In The Eye of the Beholder

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In The Eye of the Beholder Page 4

by Beverly Cialone

  “That’s what I’ve heard.”

  “Imagine living for twenty or thirty years without sight, and then suddenly you’re able to see things like humans, cars, buildings, animals, the sky…”

  “That would be overwhelming.”

  “It would be like suddenly arriving on an alien planet.” He gently framed my face with his hands and seemed to gaze into my eyes, even though I knew that he couldn’t see me. I noticed the intriguing starburst pattern around his pupils and inquired, “Did the surgery do that to your eyes?”

  “Do what to my eyes?”

  “Give them that starburst pattern.”

  “No, that’s always been there.”


  He attempted to kiss me again, and this time I fervently kissed him back as I wound my arms around his neck and slid my fingers into his hair. It was thick, soft, and silky, just as I’d imagined it would be, and I gave a soft sigh as he deepened the kiss and gently eased me against the sofa cushions. His weight on top of me was warm, heavy, and comfortable, but he raised his head long enough to ask, “I’m not crushing you, am I?”


  “Are you sure?”

  “Very sure.”

  “Good.” He resumed kissing me, and I grew restless as a sweet, heavy ache began low in my belly and settled between my legs. Adam raised his head and smiled down at me, and his voice was gentle and amused as he inquired, “Ready for me to get up?”

  “I guess so, if that’s what you want to do…”

  He laughed softly as he carefully pushed himself into a sitting position, and as I sat up he inquired, “Would you like some chocolate mousse cake and coffee now?”


  He nodded and got to his feet, then pulled me off the sofa and laced his fingers through mine as we walked to the kitchen. Maggie had just finished restoring the kitchen to order, but she gave Adam and I a warm smile as she said, “Changed your mind about the cake, did you?”

  Adam laughed and replied, “You know me so well.”

  “That I do.” She cut two slices of cake and set them in front of us as we sat at the island bar in the middle of the kitchen, then poured coffee for us and said, “I guess I’ll leave you two alone. I’ll be in my room if you need me for anything, Master Adam.”

  “Alright. Thank you, Maggie.”

  She simply nodded and smiled, and moments later she was gone. Adam turned to me and sighed, then said, “Maggie is like a second mother to me. My own mother died when I was eleven. Maggie has been with my family since my brother and I were born.”

  “That’s a long time.”

  Adam suddenly grinned at me and teased, “Are you saying I’m old?”

  “Well, no, but--”

  He laughed and said, “I’m just teasing you, Sophie. I really wish you’d relax around me.”

  “I am relaxed.”

  He reached out and gently squeezed my shoulder, then said, “No, you aren’t.”

  “Well, you’re a doctor. Fix it.”

  He laughed and finished his cake, and after helping ourselves to more coffee he said, “I do give a mean massage.”

  “I don’t want a mean one; I want a nice one.”

  He laughed again and said, “That’s one reason I like you. You’re funny.”

  “You think so, huh?”

  “I know so.”

  “What are the other reasons?”

  “You seem like a nice girl. And you’re obviously smart, otherwise you wouldn’t be the business office manager.”

  “Go on,” I teased as I sipped my coffee. He grinned and added, “You have nice, soft hair, soft skin, and you always smell nice. And you fit against me perfectly.”

  “Yeah, that’s always important.”

  “I think so.” He smiled and finished his cake and coffee, and after loading our few dirty dishes into the dishwasher he laced his fingers through mine again as he led me back to the living room. He settled me on the sofa and sat down behind me, then placed his hands on my shoulders and began gently massaging the tension out of them. I moaned softly and let my head drop forward as his skilled fingers expertly dissolved the tension and soreness in my shoulders and neck, and Adam’s voice was gentle as he inquired, “Better?”

  “Much. Thank you.”

  “Would you like a back rub?”

