Dear Dawn

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Dear Dawn Page 19

by Aileen Wuornos

  Ō Memeroies . . . , Memories.! Even the Bad ones. Great Experiences. Gave me plenty of Wisdom down the Silver cord of this lifes living in.

  . . . OK. See ya real Soon Love Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . This letter is to answer up 2 area’s that I need to clear up your sense’s (in) memory . . . The first is on why I left my name Lee, so that the media and all, even in court addressed me as so, by my nick.

  In my 5½ years as a hooker, working basically everyday all over everywhere of the highways of Florida state. Everybody I met I introduced myself as Lee. Period. All Clients only knew me as Lee. Not A.C.W. A.C.W. had a bench warrent – a Felony one – that I was runnin from ... Therefore my strategy was to be – called by my Nick – after arrest – to all reporters – T.V. Talk shows – even court I was addressed throughout it as “Lee”. For the purpose of any clients who met me, would purhaps want to come out of the wood work and contact my P.D.(s) for Character referrence at the trial. If I’d of left it A.C.W. they may not of realized this gal here is actually “Lee” whom they picked up at one time or another. Many were married. These would never come out and proclaim contact with me, I knew. But the ones that weren’t may . . .

  As for Mr. Alexander. I want him to address me as “Lee” for the future of media and court presentations to keep this ball rolling. I’ve 100(s) of clients I dealt with ...

  The 2ND deal I need to clear up – which is all clarified in Sound off., is, Susan Russel143 from England who was hired by the cops to write this book ... she claimed she had / X-tensive interviews at VCBJ with me before she wrote it. Delores Kennedy staged this same lie ... None of these creeps did I ever have a moments sit in with, or even a second of a conversation over the phone with....

  Anyway back to Susan. Never met her. Only was pointed out in the courtroom . . .

  And So my dear Buddy . . . Jackie Giroux told me personally she was going to call her movie Angel of Death. Why did Susan entitle her book this. Easy to answer NOW . . . Because Jackie Giroux in the Cops Unannymous Producer and the contract I signed for her – was in all reality for the Cops Therefore – Susan – Micheal144 – Arlene – and Steve who are cop connected now had Copy Right Access through Jackie . . . OK.

  I’ve got to sign off here . . . 4-now




  Dear Dawn,

  I had enough of this! Alexander calling you up nearly everyday and asking you to many personnel private questions. If he wants info – he can contact me – and by visit for validation. Ill be writing him today – telling him so . . . And all the phone calls! Sounds like there being taped and all to use for his own covert future plans. A book or Movie by gathered info through you. Yet you get nothing out of all you’ve said . . .

  When he calls – please have the courage to tell him – you’d perferr to cut this daily or weekly routine. And so would Lee have it that way. You want to know anything about me – you come to me! Dont be usin my friend for taped phone calls. I seriously feel he’s doing this . . .


  ... Love Always




  Dear Dawn,

  Hi. . . . , Mr. Alexander called me! Yeah by George Pretty Cool Ā! Anyway.... he’ll be checking with various sources from Tallahassee to get clearance for once a week. Great.! I explained in quick, since we really couldn’t do much talking ... Man, he does talk loud . . .

  Today, I had another phone call – by a public defender from Dixie County – Last trial gig. Just called to say – state denied hearing for new trial. 145 Then from there it moves to Federal Appeals. 3 to 5 years of process to completion. Same with CCR(s) going on now. So lets see, a year, and a ½ has slid by. Got some time still. OK.! . . .

  Hows your Mom doing now? And Dave!? Dont get rid of your dogs for god’s sake. None of your animals! I believe God is going to send you the help you need – Very Soon. So hold on . . .

  Love ya Sis, with all my heart,

  Untill next time.

  Hang tough! OK

  Love Aileen,

  About Terry.


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I spoke with Toni,146 of which word is now out on T.V. that he’s going to be representing me, and that he’s like Johnny Cochran. So he’s the Johnny Cochran of Europe. On the phone with him last week, I asked him to help you. He does, you best except it . . . You refuse his assistance, and it will be as if you refused mine . . . He’s going to make a fortune off my ass—through the recognition he’ll recieve once the spot light begins to shine. So except the things he’ll do for you to help out, as if it was coming straight from me . . .

