Fake Fiancé, Real Love: Fake Fiance Accidental Marriage Box Set

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Fake Fiancé, Real Love: Fake Fiance Accidental Marriage Box Set Page 31

by Dez Burke

  Or so she’d thought.

  However, Kaycie reminded herself that right now she should be angry, not amused with him. Heaving a sobering sigh, she allowed the silence to stretch for a few moments as they both struggled for something to say.

  “Are you...”

  “How’s the...”

  They both spoke simultaneously, and then shared a nervous laughter which seemed to ease the uncomfortable tension hovering since she’d picked up the call.

  “You first,” Mark offered.

  “So where are you calling from?” she asked.

  “From right here in Boston. I’m at my aunt’s home. Didn’t you know I got back?”

  Kaycie lowered herself into the nearest chair in her spacious office, feeling even more dazed as she pressed fingers to her now throbbing temples. “Of course I didn’t. How would I? When did you return to the country?”

  “About two days ago. I figured you’d hear I was coming home. So Trisha never called to tell you?”

  Kaycie’s lips twisted wryly. Trisha was Mark’s cousin, and a few years younger than Kaycie’s twenty-six. Both girls had never got along that well.

  “No,” Kaycie murmured, and then sighed deeply. “Wow, Mark. It's such a surprise to hear from you. And believe me, I’m glad you’re back but...”

  Shaking off the urge to ask him what the hell he wanted after staying out of touch for two years, she added, “So I take it your duty tour is done?”

  “I’m basically redeployed back to the States so it looks like I’m home to stay,” Mark told her, his tone full of that charming warmth. “I missed you. My aunt has organized this dinner in honor of my homecoming though I begged her not to. You have to come, baby. It’s tomorrow.”

  “Well, I...”

  “I know, I know; a party is hardly the place for us to reunite after two years. I planned for us to meet somewhere secluded and romantic where we could catch up on old times but...” Mark paused and Kaycie could almost hear him shrug. “I didn’t even have time to call you since I returned - until now. So you’ve got to come. I need to see you again.”

  Kaycie’s head was reeling. Well, fine; it was understandable that a man like Mark would think he could simply show up after two years and she’d drop everything just to see him again. He had the looks, money and social status to make any sane girl do just that.

  But Kaycie knew that if she needed to be brutally straight with herself, she wasn't enthusiastic to see Mark again.

  Not as much as she should be, anyway. Yeah, sure, there had been a time she’d been susceptible to his undeniable appeal. She may have even believed herself in love with him once. He’d been her dream guy ever since they’d started dating when she was twenty-one. But then he decided to sign up with the Navy and then a year or so later, was deployed to Afghanistan.

  The relationship had endured for another year and part of Kaycie had felt proud that Mark had a role in ensuring their nation’s freedom and security. She'd been more than willing to make whatever sacrifice required, while still keeping their romance alive.

  But then things started to change as Mark was away more and more often and for longer periods of time. She'd known his job was very dangerous and she’d tried to understand the reasons why he couldn’t always be there when she needed him.

  And yet even she couldn’t blind herself to the signs that Mark didn’t seem ready to maintain the relationship with the kind of dedication that she was willing to put into it.

  The bottom line was: Mark chose to focus solely on his military career, giving Kaycie the chance to slowly overcome the girlish infatuation she’d felt for him in her younger adult years.

  The starry-eyed Kaycie whom Mark had known was long gone, replaced with someone tougher who’d seen a bit of life’s ups and downs and was wiser for it. She was through with their sweet little fantasy love but apparently, Mark hadn’t gotten the memo.

  “Kaycie?” she heard Mark say with a hint of worry in his voice. “Are you still there?”

  “Uh...yeah,” Kaycie replied, her tone hesitant. “About the party – I really don’t think I can make it.”

  “It’s going to be a special night for me,” Mark told her quietly. “In more ways than one. Sure, it’s going to be a formal affair but it’s also going to be about family, and friends. People who’ve meant something to me at points in my life. For a long time I’ve been away from home, and some days I never even dreamed I’d make it back in one piece. I’ve got a lot to be thankful for and I really wish you’d be there to share it with me.”

