Faker Boy (Alexis Secret Book 1)

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Faker Boy (Alexis Secret Book 1) Page 5

by Elsie Charlotte

  My brain was hurting from all the thinking and my head was throbbing. All I wanted to do was lie down and go to sleep.

  I came to the door I had saw Aaron go into. I briefly thought of what his room looked like. There had been a saying I had seen once that denoted that the appearance of someone’s room was a clear indicator of the individual’s nature. I hadn’t been able to test the theory as I never had the chance to sleep over at other people’s houses.

  Shaking my head free of thoughts, I took a deep breath and opened the door.

  10- Was I Really That Bad?

  The room was not at all what I had excepted. I had expected a pigsty with pictures of playboy posters all over the walls.

  That was nowhere near.

  The room was clean. Not neat, but clean as though no one went in it. The walls were cream and nothing was on them. Nothing except for the TV that hung from the wall that faced his bed. The bed was at one side of the room and on the other side was a desk. I mentally scoffed.

  Obviously not for homework.

  It had a laptop on it and a pencil jar. The wall opposite the door had a big window, giving us a nice view of the other nice homes he lived near. There were some wardrobes near the window, probably containing his clothes and a bathroom attached to his bedroom. In the far corner, there was a small sofa with cushions on it.

  This was not what I was expecting. This room was big and clean and was not messy as I had thought it would be. It was nothing like Aaron.

  "Are you gonna come in or are you just gonna stand in the doorway?" Aaron said, grumpily.

  I recoiled slightly at his tone and gave him a curious look, but he looked away. I wanted to ask what had happened to his mood, but I chose to leave it, thinking he was probably tired.

  I walked in slowly. Only then did I realise that Aaron was shirtless in joggers. He must have changed whilst I came up the stairs slowly and I turned my eyes away to look at anything else but him. But, I couldn't help but take a curious peek.

  His body was lean, muscular and a little tanned. A chain hung around his neck, resting on his chest and his black hair was tousled as usual. He then yawned and stretched his arms out in a tired motion. This action made me pay attention to his arms, his muscles flexing with every movement.

  I blushed crimson, looking away from his hot body. I cleared my throat awkwardly and grabbed a pillow from his bed, tossing it onto the floor.

  "What are you doing?" He questioned, eyebrow raised.

  In response I looked at him bluntly and stated in a 'duh' tone.

  "Er, going to bed?" I said, sounding as though I didn't even know the answer myself.

  He rolled his eyes.

  "I meant with the cushion"

  "Well" I started "I thought you were gonna sleep on the bed, so I put a cushion here so I can-"

  "You're not sleeping on the floor" He stated firmly, leaving no room for argument. He picked up the cushion and put it back in its original space.

  "You're sleeping on the bed" he finished.

  I tensed at his words before shaking my head roughly.

  "No, no, it's fine, Aaron. I'm fine." I insisted, heading towards the sofa.

  Aaron blocked my path, his arms folded and I had to hold his gaze to stop from looking at his tanned torso.

  "Lexi, just get on the bed." He finalised before moving towards the bathroom.

  "Erm thanks" I said meekly to which Aaron nodded in acknowledgement.


  "Yeah" he grunted, tiredly. I looked down at my attire.

  "I need clothes to sleep in. I can't sleep in these because they'll be wrinkled in the morning." I reasoned.

  I would have expected him to suggest that I sleep in nothing as it seemed like something he would say, but he didn't and to say I was shocked was an understatement. Instead he looked at the clothes I was wearing, in an assessing manner before sighing in resignation, grabbing a hoodie and some shorts from his wardrobe and tossing it over to me.

  "Wear these. I'm gonna go to the bathroom" and with that he was out the door.

  I looked at the hoodie. It was grey and had 'Aaron Walker' written in black font at the back. I sighed before throwing my old clothes and putting the new ones on. I laughed when the shorts looked like three quarter pyjamas on due to the height difference.

  I looked at myself in the mirror. The hoodie was to big for my form. The end of it stopping mid-thigh and the shorts mid-shin. I smiled at myself in the mirror. I liked wearing his clothes. It smelled of scented pine and washing detergent. I sniffed the smell again a few times before brushing my hair out of my face and into a relaxed bun.

  I jumped into the bed, pulling the sheets up to my neck. I was rolling in and out of conscious when I heard the door open then shut. It was Aaron. I didn't have to even open my eyes to know that.

  I was too comfy too say goodnight so I just stayed there. I heard some ruffling and then silence. I smiled slightly It was sweet of Aaron to offer the bed to me. I mean, the sofa did not look that comfy. I turned around to offer him a 'thanks' for but turned around only to find nothing.-

  I sat up straight, eyes searching the room, until I saw a mop of black hair. On the sofa. He was lying down on a cushion. No blanket. The moonlight hit his body and I gazed away slightly in fear of feeling perverted for staring too long. I shook my head and concentrated on thoughts that mattered like why was he lying on the sofa?

  "Aaron?" I whispered to which he responded with a soft 'hmm'.

  "I didn't want you sleeping on the sofa or to give up the bed for me. I thought you'd be sleeping on the bed." I admitted honestly to which Aaron lifted his head slightly.

