Have a Heart 1

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by Rachel Burns

  Have A Heart

  By: Rachel Burns

  Have a Heart Part 1

  Part 1 of the Have a Heart Series

  Third Edition

  Copyright 2013 - 2015 Rachel Burns

  Published by Rachel Burns

  Text Copyright © 2013 - 2015 by Rachel Burns

  All Rights Reserved

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act 1976, no part of the publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by and means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents and dialogues are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 – Arriving

  Chapter 2 – Making Friends

  Chapter 3 – Is He Out to Get Me?

  Chapter 4 – Accusations

  Chapter 5 – Trying to Get Away With Something Never Works

  Chapter 6 – Take Responsibility For Yourself

  Chapter 7 – Messing Up

  Chapter 8 – You Will Be Judged by the Company You Keep

  Chapter 9 – Last Chance

  Chapter 10 – Christmastime

  Chapter 11 – Visiting Home

  Chapter 12 – New Year’s Eve

  Chapter 13 – The Long Drive Back

  Chapter 14 – Not Feeling Well

  Chapter 15 – A Real Life Saver

  Chapter 16 – I’ll Hold Your Hand

  Chapter 17 – A New Start

  Chapter 18 – The One You Will Never Forget

  Chapter 19 – Exploding Frogs

  Chapter 20 – Happy Birthday

  Chapter 1 – Arriving

  Brianna’s parents helped her carry her things to her room. They were being very quiet. This was going to be especially hard on them. After eighteen years of caring for their daughter, the time had come to let go, a little.

  Her parents were hardly letting her carry anything. She was already embarrassed by all the water her father was carrying up to her room. He had to make several trips. Others were already starting to stare at him. The last thing she wanted was to draw attention to herself. She hated having to explain. She was hoping that she could get out of that here. No one had to know, just the school nurse, whom her parents had said was already informed.

  Her mom made up her bed, hiding the electrical blanket under the sheet and fluffing her daughter’s pillows.

  A girl came in and gave Brianna a thick book, telling her to read it. Brianna thanked her and nodded that she would. The girl gave her a funny look and moved on to pass out the rest of her books.

  Brianna helped her mom hang her clothes up in the closet. She unpacked her desk things. Her father had finished piling up her water against the wall under the window.

  He turned to his daughter with tears in his eyes. Her mom was also teary eyed. Brianna stepped forward and hugged each of them.

  “Take very good care of yourself,” her father scolded her. That was his standard line. He said it every time they separated, even if she was just going to the grocery store with her mom.

  “I will, Dad. You don’t have to worry.”

  Her mother turned her into her arms and hugged her again. “Be very good, and do as you are told. Don’t disappoint us.”

  That was new, Brianna thought. She was always good, never having had a chance in life to actually do anything that could disappoint her parents. She was a model daughter. “I’ll be good,” she answered confused.

  “They place great value on that here. To the letter.” Eva’s eyes glanced over to the book she had been given.

  Brianna’s eyes followed hers, and she nodded. She would read the rule book. She was used to things like that. They had them at hotels and in hospitals. You could look up when lunch was served, and it would have the telephone number of the emergency services.

  Her parents each hugged her again, and then they went to the door. Brianna followed them out. She stood in her door and waved to them as they left. She also had tears in her eyes.

  Still, her parents looked worse than she did.

  Scott walked past Brianna. He looked at her curiously before he continued down the hall. The girl had returned to her room. The goodbyes in the other rooms weren’t as peaceful. He stopped and listened at one room the girl inside whined that she didn’t want to go to college.

  Scott would have his work cut out for him again this year. He shook his head and stopped at Hannah’s door. He knocked, and she opened the door right away. “Did you pass out all the books and tell them to read it?” he asked her.

  “Sure did. I was really clear without being obvious.” She gave him a devious smile. She had been in their position last year. Hannah had learned the hard way not to interrupt or feel sorry for others when they were learning their lessons.

  Someone knocked on Brianna’s door. She laid her finger in the page where she was reading and went to open the door.

  Brianna was almost finished with the book. She had been marking important pages, highlighting and making dog ears by the things that she felt were important to her.

  She was surprised to see a young man outside of her door. He was probably less than ten years older than her.

  Scott looked at the book in her hand surprised.

  She automatically looked at her hand and at the book, and then she looked back at him, guessing who he was in the grand scheme of things here. He was to be avoided at all costs.

  “Hall meeting in the lounge.” Scott pointed to his right. He moved on to the next door.

  Brianna nodded and went to get her shoes and lay the book down. She was one of the first ones in the lounge. Chairs had been set up in a circle. Nervously, she sat down very on one. She was already scared, and she hadn’t done anything. Nor was she planning to.

