
Home > Romance > Darkness > Page 13
Darkness Page 13

by Laurann Dohner


  “We were assured it was rude and not the best idea to ask them about having sex with other males before they met their mates. Species are extremely possessive. Breeze said one of their males could overhear and decide to ‘track down and put the hurt on some poor bastard’. Those are her exact words.”

  She remembered the name. “How is your friend? She’s the one who had a roof fall on her, right?”

  “She’s well. She meant to come to your classes but something came up.” A spark of humor glinted in her eyes. “I hope you aren’t shy, Kat. They will ask you everything that comes to mind.”

  “Okay.” It beat returning to her cottage and sulking about Darkness’ interaction with that other woman. “Lead the way.” She shoved the rest of her things inside the purse. Darkness had left and she didn’t see the woman who’d been with him.

  Images of them together flashed through her mind and she hated every one. That no-commitment talk only served to remind her that he could screw anyone he chose. It didn’t mean it wouldn’t rub her wrong. She followed Sunshine to the bar area and spotted the woman who’d been mauling Darkness. She was one of the four seated at the table. He isn’t somewhere having sex with her at least. That improved her mood.

  Sunshine introduced her to the women but the name Bluebird stuck in her mind. She paid more attention to her than the rest. Her warm, friendly smile had Kat feeling a little guilty over her instant dislike. It was Darkness’ fault. He was the one who stayed aloof and had his conditions. I agreed to them though. I’m an idiot. She sat.

  * * * * *

  Darkness stood at the end of the bed watching Kat sleep. His shift had ended later than expected. One of the protestors had decided it would be a good idea to throw sealed cans of soda at the officers on the wall. His aim had been poor but they’d called the local police to haul the male away. He’d been stuck answering their questions, then volunteered to clean up the sticky mess since it would attract bugs.

  The clock on her nightstand showed it was just after one in the morning. He’d read Security’s notes and knew she had a class scheduled for eleven. It would be best if he returned home and just went to bed. Yet he stood there.

  Kat made a soft sound in her sleep and rolled onto her back. She kicked at the blanket, one foot slipping out. He smiled and his fingers gripped his vest. He applied light pressure and slowly removed it to keep the noise at a minimum. She still slept. He dropped it onto the floor and bent, removing his boots next. Within minutes he was naked and dropped to his knees. The sight of her aroused him enough to put on a condom. He reached out and wrapped his fingers around her ankle. Humor sparked. He wanted to find out if Kat would react with any defensive measures.

  He jerked her hard, yanking her body down the bed. She gasped and blindly kicked out. Her foot was tangled with the bedding. He caught it and growled. She shoved the blanket off her head and sat up enough to stare down in his direction. It was pitch dark in the room, leaving her blind.

  “That better be you, Darkness. Otherwise, I’m about to kick your ass.”

  He chuckled. “Who else would be in your bedroom?”

  She slumped back on the bed and peered at the clock. “I thought you weren’t coming.”

  “I was held up.” He released her ankles. “Why do you sleep with the lights on?”

  “Why did you turn them off?”

  “Answer me first.”

  “It’s an unfamiliar place. There’s nothing worse than waking and forgetting where you are. I travel a lot so it’s just a habit I’ve picked up. Now it’s your turn.”

  “I wanted to see how you’d react.”

  “You’re kind of a dick. You scared me.”

  “Your reactions are slower than they should be. I would have pounced on you if you’d pulled that stunt.”

  “I bet you have better night vision.” She lifted a hand above her face, waving it. “I can’t see a thing. Will you turn on the bathroom light at least?”

  “No.” He threw off her covers and gently ran his fingers along her calves, trailing them upward. “Why do you sleep in clothing?”

  “It’s a nightshirt.”

  “And panties. Stop wearing them.”

  “You’re demanding for a guy who has no give in him. What do you sleep in?”

  “It depends on where I am.”

  “Right. You said you live at Reservation sometimes in the Wild Zone. I’m disappointed, thinking you’re not running around the woods naked.”

  He found her statement amusing. “The other males wouldn’t appreciate it, although they do wear very little during the summer months.”

  “How little?”

  He didn’t like the idea of her imagining other males. He spread her thighs until her knees were bent over the edge of the mattress. He released her, gripped the narrow band of her underwear and tore the material easily, destroying it. He tossed it aside, leaving her bare.

  “Those were the bottoms of a matching set I have.”

  “Buy new ones.”

  He dipped his head over her lower stomach, which was exposed with her shirt trapped around her ribs. He wanted her breasts but he’d settle for any exposed skin. “Keep your hands off me.”

  Her slight protest ended the second he opened his mouth to trail his tongue just under her bellybutton. His hands opened on her inner thighs, shoving them wider apart and caressed upward.

  “I love your hands,” she softly admitted. “Your mouth isn’t too bad either.”

  He almost laughed. She was a good sport about the way he’d woken her. He stopped exploring her with his tongue and gripped her knees, lifting them. He rested her legs over his shoulders. It was easy to slide his hands under her ass and raise her hips to his mouth.

