Gateway To Heaven

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Gateway To Heaven Page 31

by Maggy Diak


  “What does that mean?” I asked, aware of the stupid gaze I directed at Maurice.

  “You've read it,” answered Maurice impatiently. “The Professor is looking for a way to awake the sleeping part of our DNA.”

  “Oh, I see. The one containing supernatural abilities.”


  I started to feel the exhaustion of the last few days descend on me. “You know it doesn't exist!”

  I know it does!” he answered stubbornly. “All we have to do is to bring it to life again! The first population on our planet Earth was in possession of the supernatural powers!”

  “If they were at that time, they would be now as well! We would all be supernatural!”

  “No, because the gene or genes were locked by the Annunaki!”

  “And who, the hell, are now Annunaki?”

  As soon as I uttered the question, I felt I did not want any explanation! My head was full of Trinities, Jerusalems, European rulers, Annunaki! I could take no more!

  I'm going home, I decided and started for the door.

  Kate, who did not understand a word of what we were talking about, cried out: “Tibor, where are you going?”

  “Home!” I said, grabbing the doorknob. I had never before given up, no matter how difficult the case was, but what I was doing in Paris was not solving a case, it was drowning in some stupid, mad texts, which I could not make heads and tails of!

  Kate’s eyes filled with tears. “For God’s sake Tibor, don’t leave me now! What did Maurice tell you?”

  Although I felt sorry for her, I remained uncompromising.

  “Kate, I can’t deal with this anymore. I just can’t. Somebody is making a fool of all of us, somebody who is smarter than we are. Kate I’m going to hand Maurice over to the French police. To J.E. and then return back home. You should go with me. It’s over for us.”

  But she went on begging and in the end I yielded. Again! And don’t ask me, how angry I was with myself for being so stupid. Did I not only the previous night decide to ignore women from now on, to not care what they wish, think, feel? Especially Kate? What’s the matter with me?

  “Okay,” I sighed, “but don’t expect too much.”

  “Just don’t leave me,” she pleaded.

  I furiously turned back to Maurice. “If I am right Isabelle and Otrin are studying words and letters in a hidden place, looking for a code?”

  “Something like that, yes.”

  “Do you believe, do you really believe that funny theories of an old, confused professor of linguistics could make the greatest discovery of the world? Just like that? Scientists, great scientists need decades and complicated equipment of high technology to invent or discover something. Don’t be silly, Maurice, murmuring some words will open nothing!”

  A faint smile crossed his face. “Do you know how the gene was invented?”

  “No, and I don’t care!” He told me anyway.

  “By chance. And on peas! Moreover, it wasn’t even invented by a scientist, it was invented by a failed student who studied science at university and gave up. He did not have any high technological equipment; he did what farmers all over the world do: crossed different sorts of peas and then studied the offspring. Some resembled one sort, the others the other sort. He asked himself why and started to research. So he discovered that there must be a particle hidden in each pea, which gives instruction for the shape of the pea in their offspring. Later this particle was named gene. You see, a simple man using a simple method made the greatest discovery in the world of all times! Besides, he is not the only example of great discoveries having been made by chance and/or in a simple way.

  Many were made when people did not bother to make them. When they were taking a walk, for example, or sleeping.”

  “You’ll not convince me,” I said. “No word or letter contains such power to awake … whatever!”

  “You will agree that words have the power to reveal the past. Whatever existed in the past had a name? A word. Even the Bible says that “In the beginning was the Word”, and something like “the Word will become the flesh of the God”. Well, I did not go into it, all I know is that words have undergone changes through centuries, yet they did not disappear like many objects, which they named.

  Many natural and other catastrophes killed the whole civilizations, destroyed their inventions, achievements, however, the words that describe them, tell us about them, were not destroyed. Many of them denote now different objects from those for which they were invented, but etymological research can bring us centuries and centuries back where they reveal their original meaning. And the original meaning of those words gives us insight into the life of the civilization dead long ago. That is the power of words!”

  Due to the fact that I understood almost nothing of what he was telling me, I kept silent, letting him to resume his explanation:

  “Look at the genetics! Look at the DNA! Which are its basic ingredients? Amino acids! And how do we name them? With letters! No geneticist can avoid the four letters: A, T, C and G! Let me explain them: A stands for Adenine, T for Thymine, C for Cytosine, G for Guanine. These letters and their sequence determine a substance. For example, ACT, or CCT, or CCG etc. Three letters together, always exactly three letters, make a word. I have to tell you that the whole genetics is based on words. In the alphabet of DNA all words are of the same length, all are made of three letters and a sequence of three DNA bases, called codons. By the way, a codon is instruction, which amino acid should be used for making a new protein. A group of such words or trio of bases composes a sentence or a gene, containing the complete message how to create a life. So to say, not only letters and words carry messages but sentences as well!

  What I find most interesting and important is the similarity between the DNA structure and Professor’s theories. Number three! Three letters, three bases, three people or places - trinities. The trinities or trios in genes or Professor’s theories discover origins of life or/and create it. They are creators of the social, economic and political life of a period. The trinities, made of people, create, direct and influence activities of their time. After a trinity has finished its work, or after it dies, a new period begins. A period, containing a new trinity. We must be aware of something else. Trinities or trios are not immune against faults, mistakes. Either they can be infiltrated into the trinity of people or places or into the genetic trio and the result are deviations and mutations. Because of them, many trinities look different from their pre-trinities …”

  “Well, well,” I laughed, “all of a sudden you are charged with knowledge of which you had no idea the last time I visited you! When I asked you to tell me what Otrin was lecturing, you knew nothing. Did you suddenly experience illumination?”

  He smiled in embarrassment and continued: “Things discovered by scientists are not new. What I want to say is, scientists never create anything, they just find things that have already existed. And they progress slowly. Despite modern laboratories, improved technical and technological devices their progress is very slow. Slower than discoveries made by the Professor. What he does is simply following a word to its origin. The original word usually shows him the plan how to reconstruct whatever he was following. Whatever he was looking for. You all underestimate him and laugh at him, but if the world was smarter and listened to him, it would spare millions and millions of dollars or Euros for expensive studies … hmm … hmm …. Can I have a glass of water?”

  His voice was coarse, his face shrunken, tired.

  “Only if you stop talking. I don’t want to hear any more. Not this evening. I’ve had enough!”

  He agreed and when I ordered him to go to bed, he gave me a grateful look.

  He fell asleep as soon he lay down.

  “I’m going to bed too,” said Kate, starting for the door. Before she opened it, she said: “Thank you, Tibor, I’ll never forget that you stayed.”

  After she left, I took my notebook and jotted
down these questions:

  1. Why did Otrin disappear: because of a holy town, because of a trinity, because of the European ruler, because of the DNA?

  2. Did he disappear of his own will or did somebody force him into it?

  3. If he disappeared voluntarily, is he hiding somewhere together with Isabelle? Where?

  4. If he was forced, there are two possibilities. Either Isabelle or a scientific institution forced him.

  5. If Isabelle kidnapped him, where did she take him?

  6. If a scientific institution kidnapped him, which? (Get a list of scientific institutes in France)

  7. If he was kidnapped by an intelligence service, which?

  8. Would it be smart to issue the disappearance of the two in media? Send pictures of them to newspapers? (Answer: J. E. will not allow this. You must not inform the terrorists that you are hot on their heels)

  So many questions and almost no answers. Yawning, I put the notebook into the drawer, turned off the light and closed my eyes.



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