Master’s Fate

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Master’s Fate Page 9

by Red Phoenix

  Once the three of us are inside, Thane’s bodyguards part the crowd so Thompson can take off. I breathe a sigh of relief, glad to be free of that feeding frenzy.

  Thane turns to Thompson, “Thank you. I’ve hit my breaking point.”

  “I could tell,” he says somberly.

  I clap Thompson on the shoulder from the backseat. “Damn, and all this time I thought you were one of them. Sorry about that.”

  Glancing at Thane, Thompson says, “It’s been impossible for me to get near you. You have quite the devoted team protecting you.”

  Thane looks at me and nods. “I do.”

  Turning back to Thompson, he asks, “What is it you want?”

  “I would like to represent you. There’s no reason you should have to put up with this harassment.”

  “I have no money to pay you,” Thane states bluntly.

  “I plan to work pro bono.”

  Thane stares at him suspiciously. “Why would you do that?”

  “My parents were big fans of your father’s work and I grew up listening to his violin as a child. Our entire family was devastated when your father passed away unexpectedly.”

  I notice Thane flinch, but he never loses his composure. “Yes, my father died too young.”

  “Alonzo was a remarkable talent,” Thompson says in a somber tone. “It was horrifying how the media turned against him, following the tragic circumstances of his death. It was unconscionable.” He looks at Thane with compassion. “While there was nothing I could do to help back then, when I heard about this latest attack on you, I felt compelled to offer my services. I may be fresh out of law school, Mr. Davis, but I promise you that my drive makes up for my lack of experience.”

  Thane smiles at him. “There’s a lot to be said for a man with initiative.”

  “Then you’ll let me represent you?”

  Thane gestures toward me. “What about my friend, Anderson? He’s been set up and is facing expulsion because of me.”

  Thompson looks at me in the review mirror and asks, “What happened?”

  I explain the altercation with McDougal, and the subsequent fallout.

  “Don’t concern yourself with their threat of expulsion. I’m certain the surveillance cameras will clearly define who was at fault and what witnesses, if any, were present. It sounds like the administration is uncomfortable with the publicity this is bringing to the college and is quietly trying to eliminate the issue without regard to who gets burned in the process.”

  “So you’d be willing to take me on, too?” I ask hopefully.

  “Certainly. Your threat of expulsion is a direct result of your involvement with Mr. Davis.”

  “There is one thing I should make you aware of before you make a commitment to either of us,” Thane tells him.

  “What is it?”

  Thane glances at me. “Are you okay with me telling him?”

  I know he’s talking about our involvement with the dungeon. Although we made a vow not to tell others about its existence, it would be unwise to keep it from the man who plans to defend us. Besides, I feel no shame about my involvement with the dungeon.

  “If you trust him with the knowledge, then I agree it’s necessary.”

  Thane nods, and tells him, “Mr. Thompson, are you familiar with BDSM?”

  “In concept, yes.”

  “Both Anderson and I are part of a secret group who practice BDSM. We cannot afford to have this group exposed. The only reason I mention it is because McDougal was aware we left the dorm together at night. Our whereabouts were brought into question during Anderson’s meeting with the dean. Whatever the consequences are, we won’t out the group.”

  Thompson nods, keeping silent as he mulls over the information.

  “If you do not feel you can represent us, I’ll understand,” Thane adds.

  “I’ll think you’re a coward but, yeah, I’ll understand, too,” I tell the guy.

  Thompson flashes a smile. “I like the honesty, Mr. Anderson.”

  “What can I say? I was raised to be upfront.”

  “An admirable trait, so let me be equally upfront. As far as your nightly excursions are concerned, they have nothing to do with the incident involving Mr. McDougal. I see no legal reason it should be addressed. It won’t be a problem.”

  “But you’ll keep the existence of the dungeon to yourself?” I prod.

  He gives me an insulted look in the mirror. “I’m a professional, Mr. Anderson. Everything you share in confidence stays between us.”

