A Simple Love (The Hopetown Series, Book 3)

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A Simple Love (The Hopetown Series, Book 3) Page 8

by Harlow James

  I saunter down the stairs again, fold myself into my truck and drive home, high on life, high on love, and high on Victoria Baker. Not until I reach my house, do I remember the two people standing in my way to make Victoria mine forever. Ben Paxton and Frank Baker. But now I know, without a doubt, she is worth all the fear and the fight. I’m jumping in with both feet.

  Chapter 11


  “It’s the Bachelorette, Victoria Baker!” Hayley teases as I walk into Pauline and Dean’s kitchen. Pauline and Dean invited everyone over to their house for a Fourth of July barbeque this year, complete with plenty of booze, food, and a volleyball game for later.

  “Oh shut up,” I reply on an eye roll just as Hayley comes up behind me. Her tiny red bikini top leaves little to the imagination, but she wears it well. The bottoms are concealed by denim shorts and her long blonde hair is pulled up into a ponytail under a baseball cap.

  “Vic, fill us in! How were your first dates with Ben and Mike?” Pauline waddles over the island from the sink where she was washing some delectable looking strawberries.

  Both girls prop their chins in their hands as they lean over the island in the kitchen, anxiously awaiting every sordid detail of my dates with both men. I swear, they really do think this is just like a dating show. But for me, it’s proven to be rather conflicting. I haven’t seen both of them since our girl’s night a few weeks ago, the time between comprised both of my dates and few days of work, some relaxing at Mrs. Hanson’s pond, and a few shopping trips for classroom supplies. Pauline and Dean also got engaged last week, and I’ve yet to see her ring.

  “Well, where should we start?” I flip my hair over my shoulder dramatically as I take a seat at a stool and grab a bottle of water.

  “Hey ladies.” I’m interrupted by Dean behind me, entering the kitchen through the back door from the deck and immediately finding Pauline. Wearing nothing but a pair of black swim trunks, he bends down to kiss her lips softly and rub her belly on display in her black two-piece before turning his attention on me. “Vic, how’s it going?”

  “Good. Congrats on your engagement, by the way.” I glance down at Pauline’s ring in admiration as she slides her hand across the island for me to see closer. “How about you? Ready to be a dad yet?”

  “You know it,” he beams while looking down at Pauline, her hands caressing his chest and her look of appreciation up at him borderline sickening. “I had to lock this woman down before she tried to run away again.”

  Pauline scoffs. “Please, like I could run anywhere right now,” she motions down to her belly, enticing a chuckle from me. Her round belly is beautiful and I’m beyond happy for her and Dean. And also, a teensy bit jealous. I want children and a love like theirs one day, all the more reason to encourage me to follow through with my dating charade right now.

  “How’d your dates go?” Dean interrupts my daydreaming, the panic instantly creeping up my chest. I swallow hard at the one additional letter. Dates? That means he knows I’m dating both Ben and his brother right now.

  “Um, they were good,” I manage to squeak out, promptly reaching for the water to wet my throat.

  “Just so you know, both Ben and Mike will be here today. Pauline invited Ben since he works at the bar. And obviously, Mike’s my brother, so yeah. I hope that won’t be too weird for you.”

  He reaches forward to swipe a slice of watermelon off a plate. The island is covered in food, which two minutes ago sounded wonderful. Now, I’m afraid my breakfast will be making a reappearance soon. Suddenly the walls feel like they’re closing in on me, the air stripped from the room. Pounding occupies my head and a fuzziness drones through my ears. Panic attacks are real people, and I feel like I’m on the verge of one.

  “Um, no. That shouldn’t be a problem,” I smile thinly before trying to stand up too quickly and almost face planting on the tile. “Excuse me, nature calls.”

  Rushing down the hallway, I find the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me, crouching down in the fetal position, and taking as deep of a breath as I can muster.

  They’re both going to be here? Seriously? How is that even going to work? I mean, I know Mike and Ben have always been friends, and the notion that they both could have been here today momentarily crossed my mind. But I’m sure the fact that they are both currently dating the same woman will not go over smoothly. And yes, they know of the fact, so it’s not as if I’m keeping any secrets. But what do I do if one of them tries to hug me? OR worse, kiss me? Slow and deep breaths are the only thing keeping me from freaking out right now.

