Between the Lines (Here Witchy Witchy Book 7)

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Between the Lines (Here Witchy Witchy Book 7) Page 12

by A. L. Kessler

  Whoever was running the show was doing a damn good job of covering their tracks. I pressed my lips together. There were only two people in this town that I had met that weren't part of the coven. One of them had been here since before the coven had come into play.

  "Okay, so Nathan runs the coven here, who runs the Nora coven elsewhere?"

  She shook her head. "There is no other coven."

  I wanted to shake her, slap her, anything. "Okay, fine, how do I protect myself from the circle and the influences of Nathan's magic?"

  A crazy smile spread over her face. "You can't."

  Yeah, I knew that was a lie, or maybe she didn't have the information.

  "Just let it happen or go home." She reached out to touch me, and I moved away from her. We were in a sanctuary, and she couldn't use magic on me, but whatever hold the Nora Coven had over her didn't seem to listen to the rules of the sanctuary magic.

  I shook my head. "I can't do that, Ana. Not until you're safe, and not until I bring down Nathan and his master."

  "Then I'll make sure to deliver your body to your next of kin."

  Well wasn't that a cheery response. I stood up and grabbed my bag. "I'll see you around then. I have another appointment to keep."

  "I wish this could have ended differently, Abigail. You were always my favorite at the academy. I always wished we could work a case together. I just never thought I'd be this involved with it."

  I glanced back at her. "I never thought I'd have to face you down over black magic, Ana. I really hope it doesn't come to that."

  She nodded, and I walked out of the sanctuary and headed back to the cafe. This time the door was visible to me, and I walked in to see Simon sitting at the little table, a worried look on his face.

  "I'm safe. I ran into Ana, and she wanted to talk to me. I'm surprised you're already back from talking with Curt. Negotiations go well?"

  Simon nodded. "As well as can be expected. I won't bore you with the details."

  I snorted. "Your details are never boring."

  "We just came to an agreement about what happens if you take out Nathan."

  "Do we get wolves to watch our backs?"

  He nodded. "We do. They are currently looking for the person that is trailing us."

  "I don't think that's case related. I think that might be personal." I shrugged. "But hey, if they can figure out who it is and get them off my back then that will be perfect."

  Riley came with coffee and sat it down in front of me. "Here you go, dear. You look like you need it."

  I smiled at her. "I always need coffee."

  "Exactly." She winked at me and went back to working behind the counter.

  Simon sighed. "So what's the plan then?"

  "I don't have one. I know Carson's in town, and I know that they are going to try to sacrifice me to a demon. I need to get my pay-as-you-go phone set up, text Merick those pictures, and call my uncle."

  "You aren't supposed to be in contact with your uncle, are you?"

  "I really don't have a choice. Levi isn't going to tell me what Tobias was trying to do when he summoned a demon."

  Simon looked at me and was silent for a moment. "Abby, what's going on? You normally refer to Tobias as your father, the other day you talked about your father in the present tense."

  I shook my head. "It's nothing I can explain right now." Or ever.

  He seemed to debate for a moment before nodding his head. Maybe he would save the conversation for a different day, and maybe then I'd be able to tell him. "Okay, so you call Oliver and then what?"

  "Depends on what he tells me. He can't come out and help me right now, I know that much." I wasn't sure how he'd do with all the black magic temptation around him anyways. I pulled the phone out of my bag and took it out of the plastic packaging before proceeding to follow the directions and get the phone number activated.

  Once the minutes were put on, I pulled my phone out and pulled up the images. I took pictures of each one and sent them to Merick. The only response I got was 'about time.'

  I called my uncle next. He answered the phone within a ring.

  "Oliver speaking."

  "It's me. I have a pay-as-you-go phone right now because I needed to send some pictures safely to Merick."

  Oliver hmmed for a moment. "And how can that cat help you?"

  "He's helping with some runes on this case. What I need to know is why did," my words hesitated this time, "my father summon a demon?"

  "Your mother's life was in danger, that's all I know. I think Levi and Ira might have been there. Why do you ask?"

  "Because it seems Carson has gotten a hold of that same demon and wants to sacrifice me to him. Does it have to do with the tablet?"

  Oliver was silent on the other end. "It's time to come home, Abigail."

  "No, I don't think so. I have a coven of black magic warlocks and witches trying to summon what I can only assume is a high-level demon. They've taken over this town, and the person who killed my best friend is leading them. I'm not coming home until he's either in PIB custody or dead."

  Oliver sighed. "And if he kills you?"

  "Then I guess I'm just screwed huh?" I shot back. "I know you can't come help me -"

  "If something happens to you, have Simon call me." The line went dead, and I set the phone down. He hadn't given me any information.

  "Well, make sure he's on speed dial, just in case?" Simon offered.

  I snorted. "Yeah, probably a good idea. Who knows what's going to happen."

  Riley sat down with us, holding her own mug. "I might be able to give you an idea. Would you like me to grab my cards?"

  I hesitated for a moment. "Last time someone read my cards it predicted my death and that person died right after."

  Riley nodded. "I understand your hesitancy. The offer is always there if you'd like it."

