Dirty Ink

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Dirty Ink Page 5

by Callie Vegas

  I’m so lost in myself that I don’t hear him come up behind me, I only feel his hands wrap around my waist and down to rub against my mound over my skirt. “I was watching you squeezing your legs together. Do you need me to help relieve that tension?” He nuzzles my neck and kisses me under my ear. I moan as I lean my head to the side, exposing more of my neck to him.

  Mason laughs and the vibrations rumble through my body. “I need to go to work I have a client in half an hour so I will have to leave you craving me, Alyssa.”

  I groan before I realise what I’ve done.

  “I feel the same, baby. I’m going to take you out for dinner tonight, I’ll text you later with the plans.” He kisses me on my neck and reaches out for his coffee that I’ve made. After taking a sip he says, “I have to go, you can stay longer if you want.”

  “No, I’ll leave with you. I’ve got a busy day trying to find something to wear tonight.” He smiles and it lights up his face.

  I follow him as he leaves the house and as he locks up, I climb into my car. I can’t help staring at him, he is sex on legs. I roll down my window as he walks up to my car. Leaning in the window he kisses me. “You’re staying the night tonight. Make the plans.” Then he turns to get into his car.

  I drive past him and head back home. As soon as I drive up the drive panic starts to set it. I stayed out all night and I can’t tell mum where I was all night. I’ve never lied to her before and I don’t usually stay out without ringing her to let her know where I am. I’m guessing this is where it all starts.

  As I walk into the house, Richard is in the dining room. “Ah Alyssa,” he shouts as I try to sneak past the door. “Come here for a moment.”

  Shaking my head, I turn around and walk into the room, holding my head high I say, “Morning Richard.”

  “Morning. Your mother was worried about you last night Alyssa. You know she likes you to ring her when you’re staying out all night.” He looks at me. “Are they your work clothes that you wore yesterday? Did you go straight out from work?”

  “Yes, I met some friends, we had a few drinks and I stayed over. No big deal.” Turning I try to leave.

  “Before you go, Alyssa. How are you getting on at Dirty Ink? I hope Mason is treating you well.”

  Thank god I’ve got my back to him because I can feel the flushing of my face as the heat picks up. Taking a deep breath before turning around, I say, “His accounts are very neat and organised. I think he wasn’t telling you the correct figures because he didn’t want you to know. All of his accounts look legit and his turnover is reasonable. I’m not sure what you expect me to find, Richard, but so far there’s nothing to report.”

  “Good, good. Keep working at it though I’m sure there’s more to that shop than he lets on. One month Alyssa, then I want a full report with management accounts and everything there is to know about Dirty Ink. You got that?”

  “I got it.” I nod my head before leaving the room and making my way upstairs to my bedroom. After closing the door, I practically run across the room and throw myself on my bed. I can’t stop smiling to myself when I think about Mason between my legs. I’m so embarrassed that he saw the most intimate part of me and yet at the same time I feel like a grown woman. I can’t believe Richard wants me to spy on him and tell him everything about the tattoo shop. I need to think about my loyalties and where they lie because if I want Mason then selling him out to his dad isn’t the right way to go about it. However, will Mum and Richard accept us as a couple? I doubt it, although we’re not really related so it shouldn’t make a difference. But deep down I know that it does, and they won’t be too happy about it. Closing my eyes tight I try to calm my racing heart.

  A ding from my phone tells me that there’s a message for me, I hope it’s Mason. He just makes me smile and I want to be with him twenty-four seven. Looking at the screen my smile is wide. It is Mason.

  Mason: Hey, baby. Are you missing me yet?

  Alyssa: No. Are you missing me?

  Mason: Hell yeah. I can smell you every time I bring my hand closer to my face.

  Alyssa: Ew that’s disgusting. I thought you had to have good hygiene to be a tattoo artist.

  Mason: LOL you’ve clearly not sexted before? What else haven’t you done before?

  Alyssa: I think you know the answer to that.