  A couple other girls came in and sat down with a huff. Three others sat down with disinterest. Brianna wondered how the other girls could sit there so disrespectfully after reading their student handbooks. Six other girls who all seemed to know each other filled up the empty chairs. They at least looked a little nervous too.

  The man who had knocked on her door showed up last and stood in the middle of the circle.

  Brianna noticed that two of the girls looked at him admiringly. They whispered to each other and looked at him.

  Brianna had to wonder if they were suicidal.

  “Welcome to the 3rd floor of Polk Hall. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Scott. I am the floor monitor and the disciplinarian for this floor. Earlier you were all given a handbook, and you were told to read them. I would like to play a game so we can get to know each other. I want you to introduce yourself and then answer the questions.”

  Brianna noticed that all the girls that seemed to know each were shifting in their seats. Scott turned to her first. He smiled at her, but she couldn’t return it. “When are students allowed off campus?”

  She sighed relieved. She knew that answer. “Only with special written permission or in the case of a medical emergency. Oh, and my name is Brianna.”

  Half of the girls sighed in relief along with Brianna.

  “What time is curfew?” Scott asked another girl.

  She was still shocked that they were never allowed off campus. “My name is Jennifer, and I also have a question. What if I need to go into town and make some purchases? Surely at least on the weekends.”

  Scott let the young girl with short ink black hair girl talk for a bit before he stopped her. “Brianna just explained that you could leave wi
th special written permission. I gather that you didn’t read the handbook. I will see you in your room later on, Jennifer.”

  Scott turned to the next girl, “Same question.”

  “Um – My name is Paris. Curfew is at eight.” She had figured that if they weren’t allowed to leave school, then they would have an early curfew too.

  Scott raised an eyebrow at the blond who had so confidently lied to him. “You are guessing, and you guessed wrong. Curfew is at six. I will also see you in your room later on.”

  “What is the exception to curfew?” He asked a girl with long red hair and green eyes.

  “My name is Maureen, and the exception can only be those people who actually have a life.” She high-fived the girl next to her.

  Scott wanted to rub his temples. This was going to be a difficult year. “I will see you later in your room too.”

  “You bet cha.” She gave him a seductive smile.

  A couple of the girls laughed a little.

  “I’ll be there. You can count on me, Maureen. The exception is extra curricular activities,” he answered his own question.

  He turned his attention to the next girl who seemed to already be Maureen’s best friend. “What are the consequences for talking disrespectfully to a person of authority?” He looked extremely mad now.

  The girl even leaned back away from him a little. “My name is Stephanie, and I would say the punishment would be suspension.” She had short hair and looked solid, like she did a lot of sports.

  “Wrong, I will see you later too.” He moved over to the last girl. She had her blond hair pulled back into a ponytail. She was obviously the cheerleader type. “Same question.”

  “My name is Gretchen.” She was playing up her southern accent. “And I’m afraid I haven’t had a chance to read the book yet. I was busy getting settled. You understand, don’t you?” She pushed her breasts out a little and gave him a demure smile.

  “No, Gretchen, I don’t understand. I will visit you in your room later on too. Only one of you took the time to read the handbook about the school rules and regulations. You were given one thing to do today, and you didn’t do it. If you had, then you would have been able to answer my simple questions, and you would have read about what kind of discipline we use here.”

  “Rachel, what kind of discipline does this school use?”

  “Corporal punishment,” Rachel answered, turning red.

  “That’s right. And as your floor disciplinarian I will decide when and what you will receive. I am your judge, your jury and your executioner. Now, corporal punishment is namely; bare bottom spankings depending on the severity of your transgressions it can also include paddling, strapping, birching and caning.”

  He looked pointedly at Maureen. “All of your parents were informed about exactly how our school works. Crying home to them won’t help you. They are paying a lot of money for you to get exactly this kind of care. All of you didn’t work up to your full potential.”

  Scott’s eyes fell on Brianna, who didn’t seem to fit in here, but she would probably goof up soon and prove that she too belonged here. It was a first though that someone had actually read the handbook. He remembered her waving to her parents. Maybe they had started his work for him over summer vacation.

  They did their daughter a favor if they had.

  “Your parents were unable to help motivate you. I won’t have any problem at all giving you exactly what you need. I will make sure you all behave, whether this is your first or second year here.” He stared at the older girls who were shifting in their seats again.

  “I guarantee that every one of you will meet the academic goals that I will set for you, without exception, or you will be caned in this room in front of the others at the end of the trimester. I have worked out your respective potentials. I will discuss them with you in your rooms this evening. At that time, I will administer all the punishments that have been earned up until now.” He smirked to himself for a second. “Are there any questions?”

  The girls were all too shocked to ask any.

