Wolfish: Curseborne

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Wolfish: Curseborne Page 12

by G. K. DeRosa

  My heart sank as my grandma regarded me with dread in her eyes. I hadn’t even considered kids… Obviously if Hunter and I were mates we’d have them. Would they be Mystics like me or Dragos like him? What abilities would they have?

  “The man is cursed. Leave him be. Return to the human world and stay with me for a while until things blow over. Then go wherever you want and find a nice human man and leave the supernatural world far behind.”

  I wriggled free of her hold and walked to the window. The rows of pale cornstalks were bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. Releasing a long breath, I stared at the half-filled wicker basket. “Easier said than done, Grams. You and Mom kept the truth from me my whole life, and it’s not something I can just walk away from now. My wolf is a part of me, and I won’t keep her cooped up inside a skeletal prison forever.”

  “You’re being foolish, child.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe.” I stepped closer and wrapped my fingers around the back of the wooden chair. “Or maybe becoming the next high alpha is the way to finally get revenge on Tyrien.”

  Her dark eyes widened into a bottomless abyss. “What did you just say?”

  I steeled my nerves and fixed my gaze on my grandma, preparing for the battle that was about to ensue. “Tyrien forced me to enter the Alpha Trials.”

  She blanched and clapped her hand over her chest. “No… Sierra, you must leave Moon Valley now. He’s going to use those trials to kill you, if not by his hand, then by another’s.”

  “Not if I can win, Grams.” My wolf growled, egging me on. “I could be the next high alpha.”

  “By defeating your mate? And then what?” She wrung her hands on the apron slung around her waist. “You think by becoming high alpha you’ll be safe? It’ll only add more fuel to the fire. Tyrien will never let you live, and once he finds out you’re mated to his son—” Her words cut off, and the hair on the back of my neck rose.

  Hunter marched into the kitchen, his arms pressed across his broad chest. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I found something.”

  “What?” Grams and I shouted in unison.

  “I searched the fields and found one more paw print. The scent of magic surrounded the spot, and a tiny scorch burn singed the earth.”

  “Like the one a portal could make,” I blurted. “They must have a warlock with them.”

  He nodded. “I’m pretty sure they’ve taken your mother to Moon Valley, and if my father did have something to do with it, I know where to start looking.”

  A hint of hope filtered light into my dark and dreary insides. “Let’s go then.”

  “Sierra,” Grams warned. “We’re not finished.”

  “Yes, we are. We can talk about this later. Right now, we need to find Mom.”

  “It’ll do your mother no good if you get killed right alongside her.”

  Hunter stepped forward, fury radiating off his broad shoulders. “I’d give up my life for Sierra’s. No one will hurt her as long as I’m alive, I swear it.”

  Grams scoffed. “We’ll see about that.”

  “We have to hurry; the nearest portal station is a few miles from here.” Hunter’s fingers weaved through mine and he turned me toward the door, but I whirled back at the last minute.

  “One more thing, Grams, your coven, the Lune Sacré, how can we find them?”

  Her eyes widened for a fraction of a second before a mask of calm settled over her features. “I have no idea. I haven’t associated with my coven for decades.”

  “Well, if you think of anything, let me know.”

  With a quick nod, she trailed behind us as we darted through the living room. “Please be careful, Sierra,” she called out. “And let me know as soon as you hear anything.”

  “I will!” My wolf surged to the surface and when I hit the gravel driveaway I was on all fours. Again, no pain, no bones breaking. I blinked, and I was a wolf. I paused to wait for Hunter as he shifted, the golden mist surrounding his form before his wolf emerged.

  How did you do that? His wolf’s voice echoed through my mind.

  I don’t know. It just happened like last time.

  He cocked his head to the side and whined. We’ll have to ask Terra more about it. You ready to run?

  I was born ready.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “So where exactly are we going?” I jogged behind Hunter to keep up with his long strides after the quick flight from the portal station. Thank the goddess for those dragon wings. The town square was quiet as the moon hung over the valley. After all the commotion of the first round of trials, things had slowed down with the break. Guess I wasn’t the only one that needed to recover. I ignored the twinge of pain across my shoulder blades as I hurried to catch up with him.

