Dear Dawn

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Dear Dawn Page 11

by Aileen Wuornos

  Dawn, I’ve been invited to a wedding.! Aw haw haw haw haw I’ve never been to one, whats it like? Will I miss anything? Alot of booze A. Ha Ha Ha. Thats O.K. I quit drinkin. So! Amazin aint it! WOW. 18 near years on the stuff. Shew. Whistle . . .

  Well, its time to close . . . I hope all stays cool on your end, as it seems its finally doin . . . Until next time, my beloved bud . . . Love Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi thar! Buddy! Hows it goin? . . .

  Say dawn, would you do me a slight itty witty favor. Remember I sent ty the 2 drawings, well I havent heard from her yet... Well, I figured if you wrote her a quick line maybe she’d get a line through, and perhaps write you back . . . It doesn’t have to be long, Just a quick kite, O.K . . . Ill stop askin ya to do stuff for me now. You know being helpless like this SUCKS . . . I’ve always liked being independant . . .

  So how was your Rod Stewart Concert!? Ha Ha, you crack me up. But! I’ve done the same. When I lived alone I had 250 ablums, the best of, of most cool artist, and man I use to get down heavy at home, drinkin alone, playin D.J. by myself. Man theirs this new song I love, called sleepless satalite. by Tasma Archer. WOW When she moans in it, it just turns me ON. This is the only reason I love the song so much . . . her moanin. Owww, its sexy., which makes the song sexy as heck. No I’m not thinking lezzy, I’m thinking musical. Swear it! Really! I am.

  DAWN! . . . I AM! . . . alright, ya dont believe me. OK . . . I’ve got an idea. Go buy the record and see for yourself...

  Until next one. Stay cool!

  Love always


  P.S. This is what Keith use to always call me I-LEE . . .


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi . . . [Ty] finally wrote. After some 2 months. She received the drawings. Great! And! She’s got a new lover. Fantastic! Now wont be alone anymore. I really happy for her . . .

  And Guess what I received? Youll never guess! My manuscript, with 5 chapters missing. Yep. Well, I got entirely fed up Dawn. I ripped it all up. and said. Forget it. Christ is coming soon anyway! My Autobiography I’m giving up . . .

  I also received Appeal “Oral Argument briefs.” which means theyve more then likely had a hearing by now on a new trial94 . . . if there decision is “No.” I really “Dont Care” I just want to be with Jesus Bad . . . I’ve seen enough of the

  world ... I havent ty anymore either., and truely without her, I feel empty ... I know God feels the same way and he will take me out of this in due time . . .

  But all and all, I really feel the Rapture is near to take place . . . And this should be to us believers a royal happy note to look forward too . . .

  Say before I close, Ive got to tell you a funny one man . . . Our toilets eat up anything I swear! Anyway I was done pissin and decided to wash my hands with this brand new bar of soap. “Irish Springs”, a huge green bar of. and it was in my soap dish. (closed up in it..) Well, I went to open it, after I flushed the rig, and while the water was thunderously goin down, I slipped openin up the soap dish . . . So I reach in and check in the hole and the foundation goes (upwards) inside to who know where. China maybe. Anyway! . . . Lord! ha ha ha . . . So after I’m done crackin up. I make a sad face, and go. But man. I just opened it up today, which was shower day and enjoyed its soft suds for only (1) shower.


  Now I’ve got to order another, which wont arrive until next week . . .

  Stay Cool,

  and See ya Sooner then Soon




  Dear Dawn,

  Alright Buddy! Go Get em! . . . that no-good S.O.B! . . . This land lord of yours has got me hotter then a cooked lobster . . .

  I could lay into Steve Glazer, the same ol’ way. He came to see me . . . I kept sayin to myself... I just wonder what Steves got up his sleeve this time . . . Well, he finally arrives. We hug a little, rap a little, and then he whips out his sons pictures. I’m pretendin he’s cute, but he’s not all that good lookin of a squirt. Then he whips out pictures of me. A stack about 4 inches thick. Around 80 or more. All the same . . . He said well I brought them over so you could sign the backs of em. And Ill try to sell them . . . I said . . . No, steve, I dont think so! . . .