  Mason: I most certainly do, it’s ingrained in my heart that you want me to be your first, and your last!

  Alyssa: Woah, I never said anything about you being my last…

  Mason: No, but I did. I just know that once I get a piece of your pussy, I’m not going to want to let anyone else take it. It’s mine, baby. You just remember that.

  I don’t reply. I don’t know what to say. I’d love him to be my last, but it could never work between us. We’re step-brother and sister. He hates his dad and I adore Richard. His dad wants to know all about his company and he’s sent me in to spy on him. That’s why it can’t work out.

  Mason: Did I scare you off?

  Alyssa: No, not really. I’ve just not had anyone talk dirty to me before.

  Mason: I love talking dirty, in a couple of weeks you’ll be used to it and you’ll be talking dirty to me

  Alyssa: You’re very sure of yourself, aren’t you?

  Mason: LOL am I wrong? I doubt it. Do you want to meet at my house tonight? I don’t think it appropriate for me to collect you from home. If you bring your car then you’ll have it for the morning or whenever you want to leave.

  Alyssa: Sounds good. At least I can run away if it all gets too much for me.

  Mason: If I have anything to do with it, I’d tie you to my bed and keep you there

  Alyssa: Mason, I’m not sure about bondage. One step at a time.

  My phone rings and I see his name on my screen.

  “Hey.” I try to act blasé.

  “Alyssa, I was joking. Unless you’re into that kind of thing.” His deep laugh vibrates through the phone.

  “I… I… thought you were being serious and into that BDSM shit.”

  “Well, I’d never say no, but I don’t think it’s my kind of thing. I want someone to give themselves to me freely and sometimes I want someone to control me. There’s nothing sexier than being told to lay still or not to touch a woman when you really want to.”


  “Oh? Is that all you have to say? Don’t you want to control me, Alyssa?”

  “I don’t think anyone can control you, Mason. Could be fun trying though.”

  “Now there’s my girl.”

  My pussy twitches when he says that I’m his girl.

  “You okay for tonight? Seven o’clock at my house. I’m taking you for a nice dinner and we can talk and get to know each other. Then all bets are off when I get you home. I’m going to unwrap you like you’re the best gift anyone has ever given me.”

  His words are making me hot. I can picture everything in my mind. His husky voice is deep enough to send shivers down my spine. I believe every word he says.

  “I’d like that.” Way to go, Alyssa. Talk about being under enthusiastic.

  “I know you will, baby. Now I’ve got a customer so I have to go, but see you tonight. Be ready for me.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for you, Mason.”

  He chuckles and hangs up the phone. What the hell just happened? I went from never sexting or talking dirty, to listening to a grown man tell me that he can still smell me after his fingers being inside me this morning. He is going to be the death of me, I just know it.

  Now, what the heck do I wear to be seduced?

  Chapter Eight


  I keep laughing to myself when I think of Alyssa and how she squeaked when I mentioned tying her to the bed. God, she’s so innocent and that just turns me the fuck on. I don’t think I’ve ever been this attracted to one woman before. I usually just sink myself in a hot pussy and don’t think about the person it’s attached to. But there’s something about Alyssa
that makes me want to try that little bit harder. Could it be the fact that she’s my step-sister and I know it would piss dad off? No, it’s not that, but that does appeal to me. I think it’s her innocence, not realising how beautiful she is. The women that I mostly hang around with are plastic, tattoo wearing, don’t want commitment sluts who would sleep with anyone who had a dick and a bit of money. So, Alyssa is the complete opposite of that and the thoughts of taking her innocence away really appeals to me.

  Just thinking about no one being inside her pussy before makes me hard and I need to get rid of my bulging cock in my jeans before my next customer comes in. Think bad thoughts. Think about Dad, that usually does the trick. Sure enough my hard on disappears just in time for Smithy to come in the shop.

  “Hey, Mase, are you ready for the session today?”

  “I sure am. More detail and colour today, yeah?” Smithy was in last week and we spent a few hours designing and doing the basics on his large tattoo on his side. Today I am doing the shading and colouring to finish the design. We will be here for about four hours. Then I’m out of here.

