Dear Dawn

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Dear Dawn Page 34

by Aileen Wuornos

  Yet – Joe on the other hand – harped on the opportunity about Steve and his involvement with Nick and his film. Trying to then again get on record – how it could be considered a conflict of interest, since he was useing me for money. As well as pot smoking for “Insufficient counsel with Incompetence”.

  After that . . . Gordon Marks – then Bobby – then the Shelleys! with Brian Jarvis last before I’d leave . . . Thats when I requested for you to sit behind me, . . . Jarvis., “WASN’T” questioned as I thought he’d be! So sensed (CCR lied on that too) with the lack of interest and what that hearing was really suppose to be about. Which was for Book and Movie Involvement. period!.... With that., I then just waved off presence., and headed back. Pissed . . . not at you! Buttttt Steve – for what he said about Mallory.!. And CCR . . . for what they did with this hearing – “completely against my will and wishes.”194 . . . so having had enough of such lies with such insanity—. . . “Enough”——Enough of them with everything else! ... “Sign it!.” Sign what!? The Warrent!. . . .

  I’ll catch ya this weekend with another regular flight . . .

  Until then




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . whats wrong with Dave’s back now!? Geeeeeeeeeeez . . .

  Did ya get the drawing!?. Sure hope you pulled the card-board off the back – Chuckle. Yeah – another one of my – light drawings! You ought to find the time to build yourself some “light type” frame ups to set them in . . . I’m sure it’ll upgrade the price.

  You know – long ago and far away – CCR themselves told me that if I could find a good attorney – I could sue the prison for 100 grand or more., because of what they’ve been doing “covertly” to me . . . So I’m thinking about “Nick” if he’d help me . . . Just need a private attorney out here . . .

  So I guess I need to ask you just one more thing. And thats if you’d call Nick and check into this. Tell him I’d give him all the free air time he’d like – if he would . . . I’ll also see Nick up to the X. And if he can film that to – Cooool with me. alright! . . .

  Well, let me go and close here . . . I PRAY things get nothing but better for ya, sis . . .

  Love Aileen.,


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . And so – let me tell ya what I’ve been up to all last week. The F.B.i. came out here “for a profile”. It’s a background study as to what really happened behind the scene’s of the case’s . . . I tried my best to expose somewhat – What the Cops, Jacky, Arlene, and Steve did as well., “to everything”. So cool A!. it doesn’t get anyone investigated or busted. Its just a profile for their own purpose in study. Yet maybe it’ll enlighten them further on how the Cops are useing the power for criminal activity of their own – today . . .

  And then I’ve sent 2 letters off to Judge Hutcheson out of Volusia, 195 with copies to CCR – and yet no word. So I feel my rights are once again being violated. And so its obvious I need a private attorney., so all this craps busted ...

  I need to ask ya then once again – if you’d call Nick and ask him if he’d help me out on this . . .

  And if I dont hear anything this Month from any one of them, its to the Media, and cross my fingers Nick comes through . . .

  Well . . . let me close this up . . .




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . On Rod Stewarts Autograph. Sorry I didnt read your kite right., thinking he was gonna write ya . . . But Ā – at least ya got his Autograph! Way to cooool – is right . . .

  And Man am I glad to hear you’ll be getting back pay from Lyon Gear. Ought to be around 6 grand then. Soooo GREAT!....

  Now your cracking me up. Running around the house – away from a bee. Ha. Ha. Chuckle. Chuckle. And to think, I made love with a guy – out in the woods next to about 12 crates of... they just freely flew around all over us as we did it. Chuckle. Yet – when we arrived – my first thought was – ōō – have I got another looney tune thats gonna start some shit and then leave me stuck out here with em all!. Thank God the situation was. OK. . . .

  The shock device.196 Yeah. . . . that was a sick joke . . . to try to make me look demented an Violent in the court room. So had me wear this black belt that wrapped around my waist., While a black box was in back near the kidney. Had it been activated, I’d of been on the floor reekin in pain, While my only comment to it all is “Sadistically illegal.” The systems lost its head to the devil., is all I can say! There was “NEVER” a problem otherwise . . .

