Frayed: A Small Town Sports Romance (Willow Springs Series Book 1)

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Frayed: A Small Town Sports Romance (Willow Springs Series Book 1) Page 7

by Laura Pavlov

  “Okay, I need everyone’s attention. The votes are tallied for the king and queen of the evening,” Mrs. Cunningham said through the microphone. She stood up on the stage and raised her hands in the air as if she were trying to hype up the audience. Shaw and I shared a glance, and both cringed before laughing.

  Everyone cheered and Jessica leaned in close to me. “Oh my god. What if we win?”

  If there was a god, I was mentally begging him not to let us win. The girl would think it was a sign that we were meant to be. It would only make the night all the more challenging. I figured Adelaide and Alec would win, as they were the couple that everyone knew and liked. At least Adelaide was. And they’d been together since, I don’t know—birth. I chuckled to myself. I was ready for the after-party and to be done with the formalities of this event.

  “Oh, ohhhhh,” Mrs. Cunningham purred. “The king, elected by his classmates, is our very own Jett Stone.” The table erupted and I closed my eyes with horror for a moment before I gathered myself. Hell, I didn’t even want to come to this dance, and now I had to go up there and put some ridiculous crown on my head.

  “Yes,” Jessica shouted, and fist-bumped the sky as she urged me to my feet.

  A few classmates chanted my name, and I shook my head and moved toward the stage. If you asked me what my idea of hell was—it would be this moment. I didn’t mind people screaming my name when I had a ball in my hands. When I was lost in the game. But this—this was a silly popularity contest that I wanted no part of. I was putting this town in my rearview in just a few months, and that included most of these people.

  I stood beside Mrs. Cunningham and she beamed up at me while setting a ridiculous black and gold crown on my head. “Would you like to read the name of the homecoming queen, Jett?”

  Jessica had clearly dipped into Shaw’s flask one too many times because she screamed out, “Say my name, baby.”

  It was unbelievably awkward. “Nope. You can do the honors,” I said.

  Everyone laughed, though I wasn’t trying to be funny. I wanted off this stage.

  Mrs. Cunningham opened the envelope slowly and then clasped it to her chest with a large smile on her face. “Your homecoming queen is Adelaide Edington.”

  Loud cheers bellowed out, and my gaze landed on the table. Alec’s hands were fisted at his sides as he stood and kissed his girlfriend on the cheek. Jessica mouthed the words, “what the fuck” to me, and I shrugged. My eyes followed Adelaide up to the stage. Her cheeks were pink, and her smile forced. This would not go over well with her boyfriend. Coco, Ivy, Maura, and Gigi were all on their feet cheering for their girl. I couldn’t help but smile. She was the nicest girl in our class, and I was happy for her because I figured this meant something to her. I felt bad for messing up her perfect world by standing up here beside her. Everyone cheered as we both stood there awkwardly waiting for the moment to pass.

  “Okay, y’all can go back to dancing and mingling. We’re just going to take a few pictures of our king and queen.” Mrs. Cunningham placed a crown on Adelaide’s head before backing up and telling us to stand together for a few pictures.

  “Congrats, Ace,” I said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. The heat that surged through my fingers as I grazed her skin was nothing I’d ever experienced before.

  She sucked in a long breath and looked up at me. “You, too.”

  “Smile,” Mrs. Cunningham said.

  I leaned down and spoke close to her ear. “I think between Alec and Sherman, I’m getting a shit ton of daggers in the back of my head.”

  She flushed but laughed, while Mrs. Cunningham snapped a few photos.

  “Addy. Everyone’s ready to go,” Alec said from behind us, and I didn’t miss the irritation in his tone.

  “Oh, yeah, okay.” She quickly shifted away from me and smiled. “You going to the after-party?”

  I glanced over to see Jessica crying at the table and flailing her arms. “I suppose that’s up to my date who doesn’t look all too happy at the moment.”