  The songs! You sent! I love em Dawn,. Only wish I knew how to read music, then I’d know how its sung. But! Ill get by.... singing them to myself . . . My-Way ! Ha Ha Ha. In my imagination – I can see my group now. Bass – Electric – Drums – Conca style steel ones too.! Getting Down, in a Gloria estafon setting. Needless to say, besides rock, I also love tropical sounding music. Reminds me of the Keys when I lived out there . . .

  There I was every day when I first arrived – lieing out under the bridge of US 1 and near the Ocean 80(s) motel resort. Oil all over me, black bikini on – and bonoculars. Radio jammin as I’d pass the Sunny day of ray soakin with imaginable thoughts of Pirate’s aboard ships a sail at sea (or) Treasure’s of many lost in. And I’d take the bonoculars and walk out waste deep in the water, then set my bonoculars in it as well, checkin out the ocean floor, hopin like hell, I’d just get lucky and find an old Spanish coin – as I was. Ha Ha Ha. . . . Crazy!? ō well this is how I kicked back, and tried enjoying every breath I took out there in this tropical coral reef (tail end) of florida . . . And now here I sit some 100 miles from (on) Death Row. Life.! Its so strange at times. Isnt it.? Never know what that future will hold in store. Geez! . . .

  Love Aileen,


  Dear Dawn,

  ... What letter did I send that was nasty. By god . . . , you must be reading my letters wrong. Getting the wrong impression . . . Fill me in with (a) bit of (a) hint will ya, as to what your talking about.

  Toni told me over the phone last week, that he was going to check into the morgage and bankruptcy thing.147 Has he contacted you, mentioned – anything ! ? ... I’d like to know – Just how real this guy is! . . . Besides – he’ll make money off my ass by doing what he’s doing. Exspecially if I work with him concerning a contract area for another book, or-, even purhaps a new movie. See Dawn, I may ask him if he’d be interested instead in assisting me with this – instead of the case. Why!? Because I want the truth out. The real McCoy., and I also intend to let myself head (on) out to the chair. Why!? Because if he represents me in the Mallory case – and lets say he (even) won it. I’ve still 5 more cases! I could never handle such pressure. My imprisonment is hell enough as it is. I’d rather go for a new book a new Movie . . . and then die. Head on home to God. Face my Judgement on earth for my fall, and start over in another life . . .

  Remember the 6 cops in Philadephia Pennsylvania that got busted in covering up corruption on one case. And after checking into other cases . . . they found that up to 1600 were tampered and tainted.148 That’s 1,600 human beings they framed to prison! 6 Cops! Now then, lets move accross America . . . Im betting 500,000 are either doing time that they shouldn’t be doing – or doing excessive sentences that never should have been ever handed out. Need I say anymore.! ... if exsposure in corruption done over on my cases can help even a tid bit . . . Then so be it ...

  Well catch ya in the next kite.

  Love ya Much Buddy

  from the ol’ Hippie

  on the Row,



  Dear Dawn,

  Hello Buddy . . . I sure hope all is well for you. Worried of-course.

  On Alexander. I believe we’ve another scandalous piece of
shit trying to play some fast ones . . . First of all – because of him I lost 10 days rec. I was telling him about my wrist problem. He said – why dont you have the prison check it out. I

  said – No . . . He said – Ill have them X-ray it. I said – No you wont. I’ll refuse Med. I will not allow med as it is even near me. after what happened through dental. Well he called anyway – “the prison” – to have my hand X-rayed. I blew up. Got mad as hell. Lost 10 days rec for it. So he’s going to be more of a pain in thee ass, I take it, then a blessing! ...

