My Best Friend’s Ex: Make Her Mine-Book 4

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My Best Friend’s Ex: Make Her Mine-Book 4 Page 10

by Winter, Alexis

  “I got a better idea. Let’s go home and spend the rest of the day in bed,” I say with a smile, against his lips.

  “I’d love to, but I have a meeting to attend before I can leave.” He offers one last, quick kiss, then turns and walks away, leaving me staring after him.

  With a sigh leaving my lips, I walk into Maddie’s office. She’s sitting behind her desk. She looks up, eyes locking on mine, and she offers a smile.

  “How was lunch?”

  “Pretty good, actually. Yours?” I sit across from her.

  “Good. Bennet called in lunch from my favorite restaurant, and we ate up in his office.”

  I cross my legs and lean back in the chair. “What are we supposed to do?”

  “Well, I have a few things you can help me with.” She stands and turns to the filing cabinet, taking out a few folders.



  It’s been a month since we last heard from or saw Nick. The order of protection went through without a hitch—Nick didn’t bother showing up. And our plan of keeping Dani out of sight has worked well. It took a couple of weeks, but finally, he’s no longer being caught on security cameras, waiting to run into her. Everything has pretty much gotten back to normal, or I guess a new normal. Dani and I go to work and don’t leave the building until it’s time to come home. I’ve paid off the guy in the security room of the apartment building, and he’s supposed to let me know any time Nick’s caught on camera around the building. After the first two weeks, he hasn’t been seen again.

  Dani is itching to get out of the apartment, and while I want to give her what she needs, I’m also afraid we’ll run into Nick. She wants to go out on dates and go dancing and shopping, but I keep putting it off until I know for sure that Nick won’t be a problem. We’ve had all the food, groceries, and household supplies delivered, and I never leave her side.

  She gets up from the table, taking both our empty plates with her. I can see how unhappy she is, and it kills me. Finally, I stand up and walk over to her at the sink. I press my chest to her back and kiss her neck softly. She tilts her head, giving me more room to kiss her flesh. She lets out a sigh.

  “Maddie and Bennet are having a BBQ at their place tomorrow. You want to go?” I ask, finally putting it out there since I’ve been mulling over it all week.

  She spins around to face me, eyes wide with excitement. “Really?”

  I laugh and nod as I wrap my hands around her waist. “I figure we haven’t seen Nick in a while. And Maddie and Bennet’s house is out in the country. I think you’ll be safe there.”

  “Thank you, Levi,” she breathes out, pulling me in for a kiss.

  “I’m sorry if I’ve been a little overbearing lately. I just want you safe. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”

  She pulls back to look into my eyes. “You have nothing to apologize for. You’ve completely uprooted your life for me. I should be the one apologizing.”

  “I haven’t uprooted anything, Dani. I like having you here. I know we haven’t talked about us in a while, but…”

  She kisses me softly. “I’m yours, Levi. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize it.” She offers up a shy smile.

  Hearing her words, I feel like my heart expands, now taking up my chest completely. “You mean, you want to openly date, take the next step, and tell people?” Before, I was too worried that she wasn’t ready for anything more than what we were already doing, but now, it feels like we’re together even without saying it.

  “Now that I’ve finally gotten rid of Nick, yes. You’re the right person for me. I don’t know why I didn’t see it back then. It could’ve saved us both a lot of trouble, time, and heartache.”

  I pull her in for a lip-crushing kiss, tangling my tongue with hers as my hands move around her body greedily. It’s amazing how everything about her fits me. My hands fit perfectly on her ass. Her body forms against mine like we’re two pieces of the same cloth. Our hearts, souls, and minds are all the same. I always laughed when I thought about how some people believed in soulmates, but now I see it’s something that can’t be understood. It can only be felt.

