Dear Dawn

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Dear Dawn Page 9

by Aileen Wuornos

  Quit Lee!

  OK! At least your still up and adam. Was checkin reflectology. Your normal. You’ll make it. As for me. Hum! . . . “Big question”. Can’t tell if I’m comin or goin sometimes!

  . . . Say when were you Baptized? . . . You know as an adult. To be baptized again, is the greatest experience ... I wish I could be before I go. When I’m in the shower, I do some pretending, and psyche myself out, that this is my baptism. Since I probably will never be able, to be, in reality, here, because of being on D.R . . .

  OK! This is untill next time – 4-now Love Lee


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi, gal! Got back Friday afternoon after Pasco’s sentencing ... and took the whole weekend off for total relaxation. So forgive me for not have in written sooner

  I really laid it on thick in Dixie and Pasco about the lying cops . . . for the money off of their movie overkill and dead end. Also said about thee jail abuse I received by pasco, and the fact that no-one has “Ever” in history received “6 death sentences off of a, “Seriel crime”75 . . . this goes to show how much men disrespect and literally must hate women, That no-male nor female in Seriel murders received over 3 sentences ...

  I just have a slight cut on my palm of my hand from the handcuffs in Pasco . . . I may not be able to write much this week because of it. Sorry. I slammed my side

  palm in the handcuffs and then blood was on my white shirt in court. Dawn, I couldnt believe it, but the judge ordered no-camaras in the court room. And my cut was by physical mistreatment . . . But reporters did write down things . . .

  I couldn’t believe it, but I told the Judge in DIXIE, I felt their towns people in the court system, working on this case of mine, (nor) him, were in knowledge (or) also involved in any conspiracy of the cops fairy taled version “overkill” (or) “dead end”, and said “May god bless your soul.” But as for Judge blunt76 in Volusia I added. “May God have mercy of his corpse too, as he said to me upon sentencing”77 Well he came out to talk to me, before me leaving into the hall to do a short camara interview and paddy wagoned away. He had tears in his eyes. And in a round about way, said he had to sentence me as the jury recommended . . . I told him I understand and still forgive him, it wasnt his fault the bias, prejudism, and libeled hatred over me, came about. It was the crookedness of the law enforcement . . . Then again we shook hands once more, tears visible but not falling in, both our eyes, locked on each other. I turned and walked away saying. “May God bless you again Sir.” First time I ever spoke personnally to a judge. He was “Honest” . . . Love you all . . . Gotta Go! . . . nic nic 4-now Love Lee



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . The real Aileen wouldnt hurt not one soul . . . But getting WILD, DRUNK, HOMOSEXUAL, AND PROSTUTING. These sins, were rolling up to 7 great sins . . . Although there were 100s of “Good times”, with MEN, there WAS plenty of BAD TIMES . . . When I left Michigan at 16. I faced alot of assaults and rapes by men for 4 years up to 20 while I lived on the road crossing Americas 24/7 for 4 years never settled really any where for longer then 30 or 60 days. Then lewie’s78 bull at 20. left devorced, back on my own . . . when Toni (I met in Key Largo) told me she was a lezzbian and interested in tieing up with me.

  I said . . . Maybe after all I can find someone who loves, and will be compatible. For after all women are “Compassionate Sensitive caring, and full of beauty and love!” . . . Well, then I wound up in trouble . . . over the forgery charge79 trying to get the bucks my boss owed me . . . So I reverted to hooken as I did as a kid hit-chikin accross America, And then thee “Male abuse” again began in intervols . . . Well, in 5 1/2 years of hookin, the final year, became to much . . .

  So you see! I never wanted to “KILL” . . . I was gonna use the gun as a scare . . . But [Satan ] had me run into “Mallory” . . .

  Although I’m guilty of killing 7. I weigh my sins on the MALE DOMINATE SOCIETY, They will threat a women, girls, teens, don’t matter, like shit. And never think twice about what they’ve done . . . As if females are not human. Just Automations for their pleasures and commands . . . Letter no 3 on the way.