  His face! it got all twisted in confussion and anger. Like shit! It didnt work! I was giggling inside. Goin ha ha ha Steve! I’m 5 steps ahead of ya now boy . . .

  Love always



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . whats this about Dave in the Hospital ... Geez! Dawn you guys are always havin sad things happen to ya’s . . . Ill be prayin for him. Im always prayin for you guys! . . .

  Linda’s drawing was sitting at the post office for 2 months . . . not enough postage on it . . . So it sat there, which was stupid. They should of returned it here . . . So today it was newly sent out . . . Geez! . . . Anyway! I cant wait until she gets the drawin. It’s a cool one dawn . . .

  I’m startin to run outta money pretty soon. So Im checkin out all these people who write me, claiming they care . . . Well, I asked for finnacial assistance. Will see! If not, I sware all correspondence will be evaporatin. If I was written someone in prison ... Id see to it, that this would be one priority in our friendship . . . I asked Arlene to send me 2 or 300 out of that 10,000 I gave her. Judy here on death row laughed and said. Bet you never hear from her again. And I said. I wouldnt doubt it.! . . . Now don’t feel bad or guilty that you cant assist me in this need.... Don’t worry about it. I know your situation . . . Okee do Kee! . . .

  P.S. I’m really, really sorry I called ya stupid.! Geez! . . . Childish wasnt it! Forgive me Dawn!


  Love always



  Dear Dawn,

  Well, I sure hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Here, it wasnt much on the tray. Just a wee bit of turkey and Jazz . . . Anyway! I hope you had a super one!

  Say do me a favor., The last box of legal stuff I sent to ya, well theres a Xerox of a letter sent to Steve by a sheriffs deputy who remained annymouous, about how this individual witnessed another deputy in the evidence room tampering with my confessional tapings . . . Anyway . . . when you get it. Please then place it in an envelope and mark it for future use, should anyone wish to see it, like a reporter or bookwriter. Keep it with the legal stuff seperated like this, for an easier access of finding. OK. You see! No one knows about this letter., except Steve and I . . . Dont let anyone have it. It is the only Xerox I’ve got there., as Steve has thee original letter. And knowing him., mention of it after my death, hed claim, he knows nothing about it But not so. You’ve got the Xerox Okee do Kee! nic nic . . .




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I must of received 7 letters last night by ya! Cheered me up good . . . But what has really excited me full of overflowing joy, is the fact that your M.S. may be healing. And you and I both know its because of your new found closer walk in Christ . . . the more you seek him with all your heart . . . The more the Devil or any of his co-horts “Must” depart . . . Amen ...

  You asked me how I feel about the termanally ill on machines, a life support system! I think this is wrong. If a person is brain dead or whatever I say let them go as they would have . . . Families that do this to loved ones are selfish in there love . . . There so bad off, let them go. Thats bondage. And if they were into the Lord they wouldnt be so fearfull of there departure . . . But as for Kovariane95 . . . Well he’s the work of the Devil, and if any of thse people would call upon Jesus for a healing, they very well may be ... sickness’s are caused by evil spirits, and to kill yourself... is Just further the work of the Devil. This is why . . . Korvariane . . . is possessed royal. He’s gonna burn in hell for sure . . . Well Dawn . . . Ill be written more soon to ya O.K . . .

  Yeeeeeeeeee hooooooo!

  In Jesus Name �
��Be Healed!




  P.S. Dawn Just received rest of your letter on the med. Well you dont need it really. Just ask God to heal you and he will. Please try it with firm belief. OK.


  Dear Dawn,

  Merry christmas Buddy! . . .

