Wolfish: Curseborne

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Wolfish: Curseborne Page 16

by G. K. DeRosa

  The second Tyrien stepped out into the hallway, my fingers flew over the dial pad of my phone from my hiding spot just around the corner. I didn’t need the supreme alpha catching me outside his son’s room twice in the same day. A part of me knew I was being stupid to think not one of his little spies had told him about our sleepover.

  My phone vibrated in my hand and I scanned the screen, excitement thrumming through my veins.

  Vander: Thanks. Heading out now.

  Me: Did you find anything?

  Vander: Nothing solid, but I’ve got a lead at least.

  My heart leapt up my throat.

  Me: What does that mean?

  Vander: I’ll tell you in person. Meet me at your place in an hour.

  Me: Okay.

  I typed okay, but I really wanted to say, you really expect me to wait for an entire hour after that cryptic message? What had he found?

  The creak of the infirmary door opening tore me from my musings. Terra’s smiling face appeared through the gap. “There you are. Hunter’s been asking to see you. I thought I was going to have to hunt you down myself.”

  I scanned the quiet hallway and crept out of my hiding spot. At least the crowd of curious wolves had scattered. Must’ve been lunch time. “How’s he doing?”

  “Much better. I was waiting for Tyrien to leave to release him.” She shot me a conspiratorial grin.

  I liked Terra. I hadn’t had much of a chance to get to know her but from everything that I’d heard from Hunter and Cass, she seemed awesome. After my experience at Arcane, I didn’t exactly have the best opinion of witches, and I was glad to finally meet one that would prove me wrong.

  She ushered me into the foyer of the infirmary where a few anxious family members filled half a dozen seats. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” Nodding, I folded into one of the chairs. Hunter hadn’t been the only one to suffer the wrath of the gora bora toxin. At least ten others had also been poisoned. Thanks to Tyrien postponing today’s events, they’d all be able to compete again tomorrow.

  Which reminded me I still hadn’t heard back from Ransom. He’d texted me last night when he heard what happened. Apparently, he’d twisted his ankle chasing one of the gora boras and had to limp all the way back. I wanted to know who the other wolf was—the one with the mottled fur who’d led the pack of demons straight for us. As I sat by Hunter’s side all night, I’d had time to process the event, and the more I thought about it, the more I was certain it had been an orchestrated attack.

  Terra appeared in the hallway and waved me down. “Come on in, Sierra.”

  “Thanks.” I followed her to the very end of the corridor where Hunter had been brought last night. Every healer from all seven packs had been in attendance to see to the alpha heir. Thank the gods.

  “Hunter’s going to be fully healed by tomorrow thanks to you,” Terra said as she walked beside me. “He told me what happened.”

  My eyes widened. I wasn’t sure I wanted everyone to know about my magical cameo. What if it had just been a fluke?

  “Relax, Sierra. Your secret is safe with me. I know how much you mean to Hunter, and I would never do anything to hurt my boy.” The sincerity in her words put me at ease. I knew how much Hunter trusted her so I would too. “If you ever want to practice with someone, I’d be happy to help. I knew a few Mystics in my day.”

  “You did?”

  She nodded quickly. “It isn’t something I brag about of course. After what happened.” She lowered her voice. “If Tyrien had known of my involvement with the pack, he likely would’ve ejected me from my position at the lair—if not worse.”

  We paused just outside Hunter’s door. “So you knew what he did to the Mystic Pack?”

  Her lips thinned. “I always suspected.” She squeezed my hand and gave me a sad smile. “I’m sorry. I wish I could’ve done something for your people, but I couldn’t risk losing my position at the lair. Leaving Hunter alone with Tyrien…” Her teeth clamped down on her lower lip. “I just couldn’t.”

  I nodded slowly.

  “Are you coming in here, or what?” Hunter’s raspy voice seeped through the doorway, and my heart tapped out a frantic beat.

  Chapter Twenty

  Terra released my hand and opened the door to his room. “I’ll give you two some time to catch up.”