  It was a loaded question, one I wasn’t quite sure how to answer as Adam continued to gently massage my shoulders. The thought of a back rub by Adam was immensely frightening to me, since I had no idea where it might lead. At this stage of our friendship, I knew that sleeping with him was a definite no-no, because I didn’t want him to think I was “easy” and did things like that on a regular basis with men I barely knew. But his hands felt so good on my body, and I liked him so much, that I softly replied, “A back rub sounds great.”

  He laughed softly and gently kissed the nape of my neck before he got up and pulled me to my feet I remained silent as he laced his fingers through mine and led me upstairs to his bedroom. I was so relaxed I’d grown pleasantly drowsy, but I immediately perked up when we walked into his bedroom. A comfortable-looking king-size bed dominated the room, and the room was decorated in masculine shades of royal blue, black, gray, and cream. It was a shame he couldn’t see it, but I kept my thoughts to myself as he led me to the bed and said, “Lie down on your belly and get comfortable.”

  I nodded and did as he instructed, and I sighed in contentment as my body sank into the comforter. Adam straddled the backs of my thighs and inquired, “Comfortable?”


  “Good. Now just relax and enjoy.” He began a slow, gentle massage of my back, and moments later I was so sleepy I could barely hold my eyes open. His touch was firm yet gentle, warm and non-threatening, and his voice was soft and gentle as he inquired, “How does that feel?”

  “Wonderful. I think you’re in the wrong profession.”

  He laughed softly at my comment and continued his gentle massage, and I just couldn’t help myself as he expertly eased the tension and soreness that had been in my back. I closed my eyes and sighed, and moments later I was fast asleep.

  Chapter 4

  I woke with a start as the sun was coming up, and panic filled me as I blinked at the unfamiliar room. I sat up so fast I made myself dizzy, and when I remembered where I was I softly moaned, “Oh my God. Oh no.”

  Adam stirred then, and his voice was soft and sleepy as he said, “Good morning. Sleep well?”


  “Is something wrong?”

  “Yes, something’s wrong! I wasn’t supposed to fall asleep in your bed last night! I…” A horrifying thought occurred to me then, and in a tremulous voice I inquired, “We didn’t, um, do anything, did we?”

  He laughed and sat up, and I couldn’t help noticing his firm, muscled chest and his equally muscled, broad shoulders. His skin had that healthy, golden sun-kissed glow that comes from living at the coast, and I fought the urge to run my fingers through his tousled hair as he teased, “You mean you don’t remember?”

  I gave a horrified gasp as I blushed a crimson red, and I was on the verge of tears as I all but screamed, “Oh my God!”

  Adam suddenly laughed and said, “Relax, Sophie. All you did was fall asleep. I figured you needed the rest, so I didn’t disturb you.”


  “It’s alright, Sophie. Now what would you like for breakfast?”

  Breakfast! That meant I’d have to face his brother and Maggie, and I could just imagine Maggie’s expression of intense disapproval as she set a plate of poisoned eggs in front of me. I quickly shook my head and stammered, “I, um, really have to go…”

  Adam seemed to sense my inner turmoil and gently said, “Sophie, honey, relax. We didn’t do anything except share a bed. All we did was sleep.”

  I looked at him, even though he couldn’t see me, and said, “I hope you know that I’ve never done this before.”

  Adam cocked his head and
glanced in my general direction as he inquired, “Is the thought of doing more than sleeping in my bed such a horrifying thought?”

  My blush deepened as I stammered, “Well, no, but, it’s just that, well…”

  “But what?”


  He reached out and gently touched my cheek as he said, “There’s no need to get nervous around me, Sophie. I want you to trust me enough to tell me anything.”



  “I’m just not used to waking up in a strange bed, that’s all.”

  He laughed and shook his head, then said, “Ah, Sophie, what an adventure it’s going to be to discover all those little secrets you have locked away in that pretty head of yours.”

  “How do you know my head’s pretty?”