  4-now See ya Soon Love Lee



  Dear Dawn,

  Well lastly on the subject I was on in letter #2, Causing the subject to arise because of Jack Kovarians80 (insanity) I disagree on. After “Mallory,” and 6 months later incountering trouble with “David Spears”. I knew after his killing. “It was over for me.” (To ever come clean who did this, and the whys.) Now it was just stay as long as time will allow me to with ty. For I loved her. SOOO MUCH. Beyond with terms of understanding. That I knew eventually our relationship would forever be over. Which I feared greatly. “So deeply in love.” Man I cherished her, so decided just keep truckin, doing what I have to do, husselin to survive. If more ass-holes I run into. oh well! I’m not gonna stop defending from abusive assaults (or) whatever else may come vie this and the guy against me. I’ve already got 2 deaths I had to do. Because of THERE stupidity starting up FIRST Ill be had on this, eventually. Theres no self defense laws. So fuck it. “Continue.” If I have to do this. Like I said. oh well. Itll just keep others from there cruelty in life. And I know I’ll die, from it. So to kill anymore downs the road as I hook, will only be the same as killin one. For no matter the number. And the defense . . .

  plus lastly, It shouldnt matter who you are (or) what your work place is. Self-defense is Self-defense. No one has the right to lay any pyshical abuse on “ANYONE .” I dont care if your ugly as hell, (or) what. Most other states in America have this law . . .

  I could also tell how much they KNEW I was innocent . . . when in pasco they stuck two D.U.I cases in the same cell with me who was suppose to be this Vicious Fuckin Crazy Female Seriel Killer. It was like there last good bye to me to say. Yeah we fucked you over royal didnt we. And now were rich as shit... Thanks bitch, to bad there wasnt a “Self-defense law”. Never will be either . . . But there day is coming. See ya Soon Love Lee



  Dear Dawn,

  I’m back Memory Lane Still Cookin Good! When Ducky and Keith came over . . . I also had an 8 week old alaskin husky, named him “Rocky” . . . Rocky blew Ducky and Keiths minds. He ran all over the house like crazy, then I sat on the couch . . . and rocky comes up to me like “Rrrrk” on his ass he sits, and like looks at me, (waggin his little tail) O.K.! momma what command do you want me to do now . . . I had just gotten the pup a week ago for 5 bucks . . . I was about 17 then. This is when I came back from Colorado to Michigan for about 1/2 year, then split again to Florida. Well, my living quarters went, when the girl I was livin with decided to use the stove as a heater and ran up a 240 dollar monthly bill. Back then 85-90 bucks a week we only made . . . I moved out to Detroit. Thats where I met Gene Lewis. A bass player of a group named “The Brothers”. I quit the factory job. Started livin with him. Training to be a vocalist for his group. Now I must stop. Long, Long story. It will all be in my book. I just wanted you to know about “Rocky”. What a smart dog.

  . . . yeah I remember your dads job . . . When did he quit or whatever U.A.W?81 My dad got laid off of Beaver Percision82 after 15 years there . . . I believe this is where the major problems in the house began. Him there 24/7 drunk . . .

  I believe I was 14 when this happened. During the unwed mothers home83 and all. The rape Yes its true. The guy did say he knew my dad, and where I lived. He picked me up out of the pouring rain. on 20 and Rochester, accross from the Clark station . . . He pulled me out from it, and asked me if I could use a lift. I told him where I lived (not far!) Then he did say my dads name. Says he comes to the bar often. Then the rest. Sorry! To embarrassing. You’ll have to read it in my Auto B. OK! . . . 4-now Love Lee




  Thank you for

  the Stamps ! and—


  on Jeraldo. Love you Gal.


  Dear Dawn,

  Yes I agree Ophrah Winphey and Jerry Springer are much more “Compassionate” [than Geraldo]. Im gonna check em out soon to . . . I hope Jeraldo doesn’t slice this one out . . . He told me to look in the camera, and act like your talking to the 7 dead men, what do you want to say to them? I said, I’m sorry your so you were so, phycologically sexually defunct and deranged, da da da da da. You know how some people are gonna crack up if he shows it. Then I was expressin how strong I am. Holdin my arms up sayin, but me Im strong, da da da. He said strong! what do you mean strong! look at your skinny as a rail (something like that he said) then I looked at him in a funny discussted look, cocked my head sideways and said “I MEANT MENTALLY!” Like you dumb jerk. God if they show that people are gonna roll off there couches laughin. Then I said real perky like, I was 175 lbs when I was arrested though. I was pertty strong back then. He went 175 lbs?! how much do you weigh now? I said 117. VCBJ nearly killed me, I lost most of my weight there! It’s a trip. I was believe it or not, Nervous as hell! . . . 4-now Love Lee


  Dear Dawn,

  Geraldo was a trip! He really needled my ass. So no doubt., Eyes bulged out trying to state my say . . .

