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Fake Fiancé, Real Love: Fake Fiance Accidental Marriage Box Set

Page 39

by Dez Burke

  Kaycie turned in the direction Natasha indicated and met Nick’s deep, dark gaze. He excused himself from the couple he’d been talking to and strode up to where the two friends stood. Natasha squeezed Kaycie’s hand and with one last wink, glided away.

  “Kaycie,” said Nick thickly when he reached her side. “Dear wife - have I told you how ravishing you look today?”

  Kaycie smiled, taking in the teasing tone in the new endearment and judging from the blaze in his eyes, she knew he wasn’t completely joking.

  “Hmm...about a hundred times,” she said drily and instinctively lifted her cheek for his kiss.

  Drawing back a moment later, Nick laughed. “I never pictured myself as much of a romantic groom, but there’s something in the air today and I feel very much like sweeping you away on that month-long honeymoon of ours.”

  Kaycie’s eyes widened. “Is it for that long?”

  Nick’s gaze felt like a laser beam running over her honey-tinted skin, bared by her strapless ivory gown. “If I had my way, it would be for even longer. But before we get to leave, there’s someone I want you to meet.”

  Kaycie’s brows lifted quizzically, especially when Nick seemed almost reluctant as he explained, “My stepmother. She missed the wedding ceremony, but I’m hoping she’ll make it here soon. She’s supposed to be arriving from her holiday in Tuscany by now.”

  “Then we’ll wait,” Kaycie said firmly, warmed by the possessive glint in his dark eyes. He always made her feel desirable, and sexy. She wondered if he knew that he only had to look at her, and her pussy began to twitch and steep in its own juices.

  Nick bent to whisper in her ear, and Kaycie went still as his words spilled sensually over her. “We may have a long flight ahead, but trust me once we arrive at our destination nothing is going to stop me from making slow, endless love to you. I’m going to love watching you squirm and beg for me to stop – then beg for me not to stop. Claiming you is going to be one hell of a pleasure, sweet wife.”

  Kaycie let out a delicate cough, placing a hand over her now heated neck and hoping the whole world couldn’t see how his whispered words had been her shiver all over.

  Nick chuckled, stealing a quick kiss from her lips and drawing back. “I’ll be right back,” he promised, before he turned and strode off. Kaycie watched him go with a look of longing and adoration she didn’t bother to hide now that his back was turned. She was in too deep; she could no longer deny it. And she didn’t feel ready to pull out, not unless Nick was right next to her, hand-in-hand in love’s journey of a lifetime.

  “So, you really do love him.”

  Kaycie spun round abruptly at the sound of that familiar female voice. Her eyes widened when she saw Trisha standing there. Kaycie really was surprised; she’d sent an invitation to Mark’s family but had never thought anyone would come.

  Instead of reacting to Trisha’s strange statement, Kaycie asked the younger girl curiously, “You came alone?”

  “Yes,” said Trisha with a shrug of her shoulders. She was dressed in a flattering tailored dress in deep plum which set off her skin nicely. Her straightened dark hair blew gently in the breeze and around her somewhat rounded face.

  “I guess I had to see for myself if you really were going to get married. You know, Kaycie...I’d never have believed it possible that you’d be much of the publicity-hungry type. And yet in just one month you’ve turned from just an everyday career girl into the “Beautiful Vitale Bride”. Not my words, mind you – I got that quote from Majesty magazine. You granted them an interview last week.”

  “I remember,” Kaycie murmured wryly. She hadn’t wanted to do the piece, but Nick insisted – as usual. It was all part of the exposure expected to showcase her now that she was to carry the Vitale name, he’d explained. Unlike some of the other spreads out there, Majestic magazine was one of the classiest and Kaycie felt sure no damage to her reputation would be risked.

  Thankfully, the questions were basically about the wedding, who designed her gown, the cost of the rings and only a bit about how they’d met. Kaycie of course had talked this out with Nick and their story was that they’d met through work and the romance had blossomed from there.

