Between the Lines (Here Witchy Witchy Book 7)

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Between the Lines (Here Witchy Witchy Book 7) Page 8

by A. L. Kessler

  Simon nudged me towards a room, and I followed his lead. Xavier and Nathan had yet to try and follow us, of course maybe they knew we couldn't escape, and they were counting on that fun little fact. The room Simon led me to was an empty bedroom. I went to the window and tried to open it, but the locks wouldn't budge. I cursed. We were going to be trapped, and I wasn't going to be able to use magic.

  Then I realized I was thinking about this all too wrong. My hand brushed over the butt of my gun. I was thinking too much like a witch and not enough like a PIB agent. I may have been on leave, but I could still defend myself. Simon came up to my side and snarled as the door started to open further. I pulled my gun out of its holster and cupped it in my hands. I wasn't going to let two warlocks take me down without a fight.

  When the door swung open all the way, Nathan was standing there, his hands in his pockets.

  "Helpless little Abigail and her big bad wolf." He glanced at Simon. "I was able to force your change with my magic, some alpha you are."

  I raised my brow. "Some warlock you are. You had lure me to somewhere to lock my magic before you confronted me? Scared?"

  "You may claim the things the underground says aren't true, but I like to take precautions. You should have heeded Xavier. Ana brought you here, and she'll pay dearly for it. Unless, of course, you join the coven. We'd love to have the infamous Abigail Collins join us."

  "I already told you no." I shook my head and lifted my gun. "Now, let Simon and me out of here."

  I didn't know where Xavier had run off to, but I knew he wasn't at my back, so I was going to assume he wasn't much of a threat right now. "Ana has nothing to do with this. I came here to find my best friend's killer."

  Nathan paused and considered the gun for a moment. "You have to be speaking the truth because the spell is still active."

  I nodded, maybe he'd realized he miscalculated the threat. He threw his hand up, and magic hit me. Knocking the breath out of me and throwing me backward. I cried out as my back hit the wall. I shot, but my bullet went stray and embedded itself into the wall.

  Glass crunched under my feet, and I realized his magic had broken the window behind me. Simon lunged at Nathan, and I called out to him. Nathan held his hand up and something black surrounded Simon, and Nathan used it to slam Simon into the ground.

  "Let him go." I took a step forward. "Please let him go."

  "Care for him?" Nathan asked, and the black disappeared. "There's the sound of sadness in your voice that I heard. Do you think I'll kill him?"

  "Yes," I whispered, answering both questions. I needed Simon, I couldn't lose him so soon after losing Clarissa.

  Nathan laughed. "I should slaughter him here and now, and then see if your darker magic comes out. Would you try to kill me for revenge?"

  "No, I don't believe in revenge killing."

  Simon stood but stayed low on his haunches. He stepped back, pausing when his paws hit the glass. He turned and darted out the window. I went to follow, but something stopped me, holding me in place. I knew this ability, this spell, that wrapped around me. It was similar to the one Hannah used. My pentagram warmed against my skin as the protection spell tried to push against the magic holding me.

  "Your wolf, Abigail, he's mine," Nathan snarled, and the magic faded. I didn't hesitate and jumped through the window. Simon was nowhere to be seen, and my heart fell. Where had he gone? Did he keep running, or had Xavier been waiting for him out here?

  "Simon?" I called, and I hated the shaking in my voice. If he was gone, I was all alone in a city where I had no allies. "Simon?" I tried again, and finally I heard a howl nearby. I closed my eyes and thanked the goddess that werewolves had supernatural hearing. I ran before Nathan followed me or Xavier could peek out of the house. Once I got off the property, I felt my magic click back into place.

  Warmth trickled through my body as it welcomed the connection. I put my gun away and ran to where I had heard the howling. I turned down a road, and there in front of the faded river walk sign stood Xavier with Simon laying by his side. Simon looked up at me with hooded eyes, even in his wolf form I could tell something weakened him.

  "What him back Abigail? Come get him."

