His Human Nanny

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His Human Nanny Page 7

by Michele Mills

  His door was open a bit and I saw…I cannot believe what I saw. I can’t get that erotic vision out of my head. Aegir lowering his pajamas and pulling out his hard, gleaming red cock, panting, giving it rough strokes while he came all over his hand.

  He said my name.

  My name.

  Of course he had no shirt on and he pulled out a huge cock. It was easily twice the size as a human’s dick. I had to cover my mouth so he didn’t hear the gasp that escaped my lips. It was thick and intimidating. As a matter of fact, I found myself a little frightened.

  Will it fit?


  Not would it fit, but will it fit. Oh gods, I want this male so bad. I’ve never wanted a male this much in my entire life.

  And all that cum that spilled onto his claw. Gods, I wanted to rush over and lick it up for him. But instead I ran back to my room and hid.

  I fan my face, trying to lessen the heat. I need to stop thinking of this.

  I’m in his kitchen tending to his precious babies, starting our morning routine, and I’m trying to act like it’s a normal day. Like the incident that rocked my world last night did not happen. I’m jumpy and nervous, my cheeks ready to burst into flames, and that’s with him not even in the room yet. How will I be able to look him in the eyes and talk to him today as if that didn’t happen? Luckily, I haven’t seen Aegir yet this morning. I’ve been able to avoid him so far, but it’s only a matter of time.

  What am I supposed to say? How am I supposed to act? It never ceases to amaze me how hot he is for me just the way I am. He doesn’t think I need to lose weight. He’s referred to me as “a fragile human,” which is a total crack-up. When he thinks I’m not looking I notice his heated gaze lingering on my ass and my chest. And I love every minute of it because I can’t keep my eyes off of him either.

  And jeez, my body is still throbbing, longing for his touch. Last night I ended up masturbating too. I couldn’t fall asleep otherwise. Luckily I had my trusty vibrator packed in my suitcase because I never go anywhere without it. Considering how depressingly single I’ve been, that rabbit and I are best buddies. I was sopping wet and I shoved it inside of me, pretending it was that glorious red cock, wondering how different it would feel to have Aegir’s huge shaft pounding inside of me. His body on top of me and his tongue in my mouth.

  In a matter of seconds I was right there, riding out the mother of all orgasms and gasping his name as I came.

  I wait and I wait but Aegir never comes down for breakfast.

  What the heck? Is he avoiding me? Does he know I saw him?

  I blow out an agitated breath and glance at Kari and Loge, who are getting quality tummy time on their play mats. I could go up to his office and knock on his door and demand he come down and eat and make an appearance, but…I’m dying of shyness, so that’s not happening.

  I need something to keep my mind off of my hot boss.

  “How about if we move to the kitchen while I organize and we chat with my friend Chloe?” I say to the babies. “Good idea, right?”

  They gurgle in agreement.

  I pick the babies up and move them over to their new location. I set them up close by in matching bouncers with little toys for their hands to grab and pacifiers to suck, and I take out my tablet, prop it up, and ping my best friend. I’m moving around the kitchen now, reorganizing the pantry and trying to figure out what’s even in there. Hyrrokin spices, foods and cleaning supplies are still pretty foreign to me.

  Chloe immediately answers the live vid request. She has more free time lately to answer random calls, but for a sad reason. Both of her parents passed away this last year and she’s living alone.

  “Hey girl,” she shouts at me, delight in her tone.

  “Hi,” I say, my eyes watering at the sound of my friend’s familiar voice.

  “You okay?” she asks.

  “I’m fine. I’m fine. Just homesick.”

  “Homesick? For New Earth?” she snorts.

  I laugh. We both hate our home world; this is one of the things we have in common. I told her not to sign up with my employment agency because of the sneaky “request” clause that right now is stretching out to its sixth year. She wanted to find another way to leave, but ended up staying home these last five years caring for her ailing parents. Sadly, her father died last year, and her mother passed away last month. And then her younger sister up and married a neighbor down the street and now Chloe is all alone. And it breaks my heart. My friend is a kind, hard-working, loyal person who deserves the best in life, and I want to help her get it. I know her greatest wish is to meet other species and live off planet. Chloe has always had her eyes on the stars. She loves hearing the stories of my different placements. My plan was to bring her with me to Omega 9 so she could get a job there and be my roommate. It was going to be a surprise. Good thing I kept it to myself since the plan got delayed.

