In The Eye of the Beholder

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In The Eye of the Beholder Page 12

by Beverly Cialone

  “Yes?” I replied as I continued to gaze up at the trooper’s face. He probably did this often and was used to emotional outbursts, but I knew that in this particular case, a dreadful mistake had been made because there was no way that my parents had been killed in an auto accident. He reached out and gently touched my shoulder, then calmly inquired, “Miss Bishop, are your parents’ names Daniel and Marjorie?”


  He cleared his throat again and said, “Miss Bishop, your parents have been involved in an auto accident…”

  “Yes, Doctor Hampton told me, but there’s a mistake. My parents are excellent drivers, and I know that something like this just couldn’t happen. Just tell me which hospital they’re in and Doctor Hampton will take me there.”

  The trooper glanced at Adam and held his gaze for a moment before he shook his head and said, “Miss Bishop, there’s been no mistake. Your parents--”

  “Please, I appreciate your professionalism, but if you’ll just tell me where they are, I’ll go see them, and we can get this all cleared up.”

  The trooper sighed and shook his head again before he glanced at Adam, and as he glanced at me he said, “Your parents are in a hospital about an hour from here, Charleston Regional. I’m sure Doctor Hampton knows where that is.”

  Adam nodded and tightened his grip on my shoulders as he replied, “Yes, I do. Thank you, officer.”

  The trooper tipped his hat again and walked toward the elevators, and moments later Adam glanced down at me and gently inquired, “Would you like to get some things from your place before we head to Charleston?”


  Adam kept his arm around my shoulders as he led me to the elevators, but he was unusually quiet as we walked outside and got into his car. He turned the key in the ignition and glanced over at me, then gently inquired, “You feeling OK, sweetheart?”

  “A little sore and tired, but I think I’ll live.”

  “Let me know if you start feeling any worse, OK?”


  He simply nodded and drove out of the parking lot, and we both remained quiet as he drove to my place and escorted me inside. He stayed close by while I retrieved what I needed and tossed it all into a large duffle bag, and half an hour later we were on our way to Charleston. Adam kept shooting worried sideways glances in my direction, but between the gentle motion of the car and the warm sun shining through the windshield, as well as the powerful drugs I’d been given the night before, I fell asleep and slept for most of the trip. After what seemed like just a few moments Adam was shaking my shoulder, and his voice was gentle and concerned as he said, “Sophie, sweetheart, wake up. We’re here.”

  “We are?” I murmured as I straightened in the seat and sleepily blinked up at him. I winced at the dull, pulling pain in my side, and Adam’s concerned frown deepened as he inquired, “What’s the matter? Are you alright?”

  “Just a little sore, that’s all.”

  He nodded and helped me out of the car, then put his arm around my shoulders and led me inside the tall, massive building that was Charleston Regional Hospital. We entered through the emergency room, and as Adam led me over to the elevators I inquired, “Where are we going?”

  “I called while you were asleep in the car and found out where your parents are.”

  “Oh, OK.” I stepped into the elevator and watched as Adam pushed the button that would take us down to the basement, and I frowned as I glanced at him and inquired, “Why are we going to the basement?”

  Adam said nothing; he just put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close, then kissed the top of my head and sighed as he let his lips linger on my hair. I was still in denial, which was probably a good thing, considering what I’d already been through the night before. Adam sighed again when the elevator doors opened and we stepped into a long, dimly lit hallway, and as he led me along the spooky corridor I was grateful for his strong, warm presence next to me. I shivered in a mixture of cold and foreboding, and as he pulled me even closer he inquired again, “You alright, sweetheart?”

  “Just a little chilly down here, that’s all.”

  Adam nodded and stopped when we came to a glass-enclosed office, but fortunately, I could see nothing beyond the office part. Adam spoke briefly with the lady sitting behind the glass partition, and moments later she nodded and opened the door for us. Adam led me inside and thanked the woman, then tightened his grip around my shoulders and led me into another room that boasted tile floors, large steel cabinets built into the walls, and a stainless steel table in the middle of the room. I nearly gagged at the smell of blood, formaldehyde, and a few other things I couldn’t pinpoint and didn’t want to, and moments later a white-coated man approached us and inquired, “Can I help you?”

