Betrayed: Book Five of the State Series

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Betrayed: Book Five of the State Series Page 9

by M. J. Kaestli

  “It is simple really. We create an elaborate hoax to get all members of the rebellion in one place so they may be more easily executed.”

  He gave a half laugh. “I suppose this hoax has something to do with sending them outside of the dome?”

  “Of course. We find it most effective if they feel as though they have accomplished some type of victory against us first. We tell them there are plans to start a new city or a colony, they band together to thwart us—we let them believe they have—then we easily and swiftly take care of the entire lot of them far away from us and undetected by the civilians inside the dome.”

  Victor laughed. “It’s genius. Perfect, really. If we forced them to move to the space, they would fight us. But if they feel as though they have beaten us—”

  “They draw out even the most well concealed rebellion members.” She paused briefly. “It is a process we have perfected over time. I must admit, we have gotten rather good at it.”

  Victor nodded. “So, I am to be killed by some type of rebel leader to give the illusion of their victory?” He laughed and licked his lips. “I’m absolutely tickled! I am simply thrilled to take part in this. It sounds fun.”

  “I am delighted to hear you say this. Our plan is a little more complex and delicate than usual. I will brief you on your role as the time comes for certain actions. For now, all you need to do is assume your role as our Head of State. Even with a work ethic such as your own, this will be a challenging task. It is time for you to settle into your new home. Your administrator should be at your door at any moment to prepare you for your address. I will contact you when it is time for action outside of your regular duties.”

  “May I ask one last question?”

  “Of course.”

  “How long do I have? A year? 10 Years? I would die tomorrow if it was what you required of me, I would just prefer to know.”

  “Victor, we have so much work to do yet, I fear your health could give out before we are ready. You need to ensure you exercise and manage stress. You could be an old man past the average age of retirement by the time we are ready.”

  “What more do you need to execute this plan.” He leaned forward. “Is there any additional assistance I could give?”

  “No, Victor. Focus on your duty as Head of State. We are searching for the correct candidate, the one who will lead the rebellion to their false victory.”

  He shook his head. “If you don’t yet have the future rebellion leader selected, I will grow to be an old man, indeed.”

  “We have some potential candidates who have yet to prove themselves.”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but a knock came at the door. The monitor switched off without further instruction, ending the meeting as abruptly as it began.

  “Sir, I am here to prepare you for your address. I have it written already.” She looked him up and down. “Perhaps you should start with a shower and slip into something more suitable.”

  Just as he was about to stand from the desk, she placed the tablet in his hand. “It will only take a moment for me to reset this office to recognize your palm.” She typed on her tablet and soon both his tablet and the monitor flashed. “Follow me.”

  Victor stood while keeping his tablet in hand. He followed her as she walked down the hall and scrolled through the new information at the same time.

  She came to a halt in front of a door.

  “Is this the address you want me to give?” His eyes quickly skimmed the address.

  “Yes, sir, it is.”

  “Hmmm. I see we are containing the violent nature of our former Head of State’s passing.”

  “Yes, sir. According to our reports, all Heads of State pass away peacefully in their sleep. Any other information could lead to either panic or a rebellious uprising.”

  He nodded. “Makes sense.” He placed his palm on the scanner. It flashed three times before the door opened.

  “You may stay in this apartment or move to a new one within the house any time of your choosing. If you wish a change, simply let me know and I will take care of the arrangements.”

  He looked around the space. It was a one-bedroom apartment like any a coupled pair would share. It seemed a waste of space for him, especially when he imagined he would spend little time there, but requesting a smaller apartment was not a priority.

  “It looks perfect. I believe I will be quite happy here, both in this home, and in my new role.”

  “Very good, sir.”

  Chapter 15


  Her eyes blurred in and out of focus as she stared down at her tablet. She could see her classmates hard at work on their examination through her peripheral vision, yet she was struggling to find a morsel of focus to complete the task at hand. This exam was covering their chapter on elements of public speaking. As an administrator, her exam wasn’t on delivering an address herself, but to write the address for whomever she served.

  She was among what little remained of her class; their numbers had dwindled down to 5. The first wave of girls was graduated and coupled, those who would be selected to work in an education center. The next wave was filled with girls who were assigned to work in a medical clinic.

  Each time a group of girls disappeared, the curriculum changed the following day. They were taught new programs and operating systems, forms of data storage, how to analyze each program to assess the needs within the system.

  When she arrived at the education center to see the mass departure of medical clinic workers, Chastity felt a deep longing to contact Cora to gloat. Her mother had been right; she could be both an administrator and someone important.

