Wolfish: Curseborne

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Wolfish: Curseborne Page 3

by G. K. DeRosa

  Cass hissed a curse and jerked my arm, stopping my forward momentum. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Pressing my lips into a tight line, I nodded. Tyrien Silverstalker be damned. I was the last Mystic wolf, and I belonged here. “I have to represent female wolf kind, right?”

  She laughed, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. I didn’t blame her. This arena was scary AF, and I hadn’t even seen the competition up close and personal yet. The day of the gala had been completely different. All the males were in suits and dressed to the nines. At the time, I hadn’t realized I was scoping out the enemy.

  “You’re going to do great, Sierra. And if you suck, at least you can say you got to play with the big bad wolves for a while. Maybe you’ll even find a hot new beta wolf to take home.”

  I rolled my eyes at my best friend. I hadn’t told her about Hunter’s appearance last night. It didn’t really count since it was his wolf, right? “I’m not competing in the trials for a mate, Cass.”

  “Then why are you doing it?” Worry etched deep lines into her forehead. “I mean last night when we were all talking about it, it didn’t seem so bad, but now here…” She motioned at the rowdy masses. “You could really get hurt.”

  I wrapped my arm around her and squeezed. “That’s what you’re here for, right?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t like it, Sierra. I just have a bad feeling.”

  I opened my mouth to spout out some words of comfort, but I came up empty. Truth was I had no idea what I was getting into. Luckily, a head of dark hair popped up from the crowd, and I quickly waved my friend down.

  “There you girls are,” said Ransom. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  “Yeah, we haven’t quite made it far past the front gate.”

  “You’re not having second thoughts are you, Violet?” He batted at my high ponytail and smirked.

  “You say that like I have a choice in the matter.”

  His lower lip jutted out, and even I had to admit the great Royal beta looked kind of adorable pouting. “Are you going to make me apologize again?”

  “Again and again and again. This is only the beginning, my friend.”

  “Perhaps I’ll simply compel you to forget my little faux pax.”

  Cass’s eyes sprang open. “You can do that?”

  He nodded. “All part of my vampire gifts.”

  I wagged a finger at him, narrowing my eyes. “Don’t you dare, Ransom. If you try to wipe my memories clean, I’ll never speak to you again.”

  “Fine, fine.” Ransom weaved his arm through mine and tugged me away from Cass. “Come on, we’ve got to get you suited up for the opening ceremony.” He ticked his head at my bestie and motioned to a door. “That’s where you’ll find the other healers. Check in with Terra, the Dragos’ healer, and she’ll give you your assignments. She’s in charge of all the healers for the trials.”

  “Okay.” Cass pulled me into another quick hug before reluctantly releasing me. “Go get ‘em, girl.”

  Unexpected emotion clogged my throat, but I swallowed it down. Today was not the day for tears. If I wanted to survive this, I’d have to be strong, and if I wanted to win, I’d have to be ruthless.

  Ransom dragged me down a corridor which led under the arena. The scent of moist air clung to my nostrils. “Everyone’s getting suited up in the lower chambers. The Lunar Packs get a special area all to ourselves.”

  “Whoop-dee-do! Aren’t we lucky?”

  “You scoff now but wait till you see the accommodations. Wouldn’t you rather shift in a private room with eleven males than a few dozen?”

  I grunted, but my stomach churned. How was I supposed to shift at all, was my purple wolf finally coming out of the closet?

  We turned the corner and reached thick double doors with a pair of wolf sentinels on either side. When the guards saw us, they sniffed the air and apparently content, sat back on their haunches. Ransom pushed the doors open and revealed a massive underground chamber, lavish mahogany furniture bathed in gold everywhere. Nine pairs of eyes drilled into me as I crossed the threshold. One was markedly heavier than the rest.

  I didn’t need to look up to know who I’d find. My mate’s gaze scorched over my flesh before turning to my escort. He crossed the distance between us in two long strides and jerked my arm free of Ransom’s hold.

  “Hey!” I growled. “I might need that arm for the competition.”

  Ransom chuckled, and a twinkle lit up his dark irises. “Careful, Aristaeus, your wolf is showing.”

