Violet Ends

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Violet Ends Page 8

by Jisa Dean

  I have to break the kiss before my true nature, the man that takes what he wants, comes out. "We have to get ready to go. Keep the collar on for me. When we get to the club it is a visual symbol for others to leave you alone or deal with me if they don't."

  She surprises me when she gives me a little nod without making any comments to sway me to take it off or how she doesn't need one. She stands and chews on her lips as she goes to the closet to find out what I have for her to wear tonight. I was well aware she would need more clothes than what she had with her at her hotel and so I had someone shop for all sorts of outfits for my love while she slept.



  I pull at the top of the dress I wore. I still can't believe I put something so tight on. I should have never asked for Zander's opinion on what I should wear but it's not like I spend my nights going around to the club scenes in America so I have no idea what to go with. Zander told me the club we are going to tonight is on the light side of kink. One of the main reasons I am wearing a dress instead of pants.

  Even if the dress is hella tight, it still looks cute. It isn't too short, in fact, I would be considered overdressed at the college I teach at because the skirt goes down a little past my knees. The top is what keeps giving me issues. It has a simple scoop neck with a little split right in the middle that lies perfectly in between my breasts but every time I move I worry I might fall out of it. I'm more on the well endowed, sturdy farm stock side of feminine as opposed to the waifish, model type that seems to be heading into the club.

  I did not expect people standing outside taking pictures of people going into the club. It gives me a moment of pause. I've kept myself mostly in the shadows for so long that being in the light feels wrong. Zander doesn't live by the same feelings of right or wrong though. He takes me by the hand and pulls me from the car he hired to drive us to the club.

  "Relax, Cherry. This club is very popular with young musicians and movie stars in the area. That's the reason their taking pictures. Smile and show them all you are the most beautiful thing to ever walk into their club."

  His words work to make me smile, even if it's only a tiny one.

  Once inside and past all the flashing lights, I find myself moving closer to Zander. There are a lot of people in this club and I've never done well in a crowd, even before the incident. He steers us to a table and orders drinks for both of us.

  "Now what?" To be perfectly honest, I am not sure how I'm going to get off this stool in this dress. Going up seemed fine but now that I'm up here I realize just how tight this fucking skirt really is.

  "Now we wait for him to contact us. We're both here in the same area and both of us want to meet. One of us will eventually go looking for the other one. Stop acting so nervous." He takes my stool and pulls me closer.

  I tell him of my dress dilemma once I'm close enough to whisper in his ear but he doesn't see it as the problem I do. The bastard laughs. Easy for him to laugh it off, he's in a dark dress shirt with the top unbuttoned and black dress slacks. He can move all over the place and not be restricted. I start to lean closer to tell him he's an ass when I tall man with piercing blue eyes sits down next to me. He also is dressed in all black but somehow he looks darker than Zander.

  Zander stiffens and pulls me even closer. The chairs can't get any closer together so I'm guessing his next move is to just pick my ass up and put me in his lap if this guy doesn't back off.

  "Zeus," he doesn't ask it as a question. "And the lovely Lady Nyx. How are you liking Europe, I understand it's the first time you've been?"

  I take another look at the man with us. Is this Kronos? The man I've been talking to all these years is this guy? I always thought he would be a computer nerd like me.

  "I would ask if you are Kronos," Zander's eyes have become a swirl of blues and grays like thunder clouds in a violent sky. "But I don't think you are."

  I feel like I'm at a fucking tennis match, all I can do is sit in between these men moving my head back and forth, waiting for one of them to volley another bitten comment back to one another.

  "You are as good as he said you were." The guy nods his head in some kind of acceptance that he's been found out. "You can call me Hermes."

  "Messenger of the gods." I know this one. I start to relax knowing that I'm not completely lost in this high tension game. "Kronos sent you."

  "And you are as smart as he said you would be. Yes, the... Kronos sent me. He, unfortunately, couldn't make it tonight."

  The man doesn't smile and I get the distinct impression that it's been a long time since he has. I also get the tiny bit of suggestion that he is annoyed with playing messenger god.

  "What I have for Kronos only he will be getting. Next time tell your boss to come himself. That's just good business in our profession."

  I see a tic in the man's jaw. It seems like he gets bigger the longer he sits there. If Zander is the thunder I have no doubt this man could bring the lightening. Zander doesn't seem fazed at all by the giant dark cloud sitting opposite us. He makes his move to stand and leave.

  "The Archer sent me."

  I have no idea who the hell he's talking about or if this is going to be a good thing or not. I say a silent prayer for every soul in here that it isn't some code for these two men to start going at one another. I look to Zander for clues on what I'm supposed to do. The last thing I want is to be caught having to run in this damned tight ass thing.

  He sits back down and even though his hand is on my thigh he doesn't make a move to pull me any closer.

  "Why didn't he come himself?"

  "Ask him that the next fucking time you talk to him, huh. It's not like I enjoy coming to fucking places like this and not being able to kill someone for it."

  He's an assassin too! My nerves go back on the stretching rack in my mental torture chamber. Zander finally breaks eye contact with me and it's as if I spoke what was going through my head.

