2014 Year of the Horse

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2014 Year of the Horse Page 27

by Liliane Parkinson

  In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries

  In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications.

  Revised estimates indicate 1. 4 billion people live at or below the $1. 25 a day poverty line and a similar number of people live on more than $10. 00 a day.

  Poorest Countries

  (source CIA - The World Factbook)

  Richest Countries

  Wesley’s Draft Forum Presentation.

  The four countries we propose as compulsory donors of aid are purely indicative at this stage. There may be sound reasons for adjusting the list and we are open to suggestions. Other rich countries not currently under consideration may be substituted. We will encourage other first world countries to join the program on a voluntary basis.

  The selected countries provide a combined total population of around 320 million. The combined population of the fourteen poorest countries is around 290 million. This is an appropriate population match.

  I propose to levy each of these countries $1,000 per head annually for four years and use this money to improve the status of the poorest. All recipient countries are required to work towards the UN Development Goals. Targets will be set in negotiation with governments and the UN will monitor progress and compliance.

  The money is to be divided amongst the poorest countries on the basis of $1,000 per head of population leaving a balance after expected costs of $20-25 million. The funds in the first year are expended solely for the following purposes -

  To clear external debt. If they wish to take part in the program, countries will not be permitted to take on any further external debt.

  To provide welfare payments to raise the income level of every citizen to a minimum of $1. 25 per day.

  To improve infrastructure and living standards, education, health services and public utilities.

  The Republic of Liberia will be the exception in the first year requiring additional aid to meet these targets due to its current high level of external debt. I propose that a $5 million supplementary grant will be applied to Liberia in the first year to cover this gap. Countries are invited to apply for additional funding for specific projects under (3 above). The remaining $15-20 million will be dispensed to the 14 participating countries on application approval.

  In years 2 to 4 clearing external debt will not longer be relevant. At the end of year 3 a full UN review of each country will be undertaken in readiness for the next Forum.

  Other wealthy countries will be encouraged to form a one-on-one relationship with a country struggling under significant poverty, or join forces with others to work bilaterally to alleviate poverty.

  For example Hong Kong might volunteer to join the program. With a population of around 7 million it might partner with Papua New Guinea which has a population of around 6 million. It might authorise ESAP to manage the program or it might work alone. Such details are open to negotiation.

  Our primary driving force is the achievement of the Millennium Goals and the eradication of poverty in our recipient nations.

  Wesley’s List of Target Countries

  (Excludes countries with a population under 1 mill)

  Wesley’s Proposed Distribution for Year 1

  The Road Not Taken

  By Robert Frost

  Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

  And sorry I could not travel both

  And be one traveller, long I stood

  And looked down one as far as I could

  To where it bent in the undergrowth;

  Then took the other, as just as fair,

  And having perhaps the better claim

  Because it was grassy and wanted wear,

  Though as for that the passing there

  Had worn them really about the same,

  And both that morning equally lay

  In leaves no step had trodden black.

  Oh, I marked the first for another day!

  Yet knowing how way leads on to way

  I doubted if I should ever come back.

  I shall be telling this with a sigh

  Somewhere ages and ages hence

  Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

  I took the one less travelled by,

  And that has made all the difference.


  Connect with Me Online.

  My Blog: http//www.lastdrafts.blogspot.com

  Due for release end 2012.

  The Patu.

  When Lucy disappears without trace, her mother Moana and her baby daughter Cheryl return to New Zealand. Cheryl grows up to become an Art Historian specialising in the works of C. F. Goldie. An invitation to produce an exhibition of Goldie’s works in Ireland is the catalyst to discovering the mystery behind her mother’s disappearance.

  Moving back and forth in time between Moana, her daughter Lucy and granddaughter Cheryl, we learn what happens to Lucy and the Patu. Full of twists and turns the book explores the bonds between mothers, daughters andgranddaughters; how time changes their world view, their beliefs, their hopes and dreams. The power of the ancient Maori spirit world weaves through their lives in unique ways. The title refers to the greenstone Patu which is a treasured heirloom; an ancient taonga and Lucy promises to wear it constantly. Moana believes it will protect her daughter and bring her home safely. Lucy shares her mother’s belief and whenever she needs reassurance or protection she is aware of its quiet power.

  This is a story which will appeal to book club readers. It is a twentieth century story about three generations of women separated by place and time and yet held together by their family bonds and deep love.



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