  Well Dawn, I finally seen ya on Geraldo. Man you did great! You should have been an actress. You were the best lookin gal up there, and so cool, and collective. I was so proud of ya . . . And thank-you so much for being a “Real Friend” . . . The gal whose dieing to meet Manson, seems to be looking for one thing in mind. Mōla! And the Danny Rollins babe, 96 statin she has his copy rights. Owns it all! Women please! You cant really be in-love, come clean girl! All of em, seemed out for a use. Except the one on the far end, sitten next to the wuornos poster of. Now what a down to earth individual . . . Aileen is lucky to have such friendship . . . Aw haw haw haw, hug. X kiss, theres nothin I wouldnt do for ya either . . . I pray were together in the next life . . .

  You know these 2 terds97 haven’t sent me even a Christmas card yet. Must of seen BBC’s video from Nick Broomfield Ā! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha . . . Too Bad!

  Say any snow yet up there?! It always makes Christmas seem like that much more the season, when it does. How ya doin Health wise?! Still getting colds!? Tell me, No! . . .

  Holidays here on the row are such a drag. Not much on T.V. and all. Seems jet laggy around. So I got myself some munchies to celebrate this years end out, and am gonna jam it out with some

  Rock & Roll! Man!

  Itll be good bye 93 and may the good Lord come soon! These clipped wings are bringin me down . . . 94(s) gonna be a real trip! Watchin the news I can very well see. Them Holy wars overseas are just gonna get hotter . . . Russia will help the Arab musslims to war on the Isrealites . . . But as you can see from the news. Isre-alies (The Jews) . . . do not want to give an inch of their land to the Palestinians . . . the Rapture is gearing up, any time now to happen.

  I’m all excited. Just prayin like crazy within we . . . will not be found unworthy to be raptured out. Being left behind will be devastating ...

  So Lord please take us home, if you will when the trumpet is sound.

  Well Buddy! Let me cut on outta here . . .

  May you have the Best of the Holidays.

  Stay Warm






  Dear Dawn,

  OK! I’m back, let me continue on in this idea of mine as to why were here like this.

  So [God] created human form as a shell for each [fallen angel] who fell to be given a temperary life, and prove themselves, that evil they do not wish to follow. That is any rebellion against God as this 2nd chance is being given to prove of fruits of our spirits in. And he has allowed Satan to continue to govern the planet, and influence man in his ways and idea’s, so to test us., of-which God allows for this plan of mercy to reveal our true hearts desire . . .

  Alright there you have it, a concept in wonder I came up with as I was studying. Could be, and then again I could be way off. But it was somethin I needed to share with you . . .

  Well now let me answer some of your letters here. What! Montel Williams didnt say anything bad about me . . . Amazin Ā ! . . .

  OK! Dawn, were at the part about spiritual healin. Your askin me not to get mad. you KNOW I could never get MAD at you. puff, puff, puff... But, you are wrong.... God can do Anything! . . . If you truely desired him to heal you. “He will!” . . . it would be quite a mockery of God to get your med and then pronounse to everyone your being healed by it, by God. God doesnt want people going around expressing his power as, mediocre. He wants to perform a miracle . . . OK, Ill get off the subject, but I do think you can see what I’m trying to say here now. Okee do Kee . . .

  Here your complementing me on my bible studys to ya. Well, let me tell you Buddy, I am so gratefull you’ll listen. Man, I love you gal, and want to see you, your family and even others not miss the boat . . .

  Oops! 5th page. hum, I need to close this one here up. But “Ill be bock!” . . . Happy Holidays! And I love ya with all my heart, now go pray for a spiritual healin . . . please! . . . Stay Cool! 4-now Love Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi honey Bunny! U What quit usin that lezzy crap on me! me Aw come on, pudding I was only stroking ya, purrrrrrrrrrrrr! U Aileen! Well, 3 letters from ya! . . . Yeeeeee hooooo! . . . (Hug) . . .

  My food. Well, for the last 2 weeks its felt, that everytime I eat, I get numb all over like I’ve been drugged or somethin. The food tainted. And my head has begun to pulsate as if the brain was swellin. So I decided to fast. And guess what! As soon as I did, my entire body came back to normal after 1 day. and this is my second day, and I feel like a “Mint” now. Somethin else Ā!

