The Untamed

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The Untamed Page 10

by Max Brand



  He rode swiftly into the dark of the willows, and the lack of noisetold that he was picking his way carefully among the bended branches.

  "It seems to me," said Terry Jordan, "which I'm not suggestin'anything--but it seems to me that the chief was in a considerablehurry to leave the camp."

  "He was," said Hal Purvis, "an' if you seen that play in Morgan'splace you wouldn't be wonderin' why. If I was the chief I'd do thesame."

  "Me speakin' personal," remarked Shorty Rhinehart, "I ain't layin' outto be no man-eater like the chief, but I ain't seen the man that'dmake me take to the timbers that way. I don't noways expect there _is_such a man!"

  "Shorty," said Haines calmly, "we all knows that you're quite a man,but you and Terry are the only ones of us who are surprised thatSilent slid away. The rest of us who saw this Whistling Dan in actionaren't a bit inclined to wonder. Suppose you were to meet a blackpanther down here in the willows?"

  "I wouldn't give a damn if I had my Winchester with me."

  "All right, Terry, but suppose the panther," broke in Hal Purvis,"could sling shootin' irons as well as you could--maybe _that'd_ makeyou partic'ler pleased."

  "It ain't possible," said Terry.

  "Sure it ain't," grinned Purvis amiably, "an' this Barry ain'tpossible, either. Where you going, Lee?"

  Haines turned from his task of saddling his mount.

  "Private matter. Kilduff, you take my place while I'm gone. I may beback tomorrow night. The chief isn't apt to return so soon."

  A few moments later Haines galloped out of the willows and headedacross the hills towards old Joe Cumberland's ranch. He wasremembering his promise to Kate, to keep Dan out of danger. He hadfailed from that promise once, but that did not mean that he hadforgotten. He looked up to the yellow-bright mountain stars, and theywere like the eyes of good women smiling down upon him. He guessedthat she loved Barry and if he could bring her to Whistling Dan shemight have strength enough to take the latter from Silent's trail. Thelone rider knew well enough that to bring Dan and Kate together wasto surrender his own shadowy hopes, but the golden eyes of the skyencouraged him. So he followed his impulse.

  Haines could never walk that middle path which turns neither to theright nor the left, neither up nor down. He went through life witha free-swinging stride, and as the result of it he had crossed therights of others. He might have lived a lawful life, for all hisinstincts were gentle. But an accident placed him in the shadow of thelaw. He waited for his legal trial, but when it came and false witnessplaced him behind the bars, the revolt came. Two days after hisconfinement, he broke away from his prison and went to the wilds.There he found Jim Silent, and the mountain-desert found another toadd to its list of great outlaws.

  Morning came as he drew close to the house, and now his reminiscenceswere cut short, for at a turn of the road he came upon Kate gallopingswiftly over the hills. He drew his horse to a halt and raised hishand. She followed suit. They sat staring. If she had remembered hisbroken promise and started to reproach, he could have found answer,but her eyes were big with sorrow alone. He put out his hand without aword. She hesitated over it, her eyes questioning him mutely, and thenwith the ghost of a smile she touched his fingers.

  "I want to explain," he said huskily.


  "You remember I gave you my word that no harm would come to Barry?"

  "No man could have helped him."

  "You don't hold it against me?"

  A gust of wind moaned around them. She waved her arm towards thesurrounding hills and her laugh blended with the sound of the wind,it was so faint. He watched her with a curious pang. She seemed amongwomen what that morning was to the coming day--fresh, cool, aloof. Itwas hard to speak the words which would banish the sorrow from hereyes and make them brilliant with hope and shut him away from herthoughts with a barrier higher than mountains, and broader than seas.

  "I have brought you news," he said at last, reluctantly.

  She did not change.

  "About Dan Barry."

  Ay, she changed swiftly enough at that! He could not meet the fear andquestion of her glance. He looked away and saw the red rim of the sunpushing up above the hills. And colour poured up the throat of KateCumberland, up even to her forehead beneath the blowing golden hair.

  Haines jerked his sombrero lower on his head. A curse tumbled up tohis lips and he had to set his teeth to keep it back.

  "But I have heard his whistle."

  Her lips moved but made no sound.

  "Five other men heard him."

  She cried out as if he had hurt her, but the hurt was happiness. Heknew it and winced, for she was wonderfully beautiful.

  "In the willows of the river bottom, a good twenty miles south," hesaid at last, "and I will show you the way, if you wish."

  He watched her eyes grow large with doubt.

  "Can you trust me?" he asked. "I failed you once. Can you trust menow?"

  Her hand went out to him.

  "With all my heart," she said. "Let us start!"

  "I've given my horse a hard ride. He must have some rest."

  She moaned softly in her impatience, and then: "We'll go back to thehouse and you can stable your horse there until you're ready to start.Dad will go with us."

  "Your father cannot go," he said shortly.


  "Let's start back for the ranch," he said, "and I'll tell yousomething about it as we go."

  As they turned their horses he went on: "In order that you may reachWhistling Dan, you'll have to meet first a number of men who arecamping down there in the willows."

  He stopped. It became desperately difficult for him to go on.

  "I am one of those men," he said, "and another of them is the one whomWhistling Dan is following."

  She caught her breath and turned abruptly on him.

  "What are you, Mr. Lee?"

  Very slowly he forced his eyes up to meet her gaze.

  "In that camp," he answered indirectly, "your father wouldn't besafe!"

  It was out at last!

  "Then you are--"

  "Your friend."

  "Forgive me. You _are_ my friend!"

  "The man whom Dan is following," he went on, "is the leader. If hegives the command four practised fighters pit themselves againstBarry."

  "It is murder!"

  "You can prevent it," he said. "They know Barry is on the trail, but Ithink they will do nothing unless he forces them into trouble. And hewill force them unless you stop him. No other human being could takehim off that trail."

  "I know! I know!" she muttered. "But I have already tried, and he willnot listen to me!"

  "But he will listen to you," insisted Haines, "when you tell him thathe will be fighting not one man, but six."

  "And if he doesn't listen to me?"

  Haines shrugged his shoulders.

  "Can't you promise that these men will not fight with him?"

  "I cannot."

  "But I shall plead with them myself."

  He turned to her in alarm.

  "No, you must not let them dream you know who they are," he warned,"for otherwise--"

  Again that significant shrug of the shoulders.

  He explained: "These men are in such danger that they dare not takechances. You are a woman, but if they feel that you suspect them youwill no longer be a woman in their eyes."

  "Then what must I do?"

  "I shall ride ahead of you when we come to the willows, after I havepointed out the position of our camp. About an hour after I havearrived, for they must not know that I have brought you, you will ridedown towards the camp. When you come to it I will make sure that itis I who will bring you in. You must pretend that you have simplyblundered upon our fire. Whatever you do, never ask a question whileyou are there--and I'll be your warrant that you will come off safely.Will you try?"

  He attempted no further persuasion and contented himself with
merelymeeting the wistful challenge of her eyes.

  "I will," she said at last, and then turning her glance away sherepeated softly, "I will."

  He knew that she was already rehearsing what she must say to WhistlingDan.

  "You are not afraid?"

  She smiled.

  "Do you really trust me as far as this?"

  With level-eyed tenderness that took his breath, she answered: "Anabsolute trust, Mr. Lee."

  "My name," he said in a strange voice, "is Lee Haines."

  Of one accord they stopped their horses and their hands met.


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