  A tender knock on the door pulls me back to reality, as Hayley gently nudges the door open to join me, forcing me to move my body over to rest against the bathtub.

  “Vic, are you okay?” She crouches down in front of me, placing her hands on my shoulders.

  “Hayley.” Take a deep breath.

  “How do I handle this?” Take another.

  “What do I do?” One more this time.

  My pulse is still firing rapidly, but it feels like it’s slowing as Hayley caresses my shoulders and breathes along with me.

  “Just breathe, Vic. It’s going to be fine.” Her shoulders rise and fall alongside mine as she keeps talking to me in a soothing manner. “I don’t think either of them is going to make a scene, and who knows if they will even try to do something. Just take it one minute at a time, and if you get uncomfortable, let me or Pauline know, and we’ll hide you away somewhere in this gigantic house.”

  Her joke makes me chuckle lightly, relieving some tension mounting in my chest and stomach. But seriously, I don’t know if I’m cut out for this. Dating two men at the same time might be exhilarating to some girls, but I’m not one of them. I’ve only had one date with each of them though, so trying to decide now is pointless. I need to see this through. I need to trust that the answer to my situation will be so crystal clear at one point that I’ll know exactly what to do.

  “This is insane, Hales. I never in a million years thought I would be in a position like this. I’m freaking out and I’ve only been on two dates!”

  She laughs at me. “Truthfully? Neither did I.” She winks at me before helping me stand. “But I think this is good for you, Vic. You haven’t had much dating experience, and Ben and Mike are both great guys. Remember, there’s no pressure to decide right away. Give it some time and see where things go.”

  I splash some water on my face before exiting the bathroom behind her and making our way back out to the kitchen. “You’re right. I just need to relax, which of course, is easier said than done.”

  As we pass the front doorway, Mike arrives, pushing his shirtless body through the entry and taking my breath away once more after I just regained my composure.

  A smatter of dark hair is sprinkled across his tight and muscular chest, solid and refined, and ruggedly him. His arms are cut in places I didn’t even know a man could have muscles, his broad shoulders flanking his body and signifying his strength from working on wood all day. His dark blue swim trunks hang perfectly on his hips, giving just a little peek at that V that makes women go crazy, myself included in that group now, apparently. His dark brown eyes find mine as I pass him, instantly sensing my turmoil.

  “Vic, are you okay? You look pale, babe.” He reaches out to brush my hair away from my face.

  Babe. A term of endearment I never thought I would hear come out of Mike’s mouth. It warms me from the inside out, heating me in a much more subtle way than the intense inferno my body just felt minutes ago.

  “Yeah, I’m a little better now, actually. Thanks.” The small smile I flash him grants me a grin from him in return before he grabs my hand and leads me back into the kitchen, the trust I feel for him to lead me is inherent. The feeling of his hand in mine is comforting, solid, and reassuring. My anxiety from before instantly dissipates.

  Pauline and Dean break away from each other’s lips just as Mike and I come into view, the sight of us holding hands clearly
a surprise to everyone.

  “Hey bro. Glad you could make it.” Dean glances down to where our hands are joined, ignoring everyone’s surprise by continuing to speak. “Beer’s outside in the coolers and I’m about to start grilling. Come on out and give me a hand, will ya?” Dean gives Pauline one more kiss, and a crook of his eyebrow to me, before turning to head back outside.

  “I’m going to go help my brother, but I’ll find you again soon, okay?” Mike whispers in my ear, the feel of his breath on my exposed skin makes the heat from earlier return tenfold, his hand still in mine. Just as I think he’s about to lean in to kiss me, I hear a throat clear behind us.

  “Hey, Vic.” That voice means only one thing. Ben. That’s right. Ben just saw Mike and I share a moment while holding hands, and I’m fearful of the look on his face when I turn around. Deep breaths, Vic. It’s going to be okay. Meanwhile, my heart is hammering in my chest and breakfast is slowly making its way up my esophagus.