  “Thanks, Terra.” Hunter sat up as I crossed the threshold. “And please lock the door behind you.” His dark hair was all tousled and sexy as hell, despite the shadows beneath his eyes. His skin had returned to its normal sun-kissed hue, and the anxiety I hadn’t realized I’d been harboring finally began to wane.

  My legs sped up of their own accord. When I reached the end of the bed, I clasped my hands together to keep from jumping him. I slowly lowered myself onto the narrow mattress and clenched my fingers into fists. I wanted to touch him, to be near him, to wrap my body around his. And for once, it wasn’t sexual. After the panic of losing him, my soul just needed the comfort, the reassurance that he was really here.

  His eyes met mine and the gold smoldered, a blazing inferno. “You can touch me,” he muttered, the roughness in his voice waking my wolf.

  I unclenched my fingers and reached for his hand. He pushed the covers back and met me halfway. Our skin touched and the familiar sparks tingled over my flesh, shooting up my arm. My lids closed, reveling in the heady sensations. “I was so worried,” I bit out, my hold tightening around his palm.

  “I know.” He tugged on my hand and scooting over on the narrow mattress, drew me into his arms. I lay my head on his shoulder as his cedarwood and vanilla scent enveloped me. Neither of us spoke for a long moment. I could feel my wolf surging to the surface at her mate’s presence, but I kept her at bay. It was my turn to enjoy human Hunter. I never knew when I’d get the opportunity again with his mood swings.

  He turned his head, and his warm breath swirled through my hair. He leaned closer and brushed his lips against my forehead. “Thank you,” he finally said. “I owe you my life—and so much more.”

  “Your life wouldn’t have been in danger if you hadn’t jumped in front of that demon to save me.”

  He tucked me closer into his side, his fingers dancing up and down my arm. “My life would be meaningless without you in it. I’d do it again a thousand times over.”

  I hazarded a glance up to meet those piercing eyes. Their intensity stole the breath from my lungs. “I know I said we’d work together before, but I really mean it this time. I promise you this, Sierra Wildstone, once we’ve found your mother, we will find a way to break the curse. Because I need you to be mine. I want you as my mate more than I’ve ever wanted anything in this world or the next.”

  My lungs struggled to function. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. All the words stuck at the back of my throat as he regarded me with a depth of emotion I didn’t think him capable of.

  “Almost dying has a way of making complicated things much clearer. I realize now how stubborn, and how unfair I’ve been. I thought I was doing what was right to protect you, but I know now that keeping us apart is not only impossible but also foolish. You’re right, we’re stronger together, and you are fearless, my mate. I will do everything in my power to make you mine. Now and forever.”

  I swallowed hard, emotion blocking my throat. I lifted my hand to his cheek and caressed the soft skin beneath the day-old scruff. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to say that.”

  A rueful smile curled his lips. “Probably as long as I’ve been wanting to say it.” His hands closed around my hips, and he dragged me onto his lap. His mouth captured mine, the crash of our lips resounding over the mad thrashes of our hearts. I pressed my chest against his and our hearts beat together, pounding out an ecstatic rhythm.

  Our tongues intertwined as he deepened the kiss, nibbling and tasting each other. There had always been fire between us, but after almost losing him, the stakes felt higher this time. His lips moved against mine, soft but strong, much like the stoic alpha heir
I loved.

  His hands slid under my shirt, his palms warm against my heated skin as he continued ravaging my lips. I rocked against his hardness, threading my fingers through the soft hair at his nape. A fiery ache brewed between my legs, intensifying with each stroke of his tongue, each caress, each perfectly orchestrated movement.

  “Oh gods, Sierra,” he groaned against my lips. “I don’t know how I lived without you for so long.”

  I shifted over him, grinding deeper into his arousal. I wanted him so bad I was certain I’d explode. “You’ll never be without me again,” I panted and tugged his shirt over his head then followed with my own. I needed the skin-to-skin contact. My mouth went dry as I ogled his flawless form. My fingers took off of their own accord exploring his broad shoulders and down his carved torso. Sweat glistened across the perfectly sculpted dips and valleys.

