Unleashed Desires 0f A Noble Lady (Steamy Historical Regency)

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Unleashed Desires 0f A Noble Lady (Steamy Historical Regency) Page 18

by Scarlett Osborne

  “That’s true. Before the flower house, even, since it was initially built the same year he was born. I used to take him on long walks through the woods or farmers fields and teach him different flowers. Unfortunately this was not without its consequences. It has given Lord Stapleton the ugliest penchant for more common flowers.” Her Grace laughed and soon the other ladies joined her.

  “He does fine with both common and rare flowers. Did you know, Your Grace, that Lord Stapleton is a member of an exclusive club founded by florists for other flower aficionados?” Emma said proudly.

  “I believe he mentioned it in correspondence a time or two. The Blossom Court? Is that correct? I was actually good friends with the daughter of one of the founders of that club, Lady Laura Topoir. Her father is Lord Vernberg and one of the most successful flower growers in all of England.” Donald’s mother waxed nostalgic recounting her times with her friend.

  The Ladies talked idly for a good while, spinning off on one topic right into the next. Every once in a while they would find themselves back into the subject of the wedding, but then the Dowager Countess or Her Grace would find themselves becoming distracted by thoughts of their own marriages or old friends.

  Emma and Donald finally agreed on bouquets of apple blossoms and honey suckles. She said what they would lack in the higher beauty of imported flowers, they would make up for in the delightful intermingling of their scents.

  The other topic of the wedding that was discussed was one that Emma had actually very little control over, but was a subject of great interest nonetheless; the honeymoon.

  “Knowing my son, he wants to keep the destination a surprise, is that correct?” her Grace asked.

  “He hasn’t even given me a hint,” Emma pouted. “The only thing he has told me is he plans on attending the after party for the wedding and leaving the next day. Oh, and that we will be gone for a week.”

  Her mother spoke up. “Were you planning on taking Lady Henrietta with you?”

  Emma opened her mouth to answer but Henrietta beat her to the punch with a laugh. “No, Lord Stapleton and Lady Emma will have no shortage of things to talk about, they have been friends longer than we have. They will not be needing my company.”

  Emma nodded in agreement, but blushed all the same at the thought of finally being alone with Donald. It really didn’t matter where they went, as long as he would hold her and tell her how much he loved her. And showed her how much he loved her. In every way he could think of, and a few ways she could suggest.

  Still it was fun to let her mind wander as the topic moved away from the wedding again. Would they be able to share a kiss on a seaside cliff? Or in a remote cottage where it really would be just the two of them? No servants and no one else but them for miles, alone like Emma always dreamed of? Imagine what he could do to her with no one to stop them. To judge or interrupt them. Emma almost became lost in the thoughts of him touching all over her body.

  Emma had never been with a man before, and while she had talks with her mother she still wasn’t sure what to expect. Before she was engaged she had been intimidated, even nervous of the idea of laying with her future husband. But now all she could think about was how good Donald could make her feel with a simple touch. And now she wanted so much more.

  What if he touched her in places that no one had ever touched her before? The very idea set her skin ablaze. Should his hands and his lips touch her chest, her stomach, her thighs? Would they feel as hot as they do when they touch her face?

  This will be blissful.

  Donald said they would be gone for a week, but he didn’t say how long they would be traveling. What if he was going to take her across the channel? They could see the art of France. The idea of getting to see the sights of a foreign land both frightened and excited her. Would they have time for anything but being in bed together?

  “Lady Emma, where did Lord Stapleton end up going?” Lady Westfolk asked her, pulling her out of her daze.


  `“I was telling Her Grace that her poor son looked ill earlier and he wanted to talk to you. Is everything all right? He didn’t come back when you did, so I didn’t have an opportunity to inquire.”

  “Oh, he is well. Just discussing some last minute details,” Emma said hurriedly. She didn’t like lying ever, but especially to her mother. Not because she got caught, no it was the opposite actually. Her mother tended to trust whatever she said, so lying to her mother was very easy. It made Emma feel twice as guilty.

  Not to mention after she told the fib, her cheeks burning with shame, she could already feel Her Grace’s steely gaze before she even looked over to her. She met the gaze head on, refusing to let herself be intimidated by her future mother-in-law.

  This time, though, Donald’s mother didn’t look away, instead her gaze was questioning and piercing.

  Chapter 26

  Donald wanted to talk to Matthew as soon as possible but he was nowhere to be found. Emma had directed him to his father, so Donald looked in his office, his study, as well as several of the manor’s sitting rooms with no luck.

  Eventually one of the stable boys was able to inform him that the gentlemen had decided to have their discussion accompanied by a horseback ride, and they weren’t expected to be back for some time.

  Donald sighed in frustration. Wasn’t that the way that life tended to work? When he was ready to talk to Matthew and sort out any issues, he was nowhere to be found. But if there was anyone he wished to avoid, his mother for example, then there she was sitting alone in the next room he walked into.

