Dirty Ink

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by Callie Vegas

  Dirty Ink

  Callie Vegas



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  About the Author

  Also by Callie Vegas


  Taboo. Desire. Need.

  I want her.

  But I can’t have her.

  She’s innocent. I’m as far from innocent as you can get. Yet I still want her. She comes into my life unannounced and proceeds to turn all aspects of it upside down and inside out.

  The sexual chemistry is off the charts and even though I know she’s a good girl, I want to be the one who teaches her how to be a dirty girl.

  There’s just one problem. She’s my step-sister and I’ve been warned to stay away.

  I never did listen to anyone. She’s going to be mine and I don’t care who stands in my way.

  **If you like brooding, sexy, dirty, tattooed alpha’s then this book is for you. Be warned:- the sex is off the charts and although it will leave you satisfied each time, you’ll want more hot, dirty sex. With a guaranteed HEA, an alpha and an innocent girl who has an inner dirty diva, you won’t look at your stepbrother in the same way ever again.

  Chapter One


  “So that’s the last will and testament of Mrs. Sarah Fletcher. If you have any questions, then just ask me.” The old man at the end of the table says as he closes the file.

  “That’s it?” Dad looks over to me as he stands up and walks out of the office, slamming the door behind him. I know he’s affected by mum’s death, but he hasn’t spoken to me since the funeral two days ago. I know he’s going to go back home and drink himself stupid. That’s all he’s done since the accident. I was surprised that he even made it here today.

  When mum was killed in a hit and run, he blamed himself. They had had another argument and she had run out of the house and down the drive. When she got to the end of the road a car had mounted the pavement and knocked her down. She banged her head on impact and was killed instantly. Dad had run after her and seen it all happen and he hadn’t been able to stop it. He believes that he killed her.

  What was I doing when she died? I was out fucking the brains out of some blonde bimbo who I can’t even remember, I was that drunk. When I got home in the early hours of the morning there were police and an ambulance outside my house. I jumped out of the taxi and ran the last few hundred feet just as they were putting her into the ambulance. Dad was hysterical, crying, shouting and just pushed me away. I followed the ambulance to the hospital, but she was pronounced dead on arrival. It’s the fastest I’ve ever sobered up.

  Since then and through the funeral dad has been really distant. He won’t talk to me, he blames himself and the reading of the will today was the final nail in the coffin, so to speak. Chasing him out of the office I take his arm. “Wait, Dad. We need to talk. You can’t keep ignoring me. I don’t blame you, you know. It was a freak accident.” Dad shrugs my arm off his.

  “I can’t do this right now Mason. I’ll be in touch.” He leaves me standing in the corridor of the solicitor’s offices staring at his back.

  It takes Dad two weeks before he sits with me at breakfast with a cup of coffee. Prior to today he had always stood up and left the room when I walked in. “Mason,” he says sitting at his seat at the head of the table. “So, I think we need to talk about the business.”

  “What? Why?” I ask, confused. Of all the things he could talk to me about, this is the last thing that I would have guessed.

  “I’ve had the time to do a lot of thinking and I know your mum left you some money, but I think you need to start settling down. I want to see you married with children. I know you have a different woman every night, and I raise my hat to you, but that isn’t how you should be spending the rest of your life. I was married and had you by your age, Mason. You’ve got to stop messing around.”

  “This is what you want to talk to me about after not talking to me for the last couple of weeks. You can stick your opinions up for your ass. While you’ve been wallowing in the bottom of a bottle, I’ve been looking for premises for my new business. I am going to invest the money that mum left me in my OWN business. She would have wanted that for me.”

  “She would want you to join the family business, that’s all we’ve both ever wanted for you.”

  “Dad look at me,” I say standing back and waving my hand up and down my body. “I’m not built for an office job.” I’ve got a ton of tattoo’s, long hair tied up in a man bun and a beard.

  “You can smarten yourself up Mason, a shirt will cover your tattoo’s, you can trim your beard and you can get a haircut.” He says shaking his head at me. He never liked me getting the tattoo’s in the first place, he always said that they needed to be able to be covered up.

  “Really? You think I need to change who I am to work with you. Well if I had any doubts before, I know for certain now that I don’t want to work in the family business. I don’t have to change who I am for anyone, especially not my dad who should love me unconditionally and never expect me to change who I am.” I’m so pissed at him right now, I turn to leave.

  “Mason, wait!” Dad says, so I turn back to face him. “I do love you. I know I haven’t shown it recently, but your mum’s loss has hit me hard. I don’t know what to do without her.”

  “Dad we both miss her, but you shutting yourself off from my feelings is not the right way to go about it. Let me do this please. I talked to her about it before she died, she knew I was thinking of opening my own tattoo shop.”

  “Tattoo shop? Really? That’s what you’re going to spend your money on.” He laughs. “Mason, don’t come crawling back here looking for money when it all turns to dust around you. I’ll be waiting for you to come and beg for a position in the business.”