  Hunter’s fingers reached the button of my jean shorts, unlatching it with a flick of his wrist and his fingertips dipped below the waistband. My breath hitched as they danced along my sensitive skin. My back arched, and I let out a moan as he slid inside me.

  Oh. My. Gods. My hips ground into his hand as his mouth released mine and nibbled down my neck. His tongue skimmed my collarbone, grazing my birthmark and a thousand tiny shocks rippled over my flesh.

  “You’re mine,” he growled, the sexy sound nearly throwing me over the edge. “Let go for me, Sierra.”

  “I want you,” I rasped out as I reached for the waistband of his sweats.

  He slowly shook his head. “Not yet.” His mouth closed over mine again, our tongues engaged in a heated dance.

  I rocked harder against him, the bundle of nerves in my core aching for release.

  Let go, little wolf. His whispered thoughts slid into my mind.

  My core tightened and released, and an explosion of pleasure shot through my insides. I bucked forward and Hunter’s arms came around me as the delicious tremors wracked every inch of me. I unraveled for him, my she-wolf howling within.

  When the last of the mind-blowing quakes had passed, I slumped against Hunter’s bare chest. My finger slowly traced the cut of his abs as my pulse finally began to slow. His heartbeat thumped beneath my ear, slowing to match my rhythm. After a long bout of silence, I glanced up to meet those eyes. “If I’d known all I had to do was save your life to get a thanks like that, I would’ve done it a long time ago.”

  Hunter chuckled, his broad chest rumbling beneath me. “That’s nothing. Just wait for the real thing.”

  Excitement swirled in my veins and pooled in my lower half. “Exactly how long do we have to wait?”

  He cleared his throat, and a tinge of crimson colored his cheeks. “Not that it matters because it doesn’t. And if you don’t feel comfortable telling me you don’t have to—”

  I pressed my finger to his lips to put an end to his nervous ramblings. “Just spit it out.”

  “Would this still be your first time?” He quickly looked away after the words were out.

  A laugh burst from my lips, but I quickly clapped my hand over my mouth when I saw the embarrassment in Hunter’s eyes. “No, I slept with the first guy I found at Arcane after you rejected me last year.”

  A slow smile melted across his lips. “Then it won’t hurt to wait a little longer. Well, it won’t hurt you anyway.” He groaned and shifted beneath me.

  “Sorry!” I scrambled off his lap, but he held me firm against his body.

  “I feel better with you near. It’s a mate thing, you know?”

  I nodded. I’d read about it in my Werewolf 101 book. The bond that tied a pair was so strong that often when one died, the other followed shortly after. It followed that the reverse would also be true. Mates held the power to heal each other. I sighed softly. It was kind of crazy to wrap your mind around. Our mate bond wasn’t even completed, and I’d already experienced the intense effects. “I think my magic emerged because of you.” I hadn’t had much time to think on it, but it was the only thing that made sense. I’d felt something through his fingertips. It was like his energy had boosted mine.

  His dark brow arched. “How so?”

  “I’m not sure. Cass has always told me that our powers are derived from our emotions and I…well, I was a wreck. You were so pale, your heartbeats so slow.” My lip began to quiver, and I bit down to keep from crying. “I couldn’t let anything happen to you. And then I took your hand, and something happened when our skin touched. Maybe it was like the mate bond healing thing, only you healed my struggling magic.”

  “Maybe…” The crease between his brows deepened as he regarded me. “You’re going to try to use this to convince me to complete the bond before we break the curse, aren’t you?” His lip curled into a lopsided smile.

  I raised my hands innocently. “I’m just saying if we’d both be stronger with a completed mate bond, why not do it?”

  He cupped my cheek, and the tenderness in his touch made it impossible for me to believe there wasn’t love there. It had to be. It was just buried deep inside because of the damned curse. “Give me a little more time, okay? I want to make you mine, Sierra, but I want to do it the right way. With a clear conscience and an unburdened heart.”

  “Fine.” I nodded slowly even though I wanted to scream take me now! My movement shifted the clock on the nightstand across my peripheral vision. Crap! I had to meet Vander soon. I jolted up and grabbed my shirt from the foot of the bed. “I totally forgot I’m supposed to meet Vander in a few minutes.”

