The Everest Brothers: Ethan - Hutton - Bennett

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The Everest Brothers: Ethan - Hutton - Bennett Page 31

by Scott, S. L.

  Reaching around, I playfully smack the side of his leg. “Feels like you have more than eyes for me, hot stuff.”

  His hands work their way up the sides of my ribs, and I hold my breath momentarily. He says, “I like this hot-stuff business.”

  Turning around in his arms, I reach up and rest mine around his neck. “I like you.”

  The elevator dings, and he glances up as the doors open. “I more than like you, Singer. Let me show how much more.”

  With my hand wrapped in his, we walk down the hall, and he unlocks the door. We walk into the suite, and I go straight to the glass doors that lead to a large balcony. “Wow, this is an amazing view.”

  “You’re telling me.”

  When I look back, he’s looking at me with that smile that gets me every damn time. I go to him, and he meets me halfway. “What are we doing, Ethan?”

  “Falling in love.”

  “I feel like we’ve been here before.”

  “Let’s do it right this time.” He kisses me. And kisses me. Kisses me until I’m weak in the knees and holding his arms so I don’t become a puddle of mush at his feet.

  It doesn’t take long before our clothes are shed, our bodies are intimately reunited, and we’re flying high on each other. My thoughts blur as my body takes over, our connection carnal, our desire raw and deep. I fall to the side in a bundle of satiated fireworks, every nerve tingling as the sparks of fire flutter out.

  He rolls to his side and is watching me as my eyes open. I reach over and touch his cheek. “How was it for you?”

  Smiling, he replies, “You don’t ever have to ask. It’s incredible every time with you.”

  “You don’t have to woo me, Mr. Everest.”

  “What if I want to, Ms. Davis?”

  “Well then, by all means, go right ahead. Woo away.”

  Taking my hand in his, he kisses my fingertips. “Will you marry me?”

  My neck twinges from the hard double take. “Ethan?”

  “It’s fast.” He kisses the palm of my hand. “I know, but I don’t need more time to know I don’t want to be without you again.”

  Not able to find the words, I nod like a crazy person. Yes. Yes. But can we? “Ethan?” I repeat, still stunned.

  “Aaron made me see. My life has no meaning without you. I settled the company case. I won against my ex-girlfriend. I can’t take away the pain caused by what happened, but we can try to heal together. I don’t just miss you, Singer. I need you.” Stealing a kiss, he says, “I don’t care about anything else unless you are there to share it. The money. The companies. The stuff. None of it matters. People matter. And maybe it took this tragedy to realize it, but I don’t want to hide behind timelines established by society. I feel everything for you. You make me feel alive. We have one life guaranteed, and I want to spend mine with you. Marry me, Singer.”

  Wiping my eyes, I sniffle and then laugh. “You promised me you wouldn’t make me cry.”

  “No,” he replies, smiling and kissing one of my tears away. “I promised I would never make you cry sad tears.”

  “I love you too much to let you go again.”

  He sits up excitedly, the bed bouncing from the action. “Is that a yes?”

  Dragging him down to me, I kiss him this time and whisper against his lips, “That’s a yes.”

  * * *

  Ethan’s still in the shower when room service knocks on the door with our dinner. I throw a plush white robe on and rush into the living room, but I grab my chest when I see Lars sitting on the couch. “Good Lord, you gave me a heart attack.”

  “Sorry,” he says, getting up to answer the door. “Two-room suite. I’m in that bedroom, but I won’t disturb you.”

  With my heart still pounding, I say, “I guess that’s smart you’re staying there.”

  “Safety measure.”

  “Yeah, I guess that’s necessary.”

  The knock echoes in the room again. He says, “I think it would be safer if you wait in the bedroom.”

  I have a feeling I’m going to hear that a lot more from now on. He’s right, so I go and shut the door behind me, making my way to the bathroom. Ethan is drying off, and I go to the counter to lean against it. “You didn’t tell me Lars was staying with us.”