  Turning to greet him, I reluctantly release Mike’s hand, plaster a smile on my face, and play the part.

  “Hi, Ben. How are you?”

  His eyes move back and forth between Mike and me standing next to each other, his narrow gaze penetrating Mike’s in a silent standoff, confirming my fear that today might not go off as easy as Hayley believes it would.

  Softening his face, he turns back to me before reaching for my hand and planting a kiss on the back of it, looking right in my eyes as he does it.

  “Much better now that I’ve seen you again.” He shoots a death glare over at Mike before shifting his attention back to me. “When are we going out again? Are you free this weekend?”

  “No, she has plans,” Mike declares curtly. “Her mom’s birthday is this weekend and her family always does something to celebrate.”

  I clear my throat as I watch the two men stare at each other, the tension so thick you could swim through the waves and get taken underneath.

  “He’s right. It is my mom’s birthday. But hey, I’ll text you sometime this week to make arrangements, okay?” I reach out to pat his shoulder, trying to put him at ease a bit.

  “Okaaaaay!” Pauline interrupts the cold war declared in the kitchen. “Boys, today is not the day to mark your territory, alright? There will be no peeing on legs or furniture, especially in my house----so chill out and make your way outside before I knock your heads together.” Her outburst makes me chuckle uncomfortably as I turn away from both men and stumble deeper behind the island. Leave it to Pauline to provide comedic relief in a tense situation.

  Ben follows Mike outside, the two strong bodies mirroring each other in their intense swagger, leaving me to deal with the wreckage smattered in the kitchen. The long exhale I let out does not fall on deaf ears and Hayley rushes over to keep me from falling.

  “Holy shit, Vic,” she whispers as she guides me to sit. “Those boys looked like they were seriously about to throw down over you. I can’t believe this is happening!”

  “You and me both, Hales,” I reply on another exhale, my hand covering my stomach as my breakfast has lodged itself in my throat now.

  “Vic, I’m so sorry. If I would have known how territorial they would get, I never would have invited Ben. But hey, at least you know they’re both serious about you.” Pauline comes behind me and wraps her arms around my shoulders.

  “But are they? Are they serious about me, or will this just be about winning now?” I think back on the looks on their faces as they stared each other down. “You said it yourself, they were becoming territorial. Am I now just someone to claim, a prize for the one who comes out on top? How do I know whose intentions are pure and whose are purely out of the competition now?”

  “Oh, it’s like on the Bachelorette, when everyone claims that one bad guy isn’t there ‘for the right reasons!’” Hayley exclaims, throwing up air quotes around the famous catchphrase.

  “Oh, brother! Will you let the Bachelorette thing go, Hales? Please? This is our friend we’re talking about, not a produced show that is nothing like real life.” Pauline is irritated with our friend, but frankly, I am a little too. “Vic, Hayley and I could always help with that…. You know, making sure these boys truly want what’s best for you and they understand how serious this is to you.”

  I find her hand with mine, thanking her for her support. “I appreciate that, Pauline, but I don’t think that’s necessary, at least not yet. Let me just see how this whole thing plays out before I call in the big guns.” I wink at her and she nods, accepting my answer.

  “Okay, well that’s enough drama for today. Let’s go outside and join the fun before the volleyball game starts,” Hayley encourages as we make our way outside and find seats around the tables with our friends. Dean mans the grill, Tyler and Mike play a round of horseshoes, while Ben plays Nathan, a new mechanic at Mic’s Garage, in a round of beer pong. Everyone (Ben and Mike I mean) keeps to themselves while we wait for food and then feast. Only when the volleyball game begins does more drama unfold.

  Chapter 12


  Smack! My eyes follow the volleyball as it hits the ground just on the other side of the net with a volatile force, creating a crater in the long blades of stark green grass.

  “Fuck yeah!” I throw my fist in the air, beyond stoked that I just spiked the ball right in front of Ben on the other side and he couldn’t save it in time. Take that fucker!