  Well, by now. You’ve probably done Jeraldo and are back. Number one question. Where you scared, sittin there in front of all those people in the Audience? Second one “Did ya have FUN?” Man I hope so! . . . Jeraldo he’s cute, but I don’t think he’s as “fine” as women think. Also a nitpicker. Like has to be his way (or) no way it seems. flicks were taken of me with him. He said he’ll send me one or 2 . . . Andrea one of the girls on Death Row, I decided to help out. She’s penniless here. And no money in one of these to buy commassary to help uplift ya, can be hell. So she’s gettin a grand . . . Another grand to ty. One fore me and 2 for Steve . . .

  Tell everyone I said hi! . . .





  Dear Dawn,

  Oh man, I received Mays playgirl issue. WOW! . . . Theres some real good lookin huge mommas in there. Aprils were itty witty and whipped. Well you know were my perverted head is at now! ...

  Hey Dawn, you had a word in your letter I had to LOOK up man! “Condole.” You said in it . . . on Jeraldo. You don’t condole killing. OK! how about being my Assistant in my Autobiography?! You know how to rapp that lingo there gal! You certainly blew me away . . . I can hear ya now. You mean your 37 years old and you’ve never heard of condole. me no! . . . Only the pilsbury dole boy! But not Con-dole. U You idiot! Thats DOUGHE! not DOLE. me Just don’t tell anybody!! ... I’m Embarrassed NOW! . . .

  Well back to the defense part,. What I mean is that, if I WASNT DRUNK (OR) NOT DRUNK but psychological syndromes there, that blocked thought patterns I would’ve held the gun with a smile, and said. Next time just know that you may run into someone who won’t put up with your shit, Period. If undressed would of dressed and walked out. If dressed. Just walked out, with the reassurrance he continues to try any more assault, then I’ll diffenately shoot the fucker. But then I had mental blocks. See from alcohol influence, and also incidences to “MANY!” Being All cleaned up NOW and with a clear head, to properly rationalize. Never would of killed em . . . This is only (3) I can think of. I deeply regret shooting them. I know you curious who. So Ill tell you. Siems, Antonio, Burress. The others were diffenate creeps, and showing signs, and/or physically on me, for serious bodily harm. Mallory I abhor. I know Im gonna die, one way or another, be it natural (or) the chair. And do not give a dam about appeals . . . As for overturn sentences. Bull shit! when “I KNOW I’M INNOCENT” for various upon many of reasons . . . Letter #5 on the way LOVE LEE


  Dear Dawn,

  Man did you EVER look good on Jeraldo . . . Dave did make you loose all your tom boyish ways. You looked sharp up there, and full of class! . . . Well, I look terrible . . . But thats because of all the stress. I haven’t been feeling good for sometime. Just lingering and hoping my end is soon. Com on Jesus! Please take me home . . .

  I . . . told [Steve] to get my message out, that “the only reason I’m giving up and excepting death, is because of how I was railroaded at the Mallory trial.” “That, I’d never get a fair trial, ever, that because of this corruption that carried on, leaves it senseless to fight ... but “who cares” she’s an ex-hooker . . .

  Anyway! Jeraldo when I said Just let me go! and it came back to him at the studio, he bowed his head, after he said . . . “Good!” Like yeah kill her. Unbelievable! . . .

  Well, 3 more days and Yeeeeee Hoooooo! Our grand Reunion! . . .

  Theres a bar out here, somewheres in Miami, called “The Reunion” Shoot! now wouldnt that be a perfect place to head out, and have a few for good ol times.


  Looking back, at you on Jeraldo I even noticed your voice has changed too. Man it aint that . . . voice I remember as a kid. WOW! More like oh La La real hunk a Women there.