  No mention was made of Nick’s recently broken engagement to Rachel. And Kaycie couldn’t deny she’d had fun with the photo shoot where she’d been made to try on several gorgeous gowns, all designer made.

  Now, Kaycie kept her smile in place and viewed Trisha with a watchful gaze. “It’s really nice of you to show up today. You were the last person I’d have expected to be here.”

  Trisha’s lips lifted in an equally thin smile. “Like I said, I just had to make quite certain that it was true and not just some joke. But then I watched Nick place the ring on your finger so...”

  Her smile seemed almost genuine as she added with satisfaction, “Well, at least now it gives me a chance with the man I love.”

  Kaycie frowned. “You mean Mark?”

  Trisha merely smirked, her eyes turning cold. “Years ago I watched you ensnare him in your net. When he joined the military and left the country a part of me felt almost glad that he was out of your reach. I’d hoped he’d forget all about you but instead, he returns and proposes to you,” Trisha muttered with a bitter twist of her lips.

  “I refused, remember?” Kaycie said bitingly. “And now I’m married to a man and feeling things I never could feel for Mark.”

  Trisha’s lips twisted in a little sneer. “Aww. Looks like you’re in love. Question is, does he feel the same?”

  Kaycie’s eyes darted as she wondered if Trisha knew anything about the clause in Nick’s father’s Will.

  Kaycie found herself seeking Nick out in the crowd, as if she felt in need of protection from Trisha’s vindictive prodding. She saw him standing by the side of a strikingly beautiful redhead dressed in an exquisitely tailored peach trouser suit. Kaycie blinked in surprise as she watched the strange way the woman was gazing up at Nick as they spoke. Who was she?

  “I see Nick’s stepmother has arrived,” murmured Trisha, and Kaycie glanced sharply at her.

  “That’s Nick’s stepmother?” Kaycie couldn’t help asking in disbelief. She hadn’t even known Nick had a stepmother before he mentioned her a few minutes ago. The flame-haired beauty didn’t look much older than thirty, with her sleek figure and glowing, tanned complexion.

  Kaycie’s confusion must have been evident to Trisha who let out a mocking chuckle. “I can see you’re in the dark about a whole lot of things,” said Trisha with a dramatic sigh. “Unlike you, I make sure to follow the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I guess being adopted I’ve always been intrigued to know how the other half lived – you know, people who were born into big money. Or maybe I simply find pleasure in reading about rich people making asses of themselves.”

  “I’m sure you’re getting closer to the point,” Kaycie said with as much patience as she could muster.

  Trisha gave another one of her chilly smiles, taking the time to reach out for a glass of champagne from a passing waiter’s tray. She sipped appreciatively from the fluted glass before finally continuing in a slightly bored voice, “It just so happens that when Gio Vitale, Nick’s father married Lena she was twenty-five years younger than him and just a couple of years older than Nick. Of course sparks were certain to fly and story goes that Nick became infatuated with his new stepmother. One angle claims he even asked her once to divorce his father and marry him. Talk about youthful exuberance. But naturally the old girl knew on which side her bread was buttered and told him to forget it. Tortured, Nick moved out of his family home to settle down on his own, swearing never to love again. No one knows if his old man ever guessed or found out what was happening. I mean, how would he ever have suspected that the young wife he married secretly had the hots for her handsome stepson?”

  Kaycie’s eyes were narrowed as she took in Trisha’s airy words, wondering how much of it was true or just malicious bullshit. “Just what are gettin
g at, Trisha?”

  “I’m just saying,” the other girl murmured with a shrug. “Most people know that Nick still carries a torch for his delectable stepmother. And now that her husband, Nick’s father has passed on, bless his soul...” She shrugged again.

  “You’re mistaken. I surely would have heard about something like this,” Kaycie said stiffly, wishing she could smack the sneer off Trisha’s face.

  “Not everything makes it to the gossip columns. Besides, you can’t have known Nick that long. I got these tidbits from Marilyn; she’s always been close to the Conte’s and the Vitale’s and you know how she gets her nose into everything.”

