Drowning Studies (Artemis University Book 2)

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Drowning Studies (Artemis University Book 2) Page 9

by Erin R Flynn

  But a huge basket of nummies? My cheeks heated as I thought maybe it was an apology from Hudson for our misunderstanding.

  “Wow, those hobgoblins really love you,” Izzy muttered, shooting me a shocked look.

  “I might have had a conversation on the very DL that I might hire some in bad houses to keep up with mine,” I confessed. “But no one can know.”

  “Yeah, because the people you take them from would fry you as there’s a limited number of them and unlike when they were first stuck, most know which are the bad houses not to work for,” she warned. “I heard nothing, I know nothing, and don’t tell me any more as that’s something my parents would want to know.”

  “Got it.” I actually felt relieved she’d let me off the hook and she wouldn’t ask questions. Lying to someone I was building a real friendship with was pretty tough if I was honest.

  I’d have to thank the hobgoblins later. I did get the box open and brought one of the extra reservoirs I’d ordered over to Izzy.

  “So for both of us to use this and have access, we have to activate it together.”

  “I know how to use it. My parents have ones for each of us in the house in case there’s ever an emergency,” she muttered, giving me a confused look.

  “That was sort of my plan here,” I admitted.

  Again, she just nodded and accepted it even if it wasn’t normal. We held it together and let out some of our magic. I felt it click with my magic, relieved when she nodded and we were good to go.

  I hurried to shower and change, grabbing everything I needed and heading to Professor White’s class. It was the same as normal, informative on a lot too fast, and interesting.

  She handed back our outlines for our first papers and I was glad mine was approved to go ahead. Awesome, I had everything ready and I just needed to type it up.

  I knew it wasn’t that simple considering I had to include my conclusion paragraph, which was always the hardest for me. The starting was always fun, the middle fine as long as I had a plan, but it was always the damn endings that tripped me up.

  Next was Physical Training III, where Mason managed to be my sparring partner before anyone else could. He was fine to spar with but sometimes I got the feeling he did it to learn what kind of moves I had instead of just getting to spend time with me or I was a challenging partner.

  I was probably being paranoid and reading too much into it because he also flirted.

  Maybe he was learning my moves thinking they translated well to the bedroom? Flexibility probably.

  “So things went well with Craftsman this morning?” he asked after I laid him out the first time.

  I couldn’t hide my shock. “How do you know that? Were you watching us?”

  He nodded, looking completely unabashed at admitting to stalking basically. “I saw him heading that way and I thought to help students so I figured I might ask him some questions I had in Runes 201. When I saw what you guys were up to, I watched for a bit.”

  “That makes me uncomfortable,” I muttered, backing away from him.

  “What? Why? I didn’t want to upset your concentration.”

  “So you just lurked and watched us?” I took a few more steps when he moved forward. “That’s not okay, Mason. It’s creepy. Natalie and the others came to see what the noise was and were normal and announced themselves.”

  “I didn’t stay that long. I just checked out a bit and realized he was doing your power assessments and left.”

  I shook my head. “This school has enough ears always. I don’t need people watching me like that.”

  “Wait, Tamsin, it wasn’t a big deal. You’re taking it on the extreme when it was innocent.”

  “No, Mason, it was the middle of the woods you followed Craftsman out into and checked out what he was doing. You call out to someone and ask what’s what, not just tail them.”

  He opened his mouth but then closed it. “You’re right. I was too close to the dorms but I didn’t want to shout out. I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable. I really wasn’t thinking, not trying to be creepy. It’s why I said something now.”

  No, that wasn’t really what he did but I grunted in acceptance before calling over to Hudson asking if we could switch. Juan got all excited thinking that meant he could spar with me, but Hudson’s hand shot out and caught his friend’s shirt, yanking him to fall on the mats. Then he came over to me and nodded we could spar.

  “Hey, come on, Tamsin, we had a good match going,” Mason complained.

  I shrugged. “You’ve studied my moves enough, right?” I said, busting him from the way he flinched. “I’m sure you can still watch me you’re while sparring with Juan or maybe you should focus on yourself and getting better. I want to work on sparring with lots of people if I’m taking this class, not going through the motions with the same person.”

  He held up his hands in surrender but I saw a flash of anger that I’d said too much or embarrassed him. Yeah, that was sort of the point. He should be embarrassed by what he did but he was defending it.

  I thought Mason was pretty cool but there was something… Off about him. I got the feeling that he maybe had a weird family or didn’t know how to socialize with people.

  Which was actually why I kinda liked him as I felt the same. But there were other times that I couldn’t put my finger on why he irked me. Better just to put some space between us for sure.

  “What happened with you and Mason?” Hudson asked in my head the moment I realized he was trying to get me to open up my telepathy. We were in the back corner of the gym in the sports center—old habits dying hard—so it seemed fine.

  I told him as we grappled, trading shots and blocking before we backed off each other. “Do you know him well? I mean, you guys are always together.”

  “We’re in the same circles as children of leaders but his pack is pretty reclusive. He’s awkward a lot—and I say that as someone who doesn’t talk much or what’s considered normal—but he’s an only child. I know he doesn’t agree with his parents a lot and I get the feeling they don’t so much groom him to take over but push their ideas on him and he’s not a reclusive guy.”

