Doug’s case, 10–11
heart disease and, 202–4, 205–6
impact of, 4–5
quiz to determine, 3–4
reduced blood flow and, 27–28
Concentrated and undivided mind, 161–65
Concentration, 141–45, 148–49, 152–53
Breathing Recovery Exercise, 166–67, 248
“going with the flow,” 140–43
mindfulness meditation, 146–47
observing your thoughts, 149–52
Cooldown, 91
Corrado, Domenico, 322n
Cortisone, 98
Cottle, Maurice, 55–56
Couch potato lifestyle, 231, 232–33
Coughs (coughing), 11, 41, 118, 124, 211, 218
Craniofacial anomalies, 226–27, 229
Crawford, Lavell, 68
Croke Park Arena (Dublin), 8
Cruz, Joaquim, 121–22
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 141
Cunningham, Patrick, 221
Cycling, 17–18, 29–30, 135–36, 190
breath holding during, 130, 252
Tour de France and blood doping, 96–99
Cystic fibrosis, 298–99n
Dark chocolate, 197
Darley Arabian (horse), 221
Darwin, Charles, 54
Davis, Wade, 81
Decker, Mary, 121–22
Deep breaths, 18, 21, 52, 69–70
Deer, breathing in, 55
Defibrillation, 201
Dehydration, preventing with nasal breathing, 119–20
De Oliveira, Valério Luiz, 121–22
Depression, 147, 181, 185
Detoxification. See Body detoxification
Detraining, 191–92
Diabetes, 174–75, 232
Diaphragm, 71–74, 110–11
relaxing and activating, 257–58
Diet. See also Weight loss
alkaline- vs. acid-forming foods, 52–53, 177–79
appetite suppression and, 173–74, 175, 177
chronic overbreathing and, 52–53
Donna’s case, 11–13, 284–85
Eamon’s case, 174–76
Tessy’s case, 182–85
Distracting thoughts, 142, 148, 152, 181
Divers. See Breath-hold divers; Pearl divers
Dizziness, 27, 30, 76, 167–68
Dogs, breathing in, 54
Donnelly, Peter, 327n
Doping, 95–99
Downes, John, 196–97
Dreyer, Danny, 92
Dreyer, Katherine, 92
Drinking water, 116
Dynamite, 194
Effortless breathing, 67–68, 123
Einstein, Albert, 194
Elder persons, Oxygen Advantage program for, 268–70
Electrocardiogram (ECG), 200–202
Endorphins, 90
Epstein, Catherine, 186–87
Epstein, Richard, 186–87
Erectile dysfunction, and nitric oxide, 60
Erythropoietin (EPO), 96–98, 99, 109
Evolution, 52–55, 178
Exercise. See also Physical exercise
aerobic, 103–4, 180. See also High-intensity training
anaerobic, 103–4, 114, 180
breath-holding. See Breath-holding exercises
breathing. See Breathing exercises
Exercise-induced asthma (EIA), 209–20
BOLT score and, 88, 217–18
breathing volume and, 211–14, 213
causes of, 211–14
exercise for stopping symptoms, 218, 219, 220
guidelines to avoid, 88
Julian’s case, 209–10
nasal breathing for, 88, 215–16
rate of, 210–11
swimming for, 216–17
Exercise Physiology (McArdle), 40
Exhalation, 69, 70, 70, 72, 74, 75, 77, 108
Facial structure, 83–84, 221–27, 225, 226, 229–30
Facing Up (Grylls), 117
Farm animals, breathing in, 55
Fatigue, 111–12
Federer, Roger, 221
Fenton, John, 61
Fight-or-flight response, 72–73, 178
Finding the zone. See Zone, the
Flow, 140–43
Focus, 142, 148–49. See also Concentration
Following the breath meditation, 156–58, 181
Food and diet. See also Weight loss
alkaline- vs. acid-forming foods, 52–53, 177–79
appetite suppression and, 173–74, 175, 177
chronic overbreathing and, 52–53
Donna’s case, 11–13, 284–85
Eamon’s case, 174–76
Tessy’s case, 182–85
Foreman, George, 140–41
Free radicals, xiii, 34, 187–88, 318n