  I am not at all interested in his services. and Now ! not even a book! He’s too deceptive ... Please dont ever allow any – one concerning me to ever call you up like this again . . . Catch ya in the next kite. / Love Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . (!) Say – do you remember somewheres on 10 mile and woodward some headshop we all use to cruise through – lookin for drugs or just to have broose or steal stuff. / Hey! I cant help it if I’m honest. / Chuckle ... Chuckle. Anyway! . . . Do you recall the floor designed “Water fountain fish tank” deal they had.? It was round, water running over rock as a water fountain deal – With fish swimming around there / open view – can touch fish deal – they set up in the middle of there head shop. OK.! If you do.! Were you with us when Jenny kerr – “drunk as hell” – fell in it . . . When we pulled her out. The fish was floatin on top of the water – deader then a door nail – (or) knocked out royal! She was staggerin away – all soakin wet – as we all gazed at the fish in Amazement – besides laughin our butts off.! ... I remember Keith was with us, Ducky too, and they were just standin back laughin away. I was starin at the fish – thinking – geez! I hope the owners of this place havent caught on yet to what just occurred., and that we need to split before we get kicked outta here. All of which I didnt want to happen – because I was hopin to cop some dope. But if my memory serves me right – I believe we were kicked out. Jenny was too drunk causing a royal scene . . . I know you remember the theathre, bowling alley next door below and record shop above bowling alley – that was next to the theathre., in Rochester. But were you ever with me – rippin off albums outta that record shop. There was pianos next room over. So I’d gather albums together – then roam over to the next room over and pretend to be checkin a piano out!, then I’d hide the albums behind one!. Once I got enough – I’d put em under my huge coat . . . Never got caught. But my dad was pickin me and someone else from Rochester, and I remember when I got in the car – my dad said – why is your coat square lookin. I told him it was just the way I was sittin . . . acquired one hell of a collection – eventually. Poor Mom. Whenever she’d ask were I got all the albums I’d always say . . . “Borrowed” 4-now Love Aileen.


  Dear Dawn,

  Helloo! Toni called. It was a quick goodbye. I told him he was phonier then phoney and not to call you anymore either . . . He’s not at all – all of what he says he is. As I deeply feel there was a connection between him and the state . . . Anyway! So relax. The scam is over and he’s out. Okee dokē

  I know its hard for you to purhaps find time to look up Bible area’s of what I was talkin about in my last letter. So – I thought it best to help out and put down the pages you should read . . .

  First to now is were desease’s come from. Which of-course is from Satan and Demons. “Not God at all” . . .

  Begin to read page 632 O.T. Head down to the 4th Column of were it says “Demons or Unclean Spirits” – follow all of it through to page 633. To #7. Stop there. Then – head over to page 634. 1st column – were it says “Origin of Satan” read all as well as “the Works of Satan” – and also “War on the Saints” . . . and once read go back to page 633 and read 3rd column were it says “Healing and Health.” Stop! OK. Break time! Ha Ha Ha . . .

  All my Love Buddy

  to you Sis,




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . What! Heidis some 300 lbs now! Ō Good God. This is Sad. I couldn’t even imagine it either.! She was so slim and pretty . . . Did I ever tell you what her an I did in Apopaka Florida! Probably not. Its another criminal offense . . . a trucker with his little boy with him picked us up. He felt for us out on the road an offered a place to stay in Apopaka he had . . . He said we could live there if we liked – rent free – as long as we cleaned it up, and did whatever else in fixin it needed. Young and dumb we thought it was a “Vantastic Idea” . . . So night was beginning to fall upon us. We fixed the bedroom up as best we could to prepare for some Z(s). As we were, we found a huge rat in the bathroom toilet. And realized all the little things we were finding all over the floor of the house – Wasnt Hamster food – of which it looked like – But! Rat shit! . . . Next Mornin we awoke to Rat Shit all over the blanket. They crawled over us throughout the night! UK! We were petrified and totally pissed off. Revenge was now settled in our hearts . . .

  So what we did. / My idea. / Was decided to sell his furniture and kitchen appliances, and use the bread for food along the way up to Michigan . . . we contacted a company interested . . . we wound up getting 200 bucks in cash . . . Needless to say. The trucker lost a Kitchen Range, a huge deep fryer, a refigerator – and the rinky dink bed we slept in. all of which was new lookin – except for the bed ... One of the fondes Memories of Heidi I can recollect. Although it was (as) Juvenile Delinquents. Whistle!!! Lordy Lordy Lordy. God please forgive me for this one and!.... 100(s) of others . . . I ripped a guy for 200 and another for 4500. Then the .22. Zip that was it. As for the case’s. Cars and jazz. That’s different . . . I became possessed in the force of heavy Beer drinkin and bad experiences to recollect while under the curse’s of alcoholism. All so Sad. But true. The real Aileen never killed anyone . . . I’m sure you know just what I mean, since you have seen the real Aileen from years ago. And I’m back to. Only on Death Row. Had you of seen me in 89 an in this trance by the Devil – you’d know I wasnt me at all. Something was Wrong royal and something else was controlling me ...