  I wonder if she’d move to Tarvos instead and live amongst the Hyrrokin? I get excited at the thought of my friend moving to the same planet and city where I am. I’ve been able to meet up with her on vacations, and we vid chat and text almost daily, so we’ve kept our friendship alive through the years even though we haven’t been on the same planet since we were teens. This will be no different.

  “I just like hearing from someone who’s known me since I was a girl.”

  “Oh honey, I miss you too. Tell me what’s going on.”

  I babble on about the babies as I work in the pantry. I pause often to kiss the babies and make humorous faces at both Kari and Loge. Apparently, I can’t talk about anything else but these two darlings. Chloe laughs at my antics, listens patiently and asks questions. Then she tells me all about the latest gossip in our old neighborhood and what’s going on with her sister’s surprise marriage to the butcher down the street. I maneuver around the cleaning bots and throw away items that are obviously past their expiration date. I’m making note of what we need in order for me to fix fresh dishes from New Earth. I’ve learned that beings of other species really like human food. I suspect the Hyrrokin will be no different.

  I hear the front door open.

  “Who’s that?” Chloe asks.

  I glance behind me. “It’s Bergelmir.” I wave and smile at him. “He’s Aegir’s older brother,” I explain to Chloe, “and Kari and Loge’s uncle. He and their grandmother, Bestla, show up most days. They drop in and say hello.”

  “They just drop in, unannounced? Doesn’t that bother you?” my friend whispers, although I’m sure Bergelmir can still hear every word she says.

  “No,” I answer honestly. “It doesn’t bother me at all.” And it really doesn’t. Friends and family are always welcome when I’m working with a client (or babies), and if they want to pitch in and chat, all the better. In fact, it makes me like Bestla and Bergelmir more, knowing that they’re randomly dropping in and checking on my work. I know what they’re doing and why—they want to make sure the babies are being well taken care of and I totally respect that. I’m happy Aegir, Kari and Loge aren’t alone in the world and have a strong extended family.

  Bergelmir gives me a grunt of acknowledgment, then he walks over and quietly stands at the expansive, black gleaming counter and pours himself a cup of my New Earth coffee. I’m slowly but surely teaching these Touchstones the value of coffee. Bergelmir turns and faces Chloe through the vid screen.

  “Bergelmir, this is my best friend Chloe Chang. Chloe, this is Bergelmir Touchstone.”

  The blood drains from her face. I can tell she’s doing her best to hide her terror, but she’s literally shaking, and tiny squeaks escape from her lips.

  “Told you.”

  She takes a deep, calming breath. “You weren’t wrong.”

  Bergelmir gives us both a quizzical look.

  “Hyrrokin are truly terrifying to humans,” I try to explain. “It just happens that you, um, look like…”

  “Monsters from our darkest nightmares,” Chloe whispers in a shaky voice.
r />   “That.” I nod, giving him a rueful smile.


  “Well, yeah.”

  “Mephistopheles. Lucifer…”

  “Okay, that’s enough,” I say. “It’s my problem, or our problem, not yours, and I’m already over it. Chloe is over it too, right, Chlo?”

  “Right,” Chloe breathes.

  Personally, I find Bergelmir to be way scarier than Aegir. If I’d seen him before Aegir in the transporter room, I’d probably have burst into tears. His fangs are longer, his barbed tail seems pricklier and he never talks. He’s really intimidating. But I’ve seen the tender way he holds Kari and Loge in his arms and patiently feeds them, so I’m comfortable around him. Underneath all that red-skinned monster terror is a sweet uncle teddy bear.

  We start a three-way conversation with Chloe through the vid screen. Bergelmir interjects the occasional grunt and monosyllabic response. It’s nice.

