Our Forever

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Our Forever Page 6

by Elena Matthews

  Trying to appear unaffected, I glance at him with a faint smile. “Are you following me?”

  He regards me for a moment with his head tilted to the side, a smoldering smirk on his lips. “I should be asking you the same question, sugar.”

  I glare at him with pursed lips at his term of endearment for me. Sugar?

  “I’m watching my son play soccer,” I say, pointing toward the vicinity of the field.

  “Same here.”

  I blink, surprised that he has a son.

  “You have a son?”

  “Oh, no. I meant, my nephew. I’m here with my sister.”

  I was so consumed with him that I didn’t realize he was with somebody else. I look over in the direction he originally came from and notice a brunette woman who looks to be in her late-twenties, watching us with interest.

  “Which one is he?” I ask, quickly looking away from his sister’s curious gaze. I focus on the field where the opposing team is trying to fight their way to the ball.

  “You see the kid in the yellow vest, the one trying to chase the ball right now?”

  My eyes immediately travel to him, and I wince when he tries to tackle the ball from Junior, who’s in a red vest, and goes down like a sack of potatoes, face-first.


  “Oh,” I barely whisper, not quite sure what to say. Wow, that kid—

  “He sucks; I know.” Drew chuckles.

  I find myself laughing along with him. “You took the words right out of my mouth, but he doesn’t seem fazed,” I mention as his nephew bounces right back and continues his failing pursuit of the ball.

  “Yeah, that’s Mason for you. He’s a tough cookie.”

  I take the last sip of my coffee, which has now gone cold, and I almost choke on laughter when a sugar stick suddenly appears in front of me.

  “Do you have enough sugar?” he drawls.

  “Oh my God,” I say once I’ve swallowed. “Did you buy those by the truckload or something?”

  “No, I got them from Amazon. Two thousand for twenty bucks. A total steal.”

  I shake my head, amused. “The fact that you carry those around with you is just sad.”

  “Well, you wouldn’t accept a cup of sugar, so what else was I supposed to do? Oh, and I’m only carrying sugar sticks around with me just in case I run into a bitch, and she happens to need a sugar fix. I have to watch my back, you know. You never know how many crazies are around the corner.”

  I playfully elbow him, and the mere touch sends a connection of tiny tingles running along every inch of my skin.

  What the hell? Why am I shivering? We’re in fricking Texas, for crying out loud. It’s not even cold.

  “Well, lucky for you, I’ve had enough sugar to last me the rest of this morning, so you’re safe—for now.”

  I glance his way with a playful stare before resuming looking forward, watching the game playing in front of me. I’m on high alert, and I feel his gaze on me, strong and heated. My thighs continue to tremble along with a throbbing at the center of me.

  Shit, my hormones are going haywire. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt the stir of anything inside me, so right now, I’m freaking out.

  I manage to let out a breath of relief when he finally turns his attention to the soccer field, but it does nothing to stop the humming that I feel in my veins, leaving the hairs on my arms erect.

  After a short while, he says, “Wow, that kid with the ball now is awesome. He’s pretty much leading his team.”

  Unclenching my fingers from around my coffee cup, I relax a little. “Yeah, that would be Junior, my son.”

  I glance in Drew’s direction with a soft smile stretched along my lips. His eyes grow with surprise, but there’s also affection.

  “He’s got skills; that’s for sure. He into sports?” he asks with genuine interest.

  “Yeah, he’s obsessed. When he doesn’t have his nose buried in his Kindle, he’s either playing sports or watching it.”

  “And I guess, with the energy pouring out of him, that soccer’s his favorite?”

  “Hell yes.” My eyes pinpoint Junior among the other boys, and my heart warms up with contentment. “I’m glad I moved here. My new job means I can afford to take him to more games, and I just love witnessing that excitement I see when he’s in the midst of a game. He becomes so involved, yelling and screaming. It’s really cute.”

  “Takes after his mom then?” Drew winks.