Furchgott, Robert F., 58, 194
Galen, 211
Genetics (genes), 10, 25, 31, 221–22, 229–30
Gibbs, Daniel M., 27
Giggs, Ryan, 145
“Going with the flow,” 140–43
Gordon, Don, 17–18, 137
Greene, Barbara, 224
Grylls, Bear, 117
Hamilton, Tyler, 97, 98
Hang, Bill, 83–84
Harvard University, 147
Harvold, Egil Peter, 226–27
Hatha yoga, 302n
air shortages and, 110, 113
negative thinking and, 151
Head circumference, 229–30
Heart attacks, 193, 204–5, 232–33
Heart disease, 59, 200–208, 232–33
hyperventilation and, 202–4, 205–6
Heart health, 193–200
Heart rate and breathing, 197–200
Hematocrit, 100–101
Hemoglobin, 26–27, 100–101, 106
normal results, 100
oxygen saturation percentage of, 101
Henderson, Yandell, 197–98, 200
High altitude, breath holding to prepare for ascent, 117–19
High-altitude training, xiii–xiv, 6–7
breath holds and, 105–7
“live high and train low” model, 101–3
merits of, 101–3, 105
preventing dehydration with nasal breathing, 119–20
science of simulating, 104–7
simulating. See Simulated high-altitude training
High blood pressure (hypertension), 58, 174–75, 194, 195
High-intensity training
bicarbonate of soda therapy, 114, 308–9n
breath holds and, 105–7
breathing and, 85–86
merits of, 103–4
science of simulating, 104–7
VO2 max and, 35, 103–4
Hiroshima University Graduate School, 196
Homeostasis, 59, 177
Hooker, Steve, 221
Horses, breathing in, 55
Human growth hormone, 96, 98
Humming, 60–61
Hydration, 116
preventing dehydration with nasal breathing, 119–20
Hyperactivity, 226
Hypercapnia, 34, 125, 296–97n, 307n, 330n
Hypertension (high blood pressure), 58, 174–75, 194, 195
Hyperventilation. See Chronic overbreathing
Hypocapnia, 26, 200, 296n, 307n
Hyponatremia, 116
Hypoxemia, 189
Hypoxia, 34, 296–97n, 330n
Ignarro, Louis J., 58, 194, 195
Immune defense, and nitric oxide, 59
Increasing BOLT scores, 40, 41, 45–49, 85, 244
bicarbonate of soda for, 113
diet for, 178
improving tolerance of carbon dioxide, 46, 139
nasal breathing for, 51, 56, 82, 83, 85, 87
simulated high-altitude training, 46–49
stop losses of carbon dioxide, 45–46
Inhalation, 70, 70, 71, 74, 77
maintaining fitness during, 191–92
warm-up to prevent, 86–88
Inner body, 89, 155, 161
connecting with, to enter the zone, 158–60
Internet and attention spans, 143–44
Intuitive intelligence, 145–46
Iron supplements, 125
Isaacson, Walter, 146
Jaws, 227–28
breathing and, 83, 221–24, 226–27, 229
Jefferson, Yosh, 226
Jobs, Steve, 144, 146
nasal breathing during, 89–90, 247
simulated high-altitude training while, 129, 129–30, 251–52
Karolinska Institute, 59, 195
Keane, Robbie, 224–25
Kelly, Kevin, 143–44
Kimmage, Paul, 99
King, Don, 140
Kinghorn Cancer Center, 186–87
“Know thyself,” 147
Kundalini yoga, 224
Lactic acid, 6, 82, 84
breath holding to reduce, 111–12
Landis, Floyd, 98
Lao Tzu, 89
L-arginine, 197
Lee, Jennifer, 67
Legend of Bagger Vance, The (movie), 145
“Less is more” theory of breathing, 68, 191
Levine, B. D., 101–2
Light breathing, 67–69. See also Breathe Light to Breathe Right
Light-headedness, 27, 118, 167–68
“Live high and train low” model, 101–3
Living in the now to enter the zone, 160–61
Living standards, and asthma rates, 211–12
Longevity and career success, 186–87
