Rescue Her Heart

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Rescue Her Heart Page 9

by K C Luck

  Plopping down on the couch, Catherine groaned with frustration. Satisfying Nat was the biggest problem of all. The thought of trying to navigate how to touch her and pleasure her scared Catherine almost to death. She did not want to do it wrong and wished she had access to a private comm link so she could at least watch a few videos on the topic. Catherine laughed. It would be just her luck that Nat would walk in and catch her in the middle of watching porn. Then she had a sudden thought. I wonder if Nat likes porn? Catherine blushed just thinking about it. There was so much more she needed to learn about Nat. Catherine wanted to be everything for her. More than just her lover though. She did not miss Nat’s reaction when she learned Catherine was only eighteen. As much as the woman tried to cover it, Catherine could tell it caught her off guard and concerned her for reasons Catherine did not understand. It was true she did not know as much about the world as Nat, but life for Catherine with an alcoholic father who was gone half the time was not easy street. There were a lot of days she stayed home from school to run the store. She handled the money for the most part and took care of things in general. Unlike a lot of her classmates who were only worried about sports, grades, and getting laid, Catherine was worried about having enough money for food and utilities. All things considered, her life was simpler now, even if more uncertain.

  There was a sudden tap at the hotel room door. “Ms. Catherine,” said a voice. “I have a message from Captain Natalie.” Alarmed, Catherine jumped up and hurried to the door. Opening it, she saw an android steward with a white sheet of folded paper. “An Ubercab has been arranged. Please come down when you are ready,” the android said handing over the paper.

  “Okay,” Catherine said confused. “Thank you.”

  "You're welcome, Ms. Catherine," the android said and, turning on his wheels, left. Catherine did not know what to think. What is this? she wondered and backed into the room to shut the door. Leaning on it, she read the note.





  Catherine read the note three times, her eyes lingering on the different phrases. “Pack your things,” “Aviation Center,” and “I will settle later” all gave her a sense of unease. Where are we going? Untas? she wondered and then had a horrifying thought. What if Nat is not going with me? They never talked about what was ahead for them or even what they were going to do the next day. This morning, when Catherine was telling Nat about her situation, she could tell Nat was sympathetic and wanted to help. She had just assumed it was about helping find her father. Not about sending me away to my aunt’s. Closing her eyes, Catherine felt sadness creep over her. Foolishly she imagined a future with Nat, but when in reality they only had a few days before Nat had to go back to the Space Rangers. Only now it sounded like they would not even have a few days. Feeling tears start to burn her eyes, she knew it was because she was just eighteen. Nat was worldly and experienced. Why would she want to be saddled with someone like me? The thought left a bitter taste in her mouth. Catherine knew she had more to offer than Nat apparently believed. Well, I’ll show her. Pushing away from the door, Catherine went to pack. She was not going to go down without a fight.

  WHEN CATHERINE'S UBERCAB arrived at the Aviation Center, she was surprised when it did not stop at the usual passenger terminal for public transports. Instead, it took her around the furthest end of the buildings to a particular area. It took her a minute, but then she realized it was a private launch pad for noncommercial spacecraft. There were rows of beautiful ships of all sizes and variations. Puzzled as to what was happening, Catherine looked until she saw Nat standing near an Avalon Mercury 3370 luxury spaceship. When Nat saw the cab stopping, Catherine watched her grin and walk toward them. Nat opened the door and held out a hand. "I thought you would never get here," Nat said as Catherine stepped out onto the tarmac. Nat motioned to the Avalon. "Well, what do you think?" Catherine could not believe it.

  “You bought that?" she asked with surprise. Nat laughed.

  "I wish," she answered. "No, I basically rented it. A gentleman is hoping to sell it to me, so he was willing to let me take it out for a long test drive. To Untas actually." Nat shrugged. "With a sizable deposit, of course." Seeing Nat's excitement and realizing there was no ticket waiting for her to take a public transport alone, Catherine laughed too.