  Hunter reached his hand back and hauled me forward. “We’re going to Demon Pack lands.”


  “Viceroy’s father, Verros, runs a pretty loose ship. If rogue wolves came after you and now your mom, it’s likely they hail from his pack. Vander had been sniffing them out for a while but couldn’t find anything through SIA routes. I’m hoping if I go to the man himself, he’ll be able to give us a lead.”

  “You think he’ll just do that? Betray one of his own?”

  “For the right price, he will.”

  We reached the edge of the valley, and I scanned the encircling hills for the Demon Pack lair. No wolfy dens like I’d seen for the Dragos and Royals.

  “This way.” Hunter ticked his head to a small cave hidden at the foot of the hill. He led the way through the dark tunnel, and the hair on the back of my neck stood at attention. Creepy critters raced across the earthen walls as we descended into the darkness.

  “The Demon Pack’s lair is underground?”

  “Yup.” He didn’t slow his breakneck pace, tugging me along beside him.

  After what seemed like forever, with anxiety squeezing my ribcage, we reached a pair of wolfish sentinels. They both stood at our approach and bared their fangs. Two pairs of crimson eyes drilled into me, and I lowered my gaze. So freaky.

  “We’re here to see High Alpha Verros Sarcum,” said Hunter, his beta power thickening the air until the two guards sat back on their haunches. His eyes glazed over, and I assumed he was speaking to the pair through the pack mind link.

  A moment later, they parted and the metal doors groaned open, revealing a cavernous space. Across the dimly lit chamber, a tapestry with the Demon Pack crest hung from the wall—an ominous skeletal demon entwined with a wolf across a pitch-black shield. Below the ornate embroidery, at least a dozen females draped across silken settees. Most wore lacey nighties and delicate underthings, while a few danced around completely nude.

  Hunter nudged me in the side, and I slammed my jaw shut. From the middle of the she-wolf harem, a very naked Viceroy appeared, a Cheshire cat grin on his lips. “Welcome to my humble abode,” he crooned. “To what do I owe this honor?” His dark eyes raked over me, a mischievous gleam rippling from the dark abyss.

  I couldn’t help my gaze from trailing down the tattoos inked across his bare form. My mate must have noticed my wandering gaze because a snarl slid free from his clenched jaw.

  “Put some clothes on for Luna’s sake,” Hunter barked.

  With a cheeky grin, Viceroy twirled around and signaled to one of the scantily clad females. She tossed him an article of clothing, and the Demon beta stepped into the shorts before turning back to face us. “Is that better, my supreme beta?”

  “Much.” Hunter cleared his throat and eyed the demon hybrid. “I was hoping to speak to your father, but your guards informed me he’s traveling.”

  “Hm, yes. Visiting the motherland. My father has always preferred the Underworld to this one.”

  “Is there something I can do to help?”

  “Maybe.” He ticked his head at the women throwing flirtatious glances in our direction, or really in my mate’s direction. “Is there somewhere more private we could talk?”

  He wav
ed a nonchalant hand. “You can speak freely in front of the ladies. They have my utmost trust.” He fixed his eyes on me and his forked tongue slid out, tasting the air. “As I imagine must be the case with this little she-wolf.”

  My wolf growled, her claws grating against my insides, and Viceroy chuckled.

  “I need information on some rogue wolves. Any of your pack mates go missing lately?”

  He scratched at his scruffy chin, pausing. “No, not that I can recall, but then again, there are a few hundred of us. It’s hard to keep track of everyone.”

  “How can you expect to win the title of high alpha when you can’t even account for your own wolves?”

  Viceroy sneered. “Who says I even want the almighty title, Aristaeus? That role is better suited for arrogant wolves like you and your father.”

  “I’m nothing like Tyrien,” he hissed, jaw clenched so hard I could hear his teeth grinding.

  “So you keep saying.”

  “Do you know anything about the rogues in the valley or not?” I interjected. Hunter was about a second from wolfing out, and the last thing we needed was a brawl. She-wolves or not, I was certain they’d fight fang and claw for their man.