  Kaycie was shaking her head though she knew Trisha wasn’t far wrong about one thing. Marilyn, Mark’s aunt and Trisha’s adopted mother, had a way of getting into the secrets of her friends or rivals. She was always on the lookout for a weak spot that would help her lord it over others. Kaycie also remembered that Nick had attended Mark’s party with Rachel who must have been invited by Marilyn.

  She still couldn’t help feeling confused and found herself asking, “I still think you’ve got it all wrong. If Nick wanted Lena then why did he marry me? I really think you should stop trying to stick your nose where it isn’t wanted.”

  “Just trying to give you some friendly warning,” Trisha said, ignoring the barb. Lifting her glass to her lips, she sauntered away with a self-satisfied smile.

  Kaycie glared after Trisha’s departing back. She wasn’t sure how to process what she’d just heard. Nick had a stepmother he was once in love with? That was messed up, especially since in the whole month since he’d given her the ultimatum to marry him, not once had Kaycie ever heard of Lena. Hell, Nick had taken the time to introduce Kaycie to his family members, friends and close associates and not once had Lena’s name come up. And now Kaycie was finding out that the beautiful, elegantly dressed woman had been married to Nick’s father.

  And now she was here.

  Kaycie looked around and was just in time to catch Nick disappearing around a corner of the garden with his stepmother. No one else seemed to notice, the music loud and carefree from the speakers tucked in the gardens and the guests busy having so much fun as the afternoon hour wore on.

  Frowning in confusion, Kaycie knew she needed to find out the truth. If Trisha was right and there was something going on beneath the surface between Nick and Lena then Kaycie wanted to know about it. She wasn’t about to be played a fool, no matter if the marriage was simply an arranged one. She deserved to know what she was up against, especially when there was so much more at stake.

  Kaycie wanted to confront Nick with the whole story even though she knew she would be risking him telling her to mind her own business. So she quickly made up her mind and without thinking twice, went in the direction she’d seen Nick and Lena vanish into, determined to get to the bottom of whatever was happening.

  NICK TURNED TO FACE Lena, a somewhat impatient look on his face as they stood in the shadowy alcove of the scene trees.

  “Now we’re alone, what’s the very important thing you couldn’t tell me in front of everyone else?”

  Lena looked up into his face with a sultry smile, her dark green eyes teasing while her curvy lips pouted. “Don’t be short with me, Nick, please. I couldn’t bear it if I made you angry.”

  Nick let out a deep sigh. “Of course I’m not angry. It’s just that you know you can’t drag me from the wedding like that. I have guests to see to. And Kaycie...”

  “Ah yes, Kaycie,” Lena murmured. “I had a glimpse of her earlier. She’s very pretty.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So, you’re a very rich man now,” purred Lena. “It’s too bad now you’re saddled with a wife to go with all those billions.”

  KAYCIE MADE HER WAY carefully through the tree-covered pathway and deeper into the gardens following the low sound of voices, one of which she recognized as Nick’s. She paused in her stride when she heard Nick’s stepmother mention billions, and Kaycie’s curiosity was pricked.

  “I must say I’ve got nothing to complain about where she’s concerned,” Kaycie heard Nick respond in an off-hand tone. Kaycie kept out of sight but stayed just close enough to hear what was being said even as she tried to look through the thick brush to find where they both stood. Kaycie felt like such a heel for spying on Nick like this, but she couldn’t help it.

  “Why do I find that so hard to believe?” Lena said with a scoffing tone. “I mean, she’s hardly your type. Not what I’d have expected you to end up with considering your lofty tastes.”

  “Kaycie will do,” Nick said, his words still studiously nonchalant. “She’s willing to play the given role. She’ll do what she’s told – which means there’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Of course not,” Lena returned smugly, and Kaycie was able to catch her smirk as Kaycie managed to push aside the foliage concealing the two figures from her view.

  “I mean, she seems like the perfect, pliant wife,” went on Lena with a shrug, even as she looked up at Nick through fluttering eyelashes. “But it won’t be long before you tire of her. I know you, Nick.”