  I snarled and ran towards them. Xavier made no motion to move, so I went to punch him. My fist went straight through him, and the image wavered. My breath caught. Holy shit, I was going to lose him. How the hell did I fight this?

  "No PIB to back you up, no friends to help you, what are you going to do?" Xavier asked as the image faded away.

  I felt like someone had ripped my heart out and stepped on it. I had screwed up so much on this stupid case, and now Simon was gone.

  No, we trusted someone to make sure we had an in on the case, and she backstabbed us. It had to have been her. I took a deep breath. I could get through this. I'd get Simon, get home, and put an execution order out for the entire fucking coven. I stalked off to the hotel, but quickly changed courses. Ana said that she worked at the bank. It was time to see if that was true.


  I walked into the bank with a new determination. Ana was going to tell me what the hell was going on or I was going to drag her kicking and screaming back to PIB for interrogation. The security guard looked at me the moment the doors opened. He gawked at me, and for a moment I saw his hand reach for his gun. I glared at him, daring him to stop me. He must have seen something in my eyes because he dropped his hand and went back to his stance. That was a good security guard.

  I marched up to a teller window. "I'm looking for Ana Marsh."

  She shook her head. "She left a little while ago. Nathan dragged her out of here."

  Dragged. It made it sound like she hadn't gone willingly, or maybe it was all part of this ploy and cover. I tried to wrap my head around things as the thoughts ran through my mind. "When did she leave?"

  "A couple hours ago."

  So before Simon and I had shown up at Xavier's house. I nodded. "Okay, thanks, if she happens to come back in, let her know that Abby is looking for her."

  The teller gave a shaky nod, and I walked out of the bank. No Ana to talk to, no Simon around, the only other person who knew why we were here was Curt. I closed my eyes and muttered a prayer to the goddess about finding who and what I needed before going back to the hotel.

  It wasn't safe to stay there, but I needed to grab my stuff and find a new place to stay. I was trying to think of any other place that would be safe as I walked down the road. The smell of coffee overwhelmed me again, and I looked up to see the rundown shop was once again the welcoming storefront.

  I walked in the cafe and looked around for Riley. She stood behind the counter and had Tarot cards spread over the top.

  "I let down the glamour a little bit so you could come here." She didn't even look up from the cards. "I have a cup of coffee brewing especially for you, and after you collect your stuff, you'll be staying with me."

  My brows shot in the air. "I've known very few witches who could tell the future with such accuracy."

  She nodded. "There are a few talented ones like us around." She finally looked at me. "You're a bit of a gray area, Abigail. One that I've only been able to predict a few things on. Fate gives you choices, and I don't even think you know what you would choose. It all depends on the moment." She flipped over a card. "I have a loft that's protected from Nathan. Go to the hotel, if you want to call the Alpha, you'll find that Simon forgot his phone. But I suggest you hurry. Nathan doesn't like to wait, and if he thinks he can blackmail you, he will."

  I nodded and looked at the cup of coffee she sat on the counter. "Keep it warm for me."

  She chuckled and waved me off. Riley was a bright spot in this dark town. I might have been taking a risk with her, but there was nothing that was warning me off, no red flags. I had to trust someone here, or I was going to go crazy. Maybe it was the fact
that she reminded me a little bit of Clarissa, or maybe it was Clarissa's way of getting in touch with me after her death.

  I left the shop and practically ran to the hotel to gather Simon's and my things. I was glad that we had packed light for the trip. Sure enough, Riley was right, Simon's phone was sitting on the nightstand. I took it and shoved it in my pocket before heading out of the hotel.

  I quickly checked us out and then headed back to the shop. I looked around to make sure that no one was following me. Simon had said we had a stalker, but I hadn't taken note of anyone. He was a werewolf, so it was possible that he had smelled the person, where I didn't have that particular talent.

  I got back to the coffee shop and walked in. I felt the shiver of magic close around me as Riley put the glamour back up.