  Kaycie pushed her fingers back through her hair and let out another deep-seated sigh. “Okay. I’ll be there. What time does it start?”

  “It starts at seven,” Mark said, and then added in a deeper, husky tone, “I really missed you, Kaycie.”

  “I missed you too,” Kaycie said, biting her lip and despising herself for lying.

  After all, for most of the last two years, it had been a classic case of out of sight, out of mind for her. Just like she believed it had been for him.

  Kaycie barely even remembered much about his appearance, come to think of it. His image was a faded photo in her memory and she couldn’t help feeling a pang of guilt.

  She did recall though that Mark had a look that most of the girls found irresistible. She’d always felt proud having him as her boyfriend especially since she’d been the envy of her pals for getting the hottest guy in their circle of friends back then.

  Kaycie hung up from the unexpected call with a lingering feeling of dread. She was not looking forward to coming face to face with an ex she’d all but forgotten even existed. At age twenty-six, Kaycie Hayes was now one of the youngest and fastest rising interior decorators in the city.

  Her eclectic, cutting-edge designs had caught the eye of many top industry players ever since she was in college. She’d had a dream job waiting for her when she graduated, interning for the hottest name in the business and building up her own considerable portfolio in less than three years.

  Kaycie knew she had a lot to be proud of though when it came to her personal life, she couldn’t say she’d been in much of a winning mode. Wrong choices in men had burned her more times than she cared to admit. She’d dusted herself off again and again and now, she wasn’t up for romance or love.

  All she cared about was her career and for the next couple of years to come, intended on rising to the very pinnacle of her chosen field before even thinking of finally settling down for the family she’d always dreamed of.

  Kaycie had always been idealistic – well, before she’d ended up kissing too many frogs to make her lose her taste for finding her prince.


  Kaycie chewed on her bottom lip and then exhaled deeply. Just when she felt so focused, accomplished – unfettered. She was living the good life, with great friends, top connections and a healthy, vibrant state of mind and body.

  She couldn’t help but wonder what in the world Mark had planned for them now. Not that there was a ‘them’ – but she couldn’t help going over his words again, about them catching up on old times.

  Suddenly, Kaycie felt a laugh break through her throat at the very thought that she might be taking things all wrong. She was certain Mark had moved on just like she had. He must have figured out for himself that their cute little romance had just been that, nothing more.

  And it was history.

  He had to know that, right?

  Chapter Two

  Turned out she was dead wrong.

  Lowering her thickly coated lashes, Kaycie placed down her glass of wine on the table next to where she was seated with Mark in the palatial ballroom of the Tucker mansion. Mark’s aunt, his father’s older sister and now the matriarch of the family since Mark’s parents died over ten years ago, had managed to make the night’s event an elaborate one.

  There was live music playing all the classic tunes, and what Kaycie had thought would be a simple, formal affair was a full-blown welcome home bash, co
mplete with a fabulous buffet, themed settings and all the champagne you could drink.

  The many guests were all gorgeously dressed, and as classy as one would expect in such a glamorous gathering. Mark’s family were serious old money, built upon a massively successful manufacturing and supermarket chain spreading over key cities in the country.

  Kaycie was glad that she’d followed her instincts and taken more effort than usual with her appearance. She’d done her hair in long, wavy tresses swept over one shoulder, and had on one of her most flattering evening gowns in a deep shade of purple. It was knee-length and showed off her sleek legs to their best advantage, her feet shod in elegant, bling-studded high heeled sandals.

  All around them were Mark’s friends, relatives and special guests and icons from both the military and business community who had close ties with the family. Everyone was busy having fun power chatting, dancing or helping themselves to the flowing food and drink.

  Thankfully no one seemed to be paying attention to her and Mark right then, seated on one of the corner sofas while the party swirled around them. Despite the sense of seclusion, Kaycie still felt far from comfortable with the line their intimate conversation was taking just then.