  That feeling lingered in her core until the next two phases of graduations ensued. The remaining party had been informed they were in the top-tier of their education. Once this segment was complete, they would be graduated and placed in their civil duty. This examination would be her last, and she couldn’t bring herself to complete it.

  Her logical mind knew it was too late to flunk out of her program, yet her entire body protested at the thought of being placed at the sole discretion of the State. Her classmates were excited, ecstatic about the opportunity before them. They couldn’t stop nattering on about what life would be like in Cheyenne Mountain, but a deep depression had taken hold of her instead.

  This elite group was soon to move outside the dome to become administrators in the mountain. They were to assist the top scientists and military leaders. The uniform they would wear might say staff across their chests, but they were a far different group than those who were brought out to cook or clean.

  The final leg of their program was the preparation for either the mountain or the military, but Chastity knew, without a fragment of doubt, where she would be headed.

  Her and her classmates were now privy to the mountain’s and the military underground’s top-secret information. The other girls were thrilled because they felt special, whereas Chastity felt as though she had received a prison sentence.

  Both options meant they would be cut off from the rest of civilization. To live in the military underground or in the mountain meant never peering out a window to see the lush green of vegetation or the white-capped mountain.

  The scenery was what she focused on, yet it wasn’t truly why she was upset. Apparently, she was smart enough to assist a scientist, just not to be one herself. Taking on a semblance of their life felt as though the State was trying to ensure she was constantly reminded what a disappointment she had turned out to be.

  An alarm sounded, pulling her thoughts back to the test at hand. Their instructor stood in front of her desk.

  “It is time. Everyone, submit your results.”

  Chasity looked down at the exam she had never started and did as instructed. Although the incomplete submission couldn’t rescue her from this unwanted life, she was certain there would be repercussions to her defiant act.

  The girls stood up, and one started to cheer, quickly being joined by everyone b
ut Chastity. Their instructor laughed and applauded their group.

  “Well done, ladies. You have been such a fantastic group. I will miss you.” Her tablet chimed distracting her from the celebration. She scrolled through her tablet and looked directly at Chastity. “I think you should all head to the common room to celebrate for the evening. I believe you will all be moved tomorrow morning.” A few of the girls shrieked and bounced up and down as the herd walked towards the door. Her instructor stepped forward. “Chastity, I would like a word before you go.”

  It wasn’t a surprise to her; she hadn’t bothered to leave her desk. Her entire body felt as though it was made of lead.

  Once the girls’ shrieking faded into the distance, her instructor took a seat next to her. “Chastity, you have been rather glum since we started the final module of your training.”

  She sat with her shoulders slumped, unable to make eye contact. Her eyes pooled with tears. “I don’t want to go.”

  Her instructor leaned forward, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I know leaving school can be frightening. Change can be frightening. You have to leave your friends, your apartment—”

  “It’s not that.” Chastity cut her off. “I don’t want to go to Cheyenne Mountain.”

  She flinched. “Oh? The other girls are so thrilled. I spent time working there myself. It is a different world over there. To be honest, I preferred it to the dome. I know it will be difficult to be cut off from your family—”

  “I know all about that place. I don’t want to go. I don’t care if you get better food or more freedom.”

  Her instructor gazed at her, hesitant to continue. “You could also be selected to work in the military. The mountain isn’t your only option available.”

  She shook her head. “I’ll be sent to the mountain. I knew the second we started this module that I wouldn’t be selected for military. The State has found me worthy to assist a scientist, just not to be one.”

  A few tears escaped her eyes.

  “Oh.” Her head snapped up. “I never realized you had other aspirations. You are so good at this—the best I’ve ever taught. You seemed so happy here.”

  She wiped her eyes. Her instructor wouldn’t understand. How could she? No one else was the only child of two brilliant scientists, who turned out to be just average.

  “Are you going to make me stay and finish the test?”

  “No, actually. I’m certain the State has already decided your path. I know you know the answers; your work is impeccable.” She huffed. “Just go, get some rest, and you will find out soon enough what your future will hold.”

  Chastity nodded and slowly stood from her desk.

  “I do hope you find some happiness in your work, and in your life. I think you are probably just nervous about the change. Once you get settled, you’ll see. Your future will be a happy one.”

  She rubbed her shoulder. Chastity could tell she wanted to hug her, but knew if she let her, she would break down. It was best she contained such emotions to the privacy of her apartment.