  "Oh, Nat," she said with relief turning to excitement. Never in her wildest dreams had she thought she would ride in the luxury of such a starship. "You are wonderful. I can't believe you did this." Nat slipped her arm around Catherine's shoulders and started to walk her to the ramp to enter the ship.

  "I like you to feel special. Did I do okay?" she asked. Catherine nodded as she put her arm around Nat's waist and rested her head on the woman's shoulder.

  "You have no idea," she answered.

  THE AVALON MERCURY was gorgeous. Even though it was not a large-sized luxury cruiser, it was loaded with efficient amenities. As the two women embarked, they were met at the top of the gangway by an FR CisorMate 680 robot, "custom built to cater to any passenger whim," if Catherine remembered the comm link ads correctly.

  "Welcome aboard, Captain Reynolds," the robot said in a clipped Earthstyle British accent. "My name is Frederick. I am at your service." Nat smiled and gave him a nod.

  "Good afternoon, Frederick," Nat answered. "And this young lady is Catherine Porter." The robot bowed, his polished metal exterior gleaming.

  "Catherine," he said. "A beautiful name for a beautiful face." Catherine giggled. It all seemed so surreal. "Please, walk this way, and I will show you the many features of the Avalon Mercury 3370. Unless of course, you would like to go straight to the lounge and relax. Have a cocktail perhaps? I make a wicked shaken martini." Catherine looked up at Nat to see what she wanted only to find the same expression on her face. They both laughed.

  "Martini?" Nat said. Catherine had no idea what a martini tasted like, but it sounded like fun. She nodded. Nat turned back to Frederick. "Two martinis it is," she said, and they followed the robot to the lounge. It was beyond plush, with a black leather couch, a glass and chrome coffee table, all topped off with a giant screen comm link. Catherine had never seen anything like it outside of pictures.

  "Is this suitable?" Fredrick asked when they arrived. Nat laughed.

  "I think it will work," she answered. "How long until we take off?"

  "I can check, Captain Reynolds. But I did overhear there were some delays. A mix up with a public transport schedule," Frederick said. Catherine could almost hear the disdain in his digital voice. "But please, make yourself comfortable. I will have the drinks shortly."

  "Thank you, Frederick," Catherine heard Nat say as she slipped onto the closest couch and ran her hands over the leather. It was soft as silk. First the incredible hotel room and now this. She was almost ready to pinch herself to make sure it was not a dream. She felt Nat sit down near her and when Catherine turned, she smiled. "You look happy," Nat said. "I was a little worried."

  "Worried?" Catherine asked, sliding closer to Nat and putting a hand on her arm. "Why? This is perfect." Nat took her hand and held it.

  "I didn't want to assume too much. But getting to Untas sounded important, and this seemed like a fun way to go there," Nat said. "And it is a lot more comfortable than a public transport."

  "And more private," Catherine said, trying to be bold. She had a lot to thank Nat for and wanted to show it somehow. She ran her other hand up Nat's arm and relished the muscles she felt there. Catherine licked her lips and glanced up to check Nat's face. The woman was staring at her with intense blue-gray eyes.

  “Careful, Catherine," she murmured. "I've been thinking about you all day. Missing you." Nat leaned in closer until her face was less than an inch from Catherine's. "Wanting you." A bolt of desire ran through Catherine's body. Why does hearing her say that turn me on so much? she thought feeling warm in a
ll the right places. A memory of Nat's hands on her in the shower popped into her head, and she sucked in a ragged breath.

  "I missed you too," she said. Nat smiled a little and ran her lips over Catherine's cheek and down along her neck.

  "Is that all?" Nat asked. Catherine leaned into Nat, feeling the woman's mouth on her skin like fire. She moaned but was nervous about answering. It was more than just foreplay. Saying what she was feeling out loud would be more like a confession. Clearly sensing the hesitation, Nat took Catherine by the chin and turned her mouth so she could kiss it. It was a tickle and left Catherine wishing for more. "Is that all?" Nat asked again. Catherine closed her eyes.