  “What did you do before you started your own business?” Chloe asks him. I raise my eyebrows, surprised to see my friend boldly asking this scary Hyrrokin personal questions. And I guess I wasn’t following along well because I didn’t realize Bergelmir was self-employed.

  “I served ten years with the Hyrrokin military before I retired with honors.”

  I spit out my coffee. Bergelmir pats me on the back. I stare up at him in shock. Who is this male? I don’t think I’ve heard a full sentence from him until right now. Apparently if I want Bergelmir to talk, Chloe has to ask the questions.

  “Was your brother a soldier too?” she asks.

  “Yes, we served together and retired at the same time.”

  “Oh really? You’re both former military men?” I say and glance down at the deadly weapons strapped to Bergelmir’s thighs that for some reason I hadn’t noticed until now. “Huh.”

  And right then Loge starts crying. His position in the bouncer isn’t making him happy any longer and he’s kicking his tiny feet and smoke is wafting from his nostrils. I glance at the clock. This is going to quickly devolve into epic diaper changing and bottle-feeding. “Okay, guys, this was super fun, but gotta go, Chlo. Babies calling.”

  “Same time tomorrow?” she chirps.

  “Sure,” I yell out. And then I swipe the screen dark. Kari starts crying too and now both their screams are echoing across the kitchen and living area. I pick up a crying Loge from his bouncer and pat his back. Bergelmir thankfully picks up Kari too. I start up the stairs and he follows. “You ready to change some diapers?” I ask.

  I laugh because he looks terrified.

  Two hours later Aegir doesn’t make an appearance at lunch either.

  Okay, now I’m getting annoyed.

  Normally, I go and knock on his office door and make him take a break and eat with us, but because of what I saw last night I’m too chicken to go in. I tap my foot and look around. I feel antsy, like I’m running out of ideas on how to entertain the babies. Then I remember Bestla told me there’s a park in this community.

  I glance outside at the typical, gorgeous Hyrrokin day.


  “Okay, babies, time for a road trip,” I tell them.

  They both gurgle good-naturedly. Gods, I adore these two. Now that they’ve had their diapers changed, a brief nap and they’re fed, they’re both happy babies again. Caring for twins is way more exhausting than I ever thought possible. I thought it would be similar in activity level to when I cared for my elderly clients. No. Oh no. This is much more tiring. I think because there are two babies the same age? I’ve been caring for Kari and Loge for three full diurnals so far, and each afternoon I end up passing out and falling asleep and napping when they nap. I’m not usually a person who needs naps, but with these babies, I sure do need it.

  Getting the two of them ready to go outside for a walk is a project unto itself. I change Kari’s diaper again and then she immediately poops all over herself to the point where it’s up her back and she’s a giant stinky mess. Ugh. I put Loge in a bouncy chair nearby while I wash up his sister. Finally, I get her all cleaned, fresh diaper and dressed in a new outfit. Then I change Loge’s diaper and his outfit too, because he managed to spit up all over himself while waiting out his sister.

  Then I carry them both downstairs and I pull out their heavy stroller. I pack a diaper bag of emergency supplies like I learned from the vid channel last night. I watched a terrific vid on exactly what to pack for a Hyrrokin baby and I took it to heart.

  Finally I strap them both in. That took an hour right there—just getting the babies ready to go and loading up. They’ve been recently fed, bathed, diapers changed, and it’s not their naptime yet. Perfect time to take these babies out for some sun and fun. I push us out into the bright, sunny day and I take a deep breath of fresh air and smile at the endless expanse of bright blue sky. I checked the weather on this planet and the good news is it’s a paradise. Aegir lives in the biggest industrial, commercial city on Tarvos, which is nice, but apparently there are places on this planet that are famous vacation spots that attract species from other sectors.

  We walk around a gorgeous lake and I find a beautiful green park with lots of giant red and orange flowers not that far from Aegir’s house. I feel kinda silly that I hadn’t seen it until now. And as I approach, I see a group of Hyrrokin moms hanging out. Lots of Hyrrokin children are playing on an elaborate play structure and running around a crackling fire pit. This is most definitely the happening place in Aegir’s neighborhood.

