His Human Nanny

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His Human Nanny Page 9

by Michele Mills

  “Of course I knew you were rich. You hired me and you can afford that ridiculous car you drive, and this is a really nice house but, Aegir, you’re not just wealthy, you’re a goddamn Billionaire. I was told that you’re the wealthiest being on this planet.”

  It’s true. I am. “You’re angry because I have plenty of currency?” I ask. This must be the only female in the entire four sectors who is upset that the male who desires her is a Billionaire. I frown. “Also, my car isn’t ridiculous.”

  “The fact that you’re rich isn’t new to me. I’ve worked for many rich beings. My last placement was at the Ulmath family compound on Chronos. I’m used to mansions and palaces and lots of staff and room after empty room filled with fancy, unused furniture. I lived with beings who traveled far and wide and had on average three different homes. They owned things like personal luxury spaceships and sometimes whole planets.”

  I frown and shake my head. “I don’t live this way. I prefer to live quietly and comfortably, while guarding my privacy. My currency is simply a tool. It allows me to grow my ideas into reality, which hopefully will help others. It allows me the freedom to do what I want, and to make sure my family has all they need.”

  “I guess I originally thought you, Bergelmir and Bestla had pooled your money together out of desperation to purchase a nanny for Kari and Loge and I was helping you out.”

  My lips thin. “But instead you find out I’m a Billionaire and you’re…disappointed?”

  She blows out a breath. “It just makes me feel we aren’t like beings. What do we have in common is you’re so rich and powerful? Why would you even want…”

  “I want you more than any female I’ve ever wanted in my life.”

  She stares at me in shock. “No.”


  “Well, um, I…I just don’t want you to think I’m staying here with you and the twins for the money, or for gifts like that.” She waves a dismissive hand at the vehicle parked in the driveway. “I am here because the agency agreed to give me a triple bonus, transporter travel and an upgrade on my eventual apartment on Omega 9. But really, I did that because it meant I could afford to sponsor Chloe and bring her over with me. Those were the original reasons why I came here, but now I’m staying because…”

  “Why are you staying here now?”

  “I’m staying now because I care for Kari and Loge and I can’t imagine leaving them.”

  “Any other reason?”

  “I like you too, okay, I like you. You’re my friend.”

  “We’re friends?”

  “Yes, you’re not just my boss, you’re my friend too. It’s why I don’t want this to be only about money. It’s why I’m worried about you being a Billionaire. I don’t want you buying me things I don’t need, like that huge, ridiculously expensive car. I can’t afford to get you comparable gifts. It doesn’t feel right.”

  I understand what she is telling me. She wants the ability to feel like my equal. This is understandable. But I plan on making her my bound and she will legally share all of my wealth. Then we will be equals. But I can’t say any of this yet. It is too soon. “Riley, let me do this for you. Can you forgive me for being a Billionaire and let me gift you with this vehicle?”

  She barks out a laugh. “Yes. I guess I can forgive you for being a Billionaire.”

  I want to pull her in my arms and give her a kiss. I’m staring at her lips when she says something disturbing.

  “I don’t want to end up as some rich being’s temporary pleasure mate. That’s not how I operate. My mind and heart don’t work that way.”

  “This is what you think you are to me?”

  “This is what I am to you. Yes.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “You say you want me, that if you didn’t have that legality in the way you’d…”

  “I’d have you underneath me right now. Yes, that’s what would be happening. I don’t want you to leave.”

  She shakes her head. “I planned on being here no more than a year. That’s on average how long my other placements lasted. I’m not leaving right now, we already discussed this. You don’t want another human, remember? I think you’d be better off with someone else. Someone who’s an actual nanny who specializes in babies. Someone who you won’t have to worry is going to—” Her cheeks pinken.

  “What?” I ask. “What do you worry will happen…?”

  “What if I slip and behave towards you in an unprofessional manner?”

  “Please do something unprofessional,” I beg.