  “Excuse me,” he said and made his way back out, only to be called back by his mother before he could fully make his escape. He sighed audibly and walked back to stand in the doorway.

  “We didn’t finish our conversation earlier. And we need to,” his mother began.

  “I thought I made it expressly clear that I was done having that specific conversation,” Donald said tersely.

  “I understand. I won’t talk about the financial aspects of this conversation anymore, but I still have more to say.” The Duchess’ tone was pragmatic, probably hoping that he would hear her out if he thought himself unreasonable. Donald hated that it was working.

  “If not the finances, Mother, then what else is there to discuss on the matter? I am aware of the situation and I don’t choose to regard it as an issue,” Donald said flatly, just the slightest bit curious on what more his mother had to say.

  “I think you are not taking into account something most obvious in regards to this marriage,” she told him.

  “And what would that be?”

  “Lord Thetmont.”

  Silence hung in the room between them. For a brief terrible moment, Donald thought his mother had found out about Matthew going with her to the garden in the middle of the night. Of course there would be no explaining that away to the mother of the groom.

  No, that’s not right. She would have brought it up immediately and as a reflection of Emma. What is she talking about, then?

  “What do you mean?” Donald finally asked.

  His mother snorted lightly. “Donald, please, it doesn’t become a Marquess to play dumb.”

  He stared at her, looking as dumb as she was accusing him of pretending to be.

  “Donald, your friend Lord Thetmont is in love with your betrothed. He loves Lady Emma. He has for as long as he could understand what love is,” his mother said simply, traces of pity in her voice.

  “What?” Donald would have laughed if the whole morning hadn’t been spiraling out of his control for hours so far. “Mother, you aren’t making any sense.”

  “Lord Thetmont loves Lady Emma. He always has. And watching you go about your days as if you didn’t know, I was so confused. I guess you really didn’t, though.” She tutted, “Not your fault I suppose.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense. He hasn’t said anything to me… I have talked to him, I have asked him.” Donald was almost babbling, confused, w
hat his mother told him contradicted everything he knew. “Are you opposed to this marriage so that you would tell me a falsehood in desperation?”

  “Donald Stafney, your mother is no liar,” her voiced hissed out at him like fire. “And I am not desperate to see you heartbroken.” Her anger calmed and her voice quieted. “I like Lady Emma and I want to see you happy. I just don’t want to see your life torn apart for it.”

  “Why wouldn’t he have said anything?” Donald’s voice cracked in the desperate searching of the moment.

  “Maybe he wanted to spare you? Maybe he is as oblivious as you. Who knows?” The Duchess’ counsel rang hollow in the room, like she had just drop a metal weight into Donald’s lap and told him to swallow it.

  He had been speaking to her last night. He had been with her. Was that what he was there to discuss? His infatuation with the betrothed lady of his best friend? Was he there to try and lure her away with whatever he could promise? Was he there to pour out his broken heart to Emma and win her over with his pity? Was he there to take advantage of Emma’s trust in his character? Donald’s mind swam with the horrible possibilities.

  No, I won’t believe it. I can’t believe it.

  “Mother, am I correct in assuming you simply won’t let me tell you that it’s not true and continue on with my day?” Donald asked.

  “It would be irresponsible of me as a mother to allow you to make these choices in life without considering all the risks. He is your business partner, Donald. Upsetting him or offending him could have dire consequences,” his mother added.

  Donald took a deep breath. “As the matter would have it, I am about to speak to him right now. I will ask him to be forward on this particular matter and take whatever he says to heart. We will deal with the consequences as such.”

  “You think he will come forward at this point? After remaining silently by your side for so long?” his mother asked incredulously.

  “This is the opportunity I am giving him. If what you say is true,” Donald said, fearing the evidence he had gained secretly pointed to his mother’s suspicions, “then this is his chance to speak up. Otherwise nothing can or will be done about the upcoming marriage.”

  The Duchess was silent now, seeming to contemplate what had been said. “Aside from calling off the wedding, I believe there is nothing else that could be done on the matter. Ask him, see what he says, but Donald,” his mother cautioned. “Listen to more than just his words. Listen to how he says them.”

  She stood and moved to pass him at the door, Donald stepped aside to move out of her way. She paused as she walked by him, clutching her hands together. “I just want to make sure you are happy,” she said, emotion hitching in her voice.

  “Thank you, Mother,” he said, reaching out to touch her arm. “I know this conversation wasn’t easy for you to have. I am grateful that you care enough to say something.” Donald meant it, despite having trouble hiding the cold edge in his voice

  * * *

  Matthew, to Donald’s chagrin, returned more than an hour later, hungry from the active ride. He was actively seeking out a meal while Donald was trying to get his attention.

  Donald resigned to letting Matthew finish a meal before practically yanking him away from the dining room and into a nearby drawing room. “Damn, Donald, what matter is so important that you couldn’t wait for me to gain my own footing?” Matthew swore at him looking slightly cross.