  "Thank you." I finished my coffee. "I'm going to head to the library to see if there's any more information I can find. Hopefully Merick gets back to me about that rune and if there's any chance of removing it or deactivating it."

  Simon stood. "I'm going to come with you. I don't really like the idea of you walking around, especially if someone is stalking you."

  Riley giggled. "You two are so cute together."

  Simon glanced at her, and I blushed. "This is kind of new to us," I muttered.

  "Mmm, I don't think it is. Anyways, I'll be here, tell my grandmother I say hi."

  I shook my head as I walked out the door with Simon.


  We walked into the library, and he looked around. "What do you expect to find here?"

  "I'm not sure, honestly. An idea of what happened to Ana and Nathan. Ana's not acting right, and the only clue I have is that one of those runes attaches her to Nathan. She said he didn't get his willingly either."

  "Had a nice chat with her, did you?" Simon shook his head. "And when were you going to tell me about Carson and the demon?"

  I shrugged. "I overheard all that in the store where I bought the phone."

  "Hello, Abigail. Glad to see you back." Betsy stood there. "Was there something more that you were looking for?"

  I nodded. "Some answers is all. You told me Nathan wasn't always so bad, can you tell me what his connection to Ana Marsh is?"

  She smiled at me and led me to the back of the library, Simon trailed along behind us. "How much do you know about Ana?"

  "We were good friends at the Academy. We partied together a few times. I know that she came from a small town, and she was trying to break out of a mold and forge her own way." I paused for a moment. "This is her hometown, isn't it?"

  She nodded. "It is, her family was one of the founders of this town."

  "Lovely. So she should be wanting to save it and not letting it drown in black magic." I crossed my arms and looked at Simon.

  His eyes were drawn to
gether in a tight frown. "What if the reason she came back was to save the town? You said that she was also undercover for PIB. What if getting that deep was the only way to take out the coven?"

  It was a possibility. It wasn't unheard of for people to get lost in their undercover job. "But what is her connection specifically to Nathan?"

  "Nathan is her fiancé," Betsy said.

  I about tripped over my own feet at those words. "Well shit."

  "And last I talked to her father, Ana was about three months pregnant."

  She hadn't been showing at all, but that early in the pregnancy, she wouldn't be. Fuck. Me.

  "That's what he meant by protecting his family." Fear wrapped in my stomach. I knew Ana was an only child and she had lost her mother at an early age. Of course her father would go through hell to save her and an unborn child.

  I rubbed my eyes. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

  Simon put a hand on my shoulder. "That is a lot of fucks."

  "Yeah, well that just complicates the situation even more." I paced a few steps and stopped. "I can't go through with what Agent Lawrence wants." I shook my head. "But I can't just let Carson go on killing people to summon demons. Fuck."

  "Abigail, sit down and think about it. There has to be a way that you can get through all of this and save everyone." Simon slid his hand down my shoulder and wrapped his fingers with mine.

  He was right, but the only way was going to be killing Carson. I looked at Betsy. "I need help with a couple protection spells, do you think you can help?"

  "Just tell me what you need, and I'll do what I can. I know Riley will be willing to help as well."

  I nodded. "I need one to prevent a bonding spell, and I need one to prevent whatever it is they are doing to infect people's mind, and if you have any way of me getting past the effects of their circle, I need that too."

  "Is that it?" She smiled. "My dear, those are easy. Give me until tomorrow evening to get the things that I need. I'll send a potion recipe to Riley, and she'll be able to mix it for you."

  I smiled. "Thank you. I have spells on my pentagram that should protect me from the rest of it."

  She cupped a hand against my cheek. "You have a good soul. Make sure you stay on that path."

  I met her gaze. "I'm trying. I really am."

  "I know you are. Do what you have to here, because the balance of saving lives may outbalance the karma." She dropped her hand. "You'll find a book of helpful spells in the back if you'd like to take a look." She wandered off.

  Simon looked at me. "Explain to me why binding would harm Ana and the baby?"

  "Binding a witch's power is like cutting off their life source. Remember Devon?"

  He nodded.

  "Devon had been cut off from his magic most of his life and went insane when he started to get it back. It could kill the child. Hell, depending on the binding spell done, it could condemn everyone to a slow death. I can't do that." I shook my head. "We have to cut off the head of the snake, not just treat the symptoms."

  "Kill Carson?"

  "That's what it's looking like more and more." There was part of me that would happily do it, and the other part of me was questioning my sanity. "I trust Betsy and Riley to get the spells I need. Right now, I need to go talk to Lawrence again."

  Simon sighed. "You're going to piss him off, aren't you?"

  "That's the plan." I walked out of the library with him at my back, and I turned to head down the street when Carson turned the corner.

  I swallowed as he stopped right in front of me. I met his gaze and kept the anger that suddenly welled up in place. I wanted to lash out at him, trap him right there and then, but I had no idea what I would do with him afterward. Simon put his hand on the small of my back as if reading my emotions.

  "Abigail Collins, what a surprise seeing you in Luna Grove. I heard PIB kicked you out."

  I forced a smile. "I'm on leave and was visiting a friend."