  Weird. I shook my head, not wanting to talk about him anymore. I caught Hudson by surprise and grabbed him around the waist to take him down. He yanked me with him and rolled us so I was under him.

  “You’re gonna make me wet and grind against you if you keep me like this.”

  He snorted in my head. “You tease me and I’ll fuck you like this and make you scream so all the guys stop watching you hoping you’ll roll around with them next.”

  I flipped us and went to punch him, chuckling when he blocked me and I got away. “Ha ha, you’re just a growling dragon assuming guys want me.”

  “No, I’m not,” he said gently. He looked upset and I wasn’t sure what was going on but right then wasn’t the time.

  Coach Khan blew the whistle and we took a break.

  “Don’t shoot the messenger but I get the feeling Hudson was filling you in on the guy talk about you?” Lucca asked as he picked up his water bottle next to mine. He waited until I gave a sharp nod. “I guess you pissed off some senior vampires this weekend and between Holly and Katy, a group has started taking bets who will fuck you first and if they can get pictures.

  “Others are started a betting pool as to what species you are. They think you won’t be able to hide it in bed so… Yeah, some guys are assholes. I wanted to warn you but you hate my dad and I wasn’t sure you would listen to me.

  “I thought Mason would tell you but I don’t know what just went down so maybe he didn’t get to it. Hudson is having a hard time not mauling anyone but he can’t as it would start problems.”

  I gave him a firm nod. “Thanks, I needed to know that but believe me, none of those fools are getting me in their bed.” I chuckled when his eyes went wide. “Yeah, I can do this now. It’s new for me too. I think there’s a lot of crazy and it’s hard to know who to trust when everyone seems to have
an agenda. It’s hard not to assume the worst and that’s what happened with Mason.”

  “Got it. Stay safe.” He gave me a look like he might say more but then seemed to think better of it and headed off to get back into place for sparring.

  I glanced over at Hudson, who was giving me a worried look. “You thought I would assume you were fucking me to find out what I am, didn’t you?”

  “It seemed a valid concern given how pushy I can be. I’ve not told anyone and I would never try for pictures or information like that. I don’t care what you are. I care you’re my princess. That’s it.”

  I smiled at him. “You wouldn’t freak out so much that I was upset with you if this was just a bet or game even if it’s casual. We’re cool. You’re the one person I know on this campus besides Mel, Izzy, and Craftsman not into this bullshit.”

  His eyes flashed shock. “Not Edelman?”

  I frowned. “I don’t think he’s into it, but I can’t always trust his intentions. This place is first, second, and third to him. Sometimes I feel like telling him too much is giving him leverage when he really wants me here.”

  “Right, powerful means an asset to brag over and help bring in more. He truly seems to care about you but I see your point about keeping you under his control. It’s no secret his father and grandfather—who were also headmasters as well—liked having powerful people under their thumbs. It’s how the scholarship program started. I was glad you weren’t a part of that.”

  “I think Craftsman needs to know that,” I admitted, not hiding the worry I was feeling as I made the decision to stop telling Edelman anything besides school stuff. “The headmaster might be his boss but he still reacts like he’s his headmaster sometimes. I think. This is all new to me but I think Craftsman would be more leery if he knew that.”

  “Most of the students all do and… No, he was a scholarship student. Right. I’ll tell him.”


  “Do you pay in carnal favors?”

  I paused but then shook my head and set down my water bottle when Coach Khan blew the whistle. We got into place and Hudson was not happy I clearly stopped from saying something to him. He made the first move and I blocked him, keeping it up when the hits continued.

  “What won’t you tell me?”

  “Nothing that needed to be said. It’s not you, just a petty jibe that I need to stop making.”

  Okay, that was a lie. I had thought about how I’d assumed the basket that morning was from him.

  I’d almost said some passive-aggressive bullshit some girls pulled about not even getting flowers from him. That was stupid when we were casual. I wasn’t really sure what to say so I was grateful when he tried again.

  “You wore a skirt today.”

  “I did. Dragons are predators, right?”

  His eyes lit up with fire as his nostrils flared. “Do you want to be chased, my princess?”

  I snorted. “Oh please, like that’s not been what you’ve been doing. No, I was thinking maybe I shouldn’t make the chase so easy.”

  “Bring it on. I will chase you as long as you want me to.”

  “Good answer. Fine, time for rules. Stalking the cafeteria or my room is out.”

  “Of course.”

  “No trailing me from there or asking Izzy my schedule.”


  “Then I guess we’ll see if you can catch me or I take care of myself tonight.”

  He lunged for me, the goal not clear if he wanted to spar or just get me under him. I let him have a moment of a win before I sent him flying.

  He just laughed as he came back to me, making me think I should read a bit into that.



  I ate half of my lunch before I figured there were enough people to make a scene and the ones specifically I’d been waiting for arrived. I grabbed what I needed and headed over towards Holly.

  I smiled brightly as I set the five reservoirs on their table—which was in the middle of the cafeteria—and let out a slow breath.

