Have a Heart 1

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Have a Heart 1 Page 3

by Rachel Burns

  “I feel fine. I just promised my mom that I would stop by and introduce myself. She worries.”

  “That I believe. So tell me what is the worst case scenario.”

  Brianna could tell that the nurse was nervous to have someone like her here. “I have been told that if I take all of my medicine and follow the rules, that I may never have to have the worst case scenario ever again.” She cleared her throat. “But I would guess my heart would either speed up or slow down, and then I would pass out. If I didn’t get immediate help, I would die.”

  “Does your floor monitor know?”

  “Scott. Yes, I asked him, he said he had been informed.”

  “Really? Then he’s lucky. This was news to me. We will need to take blood to test you once a week, and you can stop by anytime you feel any pain. I’d rather send you to the hospital than have anything happen here. I just don’t have the facilities to take care of you here. Why don’t we be extra careful and do a blood pressure check twice a week?”

  Brianna nodded. When she left, she had her next three appointments. Every Monday morning, the nurse would take blood and send it off to the lab that her parents were paying to check it out. Tuesdays and Fridays, she would go in for her blood pressure check after lunch.

  Brianna got out her map and walked to the music room. She had to sign in for the private piano room. It was soundproof.

  The woman didn’t seem to trust Brianna not to pull anything in there. She lingered at the door. Brianna smiled to herself and let her fingers dance over the keys. She may not have been able to attend school every day, but her parents made sure that she practiced every day.

  The woman lingered a little longer and watched Brianna pulled out her sheet music. She settled down and went to work on the classical pieces that she was working on.

  When Brianna thought to look back to see if the woman was still there, she wasn’t. Brianna shrugged and continued to practice.

  After an hour of that, she played more contemporary songs and sang along. This was where she got rid of all of her extra stress.

  Brianna was one of the few girls at supper, who still had a schoolbag with her. She got her tray and joined the others at their table.

  They wanted to know where she had been. They told her that Scott had needed to spank Jennifer again. She had wanted to leave. He was up there, trying to get her to come to supper right now. Jennifer was refusing.

  “Speak of the devil,” Maureen said.

  They all turned to look at him. He gave them a nice smile, and they all turned away at the same time. He went and joined the other floor monitors over at their table.

  Scott kept an eye on the girls’ table. He had a lot of work to do again tonight.

  A floor monitor from another building was telling them that one if his girls tried to go over the wall. She got stuck half way over. Her behind was sticking up in the perfect position. He had to climb up after her and get her down. She missed class and everything.

  “We all deserve a raise. The girls this year are worse than ever before,” Scott complained.

  He worried about all six of the new girls, not to mention the six from last year. Scott was feeling more tired than he usually did at this time of year. He hoped that things would settle down quickly. They had last year.

  He wondered if the problem was the one with the long hair and green eyes. He would probably feel better once he had spanked her and got it over with.

  Scott didn’t like that the routine was broken.

  Brianna was worried about showering again. Maybe it would be better to do it before she went to bed? Scott seemed to be going door to door spanking again.

  Brianna’s door had been open when he started. She had been closed in most of her life, so she preferred the idea of having a bit of air circulating and not having the feeling that she wasn’t allowed to leave her room, but once the spankings started, she flew to her door and locked it.

  Brianna was already finished with all of her homework. She had read the chapter she had to for Psychology and had written out the answers to the questions at the back of the book. She decided to start on her paper that they had to write in that class. Would that mean standing up in front of the class? That she dreaded.

  Brianna heard a knock on her door. She pulled the earphones from her ears as she walked to the door. She was using music to drown out the other sounds. Scott was standing outside of her door. She was so surprised that she didn’t say anything.

  “Good evening, Brianna. May I come in?” He was smiling at her.

  “Of course.” She stepped wide and let him in, closing the door behind him.

  She wracked her brain trying to think what she could have done to deserve this visit.

  He didn’t sit down but looked at her open laptop, glancing at what she was working on. “I stopped by to ask how the percentages stand that you will be attending class tomorrow?” He stared her down.

  “I checked out just fine, so 100%.” Was that the answer that he wanted to hear?

  “Really? I am very glad to hear that. Where did you go after that?” He looked at her expectantly.

  “I was in the music room, sir.”

  “I’ll be checking on that.” He left then. “Good night, Brianna.” He said that like it was an afterthought.

  She was perplexed.

  What was that about? First he checks on her health, and then he scolds her like he doesn’t believe her.

  That was when it hit her. He didn’t want someone like her on his floor. She had been dumped on him. He was responsible for her, and he didn’t want to be. He wanted her to make it easier on him by hanging out in her room all day.

  That wasn’t likely. She wasn’t about to give up playing the piano just so he had fewer worries. He would just have to get used to her routine.

  She was up to something. He could feel it. Scott decided to give her enough rope to hang herself.

  He could hardly wait to see her dangling from it.

  Chapter 3 – Is He Out to Get Me?