  “Several very important ones that I have been waiting all day to discuss. Thankfully I’m not so crass to accuse you of avoiding me at this point.” Donald looked at him sternly.

  “Donald, what is the matter?” Matthew asked him and quirked his eyebrow. “What has got you in such a sour mood? This week is supposed to be a celebration.”

  Donald paced the room for a moment before looking at Matthew and addressing him. “I know you went with Emma to the garden last night.”

  “Oh,” Matthew’s voice was quiet when he acknowledged it.

  “You don’t deny it?”

  “Why would I?” he asked Donald. “We both know it is true. It would belittle us both to try and play around a lie.”

  “So will you tell me?” Donald asked almost pleadingly.

  “Tell you what, Donald?”

  “Why you took her to the garden?” Donald couldn’t believe he had to explain that.

  Matthew looked surprised. “You don’t know? You mean she didn’t tell you?”

  “She said it was a matter that you would want to discuss with me yourself. I also thought it was wise to hear from you,” Donald explained.

  “I see.” Matthew was quiet for a moment. “It makes sense why she would want you to ask me. I could tell you but it will sound silly...” Matthew looked away, almost embarrassed.

  “Silly or not, I am your friend and would want to know what was bothering you so,” Donald said, his voice full of concern now. He was worried his friend was being reductive, not wanting to make a big deal of his own problems.

  “I was speaking to Emma about Lady Henrietta,” Matthew told him without turning around.

  “Lady Henrietta? What about her?”

  “Donald, I love you like a brother but you are one of the densest people I have ever met,” Matthew said shaking his head and finally turning to face his friend. “I was asking Emma about the prospect of courting Lady Henrietta.”

  It was Donald’s turn to utter an. “Oh,” followed by, “I didn’t realize you were interested.”

  “I don’t like to broadcast myself in such a fashion, even with you Donald, my matters are my own.” Matthew paused a moment, but Donald’s patience pressured him to elaborate. “Talks of marriage have prompted me to consider settling down myself and Lady Henrietta seems a fine lady who would be in an advantageous position to marry.”

  “I see, I must confess I wasn’t sure what answer I expected but that certainly wasn’t it.” Donald’s voice was low, his mind still searching for the right words to bring up his next point.

  Matthew was looking at him quizzically now. “Well what were you expecting then?”

  “It is my turn to admit I am ashamed.”

  “Ashamed of what, Donald? I have laid my soul bear for your own peace of mind. Do you not owe me the same?” Matthew said frankly.

  “I suppose you do,” Donald sighed before he continued. “I will not elaborate on the parties, as their privacy is not mine to violate, but I allowed individuals to bend my ear with the belief that you were, in fact, in love with Emma.”

  As the surprises of this day would never cease, Matthew threw back his head and laughed long and hard. “Donald, are you serious? Or is this some lengthy jest that you are pulling as punishment for me speaking to your betrothed so late at night? If that is the case, it is what I justly deserve.” Matthew spoke all this between wheezing laughs.

  “This is no joke!” Donald was incensed now. “Is it so ridiculous to assume you would be in the same position that I am? That you would hold a longing for the person who valued your friendship so.”

  “It isn’t so ridiculous from that perspective, no,” Matthew said, breathing deeply and calming himself. “I meant no insult or disrespect, Donald. Just the thought of me being in love with Emma really tickles me. She is my sister, a beautiful lady to be sure but one I only care about as a friend, rest assured.”

  Donald’s relief flowed through him shockingly, almost like someone had thrown cold water on his insides.

  Thank heavens, I don’t know what I would do if…

  “So you have no romantic inclinations toward Emma whatsoever? You wish to seek to court Lady Henrietta?” Donald asked.

  “Why must you make me repeat myself? Yes, I was simply asking Emma about what Lady Henrietta likes so I might buy her a gift and avoid making any social faux pas that she might take particular affront to. Do you know she hates people who slurp their soup? I would have never guessed from knowing her,” Matthew chuckled.

  Donald chuckled along too, but a bit uncertainl
y. He believed Matthew, he believed that his friend would never lie to him. So why did this unease sit with him?

  I’m not used to having to confront Matthew. That just put me on edge.

  “Thank you for putting my mind at ease, Matthew. I am sorry that I came demanding explanations, but I know you can’t blame a gentleman for wanting to know why his betrothed was seen in the company of another gentleman, especially late at night,” Donald said, unsure if he should fully apologize in this instance.

  “Think nothing of it, Donald. I am glad you want to protect Emma’s virtue. It comforts me to know she is in such caring and considerate hands,” Matthew said while patting Donald on the back. “You didn’t blame Emma did you? I was distraught last night.” Matthew looked a bit sheepish. “I sought solace for my pining heart in a bottle of wine and I am afraid I got a little overzealous in seeking advice.”


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