Say You Do

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Say You Do Page 20

by Weston Parker

  “Maybe it would have been cheaper, but I’m not sure some random person would have agreed to pretend to be his wife.”

  “Girl, anyone would pretend to be his wife. Have you seen him?” She gave me a pointed look before frowning again. “More to the point, why does he need a pretend wife?”

  “Something about his ex being there.” I sighed as I thought back to the call I’d gotten from him last night. “Apparently, she’s a real piece of work and he doesn’t want to show up single when he knows she’s going to be there.”

  “It sounds like he wants to use you to make her jealous.” April’s nose crinkled. “How do you feel about that?”

  “I don’t mind.” There might have been a teeny, tiny bit of untruth to that statement. “He’s not my boyfriend, April. He’s just a friend. If he wants to pick someone else up while we’re overseas, he can do it. Though he’d have to know the benefits part of our friendship would end if he did. As for wanting to make his ex jealous, why not? It’s kind of the dream, right? To be the winner in the breakup?”

  She rolled her eyes at me. “Just a friend. Right. I forgot. The point isn’t who’s winning in his breakup. It’s that he wants to use you to do it.”

  “That’s kind of flattering, right? I think it’s cool that he thinks being with me would make her jealous.” Lies, more lies. God, what’s wrong with me?

  April pursed her lips. “Don’t sell yourself short. You could make any girl jealous, but again, that’s not the point. The point is that he wants to use you.”

  “So what?” I shrugged. “He’s paying off my debts in return and I get to keep the shop. Who cares if I have to act all lovey-dovey with him for a couple of days?”

  I had a feeling I cared, but I didn’t mention it. April was already convinced that I wasn’t capable of maintaining a relationship like the one I had with Cyrus. I didn’t want to give her any reason to think that she was right.

  All that would do was worry her. She’d think I was falling for him and want to protect me from that. Heck, I wouldn’t have been surprised if she tracked down my airline ticket and burnt it to keep me away from him if she thought I was in danger of getting hurt.

  I really, literally couldn’t afford not to go on this trip and keep up my end of the bargain. If I didn’t go, the shop was as good as gone. It was that simple and that complicated all rolled into one happy, depressing package.

  Why, oh why did it have to be marriage we had to pretend about?

  April shot me a worried glance as she waited in the long line of cars in front of the school. “Well, as long as you’re sure you’re really okay with it. All I know is, I wouldn’t like knowing I was being used. On the other hand, knowing is better than not knowing, I guess.” She shrugged. “Hell, maybe it’s not that bad. At least you know what his intentions are and why. That’s a ton more honesty than I ever got with my ex.”

  “Cyrus and I are always honest with each other.” It was refreshing to know I had that kind of relationship with him, but it was also a little scary. At least he wasn’t asking questions I couldn’t give him the honest answers to. “It’s one of my favorite things about us.”

  “Us, huh?” She lifted both her eyebrows and pressed her lips into a thin line. “But sure. There’s nothing more going on between you guys than friendship.”

  The line of cars snaked slowly forward until finally, we reached the front. Adi hopped into the backseat and dumped her backpack on the floor before fastening herself in. “Hi, Mom. Hey, Luna. What are you doing here?”

  I twisted in my seat to face her as well as I could and smiled. “I wanted to come with mommy to pick you up because I’m going out of town for a few days and I wanted to say goodbye.”

  The corners of her lips turned down. “Where are you going? How long will you be gone?”

  “Less than a week. I’m going to Italy. Want me to bring you something back from there?”

  Adi brightened up instantly, licking her lips as she thought. “Definitely. I want chocolate and some Italian money and pizza.”

  “I don’t know that I’ll be able to bring back pizza, sweetheart. The chocolate and the money I can do.”

  “Okay.” She sighed. “I guess that’s fine.”

  “Let me tell you what. I’ll get what you asked for and I’ll pick you up something nice as well. How does that sound?”


  “Just good?” I reached out and wiggled my fingers like I was about to tickle her tummy.

  She hooted with laughter and squirmed even though I hadn’t touched her. “No, not just good. Great. It sounds great.”

  “Awesome.” I smiled and retracted my hand, tuning out April’s voice when she started asking Adi about her homework.

  One of the best things about being the cool aunt was not having to worry about things like homework. Instead, I let my mind drift to Cyrus and the conversation I’d just had with April.

  I hated that I hadn’t been entirely truthful with her, but how was I supposed to tell her that I felt sick when I thought about Cyrus with anyone else? How was I supposed to admit that she had been right and that I was finding it more and more difficult to separate my feelings from the sex?

  The truth was that I didn’t like the idea that he was using me but not for the reasons she thought. I didn’t like it because I was jealous. Jealous that Cyrus cared enough to try to make his ex jealous when I knew he would never care about me that way at all.

  Chapter 30


  Luna couldn’t seem to tear her eyes away from the window as we landed at Marco Polo Airport in Venice. I’d chosen seats on the right side of the plane so she’d have a good view of the islands coming in, and since it was almost mid-morning, the sun was starting to burn off the light drizzle that had blanketed the city earlier.