  She sucked in a sharp breath when he fastened his lips around her clit and licked at the bundle of nerves. He growled, purposely creating vibrations as he mercilessly attacked her senses. Her scent changed fast. The sweetness of her need became intoxicating and her low moans ratcheted up his aggression. He liked it when her inner thighs pressed the sides of his face, holding him there as if he were about to stop. Nothing could have pulled him away from her until she cried out his name.

  He loved the way she bucked her hips when the climax struck and she rubbed her pussy against his mouth. Her heels dug into his back too. He eased her ass to the bed and reached up, got a firm hold under her knees and jerked her almost off the bed. He looked down between them and adjusted his hips until his rigid dick was in the right position then pressed forward, entering her.

  Kat clawed the bed and moaned. The tingling in the back of his throat and his chest began. He didn’t mute his instincts. She had said she found the noises he made sexy. He closed his eyes when he was buried deeply within the inviting confines of her pussy. He wanted to just stay there, to enjoy the feel of her, but desire drove him to move.

  He tried to be gentle but the more he fucked her, the less control he was able to maintain. He increased the pace, her moans growing louder over the sounds he made. Kat came hard, her vaginal muscles clenching and unclenching around his dick. He rode out his own release and was oblivious to everything for the next few seconds until the magnitude of it passed and only their heavy breathing remained.

  He wanted to climb on the bed with Kat and hold her in his arms, remove her shirt and press his skin to hers. Just keep her close. She relaxed under him and he eased her legs down. It came as a shock when she suddenly reached for him, her fingers splaying on his chest and lower stomach. He jerked but didn’t withdraw from her body.

  Her hands were soft and gentle, almost petting him. He looked down, watching them caress his flesh. His softening dick stirred and it reminded him of the spent condom. He captured her wrists and removed her touch.


  Her hands fisted. “Fine. Sorry.”

  He let her go and eased away. The separation of their bodies left him feeling cold. He stood and entered the bathroom, disposed of the
condom. He lingered for a full minute, debating. The smart thing would be to leave. He didn’t want to go just yet. He returned to the bedroom. Kat had the bedside lamp on and was sitting against the headboard with the blanket covering her from her breasts down. She smiled.

  “I like seeing you.”

  He wasn’t sure how to respond. Her gaze lingered over parts of him, especially his chest and groin area. He held still, not minding her examination. She could look all she wanted but he didn’t want her to touch him. It was too personal.

  “I’ll draw you another bath.” It gave him something to do.

  “No.” She shook her head and lifted a hand, curving one finger. “You could come over here, though, and join me.”

  He tensed. “No.”

  Disappointment and a flash of pain showed in her eyes. “Okay.”

  “I should go home. You have a class in the morning and I have a meeting.”

  “You could sleep with me,” she offered. “I don’t snore.”

  It steeled his determination to keep away from the bed. It was tempting to agree. “I can’t.”

  “It’s a big bed.” She inched over a little to make more room. “I’ll even let you pick which side you want.”

  “Kat,” he warned, his tone deepening. “Stop.”


  He dressed and retrieved the condom box then grabbed the bag from her trash. She stopped him before he could escape. It felt as if he were about to do just that.

  “Why do you always do that?”

  He paused, turning to face her. “Do what?”

  “Take the trash with you.”

  “Security does sweeps of your home while you’re gone.”

  “They come in here?” She frowned. “Why?”

  “It’s procedure.” He didn’t tell her they did checks on the cameras and audio devices to make certain they worked properly. “It also lets them know if you’re low on any supplies you may need. It’s not as if you can shop for new shampoo or food.”

  “I guess that’s nice.”

  “We like to take care of our visitors.”

  “Just not sleep with them.”

  “I’m sure many males would be happy to share your bed.” It pissed him off even saying it. He’d wanted to punch the feline male who’d asked to share sex with her. He might have if she’d accepted the offer. Anger boiled under his skin just thinking about someone else stripping Kat bare.

  “Just not you.”

  “I told you I’m different.”

  “Are you sleeping with Bluebird?”

  He was so surprised he didn’t think he hid the reaction but masked his features fast. “No.”

  “I met her today. I also noticed she’s allowed to touch you.”

  Darkness noted the way her fingers were clawed on the covers and the slight anger in her tone. “We’re friends. Are you jealous?”

  Her lips pressed together. “No.”

  He growled. “You’re not dressed and I think that’s a lie.” Had she forgotten their agreement to be truthful when she was naked? “Do you want to try again? You’re agitated.”

  “That’s a polite way to put it. I just assumed you didn’t like anyone touching you but I guess it’s just me. I’ll admit that’s not the best feeling in the world.”

  Regret surfaced. He wasn’t being fair to Kat and knew it. “Bluebird doesn’t interest me.” He should have left it at that but hated the way she looked at him, as if he were hurting her. “I’m not immune to you. Good night, Kat. Sleep well.”

  He left before he could change his mind. He did a sweep of the outside perimeter before going home. He showered to remove Kat’s scent but the memory wouldn’t fade. He took a seat on the bed and peered at the laptop he’d left on after taking over the security feeds.