  He simply smiled and slid his hand around the back of my neck, then pulled me close and kissed me deeply. The sudden, unexpected intimacy of his gesture caught me off guard, but I relaxed against him as he evoked a riot of emotions and sensations in me that I’d never felt before. My arms found their way around his neck as he continued to kiss me, and moments later he’d eased me against the pillows as he continued to work magic with his mouth and tongue. By the time he finally raised his head I was moving restlessly against him, and there was no mistaking the warm, hard bulge I felt pressing against the most sensitive part of me. He gently slid his fingers through my hair and dropped a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose, then murmured, “I think we’d better get downstairs for breakfast.”


  He laughed softly and teased, “I thought you didn’t want to stay for breakfast.”

  “I changed my mind.”

  He laughed again and got out of bed, then inquired, “Would you like to take a shower?”

  “A shower sounds great.”

  “The bathroom is straight ahead. Just make yourself at home.”

  I nodded and got out of bed, and moments later I was standing under the warm spray of the shower as I thought about my budding relationship with Adam. I’d never spent the night with a man before, even though Adam and I had done nothing but sleep. Together. In the same bed. He with nothing on but his underwear and I fully clothed. I knew I was falling dangerously hard for him, but I just couldn’t seem to help myself. I wanted him to know all of my secrets, dreams, hopes, and fears, even though the thought frightened me immensely. Opening myself up to him in that way meant he’d have the power to shatter my heart into millions of tiny little pieces, but something told me that maybe, just maybe, trusting this man would be more than worth the risk. I sighed and finished showering, and fifteen minutes later I walked back into the bedroom to find Adam already dressed and the bed neatly made. He turned and smiled at me, then inquired, “Have a nice shower?”

  “Yes, thanks.”

  “Ready for some breakfast now?”


  He nodded and laced his fingers through mine as he led me downstairs, and I realized again just how nice his hand felt in mine. It was warm and strong, yet gentle at the same time, and I couldn’t help the small smile that played on my face as we entered the dining room and sat down. As if on cue, Maggie appeared with two plates heaped with scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon, and toast, and I gave her what I hoped was a friendly smile and said, “Thank you, Maggie.”

  “You’re welcome.” She poured coffee for us and promptly disappeared into the kitchen, and as Adam and I ate he inquired, “What do you usually do on Sundays?”

  “Read the newspaper, watch TV, catch up on my laundry. Maybe read a book or listen to music. Sometimes I’ll take a walk on the beach.”

  “Sounds like a nice way to spend a Sunday.”

  “And yourself?”

  “I watch TV, read a book, or take a swim if the weather’s nice.”

  “You have a pool?”

  “Yes. Would you like to go swimming sometime?”


  He nodded and smiled, then finished his breakfast and leaned back in his chair as he sipped his coffee. “How are your shoulders and back feeling?”

  “Wonderful. I had no idea I was that tense.”

  “Most people don’t until they’ve had a massage.”

  “I still think you’re in the wrong profession.”

  He simply laughed at my statement and finished his coffee, then sighed and said, “I guess you’re ready to head home.”

  “Yes. I had a great time, Adam. Thanks for inviting me.”

  He smiled and replied, “I enjoyed it as well. And you’re quite welcome.”

  I nodded and pushed my plate away, suddenly feeling awkward as I sat there wondering what to say. I was hoping he was going to ask me out again, but it didn’t seem as if such an invitation was forthcoming. I stood to leave, then said, “Well, thanks again.”

  He simply smiled and nodded, and as I walked to the foyer my heart grew heavy as my eyes unexpectedly filled with tears. Maybe I was just overreacting. Maybe I’d expected too much from the beginning. Maybe, maybe, maybe. I sighed and let myself out the front door, then slowly walked toward Sally and slid behind the steering wheel. At least she’d never break my heart. I gave the steering wheel a gentle pat as I turned the key in the ignition, and moments later I drove away, fully expecting to never see or hear from Adam again.

  Much to my surprise, Adam was waiting for me outside the business office at noon the next day. He smiled at me and said, “Hi.”