  I blush when I realize he’s talking about my little outburst earlier.

  “Well, someone has to cheer for the team,” I say as I raise an eyebrow at the uninterested crowd of parents.

  Most are just on their phones, no doubt scrolling through Facebook.

  He nods his head with a chuckle. “Yeah, I’ve been to wakes more lively than this.”

  The word wakes naturally makes me think of Christopher, but I manage to push the thought aside, something that’s getting a little easier to do with each passing day.

  “So, where did you move from? With your Texas accent, I’m guessing not far,” he says pointedly.

  “I’m from Dallas.”

  “How come you had to move?”

  “I lost my job, and a great opportunity came up here in Austin, so I went for it, and here we are.”

  He’s quiet for a moment, as if pondering on something. Then, he asks, “Is it just the two of you?”

  His eyes pierce mine, the blue even more crystal clear than ever, with a look of heightened interest.

  I can hear the real question though. Is there anybody else in the picture?

  The answer to these types of questions always makes me want to die inside. It’s just another reminder that it is only the two of us, that it has been that way for a while.

  “Yes, just the two of us.” My throat gives out, and I have to glance away for a brief moment, suddenly a little overwhelmed.

  I can sense the next question looming over us, the question of why it’s just the two of us, but thankfully, it doesn’t come.

  This is a great opportunity to change the subject to a lighter one.

  “So, this is new to us, huh? The whole having a face-to-face conversation? My hands are at a loss without the phone—which, by the way, is mine now.” I give out a teasing grin as my eyes flitter between Drew and the soccer field.

  “I thought we already established that it was all yours, sugar.”

  The way he pronounces sugar in his husky, deep voice with a sexy gleam in his eyes, I suddenly feel vulnerable, as if every inch of my naked body is on show. It’s unnerving, and my thighs begin to tremble again.

  Jesus Christ.

  He blinks, his eyes crinkling with humor. “This isn’t new to me though. I seem to recall some crazy woman ripping me a new one for playing my music too loud, dressed in only a skimpy white T-shirt and a pair of…oh, wait, what color were they again?” He’s quiet for a moment, as if deep in thought, before going in for the kill. “Red panties.” He shakes his head with a reminiscent look on his face, almost like he’s replaying the scene over and over again in his head.

  I can’t believe he remembers what color my panties were.

  He edges closer to me until his warm breath can be felt against my ear.

  Holy hell.

  “Can I confess something to you?”

  I think I manage a nod of some kind, but I can’t be a hundred percent sure since the heat I feel surrounding me at his proximity is messing with my focus. All I am aware of is Drew and the incredible smell that radiates from him. It’s a mixture of summer fruits, soap, and sex. Yes, he smells of satisfying, dirty, rugged sex, and that sweet yet woodsy scent is making me feel a little light-headed.

  “Since that moment I set eyes on you, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”

  Now, I can’t breathe. Holy shit. I could easily pass out right now.

  He pulls away with a smug smile on his lips, knowing just how much his words have affected me.

My clothes seem to cling to my skin, and that’s when I realize I’m drenched in sweat. I can barely glance his way, overwhelmed with an emotion I’ve never felt before. He’s everywhere, and it’s suffocating but not in a hands-wrapped-around-my-throat-trying-to-strangle-me way. It’s more of an I’m-so-incredibly-turned-on kind of way.

  I try to speak, but no words leave my mouth. I am officially speechless, and for the first time since our friendship began, I have no witty comment to throw back at him.

  After a few long seconds pass by, I finally chance a glimpse at him, and his sultry stare has my heart thundering in my chest. This man is bringing out feelings of lust that I haven’t sensed in such a long time. I’m trying to remember if there was ever a time when I was this worked up, and I’m coming up blank. Today is definitely a first for me.

  The sound of a whistle rings through my ears, and instantly, it brings me out of my daze, alerting me that it’s the end of the practice game.

  They gather round for a short pep talk, and I feel Drew edging closer to me.