  Well – let me go ahead an close er up here . . .

  PS. Jean – is that Broomfields girlfriend?

  P.SS. And yeah., I’m glad your taking me

  home after the X too, Florida’s evil!.

  PSSS. This one’s to Dave . . . . . . ,


  Peace in Jesus

  I pray you find it everyday.



  Good Luck.


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I need to tell ya that 7 and 7 – with all that really happened biz – I CANT SEEM to write down. Its burning me out big time trying! Going through all that detail and all. While I can also hear God telling me I neednt anyhow!.... Its enough in coming clean “WITH HIM” . . . Plus it was also eating to much of my time!. Time that needs to be spent in God instead of these case’s anymore. And so who cares how they died!. . . . So if you dont mind – lets scrub this idea.. OK . . .

  Say ... before I close, just one last comment about the 2 out in Australia.197 I still feel suspicious, and that they may have been plants. So please do as I did. “Shut em out” . . . she can call if she needs to find out anything. While the mail thing. I think she’s hoping she’ll recieve for updated post markings. Probably so that she can tell others she was in continual contact with me, when in all reality she wasn’t . . .

  Well let me go ahead an seal up with a bunch of Kisses. Love ya . . .




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . There’s a guard here pregnant – came to my door and asked me what she should name the girl she’s gonna have. I said . . . , I really cant think of a name off the top of my head right now – so she said . . . , how about “Linda.” So seeeeeee., errrk – hit the brakes! a hint was blown my way and its time to shut down ANYONE between us. Just let Nick in and thats it., besides a private attorney if we can find one. Virginia said to try. 1-800-LAWYERS. I guess its some type of a directory for . . .

  I sure would like to know more about Ty. Hopefully I’ll get some on her in your next letter . . . What I need to know is about her “eye’s”. You see when I met her she had 20/20 vision. Now she’s wearing glasses!. And then her eye’s were real red. Was this just because she was crying!?. When she was at the pool – Did ya get a real good look at her. If so. Tell me. Are her eye’s OK? and were all her teeth in – if and whenever you can recall a smile. She told me she got a cap put in – back in 93 – where there use to be a broken one. So please fill me in – if you can. OK. . . .

  Well – let me go ahead and sign off . . .

  Enjoy them Easter Eggs!.




  Dear Dawn,

  Snow.... in April!. Now I know the end is near!. This is to much.... anyway., sure hope your all doing real good up there . . .

  Its just one more thing Dawn!. What it is – is that they’ll be around 20 letters I’ll be sending to ya in a Mannilla envelope that’ll all need to be certified and sent out through you. Okee doke?! Every Supreme Court Judge and CCRs/ top honcho is recieving a request for Waiving off. Then from there lets see what happens ...

  Yet in the meantime if you would, still shop around with Attorneys on the phone. If ya find one who’ll help me waive off and for cheap., then get his number and let him know
you’ll get back with him, as soon as you get in touch with me on....

  Say ... I still havent heard anything about Ty., and I really need to know. So tell me will ya . . . pleeeeeeeeese . . .

  I cant believe its snowing up there. Still? in April? . . . If I could I’d head out and buy ya a brand new heated blanket. Just like that! . . . No.... I wont let ya cuddle up beside me! You take the top bunk, and I’ll sleep on the bottom. Chuckle. Chuckle. Chuckle . . . 4-now




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . The covert crap here . . . , it went to far . . . I mean come on – even God himself was only on the cross some 6 – 9 hours which was to long still . . . , but not 10 – 20 years in covert cruelty – then annihilate. Know what I mean!....

  And now whats this – Mr. Alexander called. Tough!. you know how I feel about him now. That S.O.B. is either a Tallahassee hook up with the study or something out of the rabbits hat of the Cops and Jacky. So please cut him off – “With the rest.”