  Thane places his hand on Thompson’s shoulder. “Anderson feels a responsibility to our friends at the dungeon. No offense was meant.”

  Thompson narrows his eyes, staring at me in the rearview mirror. “I don’t like my integrity being called into question, but if you need assurance, hand me a dollar.”

  I have no idea what the guy is up to, and chuckle as I fish out a dollar bill and hand it to him.

  “Good,” he says after taking it. “Now that I’ve been technically hired, I’m duty-bound to keep your case confidential.”

  “Oh, you’re good.” I laugh, my concerns now abated.

  “So, what do you need from us?” Thane asks him.

  “I went to the liberty of having a contract drawn up that I’ll be acting as your legal counsel, which you can sign now, Mr. Davis.”

  Looking in the rearview mirror, he tells me, “As for you, once I get one drawn up, I’ll go directly to the president of the college and let him know I am legally representing you in this matter.”

  “How soon can you do that?”

  “Early tomorrow.”

  “Damn, you’re quick. That would be a huge relief for me.”

  “For both of us,” Thane interjects. “I hate having my friends mistreated on my account.”

  “I can appreciate that.” Thompson pulls into a public parking lot overlooking the ocean, but remains in the car. “Do you have any idea what the motivation behind your mother’s current accusations is?”

  Thane snorts angrily. “The Beast doesn’t like to lose. My guess is she’s trying to sway public opinion with the deluded belief that bringing my guilt into question will exonerate her. It doesn’t hurt that it also feeds her perverse need to see me suffer.”

  “His mother is a monster,” I tell the man.

  Thompson nods in agreement. “I knew that after her actions following Alonzo Davis’ untimely death.”

  “My mother is exactly where she belongs,” Thane states in a cold voice.

  “Agreed, Mr. Davis, and I will do everything in my power to legally protect you from her influence.”

  Thompson grabs his briefcase and gets out of the car. We follow him to an empty picnic table, where he asks Thane to sit beside him. Taking out the contract, he hands it to Thane and goes over each page, explaining the legal terminology so Thane understands exactly what he’s signing.

  I already like this Thompson guy.

  After Thane signs it, the two stand up and shake hands.

  “I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your help.”

  “It’s my pleasure, Mr. Davis. I hope to have this issue resolved in a timely manner but, until then, you will need to keep that entourage around you, and neither of you can say a word to the press.”

  I chuckle. “Damn, ruin all my fun, why don’t ya?”

  But Thane frowns. “I do hope this can be resolved quickly. The end of the semester is only a couple of weeks away, and I do not want reporters invading my uncle’s neighborhood trying to get to me.”

  I perk up. “Wait up, buddy. Did you forget you’re celebrating Christmas with my family?”

  “I didn’t think you were actually serious.”

  “You bet I was! My mom has been testing out new recipes for weeks now.”

  Thane groans. “Don’t you understand? I dislike anything relating to Christmas. I’ll only make your family uncomfortable if I go.”

  For all of Thane’s complaining, I notice Thompson seems pleas
ed by the idea. “May I ask where your parents live, Mr. Anderson?”

  “Greeley, Colorado.”

  Thompson turns to Thane. “You should go. The timing couldn’t be better. The press can’t follow you if they don’t know where you are. In the meantime, I can get injunctions in place so they won’t be allowed on campus when you return.”

  Thane looks relieved. “If you succeed, Thompson, it would be a far better resolution than I ever thought possible.”

  “I will make it happen,” he states.

  I see the first real smile from Thane since this latest mess started. “If you pull this off, you will have a client for life.”

  Private Party

  Knowing that Thane has been banned from the dungeon, Durov invites us to join him at a private play party being held in downtown LA the weekend before we plan to fly out to Colorado.

  “I can’t let you two leave for a month without a proper sendoff. You need to be reminded of what you’ll be missing while you’re gone.”

  “A private party, huh?” I ask, thoroughly intrigued.

  The Russian grins. “Da. I know certain high-profile individuals who prefer the intimacy and exclusivity of a private party. It will be far less formal than the dungeon. However, the host has complete control on what is and is not allowed in their home.”