  “That’s just incredible,” she breathed as we came in for our approach. Her hand reached over the divider between our seats to seek mine out. She wrapped her fingers around mine and tightened her grip, her nose still up against the small window. “Thank you for bringing me.”

  “Anytime.” I turned my hand in hers so our palms fit together, then leaned over to look out of the same window. I’d landed here plenty of times before, but being here with Luna made me really appreciate the magic of seeing it for the first time again.

  The expanse of water below was dotted with smaller islands until Venice City came into view, its larger landmass consisting of a plethora of red roofs and the legendary canals. Luna glanced down at the open guidebook in her lap, then lifted a hand to point at the city.

  “Did you know it’s made up of one hundred and seventeen islands?” she asked, her voice filled with awe and disbelief.

  “I didn’t know the exact number, no.” Unlike Luna, I hadn’t studied up much on the place before coming here for the first time.

  Even though we were flying business class, Luna probably wouldn’t have noticed if they’d stuck us in the cargo hold. Her nose had been buried in that book since I’d picked her up at her place the day before, almost all the way to Paris, where she took a temporary break to marvel at the Parisian airport where we caught our connecting flight. If she hadn’t dozed off, I was pretty sure she’d have read up on Venice all the way to France.

  As we’d sipped on French coffee for me and tea for her, she’d spouted off fun facts about Paris and its airport, then opened the travel guide again as soon as our butts hit our seats for the final leg of our flight.

  Once we’d touched down and claimed our baggage, I whisked her through the busy terminal to the water-taxi dock. A man was waiting for us there, sent by our hotel after I’d made a booking online.

  Luna’s blue eyes were wide when she noticed him. “There’s a person with our names on his plaque. How cool is that?”

  “It’s awesome.” I grinned and felt a rush of genuine excitement I hadn’t felt for a long time.

  Traveling and even being picked up by drivers carrying my name on their boards wasn�
�t something that had tickled my fancy for years, but it sure did now. “I booked us on a private water taxi to get from here to the hotel. It kind of makes you feel like James Bond, getting off a plane and onto a fast boat to zoom into an ancient city.”

  “I can’t wait.” She laughed, the light scarf around her neck rustling in the breeze as we stepped onto the pier and greeted the hotel representative. He was dressed in a smart suit but wasn’t much for small talk.

  After confirming we were the passengers he’d been waiting for, he nodded at an attendant waiting nearby and the two of them took our luggage from us. Luna wrapped her arm around mine and slid her sunglasses over her eyes.

  “Assuming we don’t have any bad guys to catch once we get there, what are our plans for the day?”

  “Getting lost in Venice.” It was something I hadn’t done yet and something that came highly recommended by every travel website. “We don’t have anything to do until tomorrow with the conference, so I thought we’d spend the day seeing the sights.”

  I practically felt the thrill running through her body. “I’m so up for getting lost, but there are a few things we can’t miss. St. Mark’s Basilica and Square, Doge’s Palace and we have to see the Rialto Bridge.”

  Nudging her hip with my own as we followed the men wheeling our luggage along to our boat, I let my own sunglasses drop to my nose. “What do you take me for? I’m not a tease or a sadist and only one of those two would bring you all the way here and not visit all those places.”

  “I have it on good authority that you can be one heck of a tease,” she said, her voice low enough that only I’d be able to hear her. The corners of her lips pressed in like she was trying to hide a smile, but her little joke was forgotten when she laid eyes on the gleaming hull of our water taxi. “That’s just for us?”

  “Just for us,” I confirmed, stepping in and holding out my hand to help her. “The driver will drop us off at a central point on the Grand Canal and take our bags to the hotel. That way, we can use our time to explore and only check in later when we’re ready.”

  Luna’s jaw loosened. Then her arms were around my neck and squeezing me tight. “You’re the best fake husband ever.”

  Something dark formed a pit in my stomach at her words. Truth be told, this was only supposed to be a business transaction, but I was still glad she was here and not just so she could play my wife to get Samantha to back the fuck off me.

  I didn’t know how to tell her that without making her worry that I’d tricked her into coming, though. I’d been honest with her when I told her I needed her help, which was why she’d eventually agreed.

  Now that we were here, though, I was also just really happy to have her with me. Watching the wind whipping through her hair as she gripped the golden railing at the front of the boat once we got underway, her head turning this way and that to take in all the sights, I couldn’t imagine having come here without her for this trip.

  “Where to first?” she asked when we stepped off the taxi and got our first real look at the famous city.

  “Let’s just get lost and not think too much about where we’re going.” I took her hand in mine and led her off on the cobbled streets, pausing when she did to take pictures of the quaint and rustic buildings. “The basilica and the clock tower are that way. I booked us on a tour later. Told you I wasn’t a sadist or a tease, so for now, let’s head off the other way.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Luna smiled and followed me as we walked in the opposite direction to two of Venice’s biggest tourist attractions. We lost ourselves in the maze formed by the city’s walkways, stopping for about a million photos along the way. “I love that your first plan for the day was getting lost. There’s so much to see here.”