  . . . there’s another attorney asst number that may be helpful . . . Check it out – will ya. Its . . . . . . , 1-800-CRIMINAL . . . Say – I just recieved 2 more letters from ya. Thank you for answering my questions on Ty. I’m relieved now., and glad to hear she’s happy and into God . . .

  Until my next flight in then.,

  Take Care, I Love ya with all my heart.

  Forever more



  Dear Dawn.,

  . . . Say Dawn – I’ve got the Law Clerk helping me on waiving off the remainder of my Appeals and CCR. So now all I need is these 2 things “Date Appeal was Entered In” – “And when the Record of the Appeal was filed., with the Court” . . .

  And that is – if you would please., I’ll need ya to call up then all the – County “Clerks” from the 4 Court house’s I went through . . . ask for. . . . 1. Their District Number – Then.,

  2. The date that the Appeal was “Entered In.”

  3. And – When the Record of Appeal “Was filed” with the Court.

  . . . Boy!. No wonder no one wants to waive anyone off, takes up so much energy! . . . But one day buddy – you’ll get all your just rewards . . .

  And thank you for not giving Arlene any info. Good! Cool . . .

  Well I’ll go ahead and close here . . . Hit the jack pot. Buy a lottery Ticket!. How about.

  14 – 11 – 36 – 48 – 18 – 0

  (or) 12 – 1 – 41 – 33 – 16 – 5

  And if you win, My hair will stand up

  straight evermore.

  Chuckle Chuckle.

  Good Luck Dawn.,




  Dear Dawn.,

  . . . Now you asked an imperative before I do – and so what I’ll do is send you a Kite real soon – on the 7 – In short detail . . . I realize it would’nt be right to give you all that info – yet leave this out. So – yeah – I’ll turn it on to ya next week. okee doke.

  And now – tell me – How ya doin buddy!?. And hows Dave!?. I’m lost for words, hurtin as bad about all this, as you two are – and then even for myself... During my Autospsy – make sure my left ear is checked. I had a Captain Mock about a tic in the ear after I went for an ear check here. So – if only you knew, then you’d understand why I’m desperate ...

  Well I’ll sign off here. Remember – I’m through with everything ... from here just wait . . .




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I had no idea what you went through to get all those letters certified.198 So all over again sis I am truely sorry. Had I of only known what you had to go through, I’d of “NEVER ASKED” you to do this for me “EVER!.” So I’m “SERIOUSLY” sorry about that . . .

  Dam Dawn————now whats this other thing! you’ve got another lump on your breast Dawn!. This is all getting so so sad————. . . And if you’ve got cancer————. Hoping and praying to God you – Dont! . . . ————. feel a need to say I “Wouldnt” go for Kemo. I believe it “induce ’s” death. If I remember right., Keith felt it only helped spread this desease . . . If it were me then, I’d just ride through it all as naturally as I could, until it took me out as so. Needless to say – What next!?.... I’m wishing you the very best . . .

  Say sis . . . I was thinking – to keep your left hand going – after I die – why not then – just pretend I’m still around, and keep on writting to me!. Maybe in spirit I’ll be able to wit it all anyway. It could keep your wrist exercised as it has been while I was around and you were while I was on Death Row. I would if I were you – to keep it from stiffening up.

  Ā – Whats this - Ty’s girlfriend was ugly!? Ha Ha Ha Ha. Yeah. . . . . and so is Ty . . . Ā what can I say. I got desperate for compatibility! . . .

  Come here.... I need to give ya a big hug! . . . now I feel better. And hope you do to.

  Until next time



  7 and 7 Ty an I


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I was thinking – I bet Dawn always says to herself – God Ty sure was ugly., she wasn’t that great lookin, so what did she see in her. Chuckle. Chuckle . . .

  It was basically, because she was sooooo sweet. 90% of her whole behavior was just super sweet and Innocent like regardless that she preferred a gay life . . . Wanting just to reach out and hug her all the time. Just every minute – if I could! Yet it was all in a “sisterly sense” . . . , with no interest in the sex part. No way. It was to against the grain of nature for me and God. So all my Love leaned more towards just pure friendship., extrodinarally tight.