  At six on the dot, Brianna went over to shower. She hurried so no one would see her, giving a sigh of relief when she was back in her own room. She opened her robe and removed her towel.

  Brianna looked at the scars around her heart. As far as scars went, they weren’t that bad, but no man would ever want her. It was where they were that bothered her. All around her left breast. She traced over the scars. Her skin was hard and pink there. The scars were a major turn off. She sadly got dressed and did her hair.

  Brianna packed her over sized school bag with her books, sheet music and a bottle of water. She finished off the open bottle on her desk when she took her medicine.

  She went off to breakfast, sitting at the same table as the other girls had yesterday. One by one they came in and joined her at the table. The last one there was Scott. They watched him walk over to the monitor’s table and eat.

  Gretchen started in about what a beast he was. The others agreed. Brianna noticed that Maureen, whose room was next to hers, was being quiet for once. Brianna had heard her crying for a long time last night. She heard Scott’s voice too. He had been talking nicely to her, in soft low tones.

  Jennifer looked at him with hate too. She also glared at Brianna for a while “Why were you at the nurse’s office yesterday?” Jennifer sounded like she was accusing her of something.

  “I um – have a bit of a problem. I have to check in with her sometimes.”

  “Are you pregnant? Is that why you aren’t getting any spankings?” Paris asked her.

  Brianna laughed, “No, I’m not.” The idea even amused her. Having a family of her own had been her greatest wish. It was the one thing that she regretted not having when she thought that she was going to die last year. She wasn’t interested in going to school. This is what her parents wanted for her, but she would make the most out of it.

  She thought about her scars. She probably wouldn’t be able to find a husband anyway. Even though she had pulled through, she s
till couldn’t have what she wanted.

  Brianna went to her classes with her new found friends from her floor. It was nice having someone.

  In each of her classes, they had a test. She was surprised, but she had a good feeling about them. She handed in her homework and knew the answers to the questions that were asked of her.

  The teachers carried books with their students’ names in them and gave them grades for all of their answers.

  Brianna worried about the reports that Scott would be getting. The other girls had griped about having to get A’s to please him. They were nervous.

  Brianna was hardworking, so she had set her own goals for herself. She wanted straight A’s in all four of her classes too. She was happy about the low expectations.

  Brianna didn’t want to think about a public caning at the end of the trimester.

  At lunch, the other girls complained about the homework load they had been given. Brianna was used to that. Her school had set high levels. It was always so much work to try to catch up. She had always managed it, but her grades were never what they could have been if she had been able to attend more often. Scott seemed to realize that. He seemed especially worried about her attendance.

  Brianna went right to the music rooms after lunch. She told the other girls where she was going. She didn’t want Scott to worry, even if she hated him.

  Scott looked over the weekly grade reports. Almost all the girls needed a spanking.

  He rubbed his temples and shuffled to the next girl. He sighed when he saw Brianna’s name. Had she been able to meet her goals?

  He sat up perfectly straight. She was perfect in each of her classes. Out of all the girls she had done the best. He was totally surprised.

  She was clearly doing what she could to avoid his wrath. Maybe it was the fear of the unknown that was keeping her in line.

  Scott made his way down the hall. He started with the girls that he didn’t need to spank. All the first years except Brianna and two from last year needed to be. He could already imagine the begging and pleading he would have to listen to today. He started with the second years, and then he went to Brianna.

  Scott knocked on her door. She never said ‘come in’ but got up and went to the door herself.

  She was opening it now. Her face dropped when she saw him. She even looked guilty of something. Well, he had his hairbrush with if that was the case.

  “Come in,” she sighed and held the door open wide for him.

  What a welcome, he thought, sarcastically. He heard soft music coming from her laptop. It was classical music. He closed the laptop and pulled her chair away from her desk.

  She had candy on her desk. Under every one was a piece of paper with something written on it. He looked closer. History – read chapter 7. Another had, Answer history questions.

  “I take it when the task is completed you get to eat the candy?” He was laughing more to himself. That was a new one.

  “Yes, but as you can see that it is just ten little pieces of candy a day, not anymore.” She even sounded guilty to herself.

  Would she get in trouble for this? Candy was definitely not on her diet plan. She had sneaked a couple of bags with. Her parents would be livid if they saw that. But she had thought to herself, what is the point of living if you can’t live?

  “Whatever works for you,” he shrugged. “Come and sit down. I kind of feel stupid asking you to have a seat in your own room. Do it without me having to say so next time.” He watched her come over and sit down. She was kind of classy in the way she moved. She looked at him with her big green eyes. It kind of bugged him that he still hadn’t figured her out. If he hadn’t seen her with her parents on the first day, then he would have thought that she wasn’t the right girl, that she had sent a friend in her place.

  “Well, the whole candy thing seems to be paying off. You have gotten straight A’s all week. With that you come in over your goal, and you won’t be receiving any disciplinarian action. Congratulations. Do you have anything you want to discuss?”