  “See you later, Jett.” Adelaide’s shoulders were stiff as she walked toward her asshole boyfriend. He glared at me as I moved past him. I made my way to the table and handed the crown to Shaw.

  “My man. The king,” he said through his laughter.

  “Shut the fuck up. What’s her deal?” I asked, tipping my head toward my date. A few of her girlfriends were bent down talking to her.

  “Apparently, your girl has been dipping into a whole lot of flasks tonight. She’s pretty shitfaced,” Jax said.

  “Great. This night just keeps getting better.”

  “You two looked good up there.” Coco moved beside me and smiled.

  “I don’t think Taulson would agree with that.” I laughed.

  “That’s because he can’t see beyond himself. He’s never been great at letting her shine on her own,” she said, and Shaw watched her as if he were hanging on her every word. Damn, the guy was falling hard. Who’d have thought that would happen? Not me.

  “Well, that sucks but it’s not all that surprising,” Shaw said.

  “You guys ready to go?” Jax asked as he came our way.

  “Let me check on my date.” I made my way over to see if Jessica was okay and she lunged at me, catching me off guard.

  What happened to the tears streaming down her face just a minute ago?

  “Hey there, king. Let’s go to the party. I heard there are rooms we can use. I think it’s time you make me your queen,” she slurred.

  Fuck me.

  Could this night get any worse?

  “Not tonight. Let me take you home. You’ve had a lot to drink.”

  “Fuck you, Jett.” She shoved at my chest. What the hell was her deal tonight? She’d never been so hot and cold.

  I shook my head. “All right. I’m heading home. I’d like to take you home first.”

  “Fine. You suck. There are plenty of guys who want to sleep with me,” she hissed.

  I nodded. “You’re probably right. Let’s go.”

  This night couldn’t end soon enough.

  It was the state meet and we’d traveled to northern Texas to play the only other team that had also gone undefeated all season. Tensions were high, adrenaline pumped, and there was a lot on the line. Texans took their football seriously, and the state title was something everyone wanted. Jax was hoping to play for a college not far from here, and the coach had come to see him play. Shaw was pretty set on leaving the state of Texas, and this was his last chance to show off his skills. The stands were packed with college coaches out to see the best high school football players in Texas battle for the state title. I’d already talked to the coach at TU several times this season, and he’d let me know that they wanted me to play for them. But every game, every play mattered now.

  Coach Stephens and I had met this morning, and he understood how much was on the line. This was about our future now, not just our legacy at East Texas High. And though Alec Taulson’s daddy donated the most money to the program, Alec wasn’t going to play college ball and Coach knew that. He told me to call the plays I thought would be best for the team tonight.

  Hell yes.

  He wasn’t going to force me to throw the ball to Taulson endlessly this game. He trusted me. I’d be fair. I’d do what I thought was in the best interest of this team.

  After first quarter, no one had scored yet. Their defense was tough, and so was ours. We’d held one another off, and now it was up to our offense to get some points on the board. I passed the ball to Jax who helped us make some big moves down the field. Ty got us close enough to go for a field goal, but I was going to give it to Shaw because I knew he could score. I took a few strides back, finding him wide open in the end zone and sailed the ball in his direction. He made the play, and the crowd went crazy as the first score was on the board. We ran toward one another a
nd jumped up to bump chests. I’d been playing ball with Shaw and Jax since we were in elementary school. My throat caught as I realized that we wouldn’t be playing together after today. I was ready to leave Willow Springs. Ready to put this chapter of my life behind me. Ready for bigger and better things. But leaving my two best friends was not something I was looking forward to.

  I glanced out at the stands just as Adelaide sailed through the sky. I couldn’t pull my eyes away. Her small body was controlled as her legs flew up on each side of her. The sky was dark, but the stadium lights shined down on her, forming some sort of halo around her, and I smiled.

  Our side of the stadium was filled with East Texas High fans, as everyone had traveled from Willow Springs to be here.