  “Fuck you! It’s what I want to do, and I will make a success of it.” I wanted to prove to him so badly that I can make it in business. “I’m moving out, so you won’t have to look at my tattooed body and scruffy face anymore. See you around dad.” I slam the door to the dining room and wait to see does he call me back. He doesn’t so I head straight to my room, pack my bags and leave him to probably drink himself drunk again tonight.


  “Mum, are you ready yet? Richard is waiting downstairs.” I’m exasperated. Mum is taking too long to get in her wedding dress. Today she is marrying Richard Fletcher, billionaire and all-round nice guy. She met him a year ago and they’ve been inseparable since. Mum and I moved into his house a few months ago and life has been… different to say the least. Richard has taken us in and treats Mum like a queen and me like a long-lost daughter. I look at my watch and start tapping my foot. “Mum come on, we have to go.”

  “I’m ready,” Mum says as she opens the bedroom door to walk out.

  “Oh Mum,” I say staring at her. “You look beautiful, Richard is such a lucky guy.” I lean in towards her and kiss her on the cheek. “Come on we’d better hurry up or he’ll think you’ve changed your mind.”

  “No chance.” Mum smiles as she takes the handrail on the stairs and starts her descent. I walk behind her and when we both reach the bottom, I open my arm so that she links it and I prepare to walk her down the aisle. The music starts playing, someone opens the double doors into the room which has been blessed and where all the guests are now standing.

  “I wonder if Mason will turn up?” Mum whispers, looking around her. “I know it would make Richard
’s day.”

  “I can’t see him standing next to Richard. Bet he doesn’t show up. He’s a selfish bastard.” I say, snarling because I know he won’t turn up. He hasn’t stepped foot in the house since the day he left three years ago. He wasn’t happy to hear that Richard was getting married again, he had walked out of the restaurant in disgust when Richard told him. “You’ll just have to make this day even more special to Richard,” I say nudging Mum. She blushes and it makes me smile.

  Richard turns around and is looking at Mum like she’s the only person in the room. Right now, to him, she is the only one he has eyes for.

  The ceremony is short as they’ve both been married before, but it’s beautiful and very evident that Richard’s only child hasn’t managed to turn up. I’ve never met him, but I’ve seen his pictures and he seems arrogant… but oh so gorgeous. It doesn’t matter what people look like on the outside, it’s what’s inside that counts. And from what I know of Mason, he’s ugly on the inside.

  After dinner, I stand up and give a speech about how romantic it is to see two people in love as much as Mum and Richard are. I can see Richard is getting upset that Mason isn’t there, but he smiles at me and touches my hand when I sit down. He has been really good to me since I met him and I’m really happy for Mum.

  They head off on their honeymoon to the Seychelles and I’m left at home with my studies. I’m studying to be a Management Accountant at Brunel University. I’ll be starting my final year in two months and Richard has offered to give me some work experience in his company to help me out. I just need to get past this year’s exams first. After about four hours of solid study I ring my best friend Pheobe.

  “Hey, Pheebs. What are you up to?”

  “Lyssa, I’m just finished some studying, do you want to do something?” She asks, knowing that I do.

  “Do you fancy going to the shopping centre, having some lunch, a bit of shopping and then come back to mine for a few drinks. I’m on my own, Mum and Richard have gone to the Seychelles.”

  “Hell yeah, I’m liking the sound of that.” I can hear her moving around her room. Meet you at the entrance in half… maybe three quarters of an hour.”

  “Yeah, see you them. Mwah!” Hanging up I pack my books into my bag.

  Three quarters of an hour later I see Pheobe walking up to me and we hug, link arms and then go into the shopping centre to shop and buy some clothes. We are obsessed with clothes and shopping in general.

  After a couple of glasses of prosecco with lunch we are quite giggly and grab a cab back to mine. Pheebs can never stop herself from looking around Richard’s house. It’s so big in comparison to what we’re used to. “This really is a beautiful home Lyssa. I wish I lived here.” She runs her hand along the mantelpiece until she comes to a picture of Mason. “Is he as gorgeous in real life as he is in this photo?”

  She turns the photo so that I can see it. He does look gorgeous in it, kind of brooding, dark features and the most wicked smile on his face. His eyes glint with some sort of mischief. If I didn’t know about him, I would say that he would be fun to know.

  “I don’t know, I haven’t met him yet. He doesn’t come to the house and when he met Mum I was at Uni.”

  “Oh yeah,” Pheebs says putting the picture back on the mantelpiece. “Arsehole!” she says looking at Mason one last time before walking away.

  I turn his picture so that he is facing the wall. “When I meet him, I’m going to give him a piece of my mind. Dickhead.”

  Chapter Two



  “Well done on your exams, Alyssa. I’m proud of you.” Richard comes over and hugs me. He’s a really nice guy and he clearly loves my mum.

  “Thanks, Richard. Now can I come and work with you for my work experience. I need to organise it with the University ready for my last year.”

  “Of course, take a seat.”