  Kat lay curled on her side facing away from the lamp. Her eyes were closed but the restless way she kept moving assured him she didn’t sleep. It was as if she couldn’t get comfortable. He lifted the laptop and set it on his lap. His finger, just an inch from the screen, traced the outline of her body. He wanted to touch her again.

  “Damn,” he muttered.

  Kat sat up and threw off the covers. He tensed, part of him hopeful that she’d come after him. He’d given her reason to be angry. Kat was a confrontational female. He tracked her out of the bedroom but she didn’t go near the slider. She fixed a sandwich instead and plopped down on the couch.

  The morose expression on her face while she turned on the TV and ate tugged at him. She’d been sleeping peacefully before he’d woken her. She curled up on the couch eventually and drifted to sleep. He found himself rising before giving it thought.

  It was easy to sneak into her home and take the comforter off her bed. He crouched down next to the couch, watching her sleep. He took care not to wake her when he tucked the material around her body.

  I could just pick her up and carry her to bed.

  He rejected the idea and left her cottage before he changed his mind. The protective urges he felt toward Kat were only growing stronger. It was a bad sign. He couldn’t afford to form an attachment to her. She wasn’t a female he could ever fully trust. None were though. He refused to make that mistake again. Caring meant pain. He’d had enough of that to last him a lifetime.

  He sat on his bed and moved the open laptop to the night table, turning it so he could keep watch over Kat’s still form. He lay down, leaving the lights on for once as he prepared to sleep. He wanted to understand the female. A well-lit room didn’t give him a sense of security. He preferred the dark. It was just a reminder of how different they were.

  Darkness reached out and turned up the volume to the listening device in her living room. The TV had been left on, the movie she’d been watching was still playing. He could detect her light breathing though. He closed his eyes, focusing on it instead of the human voices. He should switch the feed back to Security but didn’t.

  Chapter Nine

  “That was a great class.” Jinx grinned. “Thanks for having lunch with the males today.”

  Kat smiled at the ten males who were jammed around three tables that had been placed in a row. “Thank you for asking me.”

  “We behaved,” Flirt muttered, shooting Jinx a dirty look.

  The male grinned. “I threatened them with punishment if they brought up sex.” He stood. “I’m in charge of chores in the men’s dorm this week. None wanted to scrub toilets in the downstairs bathrooms. Are you ready to go on the tour I promised?”

  Kat set her napkin next to the plate. “I am.” She really wanted out of there. New Species were nice but the way they’d watched her every move had been a little unsettling. They were curious, she understood that, but it made her self-conscious. She followed Jinx outside to a waiting Jeep. He motioned for her to climb inside.

  “We’ll go to the training facilities first. Do you have to train to be a crime lab technician? Physically, I mean. Of course you went to school to learn all the techniques you know.”

  She put on her seatbelt, noticing that he didn’t. He just started the engine and threw it in gear, only glancing behind him once to make sure he didn’t pull out in front of traffic. There wasn’t any.

  “Some.” She kept it vague.

  “Good. There won’t be any sessions right now but sometimes we drift in to work out our frustrations or extra energy.”

  She studied the feline male. He had gorgeous blue eyes and a carefree personality. The muscular body displayed in a T-shirt and snug jeans proved he was fit. Long black hair whipped freely around his shoulders as he drove fast, barely slowing for a turn. She gripped the edges of her seat.

  “Are we in a hurry?”

  “Sorry.” He slowed. “Darkness put me in charge of giving you the tour and I don’t want to mess it up.”

  Her interest peaked. “You’re afraid of him?”

  “No.” He chuckled. “He’s definitely intimidating but he’s fair. It’s just that he never asks anything of anyone so I want to
make sure I do exactly what he said. You’re to tour the training rooms and then I’m to take you to Security.”

  “Is he on duty?”

  “Not yet. He assigned me to you because he felt you’d be more at ease because he’s just not friendly. He asked Sunshine first but she couldn’t trade her shift today. I was his second choice.”

  He parked in front of a building and turned off the engine. “This is it. It doesn’t look like much from the outside but it houses sparring rooms, weight rooms, some offices, showers, and we even have a climbing wall. That was added after we took over.”

  She paused by his side as he used a card scanner to unlock the door. “I noticed all the common areas have those, except the bar.”

  “It’s for security reasons. This place was built as a military base but we were given it when it was complete. Upgrades were made. It assures us that if the gates are breached we’re able to be secure inside the buildings.” He tapped the glass as he held open the door. “Weapons grade is what I think you would call it. Bullets don’t pierce the glass and metal shutters slam down in case of an emergency.” He pointed up, showing her where they were hidden above the interior doors.


  “Unfortunately, we’ve had to use them.”

  “The breach when Homeland first opened?”

  He growled softly. “Yes. We’re always upgrading our security. That was a lesson.”

  Kat let the subject drop. He showed her the reception area. It was a lounge setup with a hallway leading past closed office doors. None of them were marked. He opened a door to a room that held weight benches and free weights.

  “May I ask you a personal question?”

  “Sure. What do you want to know?”

  “It’s about your name.”

  He laughed. “Say no more. I tease that anyone who causes me harm will have bad luck but the truth is…”


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