  His eyes meet mine. I’m learning when he doesn’t answer right away, he’s working around a way to tell me something that would be a lot easier if he was direct. I wait him out, not letting him off the hook. He finally drops the towel on the floor and walks into the bedroom. Damn, he has a great ass, all muscles rotating, that sexy indentation at the sides, leading to sculpted legs. He plays dirty. I follow him into the bedroom and sit on the bed. “Well?”

  “Well, what? He’s staying in the other room. We thought it best since we didn’t have lead-time to secure the hotel.

  “Why do you need to secure the hotel?”

  “You know, Singer.”

  “But we’re in Boulder, not Manhattan.”

  Eyebrows tug to the center, and his mouth goes to one side. “It would be nice if the threat was eliminated, but until it is, this seemed like a good bandage on the situation.”

  As fear creeps back into my veins, I ask what I’m not sure I want the answer to, “Do you think we’re in danger here?”

  “I think we’re in danger anywhere. Everywhere.”

  “Then what do we do?”

  “We live. We spite whoever it is and live.” He comes over, and I lean toward him when the bed dips. Rubbing my arms, he says, “Let’s enjoy tonight. We can worry about everything else tomorrow. We’re safe here. Lars is across the hall. So if we need anything, we call out for him.”

  “What happens tomorrow?”

  Chuckling, he asks, “You’re not going to let this go tonight, are you?”

  “No, I can’t.”

  He gets up and opens the door. “Can we talk about it over dinner? I’m starving.”

  “Yes, I’m hungry too.”

  We set the food on the table and sit across from each other. He sets his beer down and says, “I need to fly back tomorrow. I’d like you to go with me.”

  “Why so soon?”

  “I’m in the middle of renegotiations. I have a meeting I can’t move tomorrow afternoon.”

  “What will I do there?”

  “What have you’ve been doing here, other than the missing me part?” He waggles his eyebrows, making me smile.

  “I’m looking for a job.”

  “Look for one in New York. Chip told me to tell you he’d like to have you back.”

  Now I chuckle. “I don’t want to go back to a job I hated.”

  “You know you don’t have to work at all, right?”

  He’s a billionaire.

  It’s easy to forget because he’s so easygoing most of the time. Maybe I’ve been naïve to not realize what being with him really means. It just never occurred to me. “I want to work though.”

  “Then work. But you can be there with me and look for a job.”

  “Ethan, I’m not sure what to say to that.”

  “We’re going to be married. You can literally do anything you want to do. I’ll support you . . .” He seems to catch himself and how that actually sounds. “Emotionally, as your husband, your friend, and financially. We’re partners. That’s what marriage is to me.”

  Reaching across the table, I hold my palm up. When he sets his in mine, I say, “That’s what it means to me as well, but I don’t want to feel like another one of your obligations.”

  His laughter is deep as his hand squeezes mine. “You are the furthest thing from a burden to me, Singer. Money’s not fun if you can’t spend it on the people you love. Let’s have some fun and spend our money together.” He releases me and pulls something out of his robe. Kneeling beside me, he holds a box. “I should have given this to you earlier, but sometimes when I look at you, I feel so grateful I forget to show you how much you mean to me.”

  My heart races, my lips part, and those p
esky tears resurface. Happy tears only.

  He kisses the palm of my hand and says, “Singer Davis, my biggest regret will always be not kissing you on that fire escape. If I had, we would have gotten here a lot faster. The universe sometimes has a mind of its own. But no matter what has happened, we fought our fate and found our destiny. You are it for me. You are everything—my heart, my love, my soul, my minutes, my everything. I want to be everything for you.”

  While slipping the ring on my finger, he spins it gently around my finger, admiring it. The diamond is big. Like really freaking huge. The ring is prettier than I ever allowed myself to dream about. But it’s the man who holds my complete attention, who captures my whole heart and forever seals it as his to keep. He says, “Aaron once asked me how do you repay the sun for shining.”

  My heart clenches watching this amazing man repeating words I never understood, words according to Aaron that weren’t meant for me. Ethan says, “I didn’t understand what he meant at the time.”