  Adam cleared his throat and was about to speak when I said, “Yes, I’m here to see my parents, Daniel and Marjorie Bishop. Why are they in the basement instead of a regular room?”

  The attendant shot Adam a puzzled glance before he turned his attention back to me, and after consulting his clipboard he sighed deeply and said, “Right this way.”

  Adam tightened his grip around my shoulders and pulled me even closer as we followed the white-coated man to the far end of the room, and before I could comprehend what was about to happen the man stopped at two stainless steel tables that were side by side and drew the sheets back, then stepped aside so I could see for myself. There, on the tables, were my beloved parents, their faces relatively peaceful despite the ugly bruises, cuts, and gashes. My hand automatically flew to my mouth in a desperate attempt to stifle an anguished scream, and then everything went black as I crashed to the floor.

  I don’t know how long I was out, but when I woke I was in a soft, warm, comfortable bed, and Adam was sitting right beside me, his face drawn and concerned, his eyes thoughtful. I struggled to sit up, but he gently placed his hand against my chest and effectively pinned me against the mattress as he admonished, “No, sweetheart. You take it easy. You’ve already been through too much as it is, and I don’t want anything else to happen to you.”

  “Where am I?”

  “You’re in a room at Charleston Regional. I had you admitted after you collapsed.”

  “But Adam--”

  “Shh. No buts. It’s just for one night, just so you can get some rest. You’ve been through a lot in the past few hours.”

  The image of my parents assaulted my mind then, and I gave a soft, anguished moan as I closed my eyes and began restlessly moving my head back and forth on the pillow. Adam gently touched my cheek and murmured my name, but I was inconsolable as I was forced to face the harsh reality I’d denied mere hours before. Moments later Adam was sitting beside me on the bed, and when he pulled me onto his lap and began gently rubbing my back, I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave way to the anguished sobs that were begging for release. I lost all track of time as Adam held me while I soaked the front of his shirt, and the last thing I remembered was Adam gently easing me against the pillow right before I felt the slight, stinging prick of a needle.

  The next week passed in a hellish blur, and I was grateful for Adam’s strong, supportive presence as I attempted to make arrangements and then endured the packed, wrenching funeral. Afterwards all I wanted to do was go home and sleep until the pain was gone, and Adam seemed to understand that as he drove me home from the funeral. I was aware of the concerned glances he kept casting in my direction, but I remained silent as I stared, unseeing, out the car window. I felt completely drained and exhausted beyond words, and I wondered if my world would ever return to normal as Adam parked in his driveway and came around to help me out of the car. I’d barely eaten all week, much to his chagrin, and as a result of that, as well as the surgery I’d endured, I was pale, thin, drawn, and weak. I leaned heavily against him as we walked up to the front door, and within minutes we were upstairs in his bedroom. I sat down heavily on the bed and stared at the floor while Adam loosened his tie and removed his sui
t jacket, and moments later the mattress sagged beside me as he sat down and wordlessly pulled me onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head against his chest as he gently stroked my back, and he seemed to understand that no words were necessary as he held me close and tried to offer me a small modicum of comfort. Despite my overwhelming, agonizing grief, I had no more tears left to shed as I simply leaned against him, savoring the sound of his strong, steady heartbeat and the comforting, solid warmth of his body. He continued to gently stroke my back, and moments later he’d pulled me onto the bed with him so that we were laying side by side. He gathered me even closer and gently kissed the back of my neck, and within moments I was fast asleep.

  I slept until the next morning, when Adam’s deep, gentle voice roused me from sleep. “Good morning, sweetheart. Would you like some breakfast?”

  I slowly opened my eyes and blinked up at him, fully expecting him to still be wearing his suit. Instead he was in a T-shirt and boxers, and when I glanced down at myself I was surprised to discover that I was dressed in one of his T-shirts and nothing else. I opened my mouth to say something, but Maggie’s cheerful voice interrupted the question I was about to ask. She knocked on the bedroom door and called, “Good morning! Breakfast will be ready in half an hour.”