  “I should get back to my sister. I’ll text you later, sugar.”

  My breath hitches as he whispers the last word in my ear, and I can’t stop the shudder that breaks out along every inch of my body when he steps away. Once he’s gone, I’m finally able to let out a breath, and I calm myself before Junior comes bounding over to me with a huge smile on his gorgeous face.

  “Did you see me, Mama?” he cries with a fist pump, his eyes wide with ecstatic excitement.

  I return his smile with my own. “I did, baby. You were awesome, as always.”

  “I know we can’t keep score, but my team totally won!”

  I chuckle at his enthusiasm as I ruffle his messy hair. “You did. I’m proud of you. How about we get some ice cream to celebrate?”

  It was only soccer practice, but there are never enough excuses to eat ice cream.

  “Yes! Ice cream for breakfast and lunch. You rock, Mama!”

  And it’s the simplest things that keep my baby happy.

  A disapproving glare I receive from another mom has me glaring back with, If I want to give my son ice cream for breakfast, I will. Problem, bitch?

  She must obviously read my silent threat as she quickly diverts her eyes, and I can’t help but chuckle to myself as my eyes fall on Drew. He gives a knowing smile with a raise of his eyebrow, holding out a sugar stick.

  Okay, okay, I need my next sugar fix, stat.

  He’s right; I am a bitch without my fix.

  After a full day of soccer, ice cream, and a FaceTime session with his uncle Tyler where they watched a football game, Junior passes out as soon as he’s finished with his dinner. I carry him to bed, leaving him in his Cowboys jersey, and I press a gentle kiss against his forehead. I linger for a moment before exiting his room through the adjoining bathroom.

  I’m usually a shower kind of girl, but with a brief glance to the huge bathtub, I decide that a long soak with a glass of wine after a male-oriented day is exactly what the doctor ordered.

  I turn on the faucet and empty half of a bottle of bubbles into the bath. While the bath is running, I head into the kitchen to grab myself a large glass of wine.

  Upon my return, a citrus aroma fills the bathroom as the bath continues to rise with water. I undress myself, and it isn’t until I begin to remove my underwear that I realize how sensitive my skin feels. Just the barest touch of my own fingers has me hissing through my teeth.

  I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Drew and the incredible sensations his sheer closeness ignited in my body. I’ve managed to keep my emotions in check since this morning, but now that I’m on my own, I find my thoughts traveling back to Drew, and every nerve ending of my body hums through me.

  Once fully naked, I take this opportunity to look at myself in the mirror. My breasts are heavy with my nipples standing proud, erect. I gently graze my fingers across the sensitive skin, and a whimper escapes my lips as the touch has a spark shooting straight to my clit.

  Oh God.

  My eyes follow the length of me until they stop at my vagina that’s covered in more hair than I prefer, but it’s been a while since I’ve bothered with grooming because I’ve had no reason to. I can’t see it, but with the pounding I feel, I know my pussy is swollen, and for the first time in a while, my hand instinctively journeys lower until my fingers brush against the curls of my hair. I continue until my fingers meet wet flesh, and I can’t stop the groan as I easily glide over my slick clit.

  I’m so wet.

  Thoughts of Drew, shirtless and barefoot, come to mind, and my eyes flutter closed as I take in the image of his incredibly ripped, tattoo-covered chest with grooves and planes that Hercules would have been jealous of. My mind drifts away, imagining him naked and hard. My eyes spring free with disbelief when I find I’m seconds away from letting my touch progress into something more, something dirty.

  I can’t think of Drew like that, can I?

  It feels wrong…but my body is throbbing in all the right places, in places I haven’t felt pulsate in a long time. Surely, it can’t be wrong if it feels so right.

  I look at my reflection in the mirror, and I see something else I haven’t seen in a long time. My pupils are huge, the blue in my eyes are vivid with arousal, and my cheeks are flushed with a healthy pink glow.