  Looking around his office I take note of everything that’s here. His desk is huge, and he has a couch with a table for informal meetings. He has a couple of chairs in front of his desk, but he stands and walks over to the couch and holds out his hand for me to sit down next to him.

  “I appreciate your help.”

  “I don’t have any vacancies in my company at the moment.”

  “But… but I need to get work experience as it’s the last thing in my degree.” I feel my bottom lip coming out in a pout.

  Richard laughs. “Don’t worry, I have something else I want you to do for me.” He pats my knee.

  “Yeah? What’s that?”

  “I had dinner with Mason the other night and he’s still refusing to settle down and come and work for me. When I spoke to him about his business, he didn’t have the answers for me. I think he is just coasting along and not using any business acumen.”

  “That’s great, but what does that have to do with me?”

  “I want you to go and work for Mason. I want you to help him set up some procedures to make his life better. He needs to be organised and he needs to get his accounts in order. I think you would be perfect to do it for him.”

  “So, you want me to work for Mason to set up some business procedures, accounting and generally come back and tell you how he’s doing. Is that right?”

  Again, Richard laughs. “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Do you think you can do it?”

  “Of course I can do it. It sounds more like he needs a personal assistant than anything else, but I can do both. You need to speak to him and make the arrangements. I haven’t met him yet, so I don’t want any resistance from him. Once you’ve spoken to him and told him that I am going to be there to help him out then I’ll go make my first visit.”

  “Perfect. I’ll arrange that and let you know when you can start.”

  “I’ll talk to you later then.” Standing up I walk out of his office. I’m slightly pissed off that he’s not letting me work in his Company, but I guess he’s helping me out. I pass the lounge and decide to go inside. Picking up the picture of Mason that is on the mantelpiece I look at it. God, he is handsome. Will I be able to work with him every day? I already know I’m attracted to him, but I know that I can’t act on it as he’s my step-brother. “Are you the arsehole that everyone makes you out to be?”


  Dad was annoying the other night when he was asking me about my business. I hate discussing it with him because he only wants an excuse to put me down. All because he doesn’t agree with my decision of what kind of business I run. My tattoo shop, Dirty Ink, is doing really well and I couldn’t be any happier. He keeps asking me when I’m going to work for him and sell my business. Never! That isn’t going to happen. I love Dirty Ink, it’s my baby and mum allowed this to happen when she left money in her will for me to do with it whatever I wanted.

  He was asking about the financial side of my business the other night, which kind of threw me off because he’s never asked me before. I’m not sure what game he’s playing but I don’t like it. I didn’t tell him how good I’m doing, I let him think that I didn’t know the answers to the questions he asked me.

  Looking around Dirty Ink, I see customers being inked by Dane, my best friend. There are customers waiting to be inked and sitting around on the couches and I’m just about to escort the hot, Melinda, to my tattoo room at the back of the studio. She’s gorgeous, but totally plastic. I don’t fuck at the tattoo shop, but she’s been begging me for months to fuck her before I tattoo her. The only problem is that I have a rule: never fuck the same woman twice. It gets messy and they think they’re in a relationship. So, until her ink is finished, I won’t fuck her because she would use the sessions as a relationship. Nah, not going to happen to this player.

  “Hey, Melinda babe, are you ready for more?”

  “Coming Mason. Or at least I’d like to.” She winks as she stands and walks towards me. She runs her long, manicured nail down my chest. “Is today the day you give in to me?”

  I laugh. She’
s definitely a tryer, bless her. “Nah, babe. We still have lots of ink left to do. You should have picked a smaller piece, and this could be over.”

  “Damn, if I’d known you have morals I’d have picked a butterfly or something.”

  She makes me laugh. She’s so direct, there’s no misunderstanding what she wants out of this relationship. I’ll be honest, she doesn’t do a lot for me as she’s really plastic and I prefer the more natural type of woman. However, when all I want to do is get my dick wet in a hot pussy, then I don’t care what she looks like. Who looks at the mantelpiece when they’re poking the fire?

  When we get into my room, she drops her dress and stands in front of me wearing just some red lacey knickers and matching bra. I can feel my dick stand to attention. He doesn’t care what she looks like he just wants to poke her fire. “Get up on the bed, Melinda.” My voice is hoarse, but I don’t want to give her the wrong impression. I’m all about the ink.

  She sits on the bed and slides her legs down so that she’s lying on her side, facing me. Her tattoo is going on the left side of her body. A cherry blossom tree which starts on her thigh and reaches up to her ribs. Then the cherry blossoms are flying off the tree which makes the ink spread out around the back of her ribs and near her breast bone. She clearly picked this because it would take a long time, but also because she could lie nearly naked on my bed every session.

  “Like this, Mason?” she asks, slightly rolling her hips towards me.

  “Yeah just like that babe.” Sitting on my stool I grab my trolley with my inks on it and my tattoo gun. I bring down the magnifying light so that I can see the area cleanly and after putting gloves on, I lean over her hip. I can smell she’s turned on and from the way she’s watching me, I’d guess that the vibration of the tattoo gun turns her on.


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