  “You do now?”

  “I figured it out. That’s what brought me to Boulder today.”

  “What is it? What brought you here?”

  Pulling me to my feet, he takes one hand in his and the other holds my waist as we start to slow dance. “It’s never been about repaying the sun. It’s about making the sun shine in the dark. Let me be your moon and light your night. Will you marry me, Singer?”

  I’m nodding as the happy tears fall down my cheeks, a beautiful ache in my chest reminding me we can live. We can live the rest of our lives together, appreciating every minute of this wonderful life. “I want to be everything you deserve. I’ll shine for you during the day if you shine for me at night.” I lift up and kiss him.

  “Sealed with a kiss?”

  Untying the belt of his robe, I give him my best wink. “I have a better way to seal this deal.”

  I start pulling him toward the bed, but he stops me. “On one condition.”

  “Name it. Anything.”

  “I get to call you Singer Everest one day.”

  My heart swells. He’s the most wonderful man I’ve ever known and is offering me his hand in return for mine. I can’t refuse my soul its mate and will not make the same mistake twice. This time, I’m ready. Yanking the belt from the loops, I toss it and watch as the robe falls open. Dropping mine to the floor, I turn around, giving him full view of my backside as I wiggle it just for him. “If you insist,” I tease.

  “I insist, indeed.” His robe falls to the floor and he stalks toward me.

  I crawl onto the bed and sit in the middle. “Batter up.”

  “I’m going for a homerun.”

  “I think your odds are very good.”

  “God, I’m going to fucking love this union.”

  “The sex tonight or once we’re married?”

  Taking me down on the mattress, he settles between my legs and says, “Both, but let’s start with tonight.”

  Best deal we ever sealed.



  The sky is bluer.

  The air warmer.

  The sun brighter.

  My steps peppier.

  Life is good for the first time since . . .

  I am missing Ethan already. He flew out on a private jet early this morning. He wanted to drive me home first. Well, Lars drove. Ethan and I made out in the back. He wanted me to leave right then with him, to leave my clothes behind. “Buy more,” he said. “Leave it all behind. We’ll get you all new stuff. Just come with me.”

  I kissed lower than his lips for that sweet offer, but I couldn’t leave Boulder like that. The car came to a stop in my driveway, and Lars opened the door. I promptly fell onto the grass on my ass. If I hadn’t been laughing so hard, I might have been embarrassed that my underwear remained in Ethan’s hand . . . inside the car when I tumbled out.

  After righting me, Ethan kissed me goodbye but kept my panties. They left and I retrieved the key from under the planter and tiptoed into the house. Not wanting to wake anyone, I tried my darnedest to be quiet, but it’s too hard to keep all this happiness contained.

  Busted before I reach the stairs, my mom says, “Good morning.”

  Swinging my head to the side, I see her sitting at the breakfast table and detour to join her. “Good morning.” While I pour a cup of coffee, she watches me. “What?”

  “You. It’s good to see you smiling.” I stir in creamer, and she adds, “You’re in love with him.”

  “I am.”

  “No one’s ever made you smile like this.”

  I pick my mug up with my left hand and bend my wrist forward while I sip.

  Maybe I should have done that when she wasn’t trying to actually drink her coffee, considering I’m wearing said coffee now.

  She jumps, dabbing my hand and the ring with napkins. “Oh my. I’m so sorry, but oh my God, Singer. Are you engaged?”

  “I am,” I reply, lifting in my seat with excitement. I hold out my hand. “Ethan asked me to marry him.”

  “And you said yes?”

  “Yes, of course. You said it yourself. I love him. I don’t want to imagine a life without him, but when I do, it looks a lot like the last month and a half. Sad and pathetic.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a diamond that big. Did he mine for that in the mountains?”

  Staring at the ring, I admire it. “It’s a bit, or a lot, big. It’s stunning.”

  “It sure is, and wow.”

  “Six carats, emerald cut. I love the setting. He said I could take it in and get whatever I want if I prefer something else.”