  I walk up and nervously glance at the group of females. I’m a little intimidated. I’m the hired help after all, will these local moms accept me, or will they want me to remain at a distance? I have no idea.

  “Good morning,” a female greets.

  “Hi,” I instantly reply, grateful for this one bit of friendliness. I keep moving, though, focused on finding a seat a little distant from them so they don’t think I’m intruding.

  “Where are you going?” she asks. “Come and sit here, with us.”

  “Yes, please,” another one joins in, “we don’t get newbies here very often. Especially humans.”

  “You’re a human, right?” another asks excitedly.

  “Yes, I’m a human,” I answer.

  “Oh my gosh, I’ve never met one of your species before. How exciting. We don’t get much in the way of visiting species on Tarvos. I think we’re too far off the shipping lanes. Will you come and talk with us?”

  Now all five of the females are eagerly waving me over. I smile and turn the heavy double-stroller around and maneuver it so I can sit on a nearby bench.

  “Oh, what cute babies. Look at their darling outfits.”

  I’m so proud, you’d think I’d given birth to them. Loge is in the green outfit I picked out from his closet and Kari is in a darling lavender onesie. I love how their silver claws are glinting in the sunlight and their black horns look so polished and clean. I offer Kari her favorite pacifier. She seems happy to chill in the sun, flick her tail and listen to our voices, but I’m a little concerned at Loge’s sleepy countenance. He looks way too comfortable and I don’t want him to fall asleep right now. I unclick him and start bouncing him in my lap, trying to keep him happy and alert. Babies falling asleep when it’s not their naptime is the bane of my existence.

  “Hi, my name is Sherkis Loadstone,” the first female says after I get settled.

  She’s wearing a yellow top and I notice her sparkly, pretty earrings. As in, I want some too.

  “I’m sure you’ll never remember all of our names,” she laughs, “but I’m going to try anyway. This is Justical, and that one over there with the baby she just birthed, is Lurcas.”

  I look over to see a female breast feeding a tiny naked red-skinned infant. Her orange tube top is pulled down to one side to accommodate her suckling baby. She’s smiling widely at me. Sherkis quickly lists off two other names which yeah, no way I’m remembering any of that. I just smile and nod. “Nice to meet you all,” I say. “I’m Ri
ley Anderson, the human nanny for the Touchstone family. This little girl is Kari and this gorgeous boy on my lap is her brother, Loge Touchstone.”

  “The Touchstones? Oh wow, you work for Aegir Touchstone?” Justical asks.


  All five of the females let out a collective dreamy sigh.

  I blink with confusion.

  “You get to see Aegir Touchstone every day?” Sherkis says, like I’m the luckiest girl on the planet.

  “Yes, yes I do. He works from home and my quarters are in the same house.”

  “Wow, you’re the luckiest female on the planet,” says the mom with the tiny baby.

  What the heck is happening here? How do they even know the Touchstones? “How do you all know that my employer’s name is Aegir?”

  They burst out laughing, truly delighted at my question.

  “You don’t know?”

  “No, I don’t think she knows.”

  “What don’t I know?”

  “Girl, Aegir Touchstone is one of the richest Hyrrokin on the planet!”

  “What? No. No way. He’s not…” I glance around. This community is nice, real nice, but I wouldn’t say Aegir’s lifestyle screams “richest man on the planet.” He’s not pretentious or over the top with flashing his wealth and status around. I feel comfortable around him and his family. They treat me as more than simply the exotic, expensive nanny they hired. And I like that. A lot.

  Sherkis laughs. “He is. He invented that…that…” She waves her hand. “Oh, what is it?”

  “It’s some kind of finance thing,” Lurcas says. “My bound talks about it a lot. He says he uses it all the time and it’s made us a lot of currency.”

  My mind flashes to Aegir’s office. The high-tech vid screens and all those awards on his shelves. “Wow. I guess I’d thought Aegir’s one big splurge in life was hiring a human nanny and maybe purchasing his sports vehicle. I know he’s comfortable when it comes to currency, but I didn’t know—”


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