  “It’s held at a home?” Thane asks, sounding as surprised as I am.

  “If that’s the case, then I’ll be bringing Myrtle with me.”

  Durov nods. “Da, the ceilings are too low for a standard bullwhip.”

  The Russian then turns to Thane. “There will be several famous people in attendance.”

  “Having grown up with a world-renowned musician, that does nothing to excite me.”

  “I only mention it because it can mess with your head as a Dom if you are asked to dominate someone who is prominent in society.”

  “I see what you’re saying. So, what’s your recommendation?”

  He grins wickedly. “You treat them the same as you would any other sub. Many Dominants become intimidated by the elite here in LA and perform poorly because of it. But, for me, it adds an extra thrill. These people are used to having the power in social arenas. Once you strip that away, you’d be surprised how desperate they are to bend to your will.”

  “I appreciate the advice, my friend.”

  Durov turns to me. “That miniature bullwhip will be particularly popular at this gathering.”

  “Good to hear. Thanks again for the invite.”

  In an unusual moment of openness, Durov confesses, “Your loyalty to my comrade is something I deeply respect. Far too many people in this world pledge friendship, but then abandon you the moment it becomes inconvenient.”

  “I have to admit that when I first met you, I thought you were nothing but trouble. You are—so it turns out I was right about that.”

  Durov chuckles.

  “However, I am grateful to call you my friend.”

  “Likewise, cattle man,” he says, smacking me on the back.

  As I’m driven by one of Durov’s men to a tower located in the heart of downtown LA, I try to contain the nervous energy building in my bones.

  I can’t believe I’m here—a cowboy from Colorado—about to unleash my bullwhip on some of the social elite of LA.

  I was told to wait in the car until Thane shows up in a separate vehicle. We were both instructed to wear hoodies to cover our heads and to bring our change of clothing and our tools for the evening in a duffle bag.

  Every precaution is taken to ensure our identities remain hidden as we enter the building from a side entrance and are escorted to a dedicated elevator. We look at each other in silence as we ride straight up to the penthouse.

  The doors open up on an impressive marble foyer. We are greeted by a young woman wearing only a collar and bejeweled nipple rings. “Please follow me,” she says with a bow, keeping her eye lowered.

  Holy shit, so this is how the upper echelon lives…

  I watch her walk away, her shapely ass swaying seductively with every step, and then glance over at Thane. I can’t believe this is real.

  She leads us to a set of double doors and tells us to enter before bowing to both of us and leaving.

  Thane pulls his hoodie down as he opens the doors and breaks out in a smile. “Fancy meeting you here.”

  I look from behind Thane to see Samantha standing in the room, dressed in a red vinyl catsuit that emphasizes her long legs and hugs every curve of her body. With the red stilettos she’s wearing, she’s looking dangerous tonight.

  She nods to both of us, saying in the confident voice of a Dominatrix, “Pleasure to see you both.”

  “Likewise,” Thane answers.

  I sweep back my hair, chuckling. “I have to say, Samantha. You clean up real nice.”

  She gives me a wicked half-smile that definitely gets my blood pumping. I totally understand now why Durov is obsessed with her.

  “Rytsar told me to get dressed and wait for him here. I assume you’re to do the same.”

  Not one to be shy about my body, I immediately pull off the sweats, reaching into my duffle bag for the black leather pants I bought for this occasion. I’ve decided to go kinky but classy tonight. I complete my ensemble by slipping on a smoky gray t-shirt, black cowboy hat, and boots.

  Pulling Myrtle out of my bag, I flick my wrist and she lets out a satisfying crack that echoes in the room.

  Samantha jumps and blurts at me irritably, “You should give us a warning before you crack that thing.”

  “What would be the fun in that?” I ask, chuckling as I coil up my whip and secure it to my belt.

  “Trust me. You get used to it,” Thane tells her as he buttons up his crisp white shirt before putting on a silk tie.