  "We are in the presence of military, Cherry. He's not one of us."

  The guy rolls his electric blue eyes so hard I think he's going to have a migraine for days after this. He does not deny what Zander is saying.

  "Couple of missions back I got into some things I was having a hard time getting out of. Which is saying a fuck ton about the situation if you're aware of my reputation. I had a job to do concerning kids and a ring of pedophiles that bought and sold them out of Eritrea. They were picking kids up out of refugee camps and whose parents had been killed in the wars of surrounding countries when I got shot."

  My eyes widen and I wonder if half the club can hear my gasp. Zander seems like such an invincible force that thinking something could happen to him causes all sorts of contradictions in my head. I almost want to argue with him that he's lying, but when I look into his eyes I see the truth.

  "A couple of times."

  "Oh my God!"

  "Calm down. I made it out. But I had help, didn't I." He nods to the dark man sitting across from us who doesn't even blink at the wrongness of this. "I had my brothers' reach out to Kronos and he sent someone to help, to get me out of there before their armies could pick me up considering I wasn't supposed to be in their country at all. Someone with the name Archer."

  "He extracted me and made sure I still had enough blood left in my body to have him and another soldier fly us out of there." He grins and gives a little chuckle like it's a fond memory now. "Used one of their own planes to do it too. Ballsy bastards."

  The man finally breaks his placid façade by shaking his head like he knows just how ballsy these guys can be.

  "I suspect our new friend here works for the same group of gentlemen who came to my aid and would be much more comfortable in a war zone than a night club, am I right my friend?"

  "I can neither deny nor confirm any of what you just said. I'm just the messenger."

  Zander just shakes his head at him like by saying what he did he already confirmed Zander's suspicions. He reaches into his pocket and
takes out an envelope with a bulge placing it on the table in between us. Hermes does the same with an equally bulging envelope. Both men slide them to one another but Zander doesn't let his go. Instead he leans in closer to Hermes.

  "It is as bad as these documents say and worse. When I had my brothers run the names Tabbs gave me one of them red-flagged." Hermes looks intensely interested now. "There's a list, my friend, and a whole shit storm about to blow in on guys who have no idea what's coming at them. I hope it helps." He lets the envelope go and leans back with the other one Hermes gave him before pocketing it.

  Hermes looks like he wants to smash something and I find myself leaning closer to Zander. This big guy is scary as fuck.

  "The buyer on here?" He holds the envelope up just long enough to ask the question before pocketing his.

  Zander nods once, "But not the source. As hard as my brothers tried they couldn't find out who was selling."

  "And the Senator?" Now my ears perk up.

  "The facilitator. He didn't have the information, he was given it by The Source with both taking their cut. Whoever the Source is kept his hands so clean even the Senator would go down before he would."

  "I'll make sure Archer has this," the guy sits back looking as relaxed as this guy is ever going to be I bet. "Thank you. You just saved a lot of lives and you didn't make a dime off of it. I understand how you operate. I know this isn't normal protocol."

  "Maybe I'm turning over a new leaf. No need for thanks." With that Zander sits back and reaches for his drink while looking at me. Letting the guy, and me, know he has a reason for the new attitude. "One more thing, I have to ask. Who is the Archer? In all of this game of gods and titans, where does he fit in? Who is he?"

  The guy smiles for the first time all night and I really wish he hadn't. It makes him look like the god damned devil is sitting across from us. "Wouldn't you like to know? Happy hunting, my friend." A noise from the back of the club makes Zander sit up straighter and has most people in the club turning to find out what had happened. When nothing more comes of it both of us turn to look at our companion but he's not there. Our attention was off of him for no more than seconds and he just vanished. Like he never existed.

  "You as well." Zander says looking at the empty stool on the other side and raising his glass like somehow the guy is going to see and know Zander wishes him well too. "We should leave and get our little present to a computer so we know what we're looking at."

  I am all for that. This whole episode has made me a nervous wreck. My hands are so sweaty I'm afraid to touch the dress because I'll leave wet streaks down it. Zander stands and, before I can formulate an idea for how to get down without showing the world my lady business, his hands wrap around my waist and lifts me off the stool.

  "I always take care of what is mine." He drops a kiss on the top of my head and walks us to the exit.



  We touched down in Rome an hour ago. This time my Cherry got to experience the whole trip without me putting her down. And playing stretch the hole is a lot more fun than having her barely responsive beside me. The next time I rub her soft pussy and have my fingers in and on her I think she will easily take two if she gets as wet for me as she was on the plane. And if she has to be on a plane to be that wet then I might as well learn to live in the clouds for the rest of my life because nothing is as good as having Cherry on my fingers and in my mouth.

  The information we got off the disk my new friend gave us has led us to Italy. The man we are supposed to be meeting is an arms dealer with a strong liking for unwilling women. Mr. Sargsyan will be at the club Tease tonight and we are going to be there as well.

  I look up just as Cherry is coming out of the bathroom. Tonight the club is not going to be as tame as the one we went to in Spain. This club has themes that they do every night. Tonight happens to be oral night. I noticed she didn't take my collar off last night before we both went to bed. Not that she could by herself but she didn't ask me to take it off either. Seeing her in it makes my balls tighten up.