  Hunter huffed out a breath, and his murderous gaze relented. A tad. “I need to speak with Sierra in private, pack matters.”

  All eyes were still on us, the room thick with lupine power. My wolf stirred, leisurely waking from a long nap. Though I could feel the other wolves’ presence, the weight they exerted was nowhere near that of Hunter’s. Still, there was no need to make a scene on day one. If my mate didn’t get his possessive streak under control, it wouldn’t be long before our emerging mate bond was out of the bag.

  “Of course.” Ransom held his hands up innocently.

  “What are you doing?” I hissed as he dragged me to a far corner of the immense room.

  “How can you still talk to Ransom after what he did?” he growled, brilliant amber eclipsing his pupils.

  “He explained himself last night. He said he was trying to protect me from his father, and he thought I deserved the chance to fight for alpha.”

  Hunter’s dark brow arched. “And you bought that B.S.?”

  I narrowed my eyes at the alpha-hole. “I guess he believes in me more than you do.”

  He barked out a laugh and speared his hand through his hair. “Gods, Sierra, you know nothing about our world. I’m only trying to protect you, and he’s trying to use you to distract me. Ransom wants to be alpha more than anything else, and he doesn’t care who he hurts along the way. He knows there’s something between us, and with you in the trials, I won’t perform at my best. I can’t when I’m worried about you.”

  A tangle of emotions warred in my gut, half his, half mine and wholly overwhelming. “Why do you worry so much if you don’t even love me?” I spat.

  “I told you already, it’s my wolf. You’re my mate, and there are some emotions that are just innate.”

  I hazarded a quick glance at the opposite side of the room. Most of the wolves were chatting amongst themselves, circling the table with a vast spread of delicacies, but a few threw casual glances in our direction. It was only a matter of time before they figured it out, and according to Hunter I’d become more of a target. “If you keep acting this way, the other betas are going to figure out our connection. So you better relax.”

  He drew in a deep breath, and the amber in his irises faded to a deep green. “They know you’re new and now that they know you’re the last Mystic, it wouldn’t be entirely odd that I’m protective of you.”

  “Fine, then stop making googly eyes at me.” I shot him a wink because I couldn’t help it. Seeing him riled up was incredibly satisfying.

  The hint of a smile tugged at his lips, but it was gone a moment later. “I really do have something important to tell you. You won’t have to worry about shifting in the next few days but after the initial events, it will become crucial. I spoke to Terra this morning, and she thinks she can create a potion to camouflage your wolf’s unique hue. We’ll meet with her tomorrow to test it.”

  “Okay, great.”

  He nodded and turned on his heel, but I grabbed his arm.

  “Thank you, Hunter. I know being tied to me wasn’t the plan, but I appreciate you looking out for me.”

  His head dipped again, and he whispered, “Good luck today. I’ll try to keep my distance, for both our sakes.”

  I gave him the best smile I could muster and watched as he trudged back to the other males. I couldn’t help but trail his movements, his broad shoulders, the twitch of his muscles beneath the dark green skintight suit.

/>   As soon as he was gone, Ransom approached, in full fighting gear. A form-fitting stretchy suit covered him from neck to ankles. It was identical to the one Hunter wore, only a deep crimson instead of green. In my annoyance with my mate, I hadn’t had time to fully focus on the body-hugging outfit.

  Ransom must have noticed my blatant ogling because he shot me a smirk. “Your suit is in that room right over there.” His dark eyes twinkled. “I only hope it’ll look as good on you as I’ve imagined it.”

  I punched him in the gut with a smile of my own before spinning in the direction he’d pointed. I didn’t want to believe what Hunter had said about him. Ransom was fun and easy, and I needed that right now. Until he proved otherwise, I refused to think there was a devious reason behind our friendship.

  Across the door, the word Mystic Pack was stamped in thick gold. A crest was etched into the timber right below it. My chest tightened as I stared at my pack insignia, an indescribable emotion swirling inside. My finger darted out to trace the gold filigree, the crown and the image in the center. A wolf stood beside a wizard with a full moon behind, a deep purple filling the background. My pack.