  She pointed toward artists sketching on canvas right there on the sidewalk and local produce sellers at a market we were walking past. “We’re really getting a feel for the place, you know?”

  “That was the idea. It was recommended on just about every blog I read, so I figured we’d better do it.”

  “Well look at you, Mr. I’m-so-cool-about-traveling. You actually read blogs before we came here. I’m impressed.”

  I wagged my eyebrows at her. “Anything to impress my wife. You know how it goes. When you’re married and out of that newlywed stage, the sex starts to dry up if you don’t take action.”

  She rolled her eyes, but her shoulders shook with laughter. “Leave it to you to use arguably the most romantic city in the world to spice up our imaginary sex life.”

  “Unless I’m very much mistaken and have been having some very vivid dreams lately, our sex life is not imagined.”

  “True, but if we really were married, would you have been hoping you’d be getting lucky tonight because you brought me here?”

  “Absolutely, but come on. Like you said, it’s one of the most romantic cities in the world. Everyone would want to fuck here.”

  “I believe the term you’re looking for is making love, not that other word.” She laughed and rolled her eyes again. “But I see your point.”

  A glance down at my watch told me it was time for us to start making our way back. Luna practically had stars in her eyes as we toured the famed, towering basilica and the buzzing main square.

  We fed pigeons and watched as children chased them. We saw gondolas gently lapping against the piers, chuckled at the striking ensembles worn by the gondoliers, and finally found a cafe to grab a bite to eat and do some wine-tasting.

  The sun was starting to set as we got our check at the cafe and the streets were emptying out as tourists and locals alike headed inside to get ready for the night ahead. Most of them would be heading out again, but I doubted we would join them.

  Luna’s eyelids were getting heavier by the minute and it was obvious the excitement of the day and the jetlag were getting to her. Venice was six hours ahead of New York, and even I was feeling the effects of it being past midnight back home.

  “Let’s head back to the hotel,” I said. “If we get hungry later, we can always order room service.”

  She nodded. “It feels like such a pity to miss out on even an hour of this place, but I don’t think falling asleep on my feet would do either of us any good.”

  “Right there with you.” I paid for our food and wine-tasting, thankfully without any objection from Luna, who was taking in the sight of the old-fashioned streetlights coming on beside the canal.

  She let out a contented sigh as she watched the orange glow of the lamps reflecting off the water, then took my hand when I held it out to her. I’d planned it so we ate near the hotel, making it an easy walk along the ancient cobblestone paths to get there.

  Luna gasped when I pointed out where we’d be staying. “It looks like a castle.”

  “Yeah, and it’s got the best views in the city,” I said. “Plus, there’s a rooftop pool and terrace where we’ll have breakfast in the morning. It doesn’t get any better than that.”

  “I don’t think it does,” she said, her eyes wide as we stepped inside the opulent lobby. The place was all old-school charm with modern touches, a gleaming hardwood floor beneath our feet and pressed ceilings.

  Overstuffed couches, thick rugs, and golden accents everywhere gave the beautifully restored hotel the feel of a place where history met with culture. I loved it here, even if it had been some time since I’d appreciated it the way I did now.

  Luna looked like she was floating on air beside me, seemingly having gotten a second wind from seeing where we’d be staying for the next couple of days. It was only when I received our keys and handed one to her that the smile slid from her face.

  “Two rooms?” she asked as we turned to head to the elevator. “Why did you get two rooms?”

  “I told you this is a business transaction. I mean sure, we’re friends too, but I didn’t want you to feel like you had to sleep with me in exchange for coming.”

  “Yeah. Sure.” She huffed out a breath as the elevator arrived and didn’
t speak to me again until she was standing in front of her room. “The lady downstairs said our bags had been delivered, right?”

  “Right.” I closed the distance between us and lowered my head to hers, brushing a kiss to her cheek. “Sleep tight, Luna. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow and we won’t be able to turn in this early again.”

  “Okay.” Her tired eyes caught mine, and it looked like she wanted to say something before she decided not to. Instead, she pressed her lips together and swiped her room key in front of the electronic reader. “Good night, Cyrus. See you tomorrow.”

  Without another look at me, she disappeared into her room and the door swung shut behind her. I stood in the richly carpeted hall for another minute, wondering what I possibly could have done wrong this time.

  The entire day had been lighthearted and easy, until we’d gotten our keys. She couldn’t possibly be offended that I hadn’t wanted to assume she’d want to share a room, even though as I headed toward my own, I couldn’t deny that I would have preferred only getting us one.

  Chapter 31


  Venice was everything I ever could have imagined and not a place I’d ever hoped to see in person. The labyrinth of canals and walkways was enchanting and the way the water sparkled almost as if it was made of molten gold was absolutely magical.

  The only downside to it all was being in this city for business. I’d hoped that it would at least feel like Cyrus had brought me as a friend, and at times, it did, but finding out he’d booked two rooms was a stark reminder of the real reason I’d accompanied him here.

  There had been times on our flight and once we arrived that it really felt like I was in Venice with him for the right reasons. Even if they weren’t romantic ones, it felt like he at least wanted me with him.


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