Wolfish: Curseborne

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Wolfish: Curseborne Page 7

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Do you want to try to shift?” Hunter’s hushed words drew me from my inner musings. “We can go for a run in the woods before I take you home.”

  I nodded. “Sure. Might as well give this bad boy a try.” I shook the potion, and the dark liquid sloshed around the glass.

  “Bottoms up,” he said.

  I tipped the vessel to my mouth and gulped down a mouthful. The thick sludge coated my tongue, coagulating in my throat. I squeezed my eyes shut and swallowed, suppressing the overwhelming urge to gag. “Oh man, that was disgusting,” I finally managed. How was I going to drink that stuff every day?

  “Follow me.” Hunter turned down another dark corridor, and we descended deeper into the hill. The air thickened, the moisture clinging to my pores. My head spun from all the winding passageways and maybe that disgusting concoction. Just when I was certain I could go no further, he halted in front of a thick metal door.

  He slid the enormous iron bolt over, and the door groaned open. The scents of the forest filled my nostrils, and I drew in a deep breath of fresh air. Finally.

  “Let’s get away from the lair, and then we’ll give it a try.” A flicker of gold streaked across Hunter’s irises, and my wolf awakened. Her big head bumped my insides, a leisurely yawn spilling from her wolfy lips.

  “Sounds good.”

  His fingers tightened around mine, reminding me he still held my hand. It felt so natural, like breathing. He led the way as leaves crunched beneath our feet. The further we moved in the woods, the stronger the excitement that pulsated through my veins. The sights and sounds of the forest called to my wolf, urging her out.

  Hunter picked up his pace, his long strides outpacing mine, until I fell into a jog beside him. I caught a smile from the corner of my eye, and he broke into a run. I hurried to keep up, pumping my arms to match his rhythm. Before long, we were racing through the dark woods, an intense happiness bubbling up inside.

  “We can count this as your training session for tonight.” Hunter smirked as he leapt over a fallen tree stretched across the path.

  “Sweet.” Running was the only thing I excelled at.

  “There’s a clearing a little way ahead. We can stop there to shift and test out the effects of the potion.”

  I nodded and jumped over the old tree trunk. My wolf skimmed the surface. I could feel her close. Maybe my fears for my glowing wolf had been suppressing my ability to shift. Now under the safety of Terra’s potion, she could finally be free.

  The dense canopy of trees above opened up into a clearing, streaks of moonlight illuminating the verdant green glade. Stars dotted the sky, twinkling against the endless onyx backdrop. A narrow bubbling stream crossed the center of the grassy vale before disappearing into a small pond ahead.

  “It’s beautiful out here,” I whispered.

  The weight of Hunter’s gaze bored down on me. “It is.” He tugged me to the center of the clearing, and the pale blue moonlight caressed my skin. “Ready to give it a try?”

  I nodded quickly before I could chicken out.

  “Take off your clothes.” The rough edge to his tone stroked my insides.

  My mouth went dry, my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth. I swallowed hard.

  “Sorry,” he said thickly. “I forgot about your delicate human sensibilities.” He pivoted so his broad back faced me, and I could’ve sworn I caught a grin splitting his perfect lips.

  I tugged my shirt over my head before I could think too much on it, then unhooked my bra. The snap echoed across the still forest. A faint growl slipped from Hunter’s clenched lips. I ignored the heat rising to my belly and unfastened the button of my jeans. I reached for the zipper, my fingers tight on the metal tab. I jerked it down and the loud zip sent my heart leaping up my throat. Another growl from my mate.

  My insides clenched.

  With a deep breath, I slid my panties down.

  Hunter’s nostrils flared, and he sucked in a breath. My skin prickled, and a wave of goose bumps puckered my flesh.

  “You better shift quickly, Sierra. I’m not sure how much longer I can restrain myself.” His rough tone sent another wave of heat crashing through my core.

  Holy werewolf babies! Like I was going to be able to focus now. Butt naked in the middle of the forest with the man I’ve wanted for years a few yards away, I forced myself to concentrate on my inner wolf. She rustled inside, nudging her fluffy head against my ribcage. Come on out, girl.