  I finally tore my gaze away from the crest and turned the knob. The clingy suit hung in the small chamber, the dark purple hue almost a perfect match to my hair and the crest. I stepped into the stretchy material and zipped it up. From what I’d learned, the suit was like a thicker second skin, protecting the competitors in battle. It was lightweight and allowed ease of movement and was spelled to remain intact when we wolfed-out. That would certainly help with the nakedness thing.

  “Ready, Violet?” Ransom’s voice seeped through the door.

  “Coming!” I tossed my clothes into the little closet and stepped out to the main room. Again, all eyes bored into me. All the men now wore identical suits to mine, each in a unique color.

  Hunter stepped forward, his eyes lancing straight through me. Shaking his head out, he pivoted his gaze to the other males. “Gentlemen, meet Sierra Wildstone. As I’m sure you’ve all heard by now, she is the last of the Mystics and the first female to compete in the Alpha Trials for as long as records have been held.”

  I plastered on a fake smile, threw my shoulders back and met each of the males’ intimidating stares. Never show fear, Sierra. My wolf surged to the surface, and a low growl vibrated my throat. There was no way she was bowing down to these guys.

  Hunter pointed at the first two men, each in light blue suits. “Triton Octopian and Aquor Krill, beta and gamma of the Atlantic Pack.” Both males shot me brilliant smiles. With matching cerulean hair neatly tied at their napes, I wondered if they were related.

  Hunter moved down the line to the next pair of competitors clad in lavender. “Canyon Birch and North Lazuli, beta and gamma of the Court of Wolves.” These two males barely spared me a nod. Their lips twisted into sour expressions as their cold eyes quickly scanned over me and apparently found me lacking. Freakin’ faeries.

  “Zuriel Morael and Araton Turiel, beta and gamma of the Celestial Pack,” Hunter continued, and the two angel/wolf hybrids stepped forward. Each of the males shot me a heart-stopping smile. They were perfect male specimens, almost too beautiful with long, flowing golden hair, and youthful luminescent skin.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sierra Wildstone.” Zuriel stepped forward, took my hand and deposited a kiss. My cheeks flamed as Araton repeated the gesture, the deep blue of his suit mirrored in his expressive irises.

  A swirl of jealousy shot through the bond, and my eyes darted up to meet Hunter’s. His face was a mask of calm.

  Hunter cleared his throat and turned to Ransom and his brother, Castor. “I take it you’re already familiar with these two Royals.”

  “Yup,” I answered.

  One of the other males stepped forward, two sharp horns protruding from his forehead. “I’m going to re-introduce myself now, otherwise our supreme beta will surely relegate me to the last spot. Viceroy Sarcum, beta of the Demon Pack and my cousin, Vix Langid.”

  “Right, how could I forget the man that ran us off the road in the middle of the night.”

  The demon wolf chuckled. “Had I known who I was speaking to at the time, I assure you our exchange would have gone very differently.” His onyx eyes swirled, darkness coating his features. “You know, our people were close once. Before your pack was indiscriminately exterminated.”

  “Careful, demon,” said a golden-haired angel.

  “Of course the Demons would’ve loved to see the Mystics rage out of control,” one of the faery wolves spat.

  “Gentlemen, now is not the time to discuss past ugliness.” Zuriel took my hand and warmth seeped through my skin. All the anxiety from a second ago vanished, and it was like I was floating on a cloud. “Let us not hold Sierra accountable for the sins of her ancestors.”

  Ransom smacked the top of his hand, and the angel released his hold on my palm. “Enough of your soothing energy, Zuriel. You don’t want to relax the fight right out of her.”

  The Celestial wolf grinned, those beaming white teeth lighting up the entire room. “Of course not, my friend.”

  Don’t trust any of these wolves, Sierra. Hunter’s deep voice echoed across my mind. They may act kind but, in the end, only one thing matters to every male here. Winning the trials.

  Does that go for you too? I shot back.

  His soft chuckle caressed my insides, and my wolf stirred. A long minute later his answer reverberated through my skull. Yes.