  "What are you looking at?" She glances down at herself nervously like maybe something is wrong with her outfit.

  I shake my head letting her know it's not about the dress but the woman in it that has my attention. "You look stunning tonight, as always."

  I don't miss the color that hits her cheeks or the little smile that pulls at the corners of her lips. I sit back down on the edge of the bed and crook my finger for her to come to me. She weighs out her decision until she finally makes it and comes to stand in front of me. I part my legs for her so I can pull her closer.

  "Tonight is going to be different than last night." I remind her. "I want you to stay close to me and I want to be able to see and feel you with me at all times. This club is more...animalistic in taking its pleasures; don't try to defy me on this." She nods with big eyes that look worried now. "I want to make sure people understand who you belong to. I need you to have my scent on you telling people to back the fuck up." I reach down for the zipper on my slacks. The sight of her eyes following the trail of my zipper down is enough to make me cum. But I have other ideas. I just don't want to mark her and put my scent on her. I want hers on me as well.

  She gasps as she sees my cock lurch out of the opening. God her mouth is open and all I can think of is sliding myself into her and blowing in her sweet little throat but this load is for other places and we don't have much time. I take her by the waist and flip her over my leg so she falls face up on the bed. Once I have her where I need her with her legs still hanging off the bed I slide her skirt up. It's shorter than it was last night, soft and light and easy to lift so she can ride me in the club without anyone seeing her.

  I spread her legs farther apart and look down at the prize I've just uncovered. She's wet. There's a little spot forming on her panties that lets me know she's excited to be under me. I slide off the bed until I'm on my knees in front of her.

  "You'll be the only person I ever kneel before, Natasha." I hear her gasp seconds before I run my nose along the gusset of her underwear and breathe her in. I want to make this good for her so she'll let me have my Cherry's cream whenever I want it. I want her trust so she spreads her legs anytime and anywhere I say when I tell her I'm hungry for her.

  I slide my thumbs down the thin strings that ride high on her hips and something inside of me breaks. I can't keep pushing my true self back for her. If she is going to be with me she has to see all of me and accept it all, not just parts and pieces. I rip the strings from her body and take the panties she's flavored for me shoving them in my pocket and then I attack her virgin pussy like she's got the last god damn cheeseburger on earth and it's buried inside her sweet cunt.

  I hear her shocked cry as her body jerks from the first contact of a tongue on flesh that hasn't felt one before. I'm lost in the taste of her sweet juices but I am aware enough to feel her try to push me off for all of a second before her body tightens up and she explodes in my mouth in a hot fast orgasm that leaves my face dripping with her. But I'm not done with her, I need more. I don't let up for a second.

  She's so lost in her lust that she's riding my face and using the same hand that tried to push me away before to press me into her and keep me against her soft skin. I suck her clit into my mouth as she screams and arches her back so hard she's almost completely off the bed except for her head. I take the opportunity to slide my hands under her ass and lift her to my face so I can eat more of her and drink her release.

  I tilt her hips so I can run my tongue along the rim of her asshole and wait for her to let me in there too. She stiffens and again tries to push me off. But the way I have her she can't reach me very well now. I circle one of my arms around her hip so I can rub her clit at the same time. She will give me what I want and I want all of her.

  "Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod. I...can't."

  I pause only long enough to let her know how wrong she is, "You can and you will. Now give me what's
mine." I go back to licking and nibbling her sweet tight pucker until I feel her loosen up. I make my move and strike before she can catch herself and start to feel like this is wrong again. Nothing we do is wrong. Nothing on her body is wrong. I shove my tongue in her hole and am rewarded by her body stiffening up once again. This one is going to be big. I can tell by the way her legs shake and by how loud she's crying and by the scared look in her eyes.

  God, I love that look. She's looking for me to anchor her when she goes flying apart, she trusts me to find her when she loses herself to her body's wants and needs and urges. That look is the one that tells me she's mine. I own her.

  "Please." Her face is a mask of pained yearning. I can't leave her to suffer now can I. I pull back and strike her with my hand on her clit. Not hard, just a small slap that has her whole body jolting at the impact. I hit it again and go back to eating out her ass. She reaches new highs when she screams my name and I move my mouth to her sweet cunt waiting for her to release on my face and in my mouth.

  I jerk up and stand over her body. My hand is jerking my dick so hard and so fast that it's not going to take long for me to paint her with my cum. She's lying on the bed with her hair sticking to her in places and she's soaked in sweat from the physical exertion that I put her through. She's fucking gorgeous. I lean forward and run my tongue up her neck. She tastes so fucking good. I pull her face close to mine and look into her eyes as my balls start to tingle and the sensations that ride me when I cum crawl up my back.

  It would be so easy to close my eyes and give in to the pleasure that's coursing through me but I want to look at her. I want to see the moment she knows I've marked her. The moment she realizes she's going to be mine forever. With a grunt and jerk, I erupt all over her. Not just her lower belly, and her mons but also in between the lips of her pussy and right at her tight as fuck entrance. And when more comes out I make sure to cover her sweet ass with it. Every part of this girl will be mine.


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