  She rolls her eyes and bounces Kari on her arms. “Aegir. Stop.”

  “I enjoy your company,” I tell her. I’ve said this before, but it’s important for me to repeat. She doesn’t understand how much I normally dislike other Hyrrokin. I’m a true introvert who is capable of communicating via the vid net but requires intense alone time. And yet I want her with me every second of the day. With my offspring, and also with me in my bed taking my cock. This is amazing. I’ve never wanted to be around another being this much. She is my future bound, it is the only explanation. But I can’t pledge myself to her, so I try my best to tell her my feelings so she can see where this will lead. I cannot lose this wonderful human. I am a recluse who hates to spend currency. I have always suspected that if females knew the real me, they’d run the opposite direction. And yet Riley lives with me and seems happy with my routines. I am lucky that she is even considering me as a future mate.

  She is not simply my pleasure mate; she is the mother of future Touchstones.

  “I feel very comfortable with you in my domicile,” I continue, “caring for my offspring. I know you were worried at first that it would be difficult with us both being here full-time, but we work well together. There are no other females in my life, only you and my mother. I will show you what you are to me. We will practice this and live together as if you are my bound. You will use this vehicle that I purchased for not only you but for my offspring and I want you using it. Live here with me as if you were mine. I want you to see that this is real and will eventually last longer than a year.”

  Her bright human eyes are wet. “Okay,” she answers with a rough voice. “Okay, we’ll try it out.”



  Taking care of these babies is tougher than I thought it would be. I have to admit it’s wearing me out. I adore them, but still, extra sleep would be nice.

  I’ve been at this for three weeks now, which means Kari and Loge are over two months old. But since they grow at a faster rate than human babies, I’m feeding them solids now. And they continue to sleep through the night—which is a blessing!

  Living at Aegir’s house, while exhausting, has probably been the happiest time of my life. He suggested a few weeks ago that we live together as if we were actually together. His exact words were, “live here with me as if you were mine.” He has no idea that I have this quote on my screensaver and I stare at if often. It gets me through the tough times, all the lonely days not being able to touch him. Whenever I doubt, I reread that line and I’m able to carry on.

  I’ve gotten into a good groove, taking care of the babies and chatting and hanging out with Aegir’s mom and brother. I’ve also met Bestla’s best friend, Methone. The two of them came over two weeks ago on a weekend and insisted I rest in a chair while they took over the bathing, changing and feeding, which is lovely. The first time this happened I fell asleep in the chair. The second time they came over they forced me to go directly to bed and lie down for a nap. I love those ladies.

  I go out to the park most days and meet up with the local moms for much-needed tell-it-like-it-is Hyrrokin mom talk.

  Between Aegir, Bergelmir, Bestla, Methone and the moms group, I’m happy with my local adult connections. I really, really like the Hyrrokin and the weather here is amazing. The beings here are pretty laid-back. I’m getting used to their fire breathing, the twitchy tails and those black horns. Yesterday, two of the older kids at the park wer
e tackling each other and throwing flames, right over my head. And I didn’t even flinch.

  I also like pushing the babies in their double-stroller for long walks along the paths in the wild preserve that is right next to the gated community. It’s super nice getting out among the trees, bright flowers and chattering, colorful birds, with the side benefit of making me feel stronger. My stomach is tightening up on the sides and my thighs and calves are firm. I feel great. I really enjoy this life with these two babies and their father here, on Tarvos. Probably too much.

  It’s embarrassing how much I adore Kari and Loge. They are gorgeous babies with bright smiles and darling personalities. I love the sound of their tiny laughter and the smoke that wafts from their nostrils. I’m getting in deeper at this placement than ever before. Although the difference here is that Aegir says this placement won’t end.


  Part of me believes him, but part of me feels I’ll believe it when I see it. I’ve lived this way for the last five years—thinking I was getting something I really wanted (the end of my contract), only to have it taken away time and time again. I’ve learned the hard way that beings often make promises they don’t keep.