  Kaycie quietly slipped her hand from where it had lain beneath his, between them on the plush cushions. The bubble of conversation and music from the crowded room stayed in the background as Kaycie tried to gather her thoughts to respond to the question Mark had only just put to her.

  “Will you marry me?” he had asked, catching her off-guard.

  “I can’t marry you, Mark,” she told him as softly as she could. “I can’t believe you’re asking me to. Here. Now. After all this time.”

  He burst out in a quizzical laugh. “Do you think I’m joking? It may seem too soon since I only just got back, but I was so sure that now that I’m home you’d want us to get it over with and get on with our lives.”

  “Listen to yourself, Mark,” Kaycie said in exasperation, glad for the noise all around them keeping her from whispering. She smiled slightly to try to ease the sting of her words. “You’re talking about getting married like its some ordeal. “Get it over with.” She was shaking her head at him. “Look, it’s not too soon; it’s too late. I simply don’t love you anymore. Too much has happened while you’ve been away.”

  Kaycie flinched to see the way he seemed to slump at her words, his shoulders bent within the impeccable cut of his dinner jacket. She was unable to meet his dismayed gaze and looked away quickly, only for her eyes to clash and hold with those of a man seated just across from them on another sofa.

  He was nursing a bourbon in his hand; sitting back casually while on his face was a distinct look of contempt.

  Kaycie recognized him instantly.

  His name was Nick Vitale, whose family owned half the city in terms of real estate development. In her line of work she had come in contact with him on occasion. Their encounters were always brief and strictly business especially when Kaycie had been working as an intern with Irma Orsino’s renowned design firm.

  Kaycie felt a jolt at seeing him, but even more so she was surprised by the antagonism she always seemed to sense coming from him and directed at her each time they met. She’d always had the distinct impression he disliked her for some reason. She’d never let it bother her before and yet now his unconcealed distaste turned her blood cold.

  Well she couldn’t say she was a fan of his either.

  Rich as the devil, unbearably arrogant and handsome to a fault, he’d struck her early on as a man to avoid at any cost judging by the edge of steel she sensed in his personality.

  From the little she knew about him, he seemed to be from one of those mafia-type Italian American crime families - but without the crime. They ran legitimate trading from the high-flying skyscrapers of Wall Street to Texas oil fields to real estate.

  That evening, Nick Vitale was dressed in a dark jacket, white shirt and grey tie, looking even more gorgeous than ever. Which was no surprise because Kaycie had long ago – grudgingly – admitted to herself that he was undoubtedly the best looking man she’d ever seen.

  It wasn’t that hard to see why; considering how women’s eyes followed him wherever he was though only a few had the guts to come closer. He had the kind of physical presence that would be hard to ignore; his face finely chiseled in jaw, forehead and nose. His eyes were dark brown and sinfully lush, hair equally dark with thick, unapologetically wavy locks – and a gorgeously tan skin that could only have come from his known Italian legacy. And all this encased in a superbly well-kept frame that was both athletic and masterly from his broad shoulders and torso to his trim lower half.

  Truly a hunk in every sense of the word - if only he didn’t always look at her like she’d crawled from beneath a rock. So even as she caught her breath in awareness of his utter masculinity which he conveyed so effortlessly, at the same time his expression started to penetrate her.

  She had a sinking sensation he may have overheard something of their conversation and her face went hot with anger and mortification before she became chilled beneath the cold condemnation in his laser-like gaze.

  Mark, however, was totally unaware of Nick Vitale’s presence just seated yards from them. Kaycie forcefully returned her attention to Mark, wanting to kick herself for letting the other man get to her. Swearing to ignore him, she met Mark’s troubled gaze.