  Brianna had promised her mother that she would ask about first aid kits, and all the things that mothers worried about, but she just couldn’t sit here with this mood in the room and ask what she was supposed to do in case of an emergency. Things like that didn’t appear to be in his area of expertise anyway.

  Brianna would stop by the nurse’s office tomorrow after class and discuss that with her instead. She was relieved that she had found a way to keep her promise to her mother.

  “You may be excused to your rooms.” He turned to a couple of the older girls and talked with them while he watched that every girl actually went into their own room. The swaying long skirt on the one who could read caught his eye. He watched her go into her room.

  Once the doors all closed, he turned back to the girls and asked them about their summer vacations. He wanted to know if any of them had been accepted to colleges after this year.

  A couple said, yes. He needed to hear that what he was about to do would bear fruit.

  “Has that ever happened before?” Hannah asked.

  “Has what ever happened before?” he asked her.

  “That someone actually read the book?”

  “Hannah, don’t worry about what they do or don’t do. I thought you learned that lesson last year?”

  She blushed and nodded. She did indeed remember the paddling that he had given her for that exact reason.

  “But to answer your question, no. I was a little shocked myself.” He wondered how that was going to work out. Usually, it was good that all the girls knew right from the beginning that he would indeed make them bare their bottoms and lay themselves over his knees so he could spank them. He hoped this wouldn’t cause problems later on.

  Their little crowd dispersed.

  Scott went to his room to get his files. He looked through Brianna’s file. Her grades had all been okay, and her aptitude wasn’t as high as the other girls. He remembered wondering about that when he set up the grades that he would be expecting from her. They were the lowest he had ever expected from anyone.

  Maybe her parents bribed someone to get her into here. From the look of it, she liked to skip classes a lot, days and weeks at a time even. She had pushed her sick days to the limit every year.

  It didn’t matter, he’d beat that out of her. He started his visits.

  Brianna straightened her room up again and brushed her hair over the sink in the corner. She was grateful that she had a sink and a mirror in her room. Having to share a shower with the other girls would be bad enough, but maybe if she planned it just right, then she could be alone in there.

  A girl screamed. Brianna couldn’t believe that they had a system like this at college level. She was no stranger to it. It had been the same way at the private school she had gone to up until now. It had also been an all-girl school.

  Something like that was very important to her father. She smiled thinking that he was the only one who had ever taken her over his knees. He was a firm believer in discipline. She had been a very good girl, but even good girls slipped up now and then. Her father’s method made sure that it didn’t happen very often.

  Now she could hear smacking as well as crying. He was getting closer. Then she heard the strap. Her bottom clenched up in sympathy. That was her father’s preferred method too.

  Brianna had already finished reading the book. She decided to look through it at least once a week so she could keep him away.

  She heard a girl scream out ‘Yes, sir’ in between her sobs. This went on for about an hour. Brianna was starting to feel sick. At school, they had the girls go to the principle’s office for their punishments with a paddle. The teachers only whipped hands with rulers in the classrooms.

  She was proud that it had never happened to her. She was always present when she was in class, answering questions at the appropriate times, she turned in her homework whenever she could, and she never back talked.

; It had been quiet for some time now. She was contemplating getting ready for bed and sleeping. Today had already been so tiring. She wasn’t used to this sort of atmosphere.

  There was a knock on her door. She slowly walked to the door. It was him. She stepped aside so he could walk in. She closed the door behind him, but she didn’t like the idea of him being alone with her with the door closed, but it had been pretty clear in the handbook. Plus she didn’t want anyone to hear them talk about her grades.

  He took her desk chair, moving it so it was facing the bed. “Sit down, Brianna. I want to talk about your grades.”

  She knew that they hadn’t been that great but considering they were okay. Unfortunately, not good enough for the kind of college that her parents wanted her to go to. She sat down across from him.

  He was looking at her water collection. He had already labeled her as a spoiled brat. Mommy and Daddy were probably ready to do anything for their precious little girl. “What’s with the water?” he asked, motioning with his chin in the direction of the twenty crates she had under the window.

  “It’s the best kind. It doesn’t have any limestone that could build up in your blood vessels or anything like that.” She was babbling very nervously.

  “I see.” He fought with himself not to roll his eyes. “Well, the reason I am here this evening, is your grades. I have your schedule right here.” He handed it to her.

  She took it and studied it. She even smiled like she was eager.

  “On this sheet, I have written down what I expect you to get in each class.” He had decided that straight B’s would be okay for the floor’s little princess.

  She took the sheet from him. Okay, she thought that shouldn’t be a problem. She was looking forward to going to school and attending regular classes every day. This was something she had been dreaming about for a long time. “I’ll do my best.”


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