  I’m in Job now, in the bible . . . I’m so gratefull Jennings Dake took them 43 yrs, and 100,000 hours to . . . spread the word . . .

  Boy is this Bobbitt Jazz, pissin me off. Their showerin bobbit with sympathy, which I feel he did rape his wife, and the public is spitten all over his wife . . . See how Society just sand bags women. No-care, no-respect. Zip! And them dam women who side with these guys who do this to women, make me sick as hell. remind me of Jezebeels. She was the wicked’est bitch in the bible . . .

  White outs. Owww! I wanna see one Where, where, where? . . . I miss snow, so BAD. and snow ball fights, tobogganin, snow mobilen, skatin. Ahhh haw haw haw! hum if I could just figure out how ta make some snow in my room. Just to feel it, would be great! ... Take care now,




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Rod Steward, hall of fame. Alright! Did you know I named my dog, miniture collie after one of his songs. Yep! The Maggie one. We named her maggie may. She was put to sleep by the humane Society. Long story . . . They did it less then 1 hour after we brought her in cause we had to give her up. because of movin. She was a good, good dog . . . Lorena Bobbit, Acquitted. Yeeeeeee hoooooo! Right on ha ha ha ha ha . . . Ya her scummy hubby sure is trying to get some spot light on his evil ass, isnt he. As a rapist acquitted, he now wants to get rich over it. What blows my mind is the pukey perverted Society seems to be more on his side too, then Lorena’s. Geez! . . . Anyway! Thank-God she got exonerated . . .






  Dear Dawn,

  I’m really Sorry to hear how your mom has become suddenly ill.98 And what kind of illness this is. You never told me she was in such danger before . . . She needs to ask for her salvation . . . And I believe your being helped along the way in our Lord, through me . . . When you go up to see her, you should take your Dake with you, read some helpful verses to her . . .

  . . . please get your mom interested to allow you to do this. Alright. This is a very serious and important moment . . .

  What you must do:99

  1. Pray to God in your own words.

  Admit you are a sinner, and that only the Lord Jesus can save you. Romans 3:23 . . . “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

  2. Repent

  Be willing to turn away from sin and submit to God. Luke 13:5 . . . “I tell you Nay, but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.”

  3. Believe . . . deep belief

  Believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross and shed His blood to pay the price for your sins, and that he arose again. Romans 10:9 . . . “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”

  4. Ask

  Ask God to save you. Romans 10:13 . . . “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

  5. Ask also

  For Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life, from here on in . . .

>   Dear Father in Heaven . . . I come to you right now . . . to say that I am sorry for my sins . . . Please forgive me and cleanse my heart and my life by the blood of Jesus . . . Please accept my confessions and make me your child . . . by Faith . . . I accept your Son, Jesus, into my heart right now . . . Thank you Lord for saving

  my soul . . . I will Love you and serve you all the rest of my life . . . Amen. Dawn I’ve got to close now. I hope this is helpful . . . and between you and your mom you work together in this. My prayers will be in constant vigil. Love Aileen,


  Dear Dawn,

  Happy Valentines Day! Buddy! However happy you can make it, knowing all your going through . . .

  I’ve been busy busy busy, re-readin thee entire Dake . . . This is why I havent been doin to much written . . . I’ve been spendin from mornin to night on it . . . I’m marking the entire Bible in points of interest ... And recorrecting other mistakes I made last time through ... when you recieve my stuff and this Bible . . . It will be very well personalized ... Underlined passages. Blue ink (black) spots over mess ups from last go around. And little messages alongside of cross referrences. etc. Plus the front and back of the Bible has all kinds of little do hickeys I put in it. And stick on’s, like an Angel and 2 gold stars. So this Bible means much to me, and that YOU get it. Its stipulated in my will, as well. OK. .

  I hope things are going O.K. up there. I know its not, but I mean better, then was, or has been rather. I keep prayin for ya gal . . .


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