  “Going with a suit again?” I comment, thinking both Samantha and I are killing it tonight with our new duds.

  “A suit best expresses my style of dominance,” he states.

  I look Thane over, appreciating the truth of that statement. “You’re right.”

  Glancing at Samantha approvingly, I add, “I think we each hit the right chord of our dominance tonight.”

  Samantha pulls out a black crop from her bag and smiles seductively as she snaps it against her hand. “I can’t wait to get started.”

  Thane looks like a proud parent as he stares at her.

  “You’ve truly come into your own, Samantha,” he praises her. “You’re every bit the Domme I imagined you would be.”

  “I have you to thank for that. And, it wasn’t just the lessons. Knowing that I might be outted by your beast of a mother has completely changed my perspective on things.” She adds with a confident smirk, “There’s no reason to feel shame for who I am and what I enjoy. I’m Samantha-fucking-Clark.”

  “Yes, you are,” he agrees, admiration in his voice.

  Samantha looks over at me. “And you can lick my stilettos if you don’t like it.”

  The dominant vibe I’m picking up from her is alluring rather than abrasive. Seriously, I can’t believe this sexy Domme standing before me is the same girl I met last year.

  The doors open and I turn to see Durov standing in the opening. He looks Thane and I over before his gaze lands on Samantha. “Vy krasevaya…” he murmurs huskily.

  A blush rises to her cheeks.

  Even though I don’t know what he just said, it’s obvious by his tone that it’s a high compliment.

  Remembering her position, Samantha raises her chin slightly and says, “Thank you.”

  He says nothing more but, based on the growing erection in his pants, he’s noticeably affected by her beauty.

  Forcing his gaze from her back to us, his face breaks out in a grin. “Everyone is anxious to meet you three. First, you must socialize and partake in our host’s hors d’oeuvres before you will be allowed to join one of the rooms.”

  My cock starts aching as I think about the possibilities that lie just beyond the doorway, and I h
ave to calm myself down mentally if I want to be able to walk out of here.

  Durov holds out an arm to Samantha and escorts her out of the room first, with the two of us following close behind.

  The hallway opens up into a massive room with huge floor-to-ceiling windows that span the exterior walls. The view of the city alone is breathtaking, but it’s the table with hors d’oeuvres that captures my attention.

  On a large oak table lies a naked girl covered in sushi. I elbow Thane in the ribs. “I suddenly find that I’m starving. How about you?”

  Heading over to the table, I pick up a pair of chopsticks as I admire the girl. Her pale skin is decorated with artfully placed leaves that hold the colorful hors d’oeuvres covering her body.

  “Well, hello there, darlin’. Mighty fine sashimi you got there.” I deliberately pick a piece off her breast and place it in my mouth, groaning in pleasure as I savor it.

  I see her chest rising and falling in little bursts. She’s trying hard not to laugh, which just encourages me more.

  I look at the area between her legs. “What fine nigiri you have. Let me sample a bite.” Deftly picking up the piece of nigiri laying on her mound, I slowly chew it with a sigh of ecstasy.

  “Ah, yes, darlin’. You definitely have the finest nigiri I’ve ever tasted.”

  She continues to stare up at the ceiling, her lips twitching as she struggles not to laugh.

  “You do realize she’s not allowed to move—not even a smile,” Thane says, picking up a piece of sushi from her stomach. “Are you trying to get the girl punished?”

  Durov slaps me on the back. “Maybe the cattle man has a sadistic streak, after all.”

  An older gentleman walks up beside me. “I see you are enjoying the hors d’oeuvres.”

  “I am, sir. Can’t say I’ve ever seen hors d’oeuvres served in such an attractive fashion, but I’m certainly a fan.”

  He smiles, holding out his hand to me. “I like a man who appreciates Nyotaimori.”

  “Perhaps you would like a drink?” he asks, gesturing to another naked girl smiling at me with a tumbler in her hand.

  Before I can answer, Durov interrupts. “Mr. Everett, I’d like to formally introduce you to Master Brad Anderson, the man I spoke about.”


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