  Tomorrow she would be shipped out to the mountain where she would be reminded daily of her shortcomings. She would be constantly surrounded by people who would be thrilled to be there and wouldn’t understand her dissatisfaction.

  She wouldn’t only be isolated from her mother and Ursa, but from everyone. No one there would understand or relate to her. If she wasn’t meant to reproduce, would the State even couple her? Maybe she would be completely alone for the rest of her life.

  She dragged her feet to her apartment. The monitor was flashing when she arrived, yet she couldn’t bring herself to look at the message which would seal her fate.

  What will happen if I don’t open it? What if I miss the train? Will they arrest me for non-compliance?

  She flung her body down on her bed and allowed all her caged emotions to escape. The State be damned; let them arrest her. Maybe prison would be a better life than the mountain.


  She opened her eyes momentarily and blinked hard, forcing them tightly shut. The room was pitch black except for the red flashing light on the monitor. Even with her eyes closed, she could see the flashing. She flipped around, so she faced away from the monitor. The effort was in vain as the flashing simply illuminated the walls behind her.

  When she returned to her apartment for what would be the last time, she sobbed uncontrollably until she fell asleep. It had felt like the right course of action at the time, but now, she saw the flaw in her plan.

  Regardless of if she checked her message or not, an alarm would sound in the morning, Security would be called to pull her out of her apartment if she refused to leave. There was no hiding from the State. She would soon be on her way to her new life inside the mountain.

  She suspected from the darkness of her room, that it was still the middle of the night. A restless feeling settled in. She turned over again, and again, then jiggled her leg off the side of the bed, and finally threw off her covers and sat up. She switched on the light and the monitor.

  Chastity 319,

  You are to vacate this premise at 08:00 tomorrow. Security will guide you to your destination. All materials and clothing will be provided for you at your new home; there is no need to transport any items from this apartment. Dress in free time clothing.


  The State

  Chastity couldn’t decide if she was furious because the message was so vague or because she avoided reading it for so long. She should have just opened it right when she came home instead of dreading what would appear on the screen, forgetting the State never seemed to give more information than necessary.

  Her mother had only been thirteen when she was moved to the mountain, and even she wasn’t told anything until they were about to put on hazmat suits and leave the dome.

  It was the silliest of thoughts she could dwell on, yet the most pressing question on her mind was if she would be coupled. And if so, would she meet him on the train like her parents did?

  Will I see a group of boys my age and wonder which one will be my partner?

  Her stomach rumbled, pulling her from her thoughts. She walked over to the meal slot in the wall to find it empty. They must have both delivered her evening meal and removed the cold, untouched plate in her sleep. She walked to the cupboard and grabbed what remained of her breakfast bars, eating one before stepping into the bathroom.

  She undressed and slipped into the shower, taking her time to ensure she used up all her water rations before stepping out. She dressed in her free time clothing and combed out her hair, leaving it straight back.

  Once she made herself a cup of tea, she opened the blinds and turned her sofa-bed so she was facing the window. This would be the last sunrise she would ever see, and she was determined to enjoy it.

  The gravity of her looming changes set in and she deeply regretted her actions the previous evening. A sunrise was inferior to the beauty and wonder of a sunset with its hues of pink and orange. It was too late. She had slept through her last sunset. She would have to take in every moment of this sunrise and cherish it through what was certain to be a long and miserable life inside the gloomy mountain.

  Chastity sat and looked out her window, taking in the scenery until it was time to leave. The temptation to fight was still present, but she knew it was a fight she couldn’t win.

  All she could hope for at this point was that no one would remember her parents. If no one remembered them, she wouldn’t have to face the shame of being less than they were. Her father’s accident was surely something to be remembered, increasing her odds of exposing her failures. She would have to be careful to keep her identity concealed.

  Her hands trembled slightly as she palmed the scanner to the elevator. As the doors closed, and she made her descent, she knew everything she had ever loved was now lost to her.

  The red lights flickered on the moment the doors opened. She could only allow herself to look at the blaring straight line
of red lights. If she looked at her surroundings, she was sure to lose her spine.

  She may not be able to control her fate, but she could control how she presented herself. If she curled into the fetal position and broke down, it was as though the State had beat her. She may not be happy with how her life had turned out, but she wouldn’t let anyone know. Regardless of where she ended up, she would keep her head held high.

  The lights directed her to the trains. She waited for the correct one to arrive and boarded without ever taking her eyes off the floor. If there were other members of her class present, she wouldn’t be the wiser until they arrived as no one approached her during her travels. She sat with her eyes glued to the floor until the train came rolling to a stop.


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