Long track speed skating, 102–3
Los Angeles Olympics (1984), 122
Lucero, Cynthia, 116
Lum, Claude, 31, 198, 204
Lundberg, Jon, 59, 60, 195–96
Lungs, 5, 19–23, 20. See also Respiratory system
Lymphatic system, 73
Machefer, Guillaume, 188
Manchester United, 145
Marathon running (runners), 81, 84, 116, 122–23, 186–88, 210, 223
Marshall, Nick, 135–36
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 144, 147
Mater Hospital, 213–14
Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max), 34–35, 99–100
high-intensity training and, 35, 103–4
McAleese, Mary, 200
McAnallen, Cormac, 200
McArdle, William, 40
McLean Hospital, 116
Medications, 232
Meditation, 145–47, 152–55, 181–82
Brahmari, 60–61
following the breath, 156–58, 181
living in the now, 160–61
mindfulness, 146–47
observing your thoughts, 149–52
Mercola, Joseph, xiii–xiv, 114
Mew, John, 228
Mexico City Olympics (1968), 6
Mindfulness meditation, 146–47
Miyamura, Miharu, 296n, 302n
Moeller, Joy, 224
Monaco Grand Prix, 143
Morris, Jeremy, 232–33, 329–30n
Mountain sickness, 118
Mount Everest, 117
Mouth breathing, 27, 30, 51–53, 80–82
asthma and, 215–16
causes of, 60
in children, 57, 222–24, 227, 229
dehydration from, 119–20
facial structure and, 222–27
functions of, 57
negative impact of, 52–53, 54
sleep and, 168–69
Mouth taping, 64–66, 80
Mucus, 50, 52, 61
Murad, Ferid, 58, 194
Muscle memory, 142–43, 165
Muscles, delivery of oxygen from blood to, 19–20, 24, 26–27, 108, 109
Myocardial infarctions. See Heart attacks
Myofunctional therapists, 83, 224
Naked mole rat, 191
Nasal breathing, 51, 53–57
in animals, 53–55
asthma and, 215–16
functions of, 56–57
for improved sports performance, 82
at night, 64–66, 169
nitric oxide and, 58–61, 195–96
during physical exercise, 80–86, 92
jogging or running, 89–90, 247
preventing dehydration with, 119–20
Nasal cavity, 55–56
Nasal congestion, 3, 8, 61, 63, 222
Nasal obstruction, 61, 227
Nasal polyps, 60
National Institutes of Health, 196
Native Americans, 53, 80–81
Neurotransmission, and nitric oxide, 59
New York Times, 122, 144, 187
Night, nasal breathing at, 64–66, 169
Nishino, T., 298n
Nitric oxide (NO), 58–61, 193–97, 300n
Nitroglycerine, 194
Nobel, Alfred, 194
Noble silence, 158
Nose, 55–61. See also Nasal breathing
nitric oxide and, 58–61
Nose Unblocking Exercise, 61–63, 62, 244–45, 245
Oatmeal, 197
Obesity, 174, 178, 180–81
Oxygen Advantage program for, 282–85
Observing the breath, 156–58
Observing your thoughts, 149–52
O’Gara, Ronan, 162
Older persons, Oxygen Advantage program for, 268–70
Olympic athletes, 6, 13–14, 95, 102–3, 121–22, 123, 131, 146, 221
Olympic Training Center, U.S., 95
O’Riordan, Don, 112–13
Orthodontics, 52, 83, 227–29
Overbreathing. See Chronic overbreathing
Oxidative stress, 34, 187, 189–91, 319n
Oxygen Advantage program, 7, 234–35. See also specific topics
Alison’s case, 29–31
Anna’s case, 198–99
benefits of, 36, 136–39, 241
BOLT scores and, 36, 40, 41, 138, 233–34
programs based on, 268–81
for children and teenagers, 286–89
David’s case, 8–9
Don Gordon’s case, 17–18, 137
Donna’s case, 11–13, 284–85
Doug’s case, 10–11
exercise summary, 242–65
guidelines before beginning, x
Nick Marshall’s case, 135–36
Penny’s case, 203–4