  Ever since he walked into my brother’s house, I’ve been so pumped with rage, I was grateful for the impending volleyball game to let it out in a semi-productive way, instead of on his face like I truly wanted to. Ben has never been an issue for me, until now. Seeing him kiss the back of Vic’s hand made my head spin. It was all I could do to not deck him right then and there. I’m pretty sure my whole face and chest must have turned flaming red from the anger I felt watching him touch her in such an intimate way. But I had to remind myself that I knew this could be a possibility in the situation I found myself in, having to observe the two of them together. It was easier just pondering their interactions in my imagination, rather than actually witnessing it though.

  “That’s right, bro!” Dean jogs over to me, slapping me on the back to support my move that just put us in the lead, sweat glistening on his forehead and bare chest. Dean and I teamed up against Tyler and Ben for the game. I’ve played alongside my brother in pretty much any sport we’ve attempted, so it was only natural we worked together for this. Playing sports was actually one of the few things we did without fighting each other.

  I watch as Ben lifts himself off the grass, green stains covering his kneecaps, his eyes narrowing, and his lips pressed tightly together in frustration while he strides back to his position on the court to serve. That’s right pretty boy, you’ve met your match. I’m not going to let you win this game or Victoria’s heart.

  Ben’s palm hoists the ball in the air just as his other makes contact and sends it soaring over the net, aiming right for Dean. Dean lands a strong hit sending it back over, and the game continues like that endlessly. Just when I think we’re about to win, Tyler spikes the ball down right in front of my brother who dives to save it but misses.

  “Damn right!” Tyler shouts, high-fiving Ben on his path back to the center of the court. Ben turns to look at me with a smug smile on his face. I swear, if Vic wasn’t here right now, I’d light his ass up. And I’m sure my brother would help. Dean’s never been a huge fan of Ben, even back in school. He always felt Ben had a thing for Pauline, but now that she’s having his kid and they’re engaged, I’m pretty sure he has nothing left to worry about.

  The game is tied and we’re playing to twenty-one, so the next point seals the deal. Turning toward the deck on the back of the house, I take a moment to seek out Victoria sitting under the linen umbrella at the patio table next to Hayley and Pauline. The three of them have been on the edge of their seats watching the match unfold, point for point.

  Her hazel eyes are already locked on me, which makes my ches
t swell with pride as I realize she was watching me and not Ben at that moment. I shoot her a tilted grin which only makes her chuckle behind her hand and lean over to whisper something to Hayley, before turning my attention back to the game, where I’m met with a sharp regard from Ben. I guess our moment wasn’t private, because the look on Ben’s face confirms he saw our interaction.

  “Hey, Vic. This one’s for you!” He shouts over at her, causing her head to turn and her face to fall in apprehension, her attention now solely on dick face. Yeah, dick face. That’s Ben’s new name I’ve decided on, just right now.

  A wave of her hand and a wide grin is the only confirmation she gives him, but it’s still enough to make me want to bash this volleyball right into his nose. Little did I know, that’s exactly what was about to happen to me about one minute from now.

  Ben serves the ball again, the stitched leather flying back and forth as we go toe-to-toe, meeting each volley and bump that’s thrown our way, until Ben takes it a little too far and spikes the ball straight into my nose, the sound of a loud crack echoing through the yard and in my ears as I fall to the ground on my knees, clutching my face. My eyes water instantly, not because I’m crying, but because I got hit right between the eyes. Doesn’t that happen to everyone?

  “Shit! Are you okay, bro?” Dean runs up to me, bending down to assess the devastation on my face. “Fuck, you’re bleeding!” He stands and shouts across the yard.

  “P! Grab some tissue or napkins or something babe!” His palm comes down to meet my shoulder, just as I bring my hands away from my face long enough to see crimson blood layered all over my hands and down my shorts.

  “Fuck!” I grit through my teeth, replacing my hands back over the bloody waterfall cascading down my face.

  “Dude, I’m so sorry, Mike. It was an accident, I swear.” Ben is standing right in front of me, shaking his head back and forth, as I tilt my head up to watch him, his face genuinely looking distraught. I’m not sure I believe him though, especially after his comment to Victoria just moments ago.


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