  “Close your eyes,” said Hunter, his voice still raspy and sexy has hell. “Picture her. How she feels, how she smells. How it feels when you’re in her skin. You’ve been in charge for years, now it’s time to let her take control.”

  I did as he said, my lids slipping closed. I inhaled a deep breath and imagined myself on all fours padding through the forest, the sounds of scuttling creatures, the myriad of scents tickling my nose. Then a pair of smoldering golden irises filled my vision.

  Hunter’s wolf. The black beast called to me, his warm, inviting growl filling my core.

  I dropped to the ground, digging my fingers into the moist earth.

  “That’s it, Sierra. You’ve got this.”

  With Hunter’s words lingering in the air, my wolf emerged, white fur sprouting across my arms. I tipped my head back, and a howl erupted from my lips. Bones cracked, tendons snapped, and heat raced through my body. The change came faster this time and with less pain. My face elongated and a dark nose and white snout blotted out my vision, my furry tail wagging behind me.

  I shook off the discomfort and peered up at the full moon. The light illuminated my white fur, my perfectly normal wolfish fur. No purple, no glow. It worked! I glanced to where Hunter had stood a moment ago, but in his place a ginormous black wolf towered.

  He whined and cocked his head, and his golden orbs fixed on mine. He pawed the earth, then crept closer, and my wolf responded with a low rumble. She—no, I, nudged his big shoulder.

  You’re more beautiful than I remembered. Hunter’s wolf spoke inside my head, and my she-wolf chuffed in response.

  She pranced around in front of him, waving her tail. I needed to stop talking about her like we weren’t the same person. It was less freaky that way somehow.

  You are the same, Sierra. You and your wolf are one. The sooner you accept it, the easier the transition will be.

  If we’re one, then how come you keep telling me that your wolf is in love with me, but you aren’t? The thought burst out before I could stop it.

  He shook his big head, his luminescent eyes cast down. It’s different because of the curse. Somehow, he still feels everything, even if I don’t.

  Everything? A naughty thought streaked through my mind. I dipped my head under his chin and ran the length of my body beneath his nose. A deep rumble vibrated his massive chest.

  Sierra… he growled. I just told you restraint is not my wolf’s strong suit.

  I circled him, rubbing against his warm fur. Relax, Hunter, I’m just playing around. I pounced, nipping at his ears then darting for his tail. He let out a warning growl, but I ignored him. I was having too much fun.

  He finally gave chase, and a swell of giddiness filled my wolf. I darted between the trees as he trailed behind. I knew he was taking it easy on me. I’d seen him fight before and he was crazy fast. I bounced on my forepaws and circled, getting a feel for my new form.

  Hunter chased me, nipping at my tail and my heels if I didn’t move fast enough. I was so distracted I almost ran straight into the stream. The bubbling water caught my attention, and I dug my front claws into the dirt, stopping a few inches from the edge.

  I huffed out a wolfy breath as I stared into the dark strip of water illuminated by the moon and caught my reflection. Pure white. A black shadow appeared over me and those radiant golden orbs reflected in the water.

  He nudged my cheek before nuzzling my ear and leaning into me. Then he moved his mouth to mine and licked my muzzle. Hunter’s wolf was massive, easily the size of a pony. His
furry form pressed into me, and I leaned right back. It felt so good to be near him, like finding my missing half. With him by my side, I finally felt complete, whole. I canted my head and drew my slobbery tongue over his furry cheek.

  His deep chuckle resonated across my mind.

  Yup, it’s official. I definitely like you better in wolf form. I shot through the bond.

  Same. You talk much less.

  I let out an indignant yelp and spun on him. Catching him off guard, I tackled him to the ground. His long legs flailed as I straddled his broad chest and snapped at his snout. Dodging my advances, his big mouth closed over the scruff at the back of my neck, and he jerked me off. I blinked and I was on my back, sharp white fangs bearing over me.

  Submit, he snarled but a hint of playfulness remained.

  I don’t think so alpha-hole! I snapped at him and wriggled beneath his massive weight. I could’ve sworn his dark wolfy lips curled into a grin.

  Submit, and I’ll let you go.

  No way.