quick reference summary, 240, 266
for unhealthy or older persons, 268–70
for weight loss and obesity, 282–85
of the brain, 165–68
of heart, 193–208
of tissues and organs, 5, 19–20, 24, 26–27, 49, 108, 109, 285
Oxygen paradox, 17–31
delivery of oxygen from blood to muscles and organs, 26–27
dilation and constriction of airways and blood vessels, 27–28
regulation of blood pH, 28–31
regulation of breathing, 21–25
respiratory system, 19–21
Oxygen saturation (SpO2), 20–21, 23–24, 126, 136–37
advanced simulation of high-altitude training, 132–33, 253
Oxygen uptake. See Maximal oxygen uptake
Oz, Mehmet, 59
Pagel, Mark, 114
Pali Canon, 224
Panic attacks, 23
Pantani, Marco, 98
Papworth method, 204
Paracelsus, 211
Patton, George, 111
Pearl divers, 105–6
Pei, Chris, 67–68
Phelps, Michael, 222
pH scale, 177–78
Physical exercise, 231–35
erobic, 103–4, 180. See also High-intensity training
anaerobic, 103–4, 114, 180
cooldown, 91
determining whether you have exercised correctly, 91–92
high-altitude training. See High-altitude training
nasal breathing during, 80–86, 92, 189–90
jogging or running, 89–90, 247
reducing air intake during, 84–86
warm-up, 86–88
Physical injuries
maintaining fitness during, 191–92
warm-up to prevent, 86–88
Piszkin, Tom, 79–80
Pomegranate juice, 197
Pool player, 161–62
Practical thoughts, 147–48
Prematch thinking, 162–65
Present moment, 160–61
Price, Weston, 52–53
Processed foods, 52–53, 173, 178, 197
Protein, 53
Pulse, 199
Pulse oximeters, 125–26
Qigong, 67–68
Quantity of air, 1, 4
Quiet mind, 142, 144–46, 148–49, 152–55, 161, 164–65
Red blood cell count, 99–100
Red blood cells, 5, 6, 100–101, 106–7
oxygen saturation and, 20–21, 23–24, 35, 101, 136–37
Red wine, 197
Respiratory muscle strength, 36, 110–11
Respiratory Physiology (West), 26
Respiratory system, 19–21, 20
delivery of oxygen from blood to muscles and organs, 26–27
the diaphragm and, 71–74
nitric oxide and, 58–61, 195–96
the nose and, 55–61
regulation of breathing, 21–25
Rest, maintaining fitness during, 191–92
Rhinitis, 61
Richards-Ross, Sanya, 221
Riis, Bjarne, 98
Running. See also Marathon running
simulated high-altitude training while, 129, 129–30, 251–52
Running economy, 35–36, 297–98n
Rupp, Galen, 123
Salt Lake City Olympics (2002), 102
Samuel, Karen, 224
Schagatay, Erika, 305–6n
Science of Breath, The (Rama), 56
Screen time and attention spans, 143–44
Secret Race, The (Hamilton), 97
Sedentary lifestyle, 231, 232–33
Self-awareness, 14, 145
observing your thoughts, 149–52
Self-consciousness, 141–42
Self-doubt, 147, 150
Selker, Ted, 144
Senna, Ayrton, 143
Seoul Olympics (1988), 122
Sex life, and nitric oxide, 60
Shut Your Mouth and Save Your Life (Catlin), 53
Siegel, Arthur, 116
Sighs (sighing), 3, 45, 72, 199, 244, 271
Simpson, Tom, 97
Simulated high-altitude training, 35, 46–49, 104–7, 249–54, 266
advanced. See Advanced simulation of high-altitude training
benefits of, 105, 137
breath holding and, 105–7. See also Breath-holding exercises
while cycling, 130, 252
diet and, 179–80
importance of movement for, 110
increasing BOLT scores, 46–49
The Oxygen Advantage: The Simple, Scientifically Proven Breathing Techniques for a Healthier, Slimmer, Faster, and Fitter You Page 33