  “But...I don’t get it,” Mark was saying, looking like the whole building had collapsed around them. His face was twisted with emotion, and his eyes grew earnest. “I mean, I know this is hardly the time or place to bring this up, but I couldn’t help but say how I feel. I wanted to wait until we had some time alone before I sprung the question, but the moment you walked in tonight and I saw you, it became impossible to hold back. I can tell this seems far from romantic, especially without a ring but we can fix that detail as soon as you like. You can pick out the most fabulous diamond you could ever wish for. I’ve never been really good at showing emotions or being romantic, but I'm not ashamed to confess that I never stopped loving you, Kaycie.”

  His tone rang with heart-felt depth as he grasped her hands in his. “You’ve got to believe me. It’s the memories of the happy times we shared that kept me going all that time I was stuck in some hellhole in Afghanistan. And now you’re saying you don’t want to marry me?”

  Kaycie grimaced helplessly. “That’s what I’m saying. It’s not really your fault. I just...I can’t.”

  Mark drew in a ragged breath, and seemed to square his shoulders before asking gravely, “Is it another man?”

  He was glaring at her now and Kaycie started, pulling her hands from his. But he went on before she could think of replying. “You can tell me, Kaycie. I won’t be mad, I promise. After all, it’s been two whole years. I really shouldn’t have expected you to wait that long.”

  Kaycie gasped in shock at the injustice of those words. How dare he try to make her feel guiltier than she already did? It wasn’t like he had made her any true promises. Hell, he’d barely even kept in touch in all this time and she was meant to be hanging on for his return? What with the way he’d let communications fade out between them, was he really so surprised by this outcome? The last thing he should be doing, Kaycie felt, was trying to guilt trip her for something that was his fault.

  And yet, she did feel a pang of conscience. They had been a couple and had never officially broken up. So maybe she shouldn’t be so hard on him. After all, he did look deeply sincere and heartbroken.

  If only I still had feelings for him, Kaycie thought with an inner sigh. Or even better, if only there was another man...

  Unable to help herself, Kaycie permitted her eyes to rove and seek those of Nick Vitale and to her chagrin, she found he was still very much present. He hadn’t budged an inch, and was still pointedly looking, if not listening to every word they were saying.

  Damn, it was so frustrating! Why did he have to be here tonight of all nights? This wasn�
��t his usual setting. How could he have received an invitation? And then she remembered noticing that many movers and shakers in the city had made it in deference to the very influential Marilyn Tucker, Mark’s aunt who, though in her sixties still straddled the family’s many business concerns.

  Kaycie sent the offensive man across from them a dirty glance which caught a thin, careless smile slant his beautifully curved lips. Piqued beyond endurance, she turned once more to face Mark.

  She squeezed his hand gently. “Please, Mark, I feel like I’ve ruined your night so much already. But I don’t think we should continue this discussion here. For one thing, there’s the music and then there’re so many people around.” Smiling lightly, she drew them both up to their feet. She fully intended to get them away from their present location and if possible, get him to forget his track of thought in terms of a proposal.

  As they made their way out of the crowded room, they were intercepted several times by guests wanting to give their good wishes and warm words. It took long minutes before they reached the privacy of the balcony. Once they were alone in the night air, Mark began to pursue the dreaded topic again to Kaycie’s deepest dismay.

  “I can take the truth,” he began, turning them face to face as he took hold of her bared shoulders. “Maybe I was a fool to think I still held your heart. If you’re in love with someone else, then say so.”

  Kaycie rolled her eyes expressively. “You’re mistaken, Mark. There’s no one else in my life. I’ve been far too busy for any romantic involvement and certainly for anything serious with anyone.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Mark said in a suddenly chilly voice. “My aunt Marilyn and Trisha have told me how successful you’ve become. And a woman with your looks has to have someone in the background, keeping you happy. Don’t tell me no one has even tried?”

  Kaycie’s lips twisted wryly as she thought of Marilyn and what the old woman might have said about her. She’d spoken to Mark’s aunt earlier in the evening and was glad that unlike in the past, Kaycie didn’t feel so intimidated by the domineering woman’s persona. Kaycie wasn’t the insecure young woman of back then who’d felt out of place around Mark’s loaded family which was one of the richest in the city while Kaycie had a far more humble upbringing.


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