  "Welcome to your temporary home, follow me up the stairs, and you'll be able to do your work." She grabbed the cup of coffee off the counter. "The only requirement I have is no black magic or blood magic is to be worked inside my safe zone."

  "I think that's more than fair, and I try not to make a habit of either of those."

  She chuckled and unlocked the door at the top of the stairs. "You're safe here. Nathan doesn't even know I exist."

  A part of my brain was also questioning if she existed because she just seemed so out of place in this town. We walked into the room. It was nothing but a small bedroom with a kitchenette to one side and a bathroom to the other. She sat my coffee on the small table that sat in the middle of the room. "I know it's not much…"

  "I'm very thankful for it. I don't know what else I would have done had you not found me."

  She touched my cheek. "Remember, I read Tarot, and I can speak to the spirits. They are watching out for you. Just keep that in mind as you move through this. Now, call the alpha, make the arrangements, and save the wolf."

  I noticed she didn't tell me to save Ana. Riley handed me the key and then went back downstairs without another word.

  I looked around the small room and moved our things into an empty corner. Riley's place might have been hidden and protected by magic, but that didn't mean I could contact Liz or anyone else to compromise my cover. I hadn't quite blown it yet. I hadn't flat out said that I was here on PIB business, but that I was down here to avenge Clarissa. Though I didn't think the man who killed her was actually down here.

  I raked a hand through my hair and growled. I pulled Simon's phone out and looked for Curt's number.

  The phone rang once. Twice. The third time my heart sped up. What if he was in on it too?

  The fourth time he finally picked up. "Yes?"

  "Hey, we have a problem." I swallowed. "This is Abby, Simon's girlfriend."

  "What do you mean? Why are you calling me? I told Simon that I wanted you nowhere near my pack."

  "And I'm not near your pack, but Nathan has taken Simon. I'm alone in a crazy town with no backup, no ability to reach out to my usual support, and no way of solving the murder of your wolf. I need to get Simon back."

  There was silence on the other end. "Simon's as good as dead. But I can get you escorts back home."

  "No, I'm not leaving without him. What on earth about Nathan has you guys so scared? How many of your pack has he killed, and you're just going to sit there while he slaughters someone else?" I snarled. "What the hell kind of people are you?"

  Curt was quiet on the other end. "He has my queen, and if I don't allow him to mark my wolves for death, he'll kill her instead."

  "He's holding her hostage?"

  "No, he has a rune on her that will allow him to kill her from anywhere."

  A rune that would allow him to kill a victim from anywhere. "Can you get me a picture of that rune?"

  "I can. I want to help you Abby, but Simon is probably already dead. But if you can help us get rid of Nathan, please let me know how."

  "Let's start by getting me a picture of the rune. I'll try to handle Simon on my own. Also, do you know if Brittany had the rune on her body?"

  There was a pause of hesitation on the other side. "Yes, when I choose one of the wolves to become a sacrifice, he performs a ritual and burns it into their skin."

  I hadn't even heard of a spell like that. I knew one person who might have, but he was AWOL right now, and again, I didn't want to attract Ira's attention to me by texting my uncle. "That's really good to know. Thank you."

  I disconnected the call. I might have been back to square one, but I had new information in the form of runes placed on bodies. I needed to search any public database that might have information on this. Using my laptop was out of the question because someone could trace it. I could find a public library. Assuming the city had one.

  Of course, Nathan probably owned that too.

  I called Merick real quick. "Hey, how's my car?"

  "Crispy. Liz found a rune on it, and she called me to ask about it."

  "Can I take a wild guess?"

  "What have you discovered?"

  "I think they've found a way to copy spells from one thing to another." I sighed. "So, who put the rune on my car?"

  "I'll check security footage. You be careful there then."

  I couldn't promise that I'd be fine this time around. "I'll do what I can. Check the house, okay?"

  "Of course. You know nothing got past my magic." He disconnected. At least he was taking care of the house while I was gone.