  My main problem these last few weeks is my intense sexual frustration. I’ve been living with a male that I grow more attracted to each passing day. I start each morning with a quick shower in the cleansing unit, before anyone wakes up. And to be truthful, half the time I end up masturbating in there, just to take the edge off.

  I sleep in my own room, which is next door to Aegir’s room. And I find myself wondering what it would be like to sleep each night with that big, sexy red body next to mine, holding me tight in his arms, his cock sliding inside of me.

  I dreamily watch the movement of his ass in his black pants as he walks around the house, and the wonderful curve and dip of the muscles along his naked back until the moment he shuts the office door behind him. He wants me and I want him, and our chemistry is explosive, but we can’t do anything about this because of some Hyrrokin legality. Plus, there’s the fact that he’s my employer and freakishly rich, so I can’t help feeling this is all kinds of wrong and will never work out in the end. And yet we’re spending every waking moment together for the foreseeable future.

  He says he wants something permanent? This isn’t simple lust and pleasure mating. I’m supposed to wait this out and he’ll show me later how serious he is? Again, I just…don’t know. How can this famous male, a Billionaire and former military man, want me as a partner? I like to think I’m reasonably attractive, but in reality, I’m overweight and nothing special. I didn’t go to university and I have zero connections on this planet. Wouldn’t Aegir be better off marrying an entrepreneurial Hyrrokin female who could help him run his business? Wouldn’t it be better for me to wait and find a male I’m more compatible with on Omega 9?

  But I’m so besotted, so in…I don’t know what, and out of my mind with blinding lust that I give this crazy plan a chance. His heated gaze makes me forget all about the fact that in reality this male is so totally out of my league. I’m pretty certain he’ll change his mind and I’ll be leaving the moment he realizes he’s only hot for me because I’m an exotic human. Maybe he thinks having sex with me sounds kinky beyond belief? But in reality, when he’s free to start dating again, he’ll see we’re all wrong. And then it will be time for me to move on to my next placement.

  I foresee the heartbreak. I told him I didn’t want to end up as some Billionaire’s pleasure mate, but that’s exactly what can happen here. It’s the gamble I’m taking by staying. And when I do leave, I’ll be leaving not only Aegir, but Kari and Loge too. And Aegir’s family, and the friends I’m making in the neighborhood. And yet I still can’t stop myself from wanting him and wishing this really could be real. It’s like my pussy’s running this show and my mind is on the back burner. I should be protecting my heart, but I care for him and am attracted to him so much that I use my rabbit vibrator every single night, imagining it’s Aegir fucking me. And I wonder if he’s masturbating too.

  Does he know I saw him that night in his room? I still haven’t told him.

  Each night, after the babies are asleep and we’re alone, Aegir insists we watch vid shows together. We start out on separate couches but eventually we can’t handle the separation and I race over and we watch the show together. Aegir is a great snuggler and I’ve discovered his red skin is warm and soft and he likes to drape his tail over my legs. Sometimes I can feel his cock prodding me. It’s pure torture.

  And I’ve learned to drive that huge utility vehicle, which it turns out I love—not that I’d ever admit that to Aegir. I’ve never had my own vehicle, so I had no idea how awesome it could be. It fits into the bay right next to Aegir’s bitchin’ car. The two vehicles look perfect together. Both are unrelenting black and made by the same luxury vehicle company. And Aegir took the time to teach me how to drive on Hyrrokin roads. Driving around town with the two of us in the front and the babies in the backseat is amazing. Like we’re a real family or something.

  Yep, I wish this was my actual life.

  I’m used to becoming close with families and staff and being super comfortable where I’m staying—but then I eventually disconnect and say tearful goodbyes. I’ve lived this strange life where I get close with a group of people and their lives for a period of time, and with the client I’m working with—and then it stops, and I move on to the next placement. I’ve done it five other times.