  And then of-course – my Magnifide love for her had me really careful then ever before out there thumbing., just to keep myself in one piece for her . . . god only knew when I’d see Ty again – should I of been busted on. So decided to rip off a gun then and risk carrying it “regardless”. . , as I lugged it around in a tote bag for at least 3 months before reaching up with Richard Mallory.

  And then Ty and I were running into problems too. People kept messing with us., just because., we were gay., While land lords wound up kicking us out continually for . . .

  Then we had other problems., be it., with our pets!. Having acquired within all our 4½ years together 3 cats and a dog. The dog being named – Maggie – while the cats were – Zypher, Dusty, Tyler. Eventually to wind up with only Tyler in the end that some guys next door I know kidnapped to kill – only because they found out we were – gay. a gay couple living together. So messin with my beloved pets who were like kids to me – also fueled the fire – within.

  And as we moved from “Rutland florida” to Ocean Views R.V. resort there in Ormond Beach just above Daytona., we bumped into another situation “Because we were gay” Only then to be told that we were to loud and so had to move out by 24 hours our 18 ft. corsair trailer that we wound up with from Homosassa for 1500 and a mere 50 bucks a month payments for.

  Then Ty landed a job as a laundry worker for a Motel called Casa Del Mar . . . only to make 300 every 2 weeks . . . we then moved just a mile down from the park to a motel that’d except pets, only for the bills to skyrocket from 150 a month, to 140 a week.

  . . . only to run into another problem. As it was that everytime we went to work – the animals made a mess of the place, and a hell of alot of racket . . . Knowing we were surely gonna get evicted for., and did . . . I headed back out doin the usual – yet knowing now I’d have to make a hell of alot more then ever before!. Like 1500 in 3 days, and that just was’nt going to happen unless clients got rolled.

  . . . Then to top things off – we were now in the rainy season! . . . I could only make about 80 a day whenever it did. When on any other given day of a Sunny one I could make 150 to 300. So I told Ty I’d head South and hopefully pull outta it all from down there. Only for me to be back the same day and let her know
it was falling everywhere! So needless to say, we were really in a fix . . . I knew for certain I’d wind up rolling a client . . . So headed back on out to spend a couple of days down in Fort Myers, hopefully then I’d beat the rain and not have to jack one.

  And then there was another usual I had, of which was “Missing Ty every time I went off to hook.” Missing her by the end of everyday, and just had to get back. So this occurred by the second day that I stayed over in Fort Myers., therefore with that., decided then to head back regardless that I’d wind up stuck thumbin through the night. Knowing the risk in doing so of one of either two things possibly happenin. Be that of it either hard for me to get a ride, or just flat run into trouble. All of which is why in my 5½ years of hooken, I only worked from Sun up to Sun down., / did then., and started headin back to Ty., when Richard Mallory picked me up around 10:30 at night on I-4.

  And so I’ll end it here. Not willing to go any further into anymore details, that, on 7 different occassions While I thumbed an hooked, we were left in another financial upset, and with the rain still coming down hard. Robbed Then and Killed 7. In the year of 1990

  Aileen C. Wuornos



  Dear Dawn,

  Hi. OK. . . . they’ll be a hearing now in 90 days (in Volusia) that’ll then start acrost the news, and then from there., should be XD/ somewhere within 180 days. And so with that Dawn – if Nick will pay for a visit, lets do it. I’m sure all will be O.K. since the bulls been long forgotten. So dont worry. I’m sure It’ll be 100% alright . . .

  And now that its on my mind, I’ll mention it – The safe and all of everything you’ve got of mine in it., I’d sell it all flat out to someone for like a 100 grand. To a publisher or purhaps someone Nick could turn you on, or himself excepted for ... Anyway., at least it’d pay off your farm and then leave ya some left for retirement . . .


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