  “Enough of the chit chat,” Ransom interrupted and slung his arm across my shoulders. “Excuse me while I tear Sierra away from the lot of you. And kindly keep your distance from my new friend, gentlemen. Araton, Triton, and Canyon, you three are already mated, no need to be greedy.”

  The Royal beta towed me to a sitting area beside the changing rooms. A door opened and a female appeared, the first I’d seen today. Beneath her arm, she carried a table which she set up a few yards away from us. She covered it with linens and a fluffy pillow.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “Oh, Violet, have you even lived?” He chuckled. “It’s a massage table of course. For in between the events.” Eyeing the leggy blonde, he shot her a wink and the girl’s cheeks rosied. Of course. “If you’d like I can reserve you a spot for later? Those pampered faery wolves always claim all the best slots.”

  “Nah, I’ll be fine, thanks.” I glanced across the room at the congregation of sparkly unicorn wolves. Most of the males remained near the table in the center with the carafes of wine and platters of food.

  Ransom caught my gaze. “Sorry, I should have asked if you wanted something?”

  My stomach roiled at the mere mention of food. “Nope, I’m good. I was just thinking about what you said—the mating thing.”

  He crossed his legs and sat back in the chair.

  “You think some of these wolves would try to make a move on me? During the trials?”

  “The trials provide the perfect opportunity. Not to mention the ultimate need. As the only surviving Mystic, technically you’re an alpha, darling. Mating with you would not only be pleasurable” –he winked deviously—“it would also be extremely strategic.”

  Ransom had no idea I was a magical dud. None of them did. I was sure that would make me much less desirable. I fixed my eyes on the vampire wolf. “Is that the only reason you became my friend? You’re hoping to seduce me to get more power?”

  He barked out a laugh, and half of the room turned to face us. Hunter’s glare bored into the side of my face, warming my cheeks. “Remember, Violet, I had no idea who you were when we first met. Your Mystic pack affiliation is only an added bonus.” He leaned in and tugged on a lock of lavender hair. “You’re gorgeous, sexy as sin, and quite entertaining. That is why I spend time with you.”

  I swallowed hard, all the moisture evaporating from my mouth as his bottomless irises drilled into me.

  A platter crashed to the floor, and I jumped up. With a grunt, Ranso
m blinked, freeing me from his dark scrutiny, and cocked his head over his shoulder. Hunter stood over a mess of broken shards and splattered meat and vegetables. The tendon in his jaw fluttered like mad, and a murderous flash of gold streaked across his irises.

  Why did I have a feeling things had just gotten way more complicated?

  Chapter Four

  The roar of the crowd reached a deafening crescendo as I stepped onto the arena floor, trailing behind the line of Lunar Pack males. Hunter marched a few feet behind me, the tension rolling off his broad shoulders bearing down on me in thick waves. The rest of the competitors from the other packs were already in place, huddled in a group in the center. Araton, the Celestial beta, led the way and lined us all up in front of them.

  The lighthearted banter with Ransom in the preparatory chamber had succeeded in getting my thoughts off the trials, but now, now I couldn’t deny the inevitable. My heart jackhammered in my ribs, gaining momentum with each step closer to the center of the arena. The sand below my boots shuddered, and I threw my hands out to the sides to keep my balance. Earthquake? What the heck was going on? Just ahead, a platform rose from beneath the earth.

  The imposing form of Tyrien Silverstalker appeared over the crowd. He rose from the ominous stone throne and raised his hand. The entire crowd silenced. “Welcome to the Alpha Trials, the pivotal occasion of the year, which will decide your next high alpha, the wolf who will reign supreme over all the wolves and second only to me. At the culmination of the month’s events, only one male will remain”—Tyrien’s slate eyes darted to mine before refocusing on the audience— “May the strongest wolf win.”

  A clap of thunderous applause punctuated his final word, and a chill raced up my spine. I was as good as dead. Tyrien would use this event as an easy way to kill me off without incurring any suspicions. As if any of the other packs cared if the Mystics mysteriously became extinct, again. I had to ask Ransom more about it. I had a feeling Hunter was still keeping something from me. Could he still be protecting his father?


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