  Coach called us over to the sidelines and hyped up the defense to hold them off until halftime. We weren’t so lucky, and they tied the game before the clock ran out and we exited the field for our halftime team meeting.

  “So, what, you think you’re the king now because you won a dumb fucking popularity contest? You think that gives you the right to stand near my girl and keep the ball from me?” Alec shouted, as he pushed me up against the wall in the locker room.

  “You jealous fucking prick. I’ve passed you the ball exactly three times. The same amount I’ve given it to Shaw. And guess what. He caught it every time. You dropped it once and missed it twice. What the fuck do you want from me?” I shouted. I wasn’t going to be a dick and tell him that I didn’t even have to give him the fucking ball. They were pity throws. I knew it was his last fucking time on the field, and I didn’t want to take that from him. But he was too entitled to acknowledge when anyone did shit for him, because he was all about what he wasn’t getting, and not thankful for the fucking opportunities he had.

  He was born into a shit ton of money. He had two parents who attended every game. He dated the girl that everyone wanted. He had the big house. The BMW on his sixteenth birthday. But the little prick always thought he deserved more.

  “You make sure that ball lands in Shaw’s hands, don’t you?” he hissed, and I shoved him back.

  “I want to win the game, you selfish asshole. I’m throwing you the same ball I’m throwing him. Stop fucking blaming everyone and catch the fucking ball, Taulson.” I stormed away from him as Coach stepped through the doors. He wouldn’t be cool with us almost coming to blows again. Alec was someone I was looking forward to leaving behind. I’d never cared for the kid, but this year he appeared to be unraveling. He was acting more erratic with each game, and I was tired of his stupid ass temper tantrums.

  “Everything okay?” Jax whispered as we put our attention on Coach.

  I nodded. “Same ol’ shit with that kid.”

  “Typical,” Shaw said as we all three stared straight ahead.

  Coach Stephens reminded us that we were the defending state champs, and this title was ours to take home today. He pulled me to the side and told me to call the plays again in the second half.

  “I trust you, Jett. You’re a natural leader. Now lead this team to victory.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said, a lump forming in my throat.

  I jogged back out onto the field. The second half was more aggressive than the first half had been. There was a lot at stake, and you could feel the tension in the air. I’d taken a few cheap shots, as had the other players on our team, and I’m sure we’d dished a few out as well. It was part of the game. We’d each scored again and heading into the final quarter it was a tied game.

  A few fights in the stands were broken up, and the energy had shifted as everyone was on edge. When I jogged back out for our final quarter playing for East Texas High, I called the first play. I’d give the ball to Taulson, giving him yet another chance to have his moment.

  He ran down the field and I took a few steps back and spiraled the ball right to him. He caught it for the first fucking time tonight, but when he got taken down, the ball slipped from his grasp and it ended up in the wrong fucking hands. The dude on the other team ran it down the field and scored.

  What the fuck?

  “He cheap shotted me, do your fucking job,” Alec screamed at the ref when he got to his feet, and Coach Stephens ran out to get him off the field. He continued his rant, even with Coach pulling at his shoulders to lead him to the sidelines. The ref ejected Alec from the game, and the fans for the opposing team went crazy with excitement. Alec’s father was down on the field now, getting in the face of the ref. Who the fuck does that? This had gone from bad to worse in a matter of minutes. Coach ran out once again to try to get things under control, when Alec’s father shook the referee by the shoulders and was ejected from the field as well.

  Coach shook his head at me with disbelief before shouting at me. “Turn this around, Jett.”

  I called the play and passed the ball to Ty. No one had been expecting it, and he caught it and tore down the field as the crowd roared in the background. I watched as he spiked the ball in the end zone, and it was a tie game once again.

  The next few minutes went by with our defense battling to keep the score tied. Aggressions were rising and a frantic energy surrounded me.