  “For what?” He sat up and traced my agitated movements with his watchful eye.

  “Vander got into Tyrien’s room while he was here visiting you.”

  “And what did he find?”

  “I don’t know yet. He wouldn’t tell me over the phone. We’re meeting at my place.”

  Hunter slid off the bed, and a hiss escaped through his clenched teeth. “I’m going with you.”

  “Shouldn’t you be resting?” I eyed him, narrowing in on the tendon fluttering in his jaw.

  “I’m fine. You heard Terra; she was going to release me anyway. I’m not letting you out of my sight with your mom missing and not after North’s little stunt in the woods.”

  “North?” The faery wolf’s face came to mind, but I didn’t remember seeing him in the trial at all.

  “He was the wolf that herded that pack of gora boras at us.”

  My thoughts flashed back to the mottled mongrel chasing the demons down the hill. I thought it had been more than an unlucky coincidence. “You think he was purposely gunning for me?” I just assumed the wolf wanted to win.

  “After my last conversation with my father, I wouldn’t be surprised.”

  My jaw nearly hit the floor. “He staged it?”

  “I believe it was a test. One I failed, unfortunately.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “He suspected we were mates, but this only confirms it. Me, sacrificing myself for you, it served to prove my father’s point. He said as much when he came to see me. I denied it of course.” He huffed out a breath. “Tyrien’s many things but stupid is not one of them.”

  “Great,” I grumbled. As if the target on my back wasn’t big enough before. “So now what?”

  “We continue as we have been. I’m not going to stop protecting you, and ultimately, he has no say in the matter. It’s preferred for alphas to mate within the pack, especially within the Lunar Packs, but it’s not a hard and fast rule. I only hope we can find your mom, break the curse, and complete the bond before he does something rash. I don’t believe he’d be cruel enough to go after my mate, knowing what that would do to me, but I truly don’t know what he’s capable of anymore.”

  I moved toward him and laced my arms around his waist, pressing my cheek into his chest. “I’m sorry.” I’m sorry your father is such a horrible excuse for a human being.

  “Me too,” he finally said after a long silence. “And I’m sorry that being mated to me has dragged you into this mess.”

  I glanced up and met blazing golden irises. Beneath the fire, I could feel the pain, the anger, the broken little boy who’d been raised by a tyrant. “Don’t ever apologize for that. Before I met you, I was lost. It was like my soul had been searching for its other half, wandering aimlessly, never quite fitting in. Being mated to you made me whole.”

  A heart-stopping smile spread his lips, and my breaths faltered. “I promise you’ll never be lost again, Sierra. Once we bring your mom home and break the curse, you’ll be mine and I’ll be yours forever.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I paced the small living room as Vander unpacked a sleek laptop from his backpack. Hunter was sprawled on my couch, his cheeks a shade paler than they should’ve been. I regretted letting him come. He was putting on a brave face, but he should’ve been in bed resting especially with the trials starting again tomorrow.

  “How long are you going to keep us in suspense, Vander?” Hunter sat forward on the edge of the sofa cushion.

  “Sorry. I was waiting for confirmation from my buddy at the SIA.” He folded onto the couch beside him and motioned for me to do the same, but I waved him off.

  My nerves were too keyed up to sit. I needed to keep moving or I’d explode.

  “I guess I can start explaining while we wait.”

  “Yes!” I shouted and loomed over him.

  “I didn’t find anything conclusive in Tyrien’s chambers besides a crumpled-up scrap of paper with a dollar amount and a series of numbers in the trash. I thought I recognized the pattern of digits so I went back to SIA headquarters to get this.” He pointed at his laptop. “So I could hack into the supreme alpha’s bank account.”

  My pulse quickened. “And what did you find?”


  “What?” I screeched.

  “Then I decided to go a little deeper. I hacked into the mystery account and found a series of transfers in. The strange thing is that they all coincided with significant dates. The first one I recognized was the day Sierra first shifted in Maginaria. Then there’s another one the day after those wolves attacked her in Moon Valley and the most recent was the day before her mom was taken.”


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