  I lift her and sit her down on the kitchen table, our kiss never breaking. Her hands fall from around my neck, but they catch the end of my shirt, and she quickly pulls it upward, ripping it off of me. Our kiss breaks for only a moment so I can pull the shirt over my head and toss it onto the floor. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her ass closer to the edge of the table.


  “What was that?” Dani asks, pulling away and looking in the direction of the balcony.

  It’s dark out, so all we can see is the refection of the kitchen.

  “I don’t know,” I answer, pulling away from her and walking toward the door.

  I see her stand up from the reflection in the glass. “Don’t go out there.”

  “Shhh.” I grab my baseball bat out of the closet and slowly open the door, stepping out onto the balcony. I look to my right and then my left, but find nothing but the grill and the patio table. I turn back to her. “There’s nobody out here.” I hold my hands out at my sides.

  She has a concerned look on her face as she walks out to see for herself.

  I move to the edge and look down, only finding a window washing lift at the bottom. Since the building is doing some repairs, I don’t think anything of it. “The lift probably just hit the building or something. It is pretty windy tonight.”

  She leans over the balcony and looks down for herself.

  “Come on. Let’s get inside before we catch a cold.” I wrap my arm around her and lead her back inside, locking the door behind us. I don’t usually bother locking the balcony door since someone would have to climb the outside of the building to get inside, but tonight, I want to be extra careful with Nick still out there doing God knows what.

  We quickly finish cleaning up the kitchen and retire to the bedroom. She sits on the edge of the bed and starts taking off her jewelry, placing it all on top of the bedside table.

  I sit on the opposite side and kick off my socks and shoes. “Want me to fill the tub up?” I ask, glancing at her from over my shoulder.

  “Yeah, I’d love a good long soak. Do we have more of that oil?”

  I stand and lean over the bed to press a kiss to her shoulder. “Let me check.”

  I head into the bathroom and turn on the water. Digging around in the cabinet, I find the oil she likes so much, and I add a few drops. By the time she comes into the bathroom, I’m already stripped and climbing into the tub. I can’t take my eyes off her while she removes her clothes and climbs in with me. She leans her back against my chest and sits between my legs. I push the button, and the jets kick on.

  She leans her head back and takes a deep, relaxing breath, causing her chest to rise and slowly fall. I wrap my arms around her, gliding my fingers up and down her thigh, stomach, and between her breasts.

  She lets out a soft whimper. “I don’t know how such a simple touch can make me want you this much.”

  I feel a grin take over as I let my hand drift below the water, across her hip, and to her folds. With one stroke of my fingers, her body tightens, and she lets out a gasp. I kiss and nibble on her neck and earlobe, wanting to tease her.

  After several long minutes, she sits up and spins around to face me. Her eyes are hooded with desire as she finds me with her hand under the water. She works my length up and down slowly, teasing me with her sexy smile.

  I sit up and catch her mouth with mine as her hair clings to both of us. When I’m painfully hard and can no longer wait, I pull her against me and stand with her in my arms. I carry her, still dripping wet, to the bed, where we both fall onto it in a tangled mess.

  I kiss my way down her body until I come to the junction between her legs. When my mouth closes in around her clit, she lets out a loud moan and arches her back off the bed. I place my hands on her hips and hold her down while I continue with my torture.

don’t stop until her body is trembling, and her moans have quieted. Finally, I slide inside her, where I’m meant to be.

  We’re lying in bed, breathless. Our hearts are pounding a mile a minute, and neither of us can move after the things we just did.

  “I couldn’t spit if you paid me to,” Dani says from beside me.

  I laugh. “Want a bottle of water?” I ask, standing from the bed.

  The floor creaks, but it didn’t sound like it came from me. Instead, it sounds like it came from the hallway outside the open bedroom door.

  “Did you hear that?” I ask, not taking my eyes off the door.

  “Hear what?” she pants out.