  "Not when you're there, don't worry." He said simply before relaxing back into the cushion and angling his body the other way. I could hear his breathing slowing, but sleep couldn't find its way to me.

  Again, I was offended by his words. I didn't expect him to sleep next to me nor did I want to, but his words had hurt. It was as though the 'player of Redwood High' was okay with the entire female student population, except for me. Was I the only one he dubbed 'too low for his standards'?

  I wanted to ask more questions to quash the anxiety but I remained silent.

  I didn't feel sleepy after that. I just stayed lying there. Thinking.

  Was I really that bad?

  11- Teddy Time

  I woke up from my slumber, without a care in the world. That is until I checked my phone.

  27 missed calls from mum

  18 texts from mum

  3 voicemails from mum

  I groaned in frustration. How had I forgotten to tell mom? A lot had happened yesterday and, in the midst of it all, I had just left out a small but crucial detail. I opened the texts before responding back that I was at a friend’s house and my phone was dead, so I couldn’t reply. The excuse, in itself, was a stretch for my mom to believe. I had never mentioned any friends to her, not for keeping privacy but rather due to the fact that I never had any friends to begin with. A number of times, she had tried to sign me up for extracurricular activities, but I just couldn’t find it in me to try. I was, in all ways, socially inept.

  I sat up and immediately looked at the couch. I was shocked that no one was there because I did not peg him as an early riser. I made a silent note to myself to not make judgemental assumptions. I stretched my aching limbs before getting off the bed, making my way to the bathroom. It was then I stopped when my eyes landed on him.

  Aaron lay on the floor besides the sofa, his hair a messy mop of black locks. I smiled smugly knowing that my previous assumptions were right and cursed at myself also for not making this prediction.

  He was lying on his back. One arm was on the floor by his side whilst the other one was over his eyes, shielding them from the light that splayed through a slit in the curtains.

  I thought back to his words from last night and my mood dampened significantly. This was what part of me feared about having company. I didn’t show a lot through my expressions
nor through my body language, so everyone must think that I could tolerate all that they threw at me. But, it wasn’t true, not in the slightest. Many a time, when I was younger, I had cried in the school toilets about the constant empty seats around me in class. Or about the maddening silence I had to ensure during lunchtime. I was younger then and, so, I was naive. I didn’t need anyone else, but myself. I was content like that. But, I wasn’t immune.

  I hated the effect that everyone had on me. After one day of knowing Aaron and he had already proved that I’m not immune.

  Sure, the effect he had was minimal and insignificant, but it was still an effect.

  And that was precisely why I was to scared to get close to anyone.

  I decided to leave him there as a sweet sense of revenge and strolled down the stairs towards the kitchen, looking to Sam as cooked in the kitchen, the aroma making my mouth water.

  “Morning” she greeted happily and I had to force the grimace that I usually had on my face at this time.

  “Morning” I grumbled before noticing the huge stack of pancakes that she had put into a plate. There had to be at least 13 there.

  “What’s with the pancake tower?” I questioned with a slight laugh, my eyebrows raised comically.

  Sam tossed a pancake into the air twice, smiling to herself in success.

  “They’re for teddy. He absolutely loves pancakes! He always eats them by the dozen” She explained, cocking her head back slightly to talk to me. My eyebrows furrowed at her words.

  “Teddy?” I asked as she came up to me, putting a pancake on a plate for me. I muttered a small ‘thanks’ before settling in.

  She clapped a hand over her mouth, before looking towards the stairs cautiously.

  “It’s my name for Aaron.” She whispered before looking around again to check if anyone was listening to our conversation and leaned in closer.

  “You know I called him teddy ever since he was young. He had complained when he was 5 that he couldn’t spell his own name so he wanted to go to the ‘government’ so he can change it to teddy.” she whispered, a sad smile streaked across her face, her eyes vacant as though she was living within the memory.

  I put a hand on her arm for reassurance, but couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at the story.

  “What are you laughing about?” I whirled around to see Aaron entering the kitchen, one hand on the back of his head, stroking his hair. He came and sat next to me, grabbed his plate of pancakes and began digging in.

  “Oh, nothing. We were just talking about stuff” I said casually, shrugging my shoulders.

  He didn’t look up from his pancakes.

  “What kind of stuff?” He questioned, his voice coated with disinterest.

  I waved him off with a wave of dismissal.

  “You know, the usual girly stuff” I said, trying to sound truthful before adding more syrup to the pancakes.

  He perked up at this, making me roll my eyes. His eyes shone as he spoke.

  “What kind of girly stuff?” He asked, smirking and I could already sense the teasing tone to his voice.

  I gave a look of nonchalance, but I racked my brain for a response. He waited patiently, his eyes settled on me.

  “Urm..” I started. He raised an eyebrow urging me to go on.

  “We were talking about.....er... Your mothers period” I said smiling widely at the end. This would definitely scar him. Maybe now he would think twice before being so intrusive.

  He paled at my response, choosing to look down. He eyed his pancakes in distaste before he gently nudged them away from him, muttering something along the lines of

  “Lost my appetite”

  I laughed loudly causing Aaron to glare at me and I tutted at his gaze.