  She shook her head.

  His eyebrow shot up.

  “No, sir.”

  He reached back and grabbed her water bottle. He smiled to himself. It smelt like water with a light sugar smell. “Smells like you got a lot of homework done.”

  She blushed red. “Yes, I did. I finished my paper for psychology just now. That was worth more pieces.”

  He laughed again. “Out of curiosity sake how much is a paper worth in candy?”

  “Promise you won’t be mad?”

  He sobered right up. “Why would I be mad?”

  She was a little flustered. Great, he had forgotten about her heart condition. “You are always so worried that I might get sick and miss class – ” She shrugged and answered his question. “It was worth ten of them, sir.”

  “If you aren’t being punished, you don’t have to call me, Sir.” Somehow he wanted to hear her say his name. He was just procrastinating. He still needed to talk to the girls that hadn’t achieved what he set out for them, which was most of them.

  “I understand, but I personally think that it is better if certain –” She searched for the right word. “Boundaries are in place.” She gave him a slight nod with a serious look on her face.

  “Suit yourself. If you want, I can proof read your paper for you.” He stood up.

  “You would do that?” she asked, confused.

  “Yes, I would. Obviously, you don’t believe it, but I am not here to get anyone into trouble. It is my responsibility to ensure that you all do your best.”

  “Yes, of course. That was very rude of me. I’m sorry.”

  He looked to see if she was patronizing him. She didn’t seem to be. “Yes, well nevertheless. I’ll leave you to finish up your homework, good evening.”

  “Good evening, sir.” She rose from the bed and walked him to the door.

  Scott still didn’t know what to make of her, but he was getting more and more curious about her. He didn’t have time to wonder about the one that wasn’t giving him any trouble.

  He knocked on the next door. Maureen opened it and looked at the hairbrush in his hands. Some Friday night, he thought to himself.

  Maureen let him in and closed the door behind him. She was already wringing her hands.

  Scott pulled her desk chair out again. He wondered if he would ever be able to kick the habit of walking into a room and pulling the desk chair out.

  “Do you know why I am here?” He looked around her room. It was a mess, and she didn’t have any schoolbooks out. The difference was night and day to what it had been in Brianna’s room.

  “I can’t think of anything that I may have done.”

  “Well, I can think of lots that you could have done. Starting with your homework, moving onto being properly prepared for your classes. That had an effect on your tests scores is clear. I thought I had made myself very clear. Come to my right side.” He laid his pile of papers down on her desk and picked up the brush.

  She remained sitting. “You said that I had to do my best, and that is my best.” She crossed her arms over her chest, and her legs were also crossed. The top leg was bouncing nervously.

  “Maureen, now, or I will visit you again tomorrow night.”

  “It isn’t fair to punish someone just because they aren’t as smart as others.” She motioned with her chin in the direction of Brianna’s room.

  If she only knew, he thought. Brianna was making up for lack of aptitude with hard work. He laid the hairbrush back down and got Maureen’s homework for the week out and read her some of her answers. “As if these answers weren’t reason enough to spank you. They are disrespectful. I won’t allow it. We can continue this conversation tomorrow when I come back. Now come over to my right side, or we will make this a public affair. Keep in mind that you will be getting it with the strap too.”

  She reluctantly went to him and lowered her jeans and panties. He took her by her arm and helped her over his lap. He re
ally laid into her. She was bawling and begging him to stop in a matter of seconds.

  She had it coming, and he was going to see that she got it. He smacked her bottom, stinging her with the brush over and over.

  He set her on her feet and told her to take the position behind the chair. Scott warned her to leave her hands on the chair.

  He removed his belt as he lectured to her. His belt came down, and her hands flew back. “That makes a visit every night this week.” He continued to lay into her until she started in apologizing.

  He replaced his belt and warned her to change her ways right now. She just crawled into bed and promised that she would. “And your room better be cleaned up by tomorrow evening. This is also a form of disrespect.”

  He stepped out into the hall to see a very pale Brianna standing there. “Yes?” he barked at her.

  His words bit into her. “I um – My paper. Thank you, sir.” She thrust it at him and then turned and went back to her room quickly.

  Scott watched her go. He felt bad that she was upset.

  He glanced down at her paper. It was thicker than what was required. He read the first couple of lines. It was about long term hospital patients. It might even be an interesting read.

  He knocked on the next door. Paris opened up and gave him a look that promised to make this visit interesting. She was still threatening to sue him.

  “You may not come in.” She started closing the door in his face.

  His foot was already in the door. “Paris, I have the key. You aren’t helping yourself. Let’s talk about your performance this past week.” He pushed his way in and closed the door.

  “I am so going to sue you. I will report this, and when my father finds out exactly what is going on here, you won’t be grinning anymore.”

  Scott had yet to grin at her. “Paris, sit down,” he said, firmly.

  “I don’t have to do anything that you tell me to do. You are just sick.” She looked him up and down like he had fallen into the sewer.


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