  I grab a pair of boxers from my dresser and pull them on before walking out into the hallway. I walk to the end and flip the switch. The small area fills with light. I check out the bathroom and the guest bedroom but find nothing. I move back out of the hall and into the living room. I check the front door, but it’s still locked—something we both do the moment we come in from work. I walk into the kitchen and flip on the light. When I find the room empty, I shake my head.

  “What the fuck is my problem?” I mumble, moving toward the fridge and taking out two bottles of water.

  I walk back into the bedroom, handing Dani a bottle as I lay down. She takes a long drink before capping it and curling up beside me.

  When morning rolls around, Dani is bouncing with excitement about getting out of the house to go to Maddie and Bennet’s BBQ for the day. After a quick breakfast of oats, yogurt, and fruit, she heads for a shower. I know that if I join her, I’ll never be able to leave her long enough to get out of the house, so while she gets cleaned up, I pull out my laptop and sit at the kitchen table.

  While the computer starts up, I gaze around the kitchen. My eyes land on the balcony, zeroing in on the doorknob.

  It’s not locked.

  I know I locked it last night. I quickly stand and twist the knob. The door opens easily, and I step out, looking around like I might find someone. There’s nothing. It looks the same as last night. I walk to the edge and look down. The cleaning lift that was there last night is now gone, but now there are several men on the ground building scaffolding.

  I go back inside, locking the door, and I pick up my phone, calling Mark, the security guy.


  “Hey, Mark. It’s Levi. What’s going on with the scaffolding?”

  “Oh, the building is getting painted. They’re also going to do some minor repairs around the building: fixing some old windows, sealing come cracks, that sort of thing. Why? Is there a problem?”

  I run my hand through my hair and take a deep breath. “Um, yeah, actually. I’m having an issue with my balcony door. I know I locked it last night, but when I woke up this morning, it was unlocked. I’m just worried that someone has a key. Is there any way I could get the knob changed today?”

  “Sure, I don’t see why not,” he replies.

  “Oh, and Mark?”


  “How much would you charge me to get some cameras put inside my apartment? You know, like some that only I have access to?”

  “I have a few laying around. I’m sure we could work something out. I can come up in twenty.”

  “Sounds great. Thanks, man.”

  “See ya soon,” he says, hanging up the phone.

  “Who was that?” Dani asks, walking into the kitchen in a towel.

  I open my mouth, about to tell her, but I also don’t want to freak her out. I want her to feel safe here. And nothing may be going on. It could be my overactive imagination. “Nothing. I’ve decided to add some more security. That way, I’ll be able to keep an eye on the place from work.” I close the distance between us and press my mouth to hers. Like every other time we’ve kissed, her sweet tongue gives me a sugar rush.



  I’m in the guest bedroom that Levi had been sweet enough to turn into my beauty room. I have an entire walk-in closet to myself, and he removed the furniture and set up a vanity for me. I do all my hair, makeup, and dressing in this room. I sit down, turn on the vanity lights, and play some music on my phone.

  Since we’re going to a BBQ, I don’t want to smother my face in makeup, but I add a little cover-up, blush, mascara, and a pretty pink lipstick. My face looks fresh and glowing by the time I finish. I blow dry my hair and start curling it. Levi comes in with the building’s security guy, and they set to work on installing a camera in the corner of the room.

  I pull my robe tighter around myself. “Um, are you planning on putting one of those in our bedroom?” I ask, feeling nervous.

  Levi gives me a wicked smile. “I was thinking about it.”

  I laugh and roll my eyes, knowing that he’s joking.

  “No. There’s one in the living room pointed toward the front door. One in the kitchen, pointed toward the balcony, one in the hallway so we can see the doors on both bedrooms and the bathroom.”

  “Why are you putting one in here?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “We had one camera left, and I didn’t want it to go to waste.”

  I step into the closet and pull out a white summer dress with multicolored flowers and a pair of wedged sandals before leaving them alone and going into the bedroom to dress. I pull on my dress and slide my feet into my sandals. I turn and look at my back in the mirror, trying to get the zipper up myself.