  “Do you?” she asks, sitting in the chair next to me.

  “I love it, but I’m not sure if I want to walk around with something so big on my hand. You know, for safety reasons.”

  “Update me on that situation. Marriage means you’re going back to New York to be with him?” Her tone is eerily calm, her eyes fixed on me over the lip of her cup while she takes a drink.

  “I am.”

  “Will you get your old job back?”

  The way he referred to it as “our money” has me wanting to fall into this good life with him. “He’s accomplished so much already. I haven’t. I’m going to keep working, at least until we have children. I’ll make the decision then if I’ll go back after.”

  “I looked him up online.”

  I take a loud intake of air and blow out. “Okay.”

  “I assume you know how much money he’s worth?”

  “I do.”

  “When you came home last month, you said he had a lot of money and maybe that was why someone tried to kill you. I’m your mother. This worries me. All the money in the world isn’t worth risking your life.”

  “We don’t know who or why things happened, but I don’t feel unsafe when I’m with him.”


  “Mom. Please. Please let me celebrate an engagement to a man that I would give my life for.”

  “Don’t say that. It may happen.”

  I stand, wanting to run from the room and pretend I never had this conversation. But I’m a woman now, so I don’t have to escape uncomfortable situations. I need to handle them. “He has security. Until this psycho is caught, I’ll have detail as well.”



  “Sit. Please.”

  Giving her the courtesy she deserves, I sit back down. “I don’t want to live my life afraid. What kind of life will that be?”

  “None.” Her smile returns. “Congratulations on the engagement. He seems polite and very nice. You weren’t wrong when you said he was handsome. So tell me, when are you leaving me again?”

  “I’m not leaving you. I’m starting my life.”

  * * *

  Two days later, I fly in a private jet for the first time. I have to admit, it’s really nice. If that’s a perk of this new life, I’m on board with it. Pardon the pun.

  With Ethan in meetings at the office a
ll afternoon, I return to the penthouse. The new driver is nice, but he’s not Aaron. I’m excited to see Aaron and hope he’s up when I arrive. The elevator door opens, and my mouth follows suit. I can barely squeeze the suitcase into the hallway. Vase upon vase fills the black corridor. The gallery lights shine to highlight the hundreds, maybe thousands of pink peonies.

  They smell just as pretty as they look. I can only imagine how much he spent on these flowers. I leave my suitcase by the door and walk the narrow path between the vases.

  “Hello,” I call when I reach the open area of the apartment.

  No one returns a hello though. With no one around and Ethan working until dinner, I decide to do something I’ve wanted to do for weeks.

  With time on my side and no one to talk me out of it, I return to my apartment.

  * * *

  Even in broad daylight, standing at the curb, the red-brick, pre-war building feels ominous. I don’t look at the middle of the street, not wanting to see if anything remains of her death. The taxi pulls away, and I hear, “It’s good to see you, Ms. Singer.”

  Lowering my gaze from the floor where I used to live, I see Frank. “Hi.” I don’t make him get up. I go to him. “How are you, Frank?”

  “You know. The usual. You’ve been missed.”

  “Have I?”

  With a snaggletooth smile, he says, “Yes. And Ms. Lazarus.”

  I try not to snap at him for bringing her death up, but it’s a struggle. It’s only natural for people to mention it, to mention her. That’s something I have to get used to. “I miss her, too.”

  “She was a really nice lady.”

  “She was.”

  An awkward silence falls around us, so I reach into my purse and dig out a twenty. “It’s all I’ve got on me, but it’s yours.”

  He takes it, and graciously thanks me. “I didn’t know if you’d ever be back, but in case you were, I’ve been holding on to something for you.”

  “For me? You didn’t need to get me anything.”

  “I’d like to take credit, but it’s something I found.”

  Curious, I watch as he goes back to his pallet and digs through a backpack. When he comes back, he holds out his hand. “I think this belongs to you now.” A silver chain dangles between his fingers. Half a heart with the word BEST on it gleams in the late afternoon sun.


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