Slave Again

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Slave Again Page 22

by Alana Terry

  “Where is it you’re taking us?”

  The woman shook her head. “There are parts to the puzzle I don’t see. When I get off this bus, the less I know, the better. It’s enough for me that you’ll be safe.”

  Safe? Sang-Hee balked. “Why? Why are you doing this?”

  The woman’s melancholy smile was as enigmatic as her response. “I like to think of it as repaying a debt.” Min squirmed in her sleep. “You better find seats,” the woman said.

  Once everyone was settled, she spoke to the girls in a quiet, simplistic manner. “I know it’s late, and it’s a little chilly. There are blankets in some of the backpacks, but you’ll have to share them. You’re going on a drive. It will take all night. Try to sleep if you can. When you stop in the morning, you’ll be taken to homes. Nice homes. Not like the one you’re leaving. There will be mommies there. Maybe not as good and kind as the mommies you might have had when you were younger, but they will love you and care for you just the same. After that, some more nice people will take you to other homes. Even better homes. Far away from people who want to hurt you. But you have to be brave. You older girls need to help the younger ones if they get tired or scared.” Sang-Hee saw the woman wipe the side of her face, smudging some of that extra mascara from the corner of her eye. “I’m sorry for what you’ve had to go through. Just ...” Her voice caught for a moment. “Just remember nothing that’s happened to you is your fault. Nothing. I promise you, from this moment on, it’s going to get better.”

  From where she lay cuddled on her big sister’s lap, Min stirred with a pitiful whine. The woman in the sweatshirt walked down the aisle of the bus, her steps brisk and noisy in her impossibly high heels. She knelt down and tucked Min’s stray bangs behind her ear. She put her face close to the child’s. “It will be all right,” she whispered. The woman leaned forward and kissed the squirming girl once on the cheek. Min blinked her eyes open and drifted back off to sleep.

  “Safe journey, little cousin,” the woman breathed. Her clicking heels pierced the silence as she clacked down the aisle, descended the stairs, and hurried out into the dark night.


  When she was a safe distance from the hotel, Mee-Kyong turned toward the late-night cafe and plucked her cell phone out of her pocket.

  “They’re all off,” she told him.

  “Congratulations,” he responded. “Another job well done. Where are you now?”

  “Right where we agreed.”

  “On my way.” She stood waiting, thinking about the girl with the crippled feet and her older sister, two more nameless faces to add to her ever-growing prayer list. A moment later, she sensed his presence even before he came up behind her for a hug. “You did it,” he whispered into her ear.

  “That didn’t take you long,” she remarked. “What were you doing, stalking me the whole time?”

  “Maybe.” He rested his cheek on the top of her head and inhaled deeply. “Just because I love you.”

  “Careful.” She nudged him with her elbow. “I thought bodyguards were supposed to remain professional at all times.”

  He held up both hands. “Guilty.” She didn’t return his smile, at least not soon enough to keep him from noticing. “What’s wrong?” He put one arm around her and led her down the sidewalk.

  “I was just thinking about the girls we left behind. There were so many of them.”

  “Always will be,” he reminded her.

  She sighed again. “I just keep thinking about her.”

  She knew he understood which her she was talking about. “I know.” A trace of playfulness crept into his voice. “But the past ...”

  “... is a closed book,” she finished, and she laughed with him, even though her heart was burdened by a sadness no amount of inside jokes would ever erase. “I’m ready,” she sighed.

  He took her by the hand. “Then let’s go, my love.” Together they walked through the darkness toward the safety and shelter of home.


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  There are many people I’d like to thank for the encouragement, prayers, and practical support they poured out while I was working on Slave Again. My husband continues to be my biggest inspiration. Thank you so much for letting me bounce so many different plot ideas off you. Thank you also for teaching me that Eve should be holding a revolver, not a gun, and that she can’t use a concealed holster if she’s wearing a skimpy outfit.

  I’d also like to give a shout-out to my buddies from the Christian Indie Authors forum, a community of online friends and encouragers. Thanks especially to those of you who pray for me when I send out S.O.S. prayer requests. The author friends of mine who live or have lived in East Asia (you know who you are), thanks for fielding all of my strange, random questions, like what kind of delicacy a fat innkeeper would eat. I’d like to especially mention Precarious Yates and thank her for teaching me more about the sex-trade industry worldwide and sharing her passion with me.

  Slave Again went through more rounds of edits than I could ever care to relate. I’d like to thank my story editor, Nat Davis, and my troop of beta readers (you also know who you are!) for all the advice you gave. Kate and Annie get the prize for finding the most typos. A big thank you to Mary for the thorough copy edits, and a shout-out to all my WIPpet blogging friends. I could also devote an entire page thanking Regi McClain for just about everything she’s ever done, but she hates sap, and so I’ll just mention here that she did a ton of behind-the-scenes work to help me when carpal tunnel slowed me down, and she is an invaluable sounding board. (As of now, she also happens to be the only person in the entire world who knows how the series is going to end!) What’s amazing about Regi is she knows all my characters by name and keeps them all straight. Thanks for your friendship, Regi.

  Krystine Kercher helped prepare the cover image, which was designed by Damonza, and I think they did a great job. I was also very encouraged by those who pledged their support for the Slave Again Kickstarter project and who patiently waited for my novel to come out. A huge thank you to all the bloggers and book reviewers who agreed to help with my launch, as well.

  There were times, especially as I struggled with carpal tunnel, when I really wondered if this book would ever get published or not. God, You brought me the healing when I needed it, and You taught me to rest even though I was kicking and screaming the whole time. Thank You for letting me write another book. May it bring You glory.

  Liberty in North Korea estimates that seventy percent or more of all females who escape from North Korea into China fall victim to sex slavery. Slave Again is dedicated to these girls and women. May God bring you freedom and deliverance.

  “For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption.”

  Romans 8:15


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