  “Absolutely. I love what you did already and can’t wait to see it when it’s finished. It’s going to be epic.”

  “I hope I can live up to your expectations.” The minute I say that I think about Alyssa. I hope I’m good enough for her. I hope I live up to her expectations.

  “Oh you will, I’m sure of it.”

  After signing the relevant documentation, I bring him into my room and get him to lay on the bed, facing away from me. His tattoo stretches from the base of his spine, around to up his ribs and across his chest. It’s a large Chinese dragon in reds, yellows and oranges. The details are fucking amazing and I’ve loved working on it.

  “Right, let’s get the show on the road then. Any news with you, Smithy?” I like to try and make conversation with my customers, even just to put them at ease.

  “Nah, nothing going on. Just excited about this piece. My missus loves it and told me this morning she wants to kiss me all over it. Now that is going to be something I’ll enjoy much more than this.”

  “I should hope so mate, I don’t want you getting a boner in here. I’ll have to stop halfway through.” I laugh.

  “No worries there, it hurts too damn much for that.”

  We ease into a comfortable silence as I work hard at getting the colours and the shading right. I did a fine arts degree in Uni, but never thought I’d be putting it to use in this particular way. It’s the best thing to happen to me. Or that might be Alyssa. Shaking my head, I clear myself of thoughts of her. I need to concentrate at least for the next few hours.

  After four hours being bent over Smithy on the table, it’s finished. I clean it off and help him up. As stiff as my back is, his is probably feeling the same from lying on the table for so long.

  He goes over to the floor to ceiling mirror and has a look at my masterpiece. “Fuck, Mason. That’s beautiful. I know you had the outline and everything, but I never expected it to look this great. Fuck my missus is going to love you tonight.”

  Laughing, I hand him the cling film to wrap it with and the tub of cream for him to use. “Now you know the after-care instructions, but I need you to sign here to say you understand them and I’ll give you this sheet too. Got to keep everything above board, you know.”

  “Yeah, no problems.” He turns to the side one more time to check out the yellows fading into oranges and reds of the big dragon that is snaking its way across his body.

  “Can I take a photo for my portfolio? I’m proud of this mother fucker.”

  “Yeah of course, how do you want me to stand? I’ll pull my fat belly in first though.”

  Smithy is a gym addict, there is nothing fat about him. He has more muscle on him than anything.

  After taking his picture he puts his top back on. I walk out to the till and get his sale ready. He pays and then he leaves with a promise to come back soon for some more ink. Some people want to cover their body with tattoo’s, me I like mine to mean something and be a little more subtle. Less is more sometimes.

  I have some paperwork to do before I can leave, I never like to leave any work undone. When a day is finished then the day is finished, I don’t let anything carry over till the next day. I can’t wait to get home and get organised for tonight. I’m like a schoolboy in a toyshop.

  After showering, tidying up and changing the bedding, I’m ready. Waiting downstairs, I admit to myself that I’m nervous. What if she doesn’t show up? What if she’s changed her mind? I’ve never been like this. I feel fifteen all over again. I feel like it’s me that will be losing my virginity tonight. Not her.

  When the doorbell rings at seven o’clock my heart flips over. Opening the door, I see her standing in front of me with her hair and make-up done and she’s even more beautiful than she was this morning. “You came.” It slips out of my mouth.

  “Of course I did. Did you doubt me?”

  Standing to one side I open the door wider for her to come in. “No, I doubted myself.” I pull her to me and kiss her furiously. The moment her lips touch mine I feel at home and I can feel the anxiety seeping out of my body. What is that all about?

  I want to wind my hands in her hair but know that she won’t like it. Maybe later. When I pull away, I see her cheeks are flushed, she clearly enjoyed it as much as I did.

  Seeing she has an overnight bag makes me smile. Thank god she’s planning to stay over. “Put your bag over there and we’ll head out. The table is booked for seven thirty.”