  He opened his mouth, showcasing gleaming teeth and closed his jaw around my throat. I dug claws into his chest and shoved, but he didn’t budge. My heart jackhammered against my ribs, the roar of my pulse echoing across my sensitive ears. I waited for the sharp pang, the gush of blood, but it never came. I could feel a slight pressure around my neck, but it wasn’t painful, only slightly infuriating. Like I was some naughty wolf pup, and he was trying to teach me a lesson.

  I closed my eyes and stopped fighting him, letting my body go limp. His big chest bumped against mine, our bodies now flush. A different heat raced through my blood, and my animal instincts took over. A low whine escaped my clenched teeth, and Hunter stirred. His nostrils flared as a peculiar, sweet scent filled the air between us.

  Another growl rumbled through Hunter’s barrel chest, and he flipped me onto my stomach, his jaw still soft around my neck. He rocked his hips against my backside, and fire exploded in my core. Pressed against the cool earth, with Hunter glued to my back, my body reacted against the feel of his.

  Mate. Mate. Mate. The familiar call bounced through my mind.

  Hunter stiffened above me. Muttering a curse through the bond, he released his hold on my neck and rolled off me.

  Ice slid through my veins, extinguishing the building flames. A whine slid from my lips as confusion muddled my wolfy thoughts. Did we just almost…? I blinked rapidly, chasing away the lusty haze and pushed myself onto all fours. Turning to face Hunter, my chest deflated.

  His wolf was gone. A very naked man huddled a few feet away from me. His lips were pressed tight into a grim line, his eyes cast down to the dirt he squeezed between his fingers.

  Are you okay? I crept toward him, but he refused to meet my gaze.

  Shaking his head, he finally said, “I don’t think our wolves should be alone together. Not until we figure this out—”

  Stop pushing me away. I let the thought fly despite the steel bands crushing my heart. Playing hot and cold with me was one thing but messing with my wolf was another. I got right up in his face and flashed him my teeth. A deep growl rent the air between us. When will you see that the only way through this is together?

  He pulled his knees into his chest and it took all my self-control to keep my eyes up, instead of migrating south. “I’m terrified, Sierra. Don’t you see that? I want to protect you more than anything, but I’m worried that I am your biggest threat. You said it yourself.”

  Heat surged through my veins, and the charred scent of magic swirled around me. A purple haze blanketed my wolf and in the space of a heartbeat, I was back. Back in my human form. No shifting, no bones cracking, no pain. I was a wolf one second and a human the next.

  Hunter finally lifted his gaze from the ground, his eyes wide as they met mine. “How did you--?” He cut himself off, his jaw slack.

  “I have no idea.” A jolt of excitement raced through my dark thoughts. I’d never sensed magic like that when I shifted. Could my Mystic powers finally be emerging? Maybe Terra was right. I had been suppressing my own magic by not shifting. A smile split my lips as I slid down beside Hunter. “You said wolves are stronger when they’re mated. Maybe just getting closer is enhancing my powers.”

  His dark brows furrowed as he regarded me, his eyes intent on mine. He held my gaze for a few long moments before drifting down past my chin, to my collarbone and… The heat of his gaze pierced my flesh. Holy shift! I’d completely forgotten I was naked. Maybe I was getting used to this shifter nudity.

  I squirmed beneath his blazing scrutiny of my bare body. An impossibly long minute later, he lifted his eyes to mine once more. I let out the breath I’d been holding.

  “I’ve never met anyone like you, Sierra Wildstone. You are the strongest female I know. After everything I’ve put you through, you still want me. You still want to fight for me. I’m not sure of many things, but I am certain that I don’t deserve you.” His warm hand cupped my cheek, his rough thumb grazing my face. Gold flashed across the darkness, and raw emotion spilled out.

  I knew Hunter could love me. I could feel it deep down in my soul. We just had to figure out how. I mirrored his pose, framing his face with my hands. “You may not deserve me, but fate has decided that our destinies are tied. Instead of spending so much energy fighting it, maybe we should figure out a way to make it work. I promise I won’t let you hurt me.”

  He nodded slowly. “You’ve got me by the tail, Sierra. I’m completely whipped.” The ghost of a smile lifted the corners of his lips. “Let’s do this, together.”