  “Levi?” I call out for him.

  I hear the front door shut moments before he steps into the room.

  “Can you zip me up?” I turn my back to him.

  Our eyes lock in the mirror as he steps up behind me. His fingertips skim my skin as he pulls it up. “There,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to my shoulder.

  I can’t hold the red that creeps up my cheeks. “Thank you.”

  He walks into the closet to grab some clothes, and I sit on the edge of the bed to put my jewelry back on. I put on my ankle bracelet first, then my rings and necklace. I reach for my diamond earrings but can’t find them.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, walking out of the closet as he’s pulling on a fresh shirt.

  “My earrings. They’re gone.”

  His face pinches. “That can’t be right. Maybe they just got knocked off the table while you were sleeping.”

  He gets down on his knees and uses the flashlight on his phone to look under the bed. He sits up empty-handed. “Are you sure you put them here?”

  “Yes, I sat right here last night and took everything off. Why would I take everything off here and move to the bathroom to take out my earrings?”

  “Were they expensive?”

  I shrug. “It was actually the first thing Nick ever bought me. He bought them as a gift when I graduated from college. They were several hundred dollars.”

  “The diamond studs, right? Princess cut?” he asks, lifting a brow.

  “Yeah. I wonder where they could’ve gone.” I stand up and start moving the blankets on the bed, thinking maybe the blanket brushed over them when I made the bed this morning.

  “I don’t know, but I’m sure we’ll find them. We gotta get going before we’re late. Maddie and Bennet’s country house is a bit of a drive.”

  I laugh. “Country house?”

  “Yeah, they have Bennet’s big mansion here in the city, but they mostly stay at their ranch house out in the country. Bennet runs a race car garage there.”

  “Really? Bennet races?” I can’t shake the shock from my voice.

  He laughs. “And boxes. He’s just full of surprises.” He places his hand on my hip and leads me from the bedroom.

  I stop at the entryway table and grab my purse. “So, is the new security system all set up?”

  “Yeah, it’s recording now. I even downloaded the app, so I’ll be able to watch the feed from my phone. He also put these little sensors on the doors, so I’ll get a notification every time they open.” He points to a white, plastic circle that’s stuck to the top of the

  “That’s nice. You’re really going overboard for someone we haven’t heard from in a month.” I walk out the door and stop, letting him lock it behind us.

  “Yeah, I just have this feeling in my gut that we haven’t seen the last of him.” He takes my hand in his, and we walk to the elevator.

  It feels like it takes forever to make the drive to Maddie and Bennet’s, but we’re finally pulling up to a beautiful barn house.

  “Wow, I didn’t picture the CEO of Windsor living in a house like this.”

  He laughs. “Yeah, I think this is more Maddie’s taste.”

  There’s a tin roof and a porch that wraps around the entire house. The flowers and bushes are perfectly planted in their places, and there’s a big pond in the back, between the house and the garage. It’s nothing but wide open fields, not a neighbor or a fence for miles.

  “I love this. Look how open everything is,” I say as Levi meets me around the front of the car. He wraps my arm around his arm as he leads me into the back yard where everyone is.

  The grill is going with Bennet standing watch over it. Maddie is sitting at a patio table with two other women by her side. When we walk up, Maddie stands and rushes to me, pulling me in for a hug.

  “I’m so glad you guys made it,” she says, pulling away. “Let me introduce you to my closest friends. Levi, the guys are going back and forth from the grill to the garage.”

  Levi releases me, but he looks a little afraid to let me out of his sight.

  “She’s fine. I’ll keep an eye on her,” Maddie promises him, leading me away toward the patio table.

  Levi reluctantly wanders toward the guys at the grill, and Maddie motions for me to have a seat.

  “Danielle, this is my sister-in-law, Bennet’s sister, Valerie. She’s with Callan over there, and this is my best friend since childhood, Jazz. She married my stupid brother.” She rolls her eyes and laughs.


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