  "No," she whispered. "I want you too."



  She wants me too, Nat thought. It was all she could ever ask, but as the reality of it settled in, the looming questions about their relationship made her pause. Pulling back a little, she looked into Catherine’s eyes and saw such passion mixed with vulnerability it nearly broke her heart. I can’t let this keep going, she thought. I have to tell her the truth about our future. Nat took a deep breath and tried to calm her racing heart and the burning desire inside her to simply push Catherine down on the couch and make love to her right there. They had to talk about things first. “Catherine,” Nat started and saw a flicker of fear appear in Catherine’s brown eyes. Seeing it, Nat almost lost her resolve. This was not what she wanted to do and kissing that look back out of Catherine’s eyes would be so much easier. But you can’t do that. It was time to stop living in a fantasy land. She took Catherine’s hand in hers. “Catherine,” she said again. “We need to—” Suddenly, there was a digital beep at the door of the lounge, and Nat glanced over to see Frederick was back with the martinis. Nat closed her eyes and let out a breath, both relieved and frustrated at the interruption.

  “Cocktails have arrived,” Frederick announced and he bustled across the space with a silver tray in his hand. Nat took a drink from him and handed it to Catherine. A quick look at Catherine’s face let Nat know the girl was not letting her off the hook so easily. The woman was smart enough to know Nat was about to say something important. Suddenly, Nat did not want to have the conversation anymore. Not today, she thought. They should enjoy every last second together. Besides, who says she wants to be with me after this trip anyway? Nat almost laughed as she realized her line of thinking was arrogant as hell. Maybe I’m the only one who’s heart is about to be broken.

  Taking the second martini, Nat held it out to clink glasses with Catherine. "A toast," Nat said with a forced smile. "To new friendships." Catherine paused, and Nat could see the woman was thinking over the statement. Finally, she tapped her glass against Nat's.

  “To a new everything,” she said fixing Nat with a determined look and took a sip. As Nat watched her, it was suddenly so evident on Catherine’s face she thought the drink tasted horrible, Nat chuckled with relief at the distraction. Sipping it herself, she had to admit the gin in it was a bit over the top.

  “Not your favorite?” Nat asked. Catherine set the drink down.

  “Maybe just a coke?” Catherine said. Nat nodded and put her cocktail beside Catherine’s.

  “You’re not pleased, Captain?” Frederick asked sounding dismayed. “Perhaps something else? A margarita?” Before Nat could respond there was a chiming of a bell. It was the signal the Avalon Mercury was cleared for departure. “Oh good,” Frederick continued. “Now we can depart. I apologize, but I must discontinue drink service while I pilot us out of the Prospo airspace.”

  “Of course,” Nat said. “In fact, I’d like to come with you and co-pilot if you don’t mind. I want to know how she handles.”

  “But of course,” Frederick said. “You may both come if you like.” Nat smiled and looked to Catherine who nodded.

  "I would like that," she said, and although she was smiling, Nat could tell Catherine was still thinking about the aborted conversation. There would be no getting around having a heart-to-heart at some point, and Nat knew it. Clearing her throat nervously, she started to get up.

  "Oh, Captain, one more thing," Frederick said suddenly. He took a piece of paper from a slot in his metal uniform. "I almost forgot. A message came for you." Nat knew what it had to be and paused. The communication was in response to her inquiry about Catherine's father. Do I read this now with Catherine beside me? she wondered as she took the note from Frederick. She needs to know the truth, one way or the other. Nat gave it a brief glance and frowned. The information was not horrible and, in fact, was more puzzling than anything.

  “Thank you,” Nat said looking up at Frederick again.

  “What is it?” Catherine asked and Nat turned to her.

  “I checked into your father’s disappearance,” Nat said. “And he took a transport to Helivian.” Nat watched Catherine’s face register surprise, then relief, and finally anger.

  “Helivian? Why?” she asked. “A ticket like that would have cost all our credits and he had to know it.” Catherine shook her head and Nat wished she could make sense of it all for her.