  “I’ll cross that bridge when and if I get to it,” Nick drawled and Lena’s smile spread with pleasure, reaching forward to wrap her arms snugly around his neck.

  “Till then, my love, it’s just you and me,” Lena breathed and to Kaycie’s disbelief, inched up to join their lips in a kiss.

  What the...?

  Kaycie’s first instinct was to crash in through the bushes and slap that bitch. Instead she found herself turning blindly from the shocking scene and heading straight for the house and up to the room where their boxes were already packed for the trip.

  They’d planned to take a flight to Nick’s beachside villa deep in the beautiful province of Santorini, but now all Kaycie was thinking was how she needed to get away. This was her worst nightmare! Her back rested against the closed door of the room as she began to breathe heavily. She felt like she was about to have a seizure, torn by different emotions that wanted to rip her apart. Shock, rage, disappointment – hurt. Blinking rapidly, she swore over and over, “I will not cry, I will not!”

  It took another minute to regain her composure, and then her mind began work in fast forward. She threw in some things from the bigger cases into a smaller one. When that was packed, she tore out of her wedding gown and changed into jeans and a shirt.

  “The bastard,” she fumed out loud as she zipped into a jacket. Well, she’d heard and seen enough to know where she really stood with him. Oh, she’d secretly hoped that he was beginning to have feelings for her, but after witnessing that romantic little scene she knew she was wasting her time.

  Still boiling, she pulled her hair up into a ponytail and then finally grabbed her bag and made her way out the back of the house. Luckily for her, she was able to evade the staff and guests until she was outside the grounds and headed for the road.

  She hailed the first cab that came in sight. “Get me to the airport, fast.”

  Heaving a sigh of relief that she’d been able to make her escape within such a fast period, she settled into the rear of the taxi. No one would even notice she was gone before it was too late. Kaycie rested her head back, feeling like there was a boulder in her chest and not a heart that beat and lived.

  Looking down at the heavy diamond and platinum bands on her wedding finger, Kaycie couldn’t help but shudder. She’d had no alternative but to marry Nick; he’d seen to it that she was solidly trapped. But growing feelings for him had been her choice to make and she’d been a fool to fall.

  She could have known she couldn’t handle meaning nothing to him. He’d laid it on the line from the start that this was all about the end game and getting his inheritance. Romance had nothing to do with it. She remembered the words he’d said that should have warned her: “Love? Do I even know what that means?”

  No, Nick, you have no idea, Kaycie thought with despair as she stared unseeing out of the
car window. He’d never understand her kind of emotions, the true, honest-to-goodness feelings from the heart.

  Then and there, Kaycie damned the consequences as she swore to go far, far away. Away from the devastation of betrayal and away from Nick.

  Chapter Eleven

  How Kaycie survived the next several hours she’d never know. All she remembered was that she jumped on the next available flight to the last place she felt Nick would think to find her.

  Kaycie knew her main flaw was always doing things without thinking them through first. It was her impulsive streak that had got her in this mess in the first place. If she hadn’t kissed Nick at that party, she wouldn’t be here on the run from her own wedding, leaving everything behind and not looking back.

  She just needed some time to sort herself out; she knew that. For the first time in her life she’d fallen hard and the rude shock of realizing she was never going to be anything but a pawn to Nick had hit her hard.

  And now here she was, days after and still not sure where her life was headed. She didn’t even want to think of what could be happening back home and what everyone could be thinking. Especially Nick.

  But then Kaycie told herself she didn’t give a damn what Nick thought. He’d had his wedding. She’d fulfilled her side of the deal and she wanted nothing more to do with him. She should have kept it strictly business no matter what, because then she wouldn’t be all messed up inside feeling hurt because Nick didn’t care. He never had and never would.

  There, in the heart of Verona Italy, Kaycie had spent almost two weeks losing herself in the historic city as she tried to piece herself together. She’d found a gorgeous hotel surrounded by the most eye-catching attractions in the city. She was glad for the classic luxury of her room and the lovely view she had from her window.


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