  I rested my head on the pillow and glanced at Adam again, who simply leaned over and dropped a gentle kiss on my lips. I was pleasantly surprised when he suddenly deepened the kiss, and I was even more surprised when I felt the first stirrings of desire deep in my belly. How could that be? I wondered as he continued to kiss me slowly, deeply, maddeningly. How could I feel desire when my world had been ripped apart? How could I allow it when my parents were turning even colder in their graves? That last thought forced me to pull away from his kiss, but he seemed to understand when he saw the grief, guilt, and confusion in my eyes. He gently framed my face with his hands and murmured, “Sophie, sweetheart, it’s alright. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be right here. I’m not going anywhere. OK?”

  I simply nodded and bit my lip in an effort to quell the fresh tears in my eyes, and the sudden smell of coffee and bacon was almost too much to bear as I shook my head and said, “I--I don’t think I can handle any food just yet, Adam.”

  “You have to eat, sweetheart. You’ve barely eaten in a week.”

  “I know, but--”

  “At least try. Please? For me?”

  I gave a resigned sigh and nodded. “Alright. For you.” I slowly sat up and drew my knees to my chest before linking my arms around them, and as I sat there slowly rocking back and forth Adam cleared his throat and murmured, “Sophie?”

  I glanced up at him, then unlinked my arms from around my knees and slowly got to my feet. It had been so long since I’d eaten anything of substance that I was pathetically weak and dizzy, but still my appetite remained non-existent. I simply leaned against Adam and rested my head on his chest, oddly comforted by the strong, steady beat of his heart, and only then did I realize how perfectly my head fit beneath his chin. It was almost as if we’d been made for each other, and I fought the sudden lump in my throat as I imagined Danielle stealing him from me. Adam tightened his arms around me when I shuddered, and his voice was gentle as he said, “Sophie, sweetheart, come on…you’ve got to eat something…”

  “I just can’t, Adam…”

  Adam sighed deeply and said, “Even though I didn’t know your parents, I’m sure they wouldn’t have wanted you to stop eating.”

  Deep down I knew he was right, and with a forlorn nod I said, “You’re right…I’ll go downstairs and try to eat something.”

  “Good.” He put his arm around my shoulders and carefully led me down the stairs, apparently mindless of the fact that all I was wearing was one of his T-shirts and my underwear. He did stop to retrieve a robe from the downstairs bathroom before we proceeded to the kitchen, and as I tightened the belt I was only mildly surprised to discover how much weight I’d lost in the space of a week. The robe literally engulfed me, and I was well aware of the worried looks he kept casting in my direction as we sat down to eat breakfast. Maggie appeared moments later with two large plates of steaming food, and the mere sight of it was enough to revive my appetite. I silently cursed the tremor in my hand as I picked up my fork, and although I kept my eyes downcast, I knew that Adam had seen it too. I managed to get a forkful of eggs into my mouth without dropping any on the table, and I surprised myself by eating half of what was on my plate. The food only served to make me yearn for sleep, and after I’d pushed my plate away Adam silently got to his feet and pulled me out of the chair before he put his arm around my shoulders and led me back upstairs. Once we were back in his room, he removed the robe and tucked me back into bed, then sat down beside me and gently stroked my hair as he said, “I’m glad you ate something. Hopefully that will help you feel a little better.”

  I simply nodded and nuzzled my cheek against his warm, gentle hand, and moments later I drifted off to sleep.

  The sound of raised voices woke me several hours later, and as I lay in bed with my eyes closed I frowned as I tried to pinpoint who was arguing, as well as where they were arguing. I instantly recognized Adam’s voice, and moments later my stomach turned in disgust when I recognized Danielle’s icy voice. I simply lay there and listened, and even though I could tell it was quite a heated argument, the words were muffled. I wondered if I should go downstairs and attempt to make them stop arguing, but moments later I heard rapid footsteps on the stairs, followed by a heavier set of footsteps. I wasn’t surprised when the bedroom door suddenly flew open and Danielle burst into the room, her otherwise elegant features marred by the angry red flush that now decorated her cheeks. She stormed over to the bed and grabbed the front of my T-shirt, then literally yanked me upright and dragged me out of bed as she spat icy, hateful words at me. “You little tramp! How long did you think I’d let you continue to sleep with my husband before I did something about it? I’m throwing you out of this room, and throwing you out of this house! You don’t belong with Adam! You never have, and you never will! You are the smut of society, you little whore, and I won’t tolerate it in MY house!”