  He turned to Hunter with a megawatt smile. “How much is this information worth to you?”

  “Name your price. We’re pressed for time.”

  Viceroy’s dark gaze lanced over me, and that tongue slithered out again. “How about a night with your new plaything?”

  A shudder raced up my spine, and I suppressed the urge to gag.

  “Never,” Hunter snarled. “Pick anything else but her.” His wolf surged to the surface, and his dragon wings snapped out.

  “Ah, ah, ah, so touchy. One would think she meant more to you than you let on.”

  “I don’t share,” he growled. “Do you want something from me or not?”

  “Fine. I’d like to win the next Lunar Pack trial.”

  My eyes bugged out as they darted between the two males. No way Hunter would throw a trial. Fear bubbled up in my gut, wrenching hold of my insides. What if we couldn’t find Mom?

  “I thought you didn’t care for the title,” he countered.

  “I don’t. I just get extreme pleasure from watching your humiliation.”

  Hunter’s face twisted into a scowl as an extended silence permeated the air. “Done.”

  Viceroy’s brow arched. He was as surprised as I was. He extended his hand which Hunter took begrudgingly. “Nice doing business with you.” He shot me a smirk. “Talk to Lucien. Word is his pet warlock, Aras, has been hiring rogues to do his dirty work.”

  Ransom’s dad, the Royal Pack alpha?

  “You’re sure?” he asked.

  “He approached a few of my guys, but they politely declined. Most may think of us as monsters, but the Demons don’t mess with females.” His curious gaze skimmed over me. “So much fuss for one little she-wolf.”

  Hunter closed the space between them, looming over Viceroy. “Are you saying Lucien was looking to hire someone to go after Sierra?”

  Viceroy gave a noncommittal shrug. “No one was named, but now that the truth about her Mystic blood has come out, it doesn’t take a supreme beta to put it together.” A devilish grin split his lips.

  Why would Lucien want me dead? And how would he have known who I was? That rogue wolf came after me well before I’d ever set foot in Moon Valley.

  “Thank you, Viceroy,” I said. “You could be saving a life.”

  His dark brows furrowed, and a flash of concern streaked across his typically sarcastic expression. A heartbeat later, it was gone, the snide grin returned. “You can thank me later, little wolf.” He winked, puckered his lips and blew me a kiss.

  And just like that he ruined it.

  Hunter’s hand latched onto the small of my back, and he steered me toward the exit. “We’ll see you at the trials,” he called out over his shoulder before picking up the pace and urging me forward.

  De La Sangue Lair loomed over us, a brilliant full moon cresting overhead and spilling pale blue light over the ominous rocky fortress. Could Ransom’s dad really be holding her in some dark dungeon inside? I wrenched my hands together to stop the trembling.

  “I still don’t like it, Sierra,” Hunter muttered as we crouched at the foot of the hill, just beyond sight of the lupine sentinels.

  “Ransom’s our best bet of getting in there and looking around. If Lucien really did orchestrate this whole thing, he’s not going to admit it to you.”

  “And you think Ransom would?” he snapped.

  “There’s no way he had anything to do with kidnapping my mom. I just don’t believe it.”

  Hunter scoffed. “He’s the one that outed you to the high alpha council. Why do you still trust him?”

  “Ransom explained why he did it. And to be honest, after what Viceroy said, he probably saved my life by spilling about my Mystic bloodline. If his father wanted me dead and his cousin had told him the truth about who I was, he would’ve gotten exactly what he wanted. With the whole council knowing, it would’ve been more suspicious if I suddenly disappeared.”

  “I don’t know, Sierra, I don’t like it and I don’t trust him.” He moved closer, and his shoulder bumped mine. Bursts of electricity shot through his t-shirt and across my skin. “What if we’re walking right into a trap?”

  I shook my head with more confidence than I felt. Even if Ransom knew what his father had been up to, I had to find my mom. If that meant walking straight into the maw of the wolf, so be it. “You promised Grams nothing would happen to me, and even if I don’t fully trust Ransom, I trust you to keep your word.”