  They held us off during the next play. The hits were getting harder. The cheers were getting louder. The refs were throwing flags in response to the attacks going down on the field. I’d taken more hits in this game than I’d taken all season. I stood talking to Coach and looked up to meet Adelaide’s gaze. She smiled and my fucking stomach did a flip. My tongue slipped out to wet my bottom lip and I nodded. She turned back around and called a cheer just as Coach slapped my shoulder.

  “You’ve got one minute to score, or we go into overtime. It’s getting cold and our boys are getting tired. Let’s win us a ball game.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said, jogging back out on the field.

  It was going to come down to one play. One fucking play. I knew where I was throwing it. Into the hands of my best friend. It was his turn to shine and win this game for East Texas. I took a few steps back and everything went silent. A peaceful calm surrounded me. I spiraled the ball into the end zone and right into Shaw’s hands.

  Fucking, yes.

  The band played in the background.

  Cheers engulfed the stadium, making it difficult to hear anything.

  I jogged toward Shaw, and Jax met us in the middle. We huddled together as Shaw shouted.

  “We did it.”

  We sure as fuck did.

  Chapter Seven


  I woke up Sunday morning to my sister Clem knocking on my bedroom door to tell me the girls were here. I glanced at my phone to see it was only nine a.m. I was exhausted. We’d gotten home late on the bus Friday night from the state meet, and I’d spent the day with Alec yesterday watching movies. He was still upset about him and his dad being kicked out of his last game, and I understood how disappointing that would be. He wasn’t himself lately. He’d never been so edgy, and I’d tried to talk to him about it, but he just said his dad was riding him really hard and there was so much change coming after this year, he was feeling the pressure.

  I understood it. Everyone went to Britney Weber’s house for a party last night, but Alec wanted to go home, so I didn’t end up going out either. I was supposed to hang out with the girls today, but apparently they were here much earlier than planned.

  Coco barreled through the door first with Ivy, Maura, and Gigi right behind her. Clem turned to leave and shut the door. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. “What’s going on? I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet.”

  “Please. I’ve slept in this bed and smelled your dragon breath more times than I can count. Don’t go all Savannah Edington on us now,” Coco said with a laugh. She always made fun of how haughty both of our mothers were.

  Gigi sat beside me, and I searched her gaze. She looked upset, and I immediately knew something was wrong. “Oh my gosh
. What happened?”

  Maura shook her head. “Maybe nothing. We don’t know for sure.”

  “But we knew we needed to come here and tell you right away. We’re the Magic Willows, after all.” Ivy shoved Coco over on my bed and sat down beside her.

  “You guys are scaring me. What happened?” I asked, tucking the hair behind my ears.

  They exchanged a look and my stomach dipped. This wasn’t good. We never hesitated with conversation unless it was bad.

  “Alec was at the party last night and Karina was hanging all over him again,” Coco said, and she studied me as she spoke.

  I rolled my eyes. “What? He went out? He convinced me to stay home. What’s going on with him? And why is she always hanging on him? I’m so over this.” I crawled past them and climbed out of bed so I could pace the room.

  “That’s not it, Addy. He thought we’d left, but I forgot my keys and ran back inside. I saw him go upstairs into a bedroom with Karina and shut the door.” Maura pushed to her feet and faced me, placing a hand on each shoulder.

  “What? You’re kidding me right now.” Nausea stirred, and bile rose up in my throat. “Are you sure?”

  Now Coco was on her feet. “Maura came out to tell us, so of course, I stormed the freaking castle. I marched upstairs and banged on the door. He never answered and they didn’t make a peep. He knows we know.”

  I shook my head. This was not who Alec was, was it? I couldn’t believe that this was even happening. He was thoughtful and kind. He wasn’t a liar. Would he really do this to me?

  “I need to call him.” I reached for my phone on the nightstand.

  “Just feel him out. Put him on speakerphone,” Ivy insisted.

  I was torn about how to handle this, but they’d seen him go into a room with a girl he’d slept with before. The only girl he’d ever slept with. What was I supposed to think? I dropped back on the mattress and dialed his number, pushing the button for speakerphone.


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