  I shoved my phone into my pocket and double checked my gun. I pulled my blades out of my bag and strapped one on my calf by my boots and one on each wrist. I opted to leave the long one behind since it was daylight and it was too hot to wear a jacket, hiding it would have been impossible.

  I knew nothing about Nathan, and the only way I was going to find information was by asking people questions. That would probably piss him off, which would be fine by me. Maybe it would give me a chance to stab him a couple times. I didn't even have his last name to search, but towns talked. People talked. And if you listened closely enough, you could find the information that you needed.


  I double checked my weapons before leaving the studio apartment and going back down to the coffee shop. Riley was busy cleaning as I made my way to the door. "I'll be back later."

  "Of course, love, be careful!" Her hand popped up above the counter.

  I smiled and walked out of the shop. The magic rolled over me as I left its protection. I walked down the sidewalk and headed toward the restaurant where Ana and I had eaten breakfast. I entered, and the little bell rang above my head. I glanced at it and then looked at the waiter who had slipped me the note. If I didn't know any better, he paled just a little bit.

  I crossed my arms and pegged him with a glare. "You and I need to talk."

  He nodded and placed a bill down on a table where two women sat talking. He motioned to the back door. "I'll meet you out there. I need to tell my boss that I'm going on break."

  I nodded. I wasn't worried about an ambush. There was no magic around, and I had more weapons on me this time than I had when I faced Nathan and Xavier. I was also a lot angrier than I had been before. One and possibly two lives were in immediate danger, and I wasn't leaving without Simon.

  I walked out of the building and then around it. I found the alleyway empty, and I leaned against the brick wall across from the restaurant's exit. A couple minutes ticked by before the waiter came ducking out of the door, shutting it behind him.

  "So, tell me about the note you slipped me." I crossed my arms, making sure my shirt rose just enough to flash my gun.

  His eyes glanced at my hip and then returned to my face. "Nathan paid me to deliver it to you. That's all."

  "That's it? What can you tell me about Nathan?"

  He glanced around. "Nothing." He turned away. "Watch what you ask, and watch your back." He went back into the restaurant.

  That hadn't given me the information
I needed, but it confirmed that I had someone tailing me. It made me worry about Riley and her shop, but her magic was strong, and her ability was accurate. I shoved my hands in my pockets and went back to the main street in search of a local library or someplace where I could search Google on a machine that wasn't mine.

  I glanced behind me as I walked, scanning the people on the street trying to figure out who my stalker was. It was someone who had made Simon nervous and someone that the waiter had recognized, or he wouldn't have given me a warning.

  I shook my head, trying to stave off the paranoia. It could be anyone in the town, and I wouldn't know because I didn't know who was out of place.

  I finally found a small building with fake marble pillars out front with a sign reading 'Luna Grove Public Library.'

  I walked in and waited a moment to see who, if anyone, walked in after me. No one followed me in, at least at that moment. I wandered around and found a couple computers in the back for public use. I sat down and brought up the search engine. All I could do was hope that murders where the victims had runes on their skin would have hit the news. I typed in the needed keywords and scrolled through the findings.

  I had to weed through the hoaxes and fake YouTube videos about such things, but finally a few legitimate news articles came up for murders outside of Luna Grove. I scanned the dates and the few details that were there. One article had a sketch of the rune found, but it was long before the creation of PIB. An archived article scanned into a database.

  This had been going on for almost twenty years. Nathan was too young to have been the mastermind behind it that long ago. I really needed access to a PIB database without blowing my cover. If I could trace it back, I could come up with a list of other suspects that could be behind the murders.

  "Can I help you with something?" A soft voice behind me made me jump.

  I put a hand to my beating heart and then exited out of the browser. "No, thank you. I just needed to do a quick Internet search. I'm down here visiting a friend, and I didn't bring my computer." I turned to find an older lady, her gray hair pulled up in a bun on her head and a pair of glasses perched on her little nose. Her name tag told me her name was Betsy, and she was the librarian here.


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