  “Do you want me to reroute our flight to go to Helivian?” Nat asked. Catherine sighed and shook her head.

  “No,” she said. “Clearly he did not want me with him.” Nat saw tears come to Catherine’s eyes, but the woman brushed them away angrily. “Let’s just go. It’s time to take off.” Nat nodded and hoped for now she could distract them both from all the turmoil in their lives with a little flying.

  Although flying the luxury space cruiser was a treat and dinner, which consisted of steak and lobster with excellent red wine, was nearly perfect, Nat could not avoid the look of concern in Catherine’s eyes. It was like the woman had read Nat’s mind about their future and Nat knew the evening would not end until they had a talk about their upcoming separation. Twice over dinner, Catherine had tried to steer the conversation around to serious topics but Nat continued to keep things light by telling her stories of 1980’s Earth culture. Even though Catherine showed some interest in learning about movies featuring DeLorean cars and time travel, Nat could see more anger starting to build in Catherine’s eyes at the diversion. Now, as they were shown to their bedroom suite, there was no more hiding.

  As soon as Frederick finished turning down the bed and left, Catherine whirled around on Nat, her eyes snapping. “What is going on?” she demanded. “Ever since I admitted how I felt on the couch, you won’t even look at me! What was I? Some sort of conquest?” Nat’s mouth fell open. Conquest? Nat thought. Is that what she thinks? Nothing could be further from the truth and Nat would prove it to her. She moved to Catherine in two quick steps and grabbed her by the hips to pull her close. Catherine resisted and put her hands on Nat’s arms. “No,” Catherine said. “You can’t just kiss me and distract us from whatever you need to say. I want answers, Nat Reynolds.” Nat paused and looked into the woman’s furious and hurting eyes. The one thing Nat swore she would never do was happening. She only wanted Catherine to be happy and feel special. And now I am making her miserable. Which will only get worse when I have to explain the reality of our lives. Clearly seeing the hesitation, Catherine wrestled out of Nat's hold and went to stand on the other side of the bed. "You're dumping me, aren't you," she said. It was not a question. "It is because you think I'm too young?" The pain in Catherine's voice cut Nat like a knife.

  “No,” Nat said. “It’s not like that. Please, come over here. We need to talk.”

  “About what exactly?” Catherine answered, not budging. “That you’re dropping me off at Untas and then returning to the Space Ranger’s without a look back?” Nat let out a long deep breath. There was not much she could say. Even though Catherine’s words were full of anger, they were not untrue. She somehow had to make Catherine understand why it was the right choice.

  “Catherine,” Nat said softly. “You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. Every second with you makes me feel more alive. But, I’m not around and—” Catherine
cut her off with a wave of her hand. Nat saw tears were streaming down the furious woman’s face.

  “Just stop,” Catherine interrupted. “I’m sleeping in the lounge.” She grabbed her bag and threw it open to pull out a few things before storming toward the door. Nat went to cut Catherine off, but before she touched her, Catherine had a finger in her face. “Do not touch me,” she said. Nat froze and felt a pain like she never had before. Even the physical pain she endured in space battles could not compare.

  “Please don’t go,” Nat asked. “I won’t touch you. I promise. But please, stay.” Catherine waivered and Nat could see the anger was turning to hurt resignation. In so many ways, that look was far worse to witness. Catherine shoulders sagged and she stepped back to the bed, dropping her things into her bag.

  “I’ll stay,” she whispered.

  JUST LET HIM GO, NAT,” Shaun said. “You got two kills already. No need to show off.” Nat laughed into the comm link. She knew her Space Ranger co-pilot was poking fun, but she could hear a tone of seriousness too. Shaun was always the more practical of the team. He balanced her out, but this time she was calling the shots.

  “It’s not showing off,” she corrected. “I’m simply clearing the friendly skies of pirate scum. And this will be my last for today. Besides he’s kind of pissing me off. He should have ran when he had the chance.”


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