  "Was? Does that mean you'll be heading back soon?"

  "No, actually, my personal business here isn't done." I shivered as magic marched up my skin, but I pushed my own out to shoo the pesky magic away. He wasn't trying to hurt me, just scare me.

  He nodded. "Then we should have dinner tonight. We have much to talk about, don't you agree?"

  I crossed my arms, trying to figure out how we must look, two civilized people talking on the sidewalk. Nothing to see here, except he killed my best friend. "I was actually thinking about stopping by the coven ritual tonight. A little birdy told me it's promised to be a good one."

  His small smile turned into a huge grin. "I think it would be a pleasure to have you there. So, I guess I'll see you tonight?"

  "At the warehouse, right? About eight?" I asked casually. I could feel Simon right behind me, close enough that I could feel the heat of his body against me.

  "No, tonight is midnight because of the ritual, but I'll see you at the warehouse."

  That would give me more time to prepare.

  Carson looked behind me at Simon. "No wolves allowed. Unless you're bound to one of the witches or warlocks in the circle."

  I shook my head. "Don't worry, I'll be coming alone." Of course he didn't know about the magical backup I would have.

  Simon seemed to hesitate behind me, but he kept his mouth shut. At first, I was worried he was going to offer to bind himself to me. I hadn't seen a spell that bound a person to another person, with the exception of the rune that most of the Nora coven seemed to be sporting.

  He nodded. "I'll see you tonight at midnight then, Abigail." He walked past us on the sidewalk, and I closed my eyes counting to ten. I had just faced my best friend's killer without so much as punching him. I deserved a fucking medal.


  It wasn't long before Simon and I were back in the café, and I had decided that it was time to pull out my own computer and do some research. Carson already knew where I was in town, and my cover was blown. I turned on the computer and waited for it to boot up.

  Simon was sitting on the bed, staring at me. "I want to go with you."

  "You can't. He'll kill you, or he'll put one of those runes on you and figure out how to kill both of us." I looked at him. "I can't lose you to this monster. Not like I lost Clarissa."

  Images of her body flashed in my mind, and I turned back to the computer.

  "I can't protect you if I don't go with you."

  I opened up the browser and started to pull up the news from various states, looking for who might have died before the last victim here. Several articles popped up on my screen matching the search results. "It's not your job to protect me, Simon. There are some things in this world that you can't protect me from. If this is going to work between us, your job is to stand beside me."

  He nodded. "I'm sorry."

  "It's okay, I know it's your nature, but I also don't want you pulling any damn white knight crap and rushing in to save me. Just like I don't understand everything about werewolves, you don't understand everything about witches. You could rush in, and I could accidentally kill you."

  "Or turn me into a newt?" His voice held a hint of humor, and I gave him a small smile at his attempt to make me feel better.

  "Or turn you into a newt." I scrolled through the news article. "A wolf was killed up in Minnesota."

  "How do you know they were a wolf?" He looked over my shoulder and looked at the headline. "Local Alpha Dead."

  He sighed. "That would certainly give it away. Why wolves though?"

  I leaned back in my chair. "I don't know. The wolves here, Curt said they were sacrifices, but I feel like if wolves are dying outside the town that aren't his, there may be something more going on."

  "A vendetta against wolves?" Simon suggested. "Do you think that he may have an issue with other packs?"

  I pressed my lips together as I thought. "Can you contact the packs who
have lost people this way? And see what their connection to Curt is?"

  "Yeah. The perks of being alpha." He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Get me a list, and I'll start making phone calls."

  I smiled. "Thank you."

  My new phone rang, and I answered it without looking, there were only two people who had my number, and seeing how Oliver's last words to me were to go home and he was pissed, I was willing to bet that it wasn't him.

  "Abigail, I have the information on those runes. I also have a counterspell if you can manage it. You could wipe the rune from the coven members." Merick's voice came across the phone.

  I swallowed. "How complicated is the spell?"

  "Well, let's start with the rune itself first, then we can talk about how to stop it."

  I took a sip of my coffee. "I don't like the sound of your voice."

  "You're not going to like me much after this either. It's more than a transfer spell, or rather a link spell. The person who branded the rune into the victims has a limited amount of control over them."

  "What the fuck kind of magic is this?" I snapped and then looked up at Simon and Riley who were staring at me. "Sorry."

  "It's black magic, Abigail, the kinds in the stories we were told as kids, the kind that will taint our souls forever. Whoever is controlling all of this, their auras are black. I promise you that."

  I growled. "I can't read auras. I've always sucked at that. How do we stop them?"

  "I'll send you the spell, memorize it, say it when you have a circle you control around the people. Break enough and the master's control will break as well, and the rune will fade from the others. The magic is only as strong as the number of people he or she has a hold on."

  I rubbed my eyes. "How did they manage to get this powerful?"

  "The same way you're going to break it, gather people in one place and perform the counterspell."

  "This person managed to gather an entire coven and bespell them? Is that what I'm understanding here?"

  "Yes, Abigail, that is what I am saying. And you are going to lift the hex. Can I say it any more clearly?"

  I sighed. "Okay well, I have a meeting with them at midnight."


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