  “I thought I’d see if you’d like to have lunch with me today.”


  “Would you like to eat outside again?”

  “That would be nice.” I smiled when he laced his fingers through mine and led me outside to the courtyard, where we enjoyed pizza in front of the fountain. He smiled and wiped the grease from his hands and the corners of his mouth, then said, “So tell me more about Sophie.”

  I hadn’t been expecting his intriguing question, and as I leaned back in my chair I chewed on my straw as I studied his handsome face. “What do you want to know?”


  “That’s quite a lot. Thirty years’ worth of stuff.”

  He laughed and replied, “I know.”

  I sighed as I chewed on my straw again, then said, “My parents are still alive, I have no brothers or sisters, I’m college educated, my favorite subject in college was psychology, my favorite colors are pink, purple, and different shades of blue, I’m terrified of wind and lightning, as well as snakes, and when I was little I wanted to be an astronaut.”

  He laughed and said, “So why didn’t you become one?”

  I shrugged and chewed on my straw again as I replied, “Life hit me with a good dose of reality.”

  “Hmm, that’s an interesting choice of words.”

  “Fair is fair. Now it’s your turn.”

  “Not so fast. That was hardly what I’d call everything.”

  “What else do you want to know?”

  “What’s your favorite food? Your favorite song? Your favorite pet?”

  “I like several different foods and songs. But my all time favorite pet was this little dog I used to have. He was solid white and the cutest little thing…”

  “What was his name?”

  I laughed as I replied, “Munchkin.”

  “What happened to him?”

  I bit my lip as sudden tears welled in my eyes, and I tried to keep my voice from breaking as I replied, “He got hit by a car and I had to have him put to sleep.”

  “How long ago was that?”

  “Ten years.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  I shrugged and said, “Anything else you want to know?”

  “Of course there is. I want to know everything about you.”


  “Because I happen to like you. I think you’re a nice, smart, interesting person.”

  “Well, now it’s your turn.”

  His pager went off
then, and he smiled as he got to his feet and replied, “You’ll have to wait for my life story. They need me in the ER.”

  I gave a dramatic sigh and said, “Excuses, excuses.”

  He simply laughed as he walked away and disappeared into the hospital.

  I sighed as I walked into my dark, lonely apartment at five-thirty Friday evening, and after settling myself on the sofa I sighed and closed my eyes at the prospect of taking it easy for the weekend. My job could be stressful at times, especially when I had to deal with frightened, tearful patients and their families as they registered for surgery and the required pre-op tests. The children were the hardest to deal with, not because they misbehaved or anything, but simply because I couldn’t understand why innocent children sometimes had to endure such pain and trauma. I shook my head to clear it of such thoughts, then dragged myself off the sofa and wandered into the kitchen for something to eat. My phone rang as I was rummaging through the fridge, and with a tired sigh I picked up the receiver and said, “Hello?”



  “Hi, it’s Adam. What are you doing tonight?”

  “Right now I’m trying to decide what I want for dinner. Then I’ll probably watch TV for a while and go to bed.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a fun way to spend a Friday night.”

  “Do you have any other suggestions?”

  “Actually, yes. Would you like to come over and go for a swim?”

  “This late?”

  Adam laughed and replied, “Yes, this late. If you call six o’clock late, that is.”

  I smiled and immediately clicked the TV off, then said, “Sure. I’ll be there in half an hour.”

  “I’ll feed you, too. How does that sound?”

  “It sounds great.”

  “I’ll see you in half an hour, then.”

  I hung up the phone and tried to contain my silly grin as I hurried into my bedroom, thrilled that Adam had called to invite me over. I chose a black one piece swimsuit with pink racing stripes, then pulled on my favorite pair of jeans and a T-shirt before I grabbed my car keys and dashed out the door. I hurried back inside to grab a quick change of underwear and my toothbrush, as well as some other toiletries, and moments later I was on my way to Adam’s, that silly grin still on my face.


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