  Chapter Nine


  It took every last ounce of restraint to leave Sierra in her den. I’d clawed my palms bloody lingering at the threshold. I wanted her so badly my wolf was tearing its way out of my human form. He wanted to claim her as his on the kitchen counter, the old couch, the bed, the floor, anywhere and everywhere.

  Gods, I was so weak. I’d vowed to keep her at a distance, promised myself I wouldn’t let her get attached for her own sake. And only a few weeks with her, and I’d already given in. My wolf had been a second away from taking her in the woods. If I’d triggered the mate bond, that would’ve been it. Breaking it would have wrecked us both.

  I finally reached the back tunnel into Silverstalker Lair and raked my hands over my face. The flight back had been a blur. Despite my promises to Sierra, I wouldn’t let her throw away her happiness on me. Not until I found a way to break the curse. I didn’t want her to know, but Terra had been working on it since the night of the gala. I didn’t dare hope. I’d spent the better part of a year searching for an answer but had come up empty-handed. Could Terra do any better?


  I huffed out a breath as I reached the corridor that led to my den. Beside my two guards, a familiar form slumped against the door. Vander’s eyes snapped open at my approach.

  “About time you got home.” He rubbed his eyes, and a yawn spilled out.

  “What’s going on?”

  He ticked his head at the door, and I lengthened my stride, anxiety surging. I’d asked my friend to use the SIA to get some intel on the Mystics as soon as I’d discovered the truth about Sierra’s bloodline.

  My guards opened the doors to my chamber, their gazes cast down as I barreled by them. Vander pushed himself off the floor and followed behind. As soon as the doors slammed shut, I whirled on him. “What did you find?”

  My best friend stretched out on the couch and yawned again, shaking his head out.

  “Vander!” I growled.

  “I’m sorry. I was dead asleep. I’ve been waiting for over an hour, give me a second to wake up.”

  I paced in front of the couch, wearing a path on my new rug as a tornado of unease swirled in my gut.

  “You were right,” he finally said. “Sierra comes from alpha blood. Her father, Alaric Wildstone was set to become the new alpha before his disappearance. His sire, Atlas, had been the Mystic alpha for decades, not to mention, high alpha and supreme
alpha in his youth. He was one of the strongest males in all the packs.”

  A string of curses erupted from my clenched teeth. “You think my father knows?”

  “Possibly. Though Atlas Wildstone was well known, it was nearly impossible to find out much on Alaric, Sierra’s dad. And nothing on her mom. It’s like all traces of them had been magically wiped away.”

  “Makes sense. Since Sierra and her mom were in hiding.”

  “Right. But if I was able to discover the truth, I wouldn’t put it past your dad. If he doesn’t know already, it won’t be long until he finds out.”

  Invisible bands tightened around my chest. Mate. Mate. Mate. I had to protect her at all costs. “He’s going to try to kill her in the trials…”

  Vander stood and squeezed my shoulder. “That’s why you’re there to defend her.”

  “What if I can’t?”

  “You will.”

  That suffocating pain wrenched my chest, my lungs. The closer we grew the more painful it was. My heart battled against the constraints of the curse, wanting to love her, to be with her. “If I get too close Vander, I’ll slip. I can barely stand being around her without—”

  He grinned. “Without claiming her?”

  My head dipped. “It’s an impossible battle. One I won’t win. I’ll need to stay close to her at the trials, but I’m not sure how much longer I can resist.”

  “Then stop resisting, brother.” Vander placed his hands on my shoulders and fixed his eyes to mine. Not an easy feat for most of my wolves. “Let her take the lead for once, Hunter. You’ve been dictating your future for long enough, living in fear of the curse. Now it’s here, but she’s strong and for whatever reason, she’s chosen to love you.” He shot me a smirk. “Despite your dark and broody insides. There’s no better way to protect her than with your body and soul. Complete the mate bond and let the chips fall where they may.”

  I shook my head and wriggled free of his hold. “I can’t risk her happiness like that. What if we never find a way to break the curse? What if she’s stuck with a mate who can’t love her for the rest of her life?”


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