  I gave a soft gasp of pain and surprise when she suddenly flung me against the wall, and I was helpless to stop her as she delivered a vicious, stinging slap to my face. I slid down the wall and crumpled onto the floor, and tears of gratitude filled my eyes when Adam stepped into the room and bellowed, “Danielle! How DARE you strike her! How DARE you come in here and talk to her like that! You’re the one who doesn’t belong here any more! I don’t love you, and I haven’t for a long time! Sophie has been more of a best friend and lover to me than you EVER were, and if you have any brains at all in that head of yours, you’ll get out of here right this instant before I call the police and have you arrested!”

  Danielle simply threw her head back and laughed at Adam’s warning, but her shrill laughing was cut short when Adam grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall before he spat, “I said leave her alone and get out of my house right now!”

  “But Adam…I’m your wife…not that little whore…”

  “She isn’t a whore, Danielle! If I remember correctly, YOU were the one who took obvious delight in whoring around while we were married!”

  A sick sense of satisfaction filled me as I watched some of the color drain from Danielle’s face, and her reaction simply fueled Adam’s anger even more as he added, “You think I didn’t know? Did you really think I was that stupid, Danielle? I could smell it on you all those nights you came home late and crawled into bed wanting me to fuck you! I was tired of you long before you left, and it didn’t take me long to realize that your leaving was the best thing that ever happened to me! I don’t want to see you again, I don’t want to hear from you again, and so help me God, if you even think about harming Sophie again, I swear I’ll kill you…”

  “Is that a threat, Adam?”

  “No, it’s a promise! NOW GET OUT!”

nbsp; I watched as she slunk out of the room, and as soon as she was gone Adam crouched in front of me and inquired, “Sophie, sweetheart, are you alright?”

  I bit my lip and nodded as he gently tipped my chin up and studied the angry red mark Danielle had left on my cheek, and after pulling me to my feet he wrapped his arms around me and murmured, “I am SO sorry, sweetheart…She had no right to come here and do that to you.”

  “It isn’t your fault, Adam.”

  Adam led me over to the chair beside the bed and eased me into it, then said, “Stay put while I go get some ice to put on that.”


  Adam leaned down and kissed me, probably to silence my feeble protest, and when he raised his head he repeated, “Stay put; I’ll be right back.”

  I sat there with my hands clasped together in my lap while Adam went downstairs to get the ice, and unexpected tears welled in my eyes as I remembered Danielle’s icy, hurtful words. It wasn’t a good feeling to be hated, even if the person who hated you was as despicable as Danielle seemed to be. I sighed and shook my head as hot tears spilled down my cheeks, and I made no effort to hide my distress from Adam when he returned and gently pressed an ice pack against my now-swollen cheek. He wiped my tears away with his finger and soothed, “It’s alright, sweetheart, she will never hurt you again. I promise you that.”

  I simply nodded and kept my eyes downcast as Adam held the ice pack in place against my cheek, and five minutes later he pulled the ice pack away and grimaced when he realized the ice wasn’t really helping. He gently tipped my chin up and said, “Open your mouth, sweetheart.”

  I obeyed, unprepared for the searing pain I felt in my jaw. Adam cursed softly and pressed the ice pack against my cheek again, then said, “You stay put while I go get Alex.”

  I simply nodded and watched as he walked out of the room, and moments later Adam returned with Alex following right behind. Alex crouched in front of me and visually examined my jaw, then told me to open my mouth again. I obeyed and winced in pain, which prompted Alex to straighten and inform Adam, “Her jaw appears to be injured. I won’t know how badly until I see an X-ray, but it doesn’t seem to be broken. Dislocated perhaps, but not broken. I can take care of that in my office.”


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