  “Okay, limited time offer,” I announced to her. “Say whatever you want about me and I promise it’s a free pass. No recourse or retaliation from me.”

  “Are you high?” she asked, glancing at her friends.

  “No, I don’t like drugs.” I sighed when she still wasn’t doing it. “Fine, I’ll start. You want to screw my tutor.” I smiled when rage filled her eyes. “You thought he was hot freshman year.

  “You threw your weight around to get him as your tutor when he wouldn’t give you a second look, and when he still made it clear he didn’t want you, you started blackmailing him to do your homework, which he reported and—”

  “I think you’re a worthless piece of shit that’s a bigger slut than Blake and that’s the way any of the guys look at you, though I hear you won’t put out at all,” she shouted, starting with a bang as she jumped to her feet.

  I nodded along with what she said, adjusting my neck when my magic roared to life at the bile she was spewing about me.

  I poured it all into the first reservoir, bobbing my head with what she said. I wanted to tune it out but it wouldn’t piss me off as much.

  I switched reservoirs as she kept going. Then I filled the third and fourth before moving onto the fifth.

  “I’m sorry, that’s all the time we have today,” I sang when I filled half of the fifth, needing her to stop pissing me off before I hit full on that one. “Make sure you see the nurse for your copay.”

  “I’m not done,” she cut in.

  I stopped being so passive. “The free pass is over. The next word you say will have consequences and you will not like them.”

  “Like I fucking care about what some weak ass bitch threatens me with when she’s a one-hit wonder because of those pills and—”

  “I just filled five reservoirs with the magic you pissing me off roared to life,” I drawled. “Weak isn’t something I am but I am pleased I finally found a use for you.

  “Though I’m not sure it’s one you can put on a resume. Then again, it might be something you can tell Mommy and Daddy instead of only having to brag how good you are on your knees.”

  “Why you—”

  I glanced around and found Craftsman’s gaze, smirking at him as I threw out my best Boston accent.

  “How you like them apples? Five reservoirs from one anger rush from bile barked at me. You think any other freshman can pull that out of their hat for the Power Playoffs or do we already have it in the bag?”

  He burst out laughing, slapping the table as he kept laughing.

  “What are you talking about? You can’t be in them,” Katy bitched from the next table over.

  “Why the hell not?” I demanded, frowning at her. “If anything I should be given a handicap because you’ve had all your life to prepare for it and I had days before the start of the semester.”

  “The headmaster was helping you,” she argued.

  “Yeah, but he’s not eligible for the teacher’s prize. That doesn’t knock me out of the running and I’m not working with him anymore. I’m working with Craftsman. So by what reason should I be out?” I shook my head in disgust as steam about came out of her ears. “Welcome to the real world, princess.

  “You can’t just bitch and moan to knock people out of the competition. It’s pathetic you only have a chance of winning if you get people knocked out that you can’t beat. I’m in it to win it, so I suggest you start with this because I have all year to get up the reservoir count.

  “Think I can get eight by spring? Ten?” I smiled evilly at her. “Not matter what number, I bet it’s more than you could ever do.” I held up the reservoir Izzy and I shared. “Ready to move on to the next section of runes?”

  She was dying when I wiggled it at her before collecting my other ones and putting them in my bag. I got that edgy feeling and on instinct, I turned on my telepathy, catching on real fast what was going on.

  I had a throwing knife out of my thigh s
heath and flying towards a few tables over before anyone could react. It hit the asshole’s drink and sent pop everywhere.

  “No, now is not the time to announce you know what I am because you’ve been banging me. There is not enough booze in this state to get me drunk enough to fuck you. I know all about the bet too.”

  He dropped his cup and growled, getting to his feet. “Who told you?”

  I blinked at him. “Does it hurt to be that stupid? Who told me what you were just thinking? I’m a telepath. People announced it. It means I hear thoughts and I’m pretty tuned into the ones about me.”

  “No, no, you’ve been shutting it off. We’ve been counting on that.”

  I smirked at him. “Yes, yes, you have. Pretty smart of me to have told everyone and loudly I was shutting it off now that I knew how.” I rolled my eyes at him. “And for the record, I’m already sleeping with someone. I have been for weeks. You spew your lies we’ve screwed and you’re really going to upset someone.” I hurried on when it looked like Hudson was going to kill the guy. “Right, Izzy, honey?”

  “You’re a dyke?” Holly bellowed.

  “For the love of…” I looked at Edelman. “Is there no entrance exam? Do only the scholarship students get in here on merit?” I looked back to Holly. “It’s a joke, dumbass. Izzy and I sleep together every night in the same room. She would know if I was out boinking guys. And if I ever hear you use that word again talking about lesbians, I’m going to fuck up your fake face.”

  I grabbed the last reservoir and spun on my heel, heading back to my seat. I set it all down and went for my throwing knife, smirking at the guy as I pulled it out of his pop, daring him to make a move.

  “Get the fuck out of here,” he snarled.

  “You sure? You want to go two for two on stupid today and make a move while everyone’s watching after you got busted for your own crap?” I purred, laughing when I saw he was thinking about it.

  But then I froze when I heard what he was thinking next, pointing at him with the throwing knife.


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