  I finish running the bath, and once it’s at a temperature I like, I take a huge sip of wine and head into the bedroom. Feeling unbelievably naughty, I grab the silicone dildo from where I stashed it. There is no way this deep pressure is going to go away with the magic of my fingers. I need something more fulfilling.

  To avoid being interrupted, I ensure both adjoining doors are locked. I gently place the wine glass on the bath shelf along with the eight-inch realistic dildo, and I step into the water. The heat prickles against my body as I sink into the bathtub, and it only further amplifies my sensitive skin, making me unbearably aroused.

  I rest my head back against the bath while my body is fully submerged in the water, and I find myself imagining Drew in the bathtub with me, his lips pressing gentle kisses against the crook of my neck, his callous hands exploring every inch of me. I gather the foamy bubbles in the palms of my hands, and in the same way I’m visualizing Drew’s hands gliding over my skin, I press my hands against my chest and massage my fingers against my breasts, pinching my pebbled nipples in a way that has my back arching with a strained moan. My hands continue south, and goose bumps follow in their wake with every inch of naked skin that I touch. In my mind, my hands are no longer my own. They’ve been replaced with a pair of rugged, masculine hands, and it adds a certain erotic element to the fantasy I currently have running through my mind.

  By the time my fingers reach my thighs, I’m aching all over, my clit throbbing in time with my racing heart.

  My fingers teasingly press against my wetness, and it feels incredible—so hot—but it isn’t enough. I need more.

  I reach for the dildo and let the heavy weight of it enter the water, envisioning the soft flesh-like goodness to be Drew’s cock. The head of the dick glides down the center of my breastbone, along my stomach, and over the apex of my pubic bone. Another groan leaves my lips as I drag it over my clit until it’s resting at my opening.

  My heart races in my chest, and the idea of Drew leaning over me with his cock pressed against me, awaiting access, assaults me. I gently push the generous girth of the dildo against my entrance. It takes me a moment to adjust to the size, but then it begins to slide in easily until all eight inches fill me to the brim.

  I start off slow, but the mirage of Drew thrusting into me, of him sucking my nipple into his mouth while his hand caresses the other breast, has me increasing my speed, and it isn’t long until I can feel my climax peaking.

  Oh God.

  I’m biting against my lip to stop myself from moaning out loud. The thrusting of the dildo hits the spot perfectly every time, and the images of Drew become a series of erotic flashes

  His cock thrusting into my tight pussy.

  His thumb pressing heavily against my clit.

  His lips sucking the sensitive spot on my neck.

  The speed of his hips increasing.

  Fuck me.

  His husky words—“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you”—are my undoing.

  The climax hits me like a ton of bricks, and intense flames explode around me. Before I scream the roof down, I dip my head into the water and allow myself to ride out my orgasm underwater, my screams instantly silenced.

  I’m breathless as I raise my head above the water’s surface, and it takes me a full minute to let my heart rate slow down.

  Oh God, that was…

  The moment the euphoria is over, I feel an icy-cold shiver course down my back, and fierce guilt weighs down on me, like a heavily loaded truck. I was so consumed with Drew that not once did Christopher enter my mind. Darkness covers me, and I feel like I’m sinking into the waters of despicable deceit.

  How could I do that to Christopher? How could I simply push him to the side like that, easily replacing him with Drew?

  I hastily grab my glass of wine and down the entire thing.

  Once I feel the alcohol swimming through my veins, I look up to the ceiling, close my eyes, and murmur to Christopher, “Please forgive me.”

  The next morning, I avoid Drew like the plague. Half of me is suffering with tremendous guilt, feeling as if I somehow betrayed Christopher. The other half is a little embarrassed for visualizing Drew doing very explicit things to me. I feel like I’ll be a raging heated mess the moment I come into contact with him.

  However, Drew makes it impossible to keep avoiding him when he messages me around noon.

  Drew: Hey, sugar. So, I have Mason for the day, and he’s driving me crazy. Since they’re on the same soccer team and all, is Junior up for a playdate?


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