onto the earth of the trail.

  Right away, she knew what she wanted from Kyle. Knew what she had needed since the last time he'd kissed her. His eyes glistened with delight as he gazed into hers. It seemed their minds were one. Kyle swept her into his arms, enclosing her in his embrace, leaned his head close and kissed Veronica. Breath eased out of her as she sank into his embrace. The wondrous sensation of his kiss overwhelmed her. His lips were soft, but there was a desire in his kiss which she hadn't felt before. Moments ago she'd feared for her own safety. Now, though, all that anxiety had been banished. She was in Kyle's arms, and that was all that mattered. It was all she had wanted since he'd left the Flint house.

  Kyle lifted his head and gazed down into her eyes. "I was coming for you, Veronica," he whispered.

  She felt moistness in her eyes. "You were?"

  Kyle nodded and dragged in a deep breath. Still holding her in his tender embrace, she felt his powerful arms tighten their grip. "I found Vogel," he murmured emphatically. Darkness clouded his gaze.

  "Where?" she asked.

  "A forest cabin to the east of town," he grunted. "He's still there. He won't be causing you or your family any more trouble." Before she had a chance to say anything he added: "I'll tell you all about it later."

  Veronica peered over Kyle's shoulder. She could see a group of men, perhaps six, mounted on horseback surrounding two other men who had their arms raised."What was going on back there?"

  Kyle's brows furrowed. He paused a long while before continuing. "You really want me to tell you?"

  Worry ignited in her middle. Perhaps the situation had been more serious than she'd realized. Veronica nodded, saying nothing.

  Kyle's nostrils flared and his jaw tightened. "Two men were planning to do something bad. Me, my brothers and a few ranch hands made sure the men didn't get to take what they came for."

  Veronica peered into Kyle's eyes. "What were they going to take?"

  Kyle gazed steadily at Veronica. She saw a sudden flash of pain in his eyes. "You," he declared. "They were planning on taking you, Veronica."

  She gasped. "Me?" She frowned at him. "Why would they do that?"

  "Because Vogel told them to do it," he informed her. His voice suddenly contained a hint of anger. His jaw tightened and then he added: "Seems like Vogel had some scores he wanted to settle with your father. And he wanted to use you as a bargaining chip to get money."

  Veronica gasped and then shook her head. "I knew there something bad about Vogel," she murmured.

  "And I did my best to tell your father. And you," he said.

  Gazing up into Kyle's eyes, Veronica tilted her head slightly. "I believed you. I have faith in you."

  The corner of Kyle's mouth creased slightly. "And, I've had faith in you since the day I met you." His arms tightened around her. She felt her heart beat quicker as he gazed into her eyes. "I could tell from the start that you were the woman for me." Her mouth opened, forming an O shape. He lifted his hand, and gently pressed a finger to her lips. "Hear me out."


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