  Well, Its time for me to close er up . . . May God watch over us at all times. Take Care now Love Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  Ō yeah, . . . by the way..... I was watching this program on T.V. that’s on (REALATORS) stuff. Anyway what it was about was on – getting a house – with no down payment, and from there beginning your own realety deal . . . If you want the tape – its 3995 . . . This retired couple was getting 45000 a month S.S. They saw his commercial went for the program. Copped a house worth 125,000 . . . Others have even made millions . . . Anyway.... thought to leave you with the info and number.

  Ō my God. Kim will be 21. WOW! and David 19. Growing fast. !!! . . . And to imagine. Kim was 16 when we started written one another, and Dave 14. AWWWWWWWW ...

  Love ya Gal with all my Heart,

  Always + Forever




  Dear Dawn,

  I’m Back! Hi Buddy

  OK. I’m still on the subject of sex and Adam + Eve. If we turn to Genesis 6:4. We see the Fallen Angels mingled with the human race . . . in Genesis 6:4. It says quite frank and boldly – There were giants in the earth “In those Days” . . . I disagree to Dake’s cross referrence on. Sorry Mr. Finis Jennings! Ha Ha. But as we see here by the word. Angels had sex with Women. What remains a mystery is how!? Was it like we hear today of exterristrial encounters – through insemination. The children they bore were huge. And I might add to huge to have sexual intercourse with. There penis’s were bigger then Holm’s of playgirl. His was 15". So I think the Bible is displaying throughout its word, various passages of hints only a spiritual eye would catch. One who really search’s out the word and seek its meaning – with reality of things and not kiddish sounding fairy tale garb, that to many seem to take the Bible as . . .

  And so if I’ve hit the head of the nail once again ... We can see why were not immortal
as planned . . .

  Your question was human life during the Millenium in existence and afterward “Eternal.” The answer is. If you should die before the rapture, you will remain in your soulish state of being untill Christ 2ND coming. When he comes – then the new of all things begins. The soul will receive a new body, as when it was on earth, but only way different as in “Purity.” No scars, No marks, No anything but totally bran new. Young looking in the 20(s) . / Mature and young, And of-course Incorruptable . . . But if you sin during the 1,000 years which will be nearly hard as heck to ever do – then you’ll incurr the death Penalty and be cast out bound to the rest of the fallen – who await the 1,000 years out . . .

  There’s some pages in the Dake I wanted to referr you to to help you along in your question as well as just to acknowledge as your growing further in Christ. And they are: Isaiah 65:20-25 . . . Then page 837 2ND column were it says “Death Will Continue through the Millennium.” also 837 1st column (D) Then page 928 2ND column were is says “Sinners will enter the Millennium” . . .

  And now my beloved Sis. I must close er up here . . . Love ya Gal



  Dear Dawn,

  Hellllooo Well olympics are over . . . Did you watch any of it.? My favorite was Swimming and Gymnastics ... The 7 Girls who won gymnastics and Amy Van Dyken149 – were my favorites to receive Gold’s. They’ll be on cereal box’s of wheaties. And brave little Kerri shrugs150 who landed on her sprained ankle – in Gymnastics., Great event.! But that voice of hers – Geeeeez she sounds like an alien from Pluto. Did you know – she’s not as little as she seems. / She’s 18. / Ha Ha Ha. Yeah 18! ... The Swimmers + Divers were really skimpy lookin as far as there builds were. To skinny. But track - softball – canoeing – and Gymnastic’s. Nice Builds. / Whistle Whistle Whistle. / Needless to say, the guys diving team’s had me crotch watchin. AILEEN!!! Well I was! I couldn’t help it. Chhhhch. All was fun to watch and Bummer there all over now.


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