  . . . You Lezzy, you best not try any of that shit on me! Don’t worry, remember, the sex part I don’t like, its only the companionship! . . . If I were ever set free! . . . I’d remain single forever. I love to much in relationships and wind up falling in troubled spots . . . Love is very powerfull. Can have you do strange things, you’d never dream you’d do! ... So – See ya soon. This time 4-Real. Yeee haw! Weee hooo! Ariba ariba! 4-now Love Lee


  Dear Dawn,

  FANTASTIC! 2 full days! 6 hours a round! Yeeeeeeeeee hooooooos! . . . Love you gal and always will! Xxxxx XXXxxxx Emmmmmph. Your so beautifull. Every bit about you . . .

  If I would’ve gotten into my past . . . you wouldve had some dozzies to listen to. And we couldve gabbed forever . . . I’m Sorry it was mostly on the killings, crooked cops, and cases. But I did want you . . . to know about it . . .

  Please remember to see about your friends lawyer son idea84 . . . And also a will . . . Arlene receives nothing I own after death, nor my body. Neither Steve. Only you and tyria. OK . . .

  THANKS AGAIN BUDDY! ... Ill be seein ya in the lines again soon. EmmMMph! X Love Lee


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Americas most wanted, wrote me for an interview . . . for a special there working on called “The criminal mind”. They want a better understanding of me . . . My situation, and how and why this happened. Calling my cases “Unique.” Well my cases are only Unique because of a pack of lying fuckin cops! They apparently refuse to help women . . . Obviously 75-80% men, really do, have a . . . hatred towards women . . .

  Well they certainly will not . . . make me look “to the world” as if I’m guilty of my crimes . . . UK! Im not even gonna write em back.

  . . . Okee do Kee. Love ya Gal Xxxx Take care – 4 now Love Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  Well heck, I’ve been so busy in my manuscript, the holiday went by unnoticed. Sorry! I forgot to Wish you – Happy Easter too! So Happy Easter! Darn! this project I’m on is sooo tiring.

  . . . oh my god, Im in love with a new song. It is by Duran Duran. “An Ordinary World”. Man I’d like that baby as a theme song to my funeral if you can swing it, OK! Say since I’m on the subject of songs. I’d love played at my funeral . . .

  So far theres.,“Jesus is Just alright with me.

  Dobbie Brothers

  “Time for me to fly” R.E.O.

  “The flame”, Cheap Trick

  “I see the light”, Gloria Estefon.

  “Faithfully” – Bob Seager

  “Lucky Man” – Moody Blues

  “There aint no gettin over me”

  (an oldie) Roney Milsap

  “Run away child” – Temptations

  “Show me dont tell me” – Rush

  “My sweet Lord” George Harrison85

  Well theres a few, ha ha ha, a few, I could write down hundreds . . .

nbsp; 5:45 and Im back, Lord guess who wrote. Havent heard in at least 8-10 months from her. Guess, Guess, Guess . . . Yes! Arlene. man, I’m not going through her crap again. What should I do. She wants to make amends all over, a clean slate . . . What would you do? I know Christ is coming soon. And I should forgive all. Help me Buddy!

  . . . Tell everyone I said Hi 5 What gives. later buddy. I’m Such a clown! 4-now Love Lee


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi. Im back! I couldn’t resist another letter to you. . . . After you read the effects of the chair, consider . . . how wicked they must be . . . to . . . frame . . . a joker who had been raped to the chair, Falsifying evidence, and all the hundreds of, “obstruction of Justices”, they did, in order to gain a conviction . . . UK.

  OK. here’s what happens.

  Justice Brennan describes accounts of execution by electrocution as follows

  This evidence86 suggests that death by electrical current is extremely violent and inflicts pain and indignities far beyond the mere extinguishment of life. Witnesses rountinely report that when the switch is thrown the condemned prisoner cringes, leaps, and fights the straps with amazing strength. The hands turn red, then white, and the cords of the neck stand out like stel bands. The force of the electrical current is so powerful that the prisioners eyeballs sometimes pop out and rest on his cheeks. The prisioner often deficates, urinates, and vomits blood and drool.... the prisioners . . . skin stretches to the point of breaking. Sometimes the prisoner catches on fire . . . This smell of frying human flesh ... is sometimes bad enough to nauseate even the press . . . when the post electrocution autopsy is performed, the liver is so hot . . . that it cannot be touched by the human hand. The body frequently is badly burned and disfigured....


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