  He shot me a devastating smile, and my heart tripped over a beat. “You’ve got my wolf by the balls, Sierra.”

  I couldn’t help the chuckle from sliding out as I pulled my cell phone out of my back pocket and began typing out a message.

  Me: I need to see you ASAP. I’m outside, but no one can know I’m here. Can you come down and get me?

  Ransom: Be right there.

  Hunter peered over my shoulder and grunted. “Guess it’s not just my wolf.”

  I smacked him in the arm and gave him a good eyeroll. “What can I say, at least someone wants to be my mate.”

  His face grew serious, the moonlight highlighting the tightness in his jaw. “You know it’s not like that.”

  “I know,” I muttered. “Just my luck I got stuck with a stupidly selfless and extremely stubborn mate.”

  A flash of gold streaked through his irises, and a low growl rumbled his chest. “I wasn’t this selfless until I met you.” He leaned closer, and my eyes fixed on his approaching lips. His full, kissable, yummy lips.

  I imagined them all over my body, exploring, kissing, nibbling. A wave of warmth spilled through my veins, and Hunter’s nostrils flared. A storm of lust ignited in my core as his desire mingled with mine.

  My wolf woke, the call of her mate driving her to the surface. Her whine parted my lips, and my tongue darted out. Hunter’s mouth inched closer, and I licked the corner of his pouty lips. He shuddered, the tremor making his broad shoulders heave.

  The crackle of approaching footsteps crushing dried leaves forced us apart. Hunter sprang to his feet, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down. “Let me talk to him first,” I whispered.

  He didn’t look happy, but he finally nodded. I popped up from behind the thick foliage and waved down the approaching gray wolf. The enormous creature sat back on his haunches as his dark gaze rolled over me. A shimmering crimson haze crawled up his long legs before blanketing his whole body. The air vibrated with energy, and I felt the shift coming.

  Diverting my eyes, I waiting as the wolf transformed back into my friend.

  “What’s going on, Violet?” Ransom’s voice lifted my gaze.

  Speeding past all the naked bits, I focused on his face. “Thanks for coming so quickly. I need your help.”

  He glanced over my shoulder, and his eyes narrowed
. “Come on out, Hunter. Skulking in the shadows is unbecoming for a future supreme alpha.”

  My mate jumped up and moved to my side, shoulders pinned back and chest puffed out. He was ready for a fight. He really believed Ransom had something to do with this.

  “Now, what can I help you with?”

  “My mom’s been kidnapped,” I blurted.

  “What?” Genuine surprise arched his dark brows. Or he was a really good actor.

  “And we’re fairly certain your father had something to do with it.” Hunter glared at the Royal beta.

  I dug my elbow into his side and growled through the bond. I told you to let me handle this!

  “My father?” Ransom balked. “Why would he ever do that?”

  “We don’t know.” I took his hand and squeezed it between mine. A wave of jealousy pummeled my insides. Ignoring it, I fixed my gaze on Ransom’s. “I was attacked by a rogue wolf before coming to Moon Valley and then again by two more after I’d arrived. Now we think the same wolves went after my mom. We heard that Lucien sometimes hires rogues.”

  The crease between his dark brows deepened, and his lips twisted into a scowl.

  “You said yourself that if your father had known who I was, he would’ve tried to use me and my powers.”

  “But everyone knows who you are now. What reason would my father have for kidnapping your mother?”

  “Maybe she’s bait,” Hunter answered. “Perhaps he’s still trying to get to Sierra for her abilities.”

  “No, there has to be more,” I muttered, more to myself than the guys. We were still missing something. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter why right now. Can you help us search the lair?”

  “You really think my father would kidnap your mom and hold her captive in our home?” He scoffed. “I’m not saying he’s incapable of such a thing, I’m simply saying he wouldn’t be stupid enough to keep her in plain sight.” His lips pressed into a tight line. “I’m sorry, that sounded insensitive.” He motioned toward the looming fortress. “I’ll take you anywhere you want. But he stays.” He ticked his head at my mate.


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