  Will this be the same?

  Aegir says he wants me to stay, forever.

  Huh. It sounds nice and I want to believe him so badly. But I’ve learned through the years that all my placements are temporary and that I need to harden my heart, or it will be broken. I’m an itinerant employee who works in the homes of really rich beings. All my positions come to a natural conclusion and I move on to help other families in crisis. Although, to be truthful, I was getting to a place in life where I longed to settle somewhere. This is why I was looking forward to my new start on Omega 9.

  “What’s that?” I ask the babies. I put down Loge and turn my head, trying to find the source. “Do you hear that?” It’s a scratching sound. It stops and then it starts again. I search around for a while, trying to find the source, noticing it grows louder as I walk inside the kitchen. Uh no.

  Finally, I realize the sound is centered in the pantry.

  Oh hell. What is it?

  I suck in a breath, reach out a shaky hand and open the pantry door.

  Holy crap.

  There are enormous bugs all over the place. Huge, scary bugs. They’re each the length of my fingers. Black and purple bugs with large pincers. And I swear it looks like they’re swarming towards me.

  I scream at the top of my lungs and race across the room, flipping out. I can’t help it. Bugs scare the crap out of me, and these bugs are triple scary. I trip over a chair and fall on my ass, crying.

  There’s a distant crash and heavy footsteps pound down the stairs. “Riley!” Aegir bellows.

  “Aegir,” I cry, “Aegir there are bugs in the pantry.”

  Aegir stops in the small dining space, his chest heaving and his eyes wild with worry. He looks down at me, sitting on the floor next to the babies in their play stations. Both of them are crying now, which makes me feel bad. They’re upset because I’m upset.

  “Bugs?” Aegir repeats. “Where?”

  “In…in the pantry.”

  “Oh.” He shrugs, and exhales. His body language changes from “high alert” to “no problem.” “Probably just typhids,” he says. “Nothing to worry over.”

  “Nothing to worry over?” I screech. And then Kari cries louder. Ugh. So I get off my ass and reach over to pluck the poor baby out of the play station and I cuddle her in my arms. “It’s okay, baby. Your daddy’s here. He’ll take care of the nasty bugs.”

  Aegir sighs and picks up Loge and comforts his wailing son. “Typhids look big but they’re actually harmless.”
  “Harmless? Those things are not harmless, they’re—”

  And then there’s a sharp knock on the front door.

  I gasp and stand up with Kari still in my arms. “Who’s that?” A knock on the front door is completely bizarre. This has literally never happened the whole time I’ve been here. The only beings who ever come over unannounced are Bestla and Bergilmir, and they just walk right in.

  “I don’t know,” Aegir answers in a deep voice. “The guards are supposed to alert me to the arrival of guests so I can okay their admission into the community.”

  “Maybe it’s a neighbor?” I say. “One of my moms group?”

  “No. There’s a black armored vehicle out front.”

  I look out and see it too. “Oh my gods. Are we being arrested?”

  “No,” Aegir laughs. “No. There’s a Presidential seal on the side of the vehicle, it’s okay.”

  A Presidential seal?

  And then I trail behind Aegir as he opens the door to a scary Hyrrokin in black slacks with a shiny bald head, terrifying horns and weapons strapped across his bare chest. He’s also wearing dark sunglasses. He looks very official. “Aegir Touchstone?” he rumbles.


  “President Grindstone requests your immediate presence for a high-level finance meeting at the Fire Palace.”

  Aegir rocks back on his bare feet. “Now?”

  “Yes. I’m to wait until you’re ready to leave and transport you to the meeting.”

  Aegir curses under his breath.

  I frown and glance back at the pantry. The door is closed, so thankfully I can’t see all the bugs, but I can still hear them. Dammit, couldn’t the President talk to Aegir tomorrow? Why right now? “What about the bugs?” I whine.


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