  “If you keep the glaring up, you’re gonna lose an eye. Now, go upstairs and put a shirt on, ‘Jacob’!” I said between laughs. He still had just his joggers on.

  “Who’s Jacob?” He muttered to himself before putting his plate in the sink. I laughed harder at his confused expression.

  I continued eating as I heard him come up behind the counter and stood behind my stool, speaking into my ear.

  “And why should I put a shirt on? We both know you love it.” He whispered in my ear.

  I tensed at his words and blushed hard. Trying to conceal it, I ducked my head down and began digging into the pancakes like a madwoman.

  Aaron laughed, taking my silence as confirmation to his allegation. He then bent closer before speaking, his voice notably husky.

  “Oh and by the way, you look really cute in my hoodie. Keep it.” He then backed away from me, walking to the door of the kitchen.

  I turned around and we made eye contact as I glared at him. He smirked and winked in response.

  “Bye, Lexi” he called over his shoulder as he left and I had whiplash from the many moods I had faced of his in just a day alone.

  This boy was bipolar and unpredictable and the thought created both fear and anticipation to well inside me.

  12- The Hidden Faces Of Me And He

  I had gone home after that strange encounter with Aaron. I said goodbye to Sam, who had apparently seen the whole thing and gushed about how happy she was that we both were happy. I remember feeling the burning urge to ask her about his mood changes but bit my tongue. His mood changes were none of my business. I had just had to make sure that Sam always saw an illusion of happiness when looking at me and Aaron. But, the truth was anything but.

  In his bedroom we were both like strangers. There were no smiles, no manners, no nothing. He had wanted someone to act for his mom and, so, I did. That was where my responsibilities ended. We no longer had an obligation towards each other.

  We wouldn’t change our behaviour on behalf of the other. I was the uptight nerd and he was the impulsive playboy. I wasn’t stupid enough to think I can be the one to ‘change the playboy’ .

  Honestly, in my opinion, I don’t think a player changes, despite people believing that they can change for the right person. How could one person make them change.

  Nobody changes.

  I was currently laying on my bed, headphones in with no music on, thinking. About myself, about Aaron, about... that. My mind was going back to it now, more than other days and I tutted loudly in annoyance.

  I hadn’t told anyone about it and I didn’t plan to. It had obstructed many a thing in my life, I couldn’t stay behind after school. I had to be home on time and I most definitely could not afford to get close to anyone.

  We all have secrets. They build us, morphing us into the person we are to this day. My secret did the same with me, changing me into what I am.

  I briefly wondered what Aaron’s secret was. Why was he the way he is today? Or was he always like this?

  I always wondered what Aaron’s real side was. The cocky guy, the player, the funny guy, the sweet guy, the flirty guy, the compassionate guy, the cute guy, the closed guy, the angry guy, the vulnerable guy. Aaron had so many sides and frankly, I was getting confused. Which one was really him?

  My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. I groaned loudly and walked over to my dressing table and looked to the caller ID before cursing. It was true: talk about the devil and he shall appear.

  “What?” I said tiredly into the phone. I know I was being a little bit grouchy, but I spent all night sleeping in an unfamiliar home and, so, I kept waking at regular intervals.

  “Hello to you too” the voice grumbled, bitterly and I already had enough of his moods.

  I sighed.

  “What is it, Aaron?” Feeling suddenly drained.

  “I see, we both enjoy these conversations” he said dully, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “Of course I do, you wanna know which part I like the best?!” I said, faking enthusiasm.

  “Surprise me” he said, sarcasm still coating his voice.

  “The part where we bid our goodbyes” I said bitter-sweetly

  “At least we agree on one thing” he
stated, his tone filled with resentment and I tutted heavily before controlling my breathing. I didn’t want to start bickering on the phone.

  “Why did you call, Aaron?” I said, cutting straight to the point.

  “I’m going to the fair with this friend” he said randomly.

  “So?” I drawled. I knew we were ‘dating’ now, but he didn’t have to call me just to give me an ‘Aaron 411’. I most definitely could live without it.

  He sighed, exasperatedly. I could already imagine him running his hand through his hair.

  “He’s a family friend and my mom told him about you. He said it would be cool if you tagged along with us” he said cooly, showing no interest. If he was a girl, I could imagine him looking at his nails with a bored look on his face. I laughed inside myself.

  I sighed over-dramatically.

  “But I’m tired.” I said, whining. I couldn’t help it. I was really tired.

  “It’s too late I’m already outside.” he stated bluntly.

  I groaned in frustration before muttering a few choice words and dipping towards the closet.

  “Feel free to get dressed into something hot. You’re dressing to impress, aren’t you?” I heard a teasing l voice say over the phone suggestively.

  Lord help me.

  13- Chancellor Ruined Moment

  I did my makeup lightly and opened my hair. I waved at the mirror. There was that girl again- the one that looked nothing like I felt on the inside.

  She looked ordinary, yes. Yet the thing that surprised me the most about the girl in the mirror is that she looked normal. Not tormented by the raging thoughts of tomorrow or memories of the past. She was normal, just normal.


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