  “Thanks, you look nice.”

  “Oh shit, I didn’t tell you how beautiful you look. I was so nervous you weren’t going to turn up that when I saw you all rational thought left my body.”

  “It’s okay, that kiss kind of told me what I needed to know.” She looks up at me and blushes, showing her innocence. I hope she doesn’t lose that look after tonight. I realise there’s a lot of pressure on me to make it enjoyable and memorable for her tonight. I want to make it perfect for her. I don’t want her to want to leave tomorrow.

  I put my hand on her lower back and guide her out of the house and towards my car. Opening her door, I do a bow and she giggles as she climbs in. I practically run around to my side of the car and jump before belting up.

  We drive into town and I slide my hand over to rest on her leg. I need to touch her. Inside I’m freaking out. I’ve never wanted a woman this much, I’ve been independent and take a woman whenever I choose to.

  When we get to the restaurant, I hold her hand and we are shown to our table.

  “This is lovely, I’ve not been here before.” She looks around at the other diners.

  “I really like the food here.” I don’t know what to talk about. How stupid is that?

  She looks up at me. “Tell me how you came to open your own tattoo studio, Mason? I can see you’re passionate about it.”

  “I did a fine arts degree at school.”

  “Did you really?”

  I laugh. “Yeah, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I’ve always had a knack for art, so I learnt about the history of art and about painting and sculpting. I guess that’s why some of my pieces are so good. I like to put depth and shading into my work. Do you want to see the piece I finished today?”

  “Yeah, I’d love to.”

  Reaching into my pocket I take out my phone to show her the pictures of Smithy’s tattoo. She reaches out and touches the screen when she makes it bigger and I can see she is fascinated by the colours and shading. She looks up at me and I think I will melt just there. She has a look of pride and wonderment about her. “Mason, this is freaking amazing. Wow. You’re so talented. It’s no wonder your shop is so busy. This must have taken you hours.”

  “Yeah we did two sessions. Today was for the shading of the yellows, oranges and reds.”

  “It’s perfect. I’m in awe.”

  “Do you have any tattoos?”

  “No, I’m too chicken shit to have a
ny done.”

  “Your skin is beautiful.” I reach out, take her hand and rub her wrist with my thumb. “I’d love to tattoo your virgin skin.” I look in her eyes when I say the word ‘virgin’ hoping she understands my double entendre. When she blushes, I continue “Then again, it would be a shame to sully your skin.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “No, it might hurt when I first push the needle in, but then you’ll get used to the feeling.” Again, I hope she’s thinking about what I’m thinking about. Her eyes glance up at mine. She blushes and I realise that I’m not going to get through this dinner without a hard on. I just want to take her to the bathroom and fuck her stupid, but she’s not that type of girl and I want our first time to be special.

  “I hope they hurry up with dinner, I want to skip it and just take you home. I can’t wait to be inside you, Alyssa.” There, I laid it on the table.

  “I want you inside me, Mason. Do we have to have dinner?” She looks around to find the waitress, but she’s bringing our drinks and food out. “Damn,” she mutters. “Eat quick.” She demands.

  Laughing, I take the drinks off the waitress and when our plates are in front of us, we both start eating. It’s like a race to the finish. We eat quick, don’t talk and soon I’m asking for the bill. As soon as I’ve paid, I grab her hand and drag her out of the restaurant. Once the door closes behind us, I push her against the wall. I can’t wait another second to kiss her. I need to be as close to her as possible. She gasps when her back hits the wall and I close in on her. Covering her mouth with mine and running my hands in her hair, pulling gently to tip her head back so that I can get everything I need from her. Out tongues are fighting for control and when she moans it drives me mad and I grind my hard cock into her crotch.

  Pulling away slightly I rest my forehead on hers. “God, I want you so bad. Let’s go.” I grab her hand and pull her to my car. After opening the door for her to get in, I close it and walk around to my side of the car. While we are driving home, she puts her hand on my leg and it’s